Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 839 "The Bell"

Chapter 839 "The Bell"

"Don't panic, there is still a lighting background to adjust."

Wen Xia was fiddling with the photography equipment, and Leon and Mia were also playing in the piano room.

One just put up the reflector, and the other is trying to soften the light in the house as much as possible.

In addition, Dahei Xiaoyu also has a mission.

Under Luo Quan's command, the two live treasures lay on the stool next to the piano and the other under the piano.

Both of these will be included in the shooting later, which can be regarded as adding more interesting elements to the MV.

Of course, as the protagonist of the MV, Luo Quan was naturally dressed up today.

Other pianists play the piano, usually in suits and leather shoes.

But she didn't have a suit in her wardrobe here, so she wore an evening dress.

Anyway, it's all formal clothes, and it's done if it looks good.

Although it is said that after wearing the evening dress, the fans' attention may not necessarily be on the piano.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the units announced that they were ready.

Luo Quan crossed his fingers and turned it over, then put his hands on the keys.

Video recording starts.

With a smile on his face, Luo Quan tapped the keys lightly with his fingers.

The melody immediately echoed in the quiet room.

The other three looked at Luo Quan fixedly, as if admiring the most beautiful artwork in the world.

This piano piece is not long, just over four minutes, the length of an ordinary pop piece.

But for Wen Xia and the others, the shock brought by this song far surpassed the pop music they had ever heard.

Just looking at Luo Quan's phantom-like fingers, one can know how outrageously difficult it is.

To describe it in one word, it is a tentacle monster.

The fingers are too wide open.

That is to say, Luo Quan's hand is relatively large, and if you change it to a smaller hand, you may not be able to play it.

And Luo Quan, who played the song perfectly, let out a breath of relief.

She has also played a lot of classical music, but the previous ones are really not comparable to this one in terms of difficulty.

Even if she exchanged all the specializations in the piano category, she still felt a little powerless.

In the end, it took a huge amount of heat points to exchange for a limited-time use card of Lang Lang before becoming more confident.

Sit down and try it, and pass it once. It can be said to be quite smooth.

And the tunes played are naturally wonderful and beautiful.

After playing, Luo Quan realized that he had already shed a lot of sweat.

The back, as white as jade, was covered with fine beads of sweat, glittering and translucent under the light.

Playing the piano is indeed a physical effort, especially for such difficult pieces, it is even more labor-intensive.

"Awesome Lolo, I don't usually see you practicing the piano. I didn't expect that your skills have reached this level." Wen Xia pressed the record button of the camera, and then began to praise.

"It can't be helped, geniuses are like this." The corners of Luo Quan's mouth twitched, and he smiled smugly.

"Yo ho, it's just pretending." Wen Xia curled her mouth with a little sarcasm.

Knowing that Luo Quan deliberately pretended to be aggressive in front of her, but Wen Xia was used to it.

After the song was recorded, Luo Quan went to the recording studio to adjust the whole material slightly to remove the noise.

In the evening, the fifth song of the new album was released while fans were counting down.

"Luo Quan's piano solo "The Bell" is shocking!"

Penguin cooperated very well to make a trending search on Weibo's advertising space, and then quickly rushed to the top of the trending search by virtue of Luoquan's original popularity.

As for Twitter, it didn't even need that to generate a huge amount of discussion.

First of all, the original author of "The Bell" is Liszt, the king of piano.

This master has a great influence on the history of the piano. Under the influence of social romanticism, he applied virtuosity to piano music.

Beginning with him, when composing piano pieces, composers sometimes specialize in making some very difficult melodies to show off their superb piano skills.

Of course, some composers show off their skills and are not incapable of playing. They just want to find the limit of the difficulty of piano music, which is a purely experimental creation.

But Liszt is different. He can play the songs he composed, and it is basically difficult for latecomers to surpass.

The main reason is that Liszt has a pair of big hands, which are born to play the piano.

However, the piano pieces he created have large spans, many vibratos, and difficult techniques.

And "The Bell" is the best among them, not only is it difficult to break through the sky, but it is also extremely beautiful, and it is a well-known existence among virtuosos.

Most people want to play "The Bell", but it is very difficult to play it completely.

Not to mention being proficient and emoting emotions.

Only a top pianist of Lang Lang's level can be so calm and freehand.

If Luo Quan didn't practice hard on his own, he might not dare to touch this piece in three to five years.

But she cheated and no one else knew.

So after "The Bell" came out, anyone who knew something about classical music or piano was shocked.

"Is this shit a tune that people can play?"

When hearing the ultra-fast passage in the second half of "The Bell", I don't know how many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

For ordinary listeners who don't understand it at all, the melodious melody of "The Bell" is enough for them to enjoy the beauty of classical music.

As a top virtuoso piano piece, "The Bell" has never been famous for its difficulty.

There are many pieces that are more difficult than hers, such as some etudes by Rachmaninoff, Memories of Don Juan or Goldberg Variations and so on.

These are songs with a degree of difficulty beyond ordinary people's perception.

However, these highly difficult pieces are not so easy to fit the aesthetics of ordinary listeners like "The Bell".

In addition, in terms of duration, it also surpasses the limit of ordinary songs, which can be as long as ten, twenty or ten minutes, or even an hour.

In contrast, "The Bell" is only a few minutes, which is quite suitable for this fast-paced era.

Therefore, Luo Quan chose it.

After "The Bell" was launched, it did cause a sensation.

Knowledgeable people are amazed at its technical content.

The ignorant are amazed at its beauty.

In addition, fans are still amazed at the beauty of Luoquan in the MV.

Fans in a happy mood spoke happily in the comment area:

"The piece is too big, too."


"I mean it's just too difficult."

"Haha, this is indeed Luoquan's most difficult piece of music so far. I have practiced the piano for several years, and after listening to it, I wanted to reproduce it, but as soon as I sat down, I froze and couldn't play it at all."

"It is true that this piece is really difficult, but the melody is very beautiful. It is really a rare masterpiece."

"It can only be said that Luo Bao's talent is still blowing out, and he can't even cover it."

"It's not just talent that can't be covered? It's also good looks."


In fact, for a talented singer like Luo Quan, Jiang Lang's talent will always be the sword of Damocles hanging above his head.

Debut is the peak, and then it has been going downhill, which is the portrayal of many singers who are called geniuses.

Before Luo Quan, more than one person had predicted this.

But it turns out that it is too early to say that Luo Quanjiang's talents are exhausted.

She is still on the rise until now, and the song has not seen any decline in terms of melody or thought.

And began to add some of my own thinking about society, and became humanistic.

This is the right way from a simple love song singer to a real musician.

And Luo Quan is already a musician to a large extent now, except for being a little younger, there is no sense of disobedience in other places.

After "The Clock" was launched, the whole world has been fascinated by this piece of music that seems to be turning like a clock.

The light and lively melody made all the listeners feel happy, showing satisfied smiles.

Of course, the capitalists responsible for releasing Luoquan's album also smiled very satisfied.

Regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign, the pre-sale sales of new albums are rising rapidly.

At present, the total number of copies has exceeded 500 million. Visually, there is a very high probability of breaking the record set by her "Rite of Coming of Age" three years ago.

It was still talking about this record a while ago, even if it was Luo Quanye, it would be difficult to break it in a short time.

Now it seems that everyone underestimated Luo Quan and her fans too much.

As long as the songs are good enough, fans are really willing to spend money to buy records.

On the other hand, because the MV of "The Bell" is too popular, it dominates the hot searches at home and abroad.

Her stunning appearance while playing the piano also aroused heated discussions.

From the makeup to the clothes on the body to the high heels, and even Xiaoyu Dahei lying next to him, they are all the focus of public concern.

Luo Quan has published a tutorial on makeup, and you can know how to apply it by simply flipping through her video on station B.

As for the clothes, which are Chanel's advanced customization, ordinary people can't afford them, but many Taobao clothing stores have already seen the business opportunities and are ready to learn from them.

It is estimated that "Luoquan piano imitation models" will become popular in the market soon, and the same is true for high-heeled shoes.

The sales of Xiaoyu and Dahei, two pets, also increased greatly on Taobao.

But a husky like Dahei is quite milky.

But there are not many top-quality lion cats like Xiaoyu with a snow-white body and a strand of golden hair on the forehead.

Even if there is, it has been sold out long ago, and it is now in the stage of price but no market.

But, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more ways than difficulties.

Clothes and shoes can be imitated, so can cats.

Dye the fur if it is not the right color, perm if the hair on the neck is not fluffy enough, or simply wear a wig.

In short, it is to imitate Luo Quan's appearance, and then sit by the piano and post a few sets of high-p photos with stretched legs and waist.

After it was sent out, it became a piano girl with elegant temperament.

This kind of marketing method was very popular on the Internet before, such as Foyuan, Daoyuan, and Yogayuan.

Some are to show off their wealth, and some simply want to make themselves look good, and then to attract fans or lick dogs or something.

Now they have a better template, that is Luo Quan.

Is there any way to show off your wealth with low-key luxury and connotation?
That must be playing the piano.

A good piano can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for cheap, and millions of dollars for expensive ones.

Moreover, playing the piano is an elegant art, which is easily associated with words such as high-end, surprise, and elegance.

Driving a luxury car to show off a famous watch is a blatant show of wealth.

But if it is playing the piano, the comment section will only say that my sister is so good and too elegant.

Just thinking about it makes vanity burst.

So after Luo Quan became popular, he unintentionally gave birth to a group of piano girls.

Many rental villas with pianos have become quite hot these two days.

However, renting these pianos alone would cost a lot, which is not cost-effective.

So it's still the old way, fight together.

In the past, dozens of people competed for luxury cars, afternoon tea, and luxury bags.

Now it is playing the piano, but the nature is actually the same.

In general, it can be regarded as driving social consumption and avoiding the waste of these items due to idleness.

I just don't know how many people on the Internet will be deceived by these piano ladies, and become panderers or take advantage of them.

Luo Quan looked at the trending searches related to "Qianqian Yuan", and didn't intend to express any opinions.

Everyone has their own way of life, vanity, showing off, and liking the feeling of being rich are actually not wrong.

If it's not that you can't make money, who would want to be poor?

As long as it is not illegal or unethical to make money, or to enjoy wealth, she will not have any opinions.

If everyone was equally rich and had no worries about food and clothing, then such behaviors as showing off wealth would not happen.

Of course, ideals are good, but in a country with more than one billion people, it is almost impossible to realize them.

Luo Quan has no lofty ambitions and ambitions in this regard, so he never thinks too much about it.

After reading about Qianqianyuan, I didn't pay much attention to it.

The new album will release five songs in a row, and take a two-day break as usual.

However, during the two days of rest, I can't be idle, I still have to open a live broadcast to interact with fans.

A new song was released last night, and fans asked if she had thought about what black silk to wear early in the morning.

Luo Quan was very helpless, thinking that you don't care about my birthday, but you keep asking about the style of black silk, might it be putting the cart before the horse?
But she couldn't answer this question directly, so she just answered perfunctorily: "What other styles can black silk have? Is it still divided into three-point black, seven-point black, and nine-point black?"

The implication is that you can wear just one piece, don't expect to have too many tricks.

After all, sometimes there is only a little difference between black silk stockings and sexy stockings, so it is better to choose ordinary ones.

To avoid any problems when you get it.

Fortunately, Mia and Wen Xia usually wear this kind of clothes. They bought some online shopping before and didn't wear them out.

Luo Quan took one from Mia and it basically fit, so he decided it was it.

And the fans also know that enough is enough, they have already made Luo Quan compromise to wear black silk, if they make more progress, they may lose all benefits in the future.

So after asking about it last night, no one mentioned it again today.

Everyone is waiting for Luo Quan's birthday, looking forward to seeing a different Luo Quan when she turns 22.

As for Luo Quan himself, he was actually looking forward to it in his heart.

I always feel that this is the key point for her to go from youthful to mature.

After all, with the first time, there will soon be a second and third time.

When Heisi became the norm, I don't know how her mentality will change.

(End of this chapter)

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