Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 840 The Greatest Work

Chapter 840 The Greatest Work

ps. Jay Chou's new profile is online today, and the title is getting a lot of attention.

Also, what do you think of Jay Chou's new song today?Do you have the feeling of returning to old age?


During the two days of rest, Luoquan broadcast live in the morning and evening.

In the afternoon, I guide Wen Xia and Leon to practice, and at the same time, I am writing the script of Harry Potter and One Man.

After the birthday, these two are the top priorities to start immediately.

"Under One Man" basically has all the domestic actors. The content of the first season is relatively small, and it is enough to shoot before the start of Luo Tiandajiao.

Of course, the second season will also be launched within this year, and the audience will certainly not be kept waiting.

As for Harry Potter, because the location is in the UK, Luo Quan intends to find local actors to shoot in the UK.

Compared with Hollywood in the United States, the British actors also have a large number of powerful actors, there are quite a lot of actors and actresses, and there are actors of all ages.

It is worth mentioning that almost all the big-name British stars were gathered in the filming of Harry Potter in the previous life.

I don't know if she will be able to reproduce the original grand occasion this time.

In short, the preparations for the two projects are almost done, and they can start work after her rest is over.

Of course, the first thing to do is to release the album first.

After the release of "The Bell", the response was surprisingly large, and music magazines at home and abroad also praised her almost simultaneously, wishing to dedicate all the compliments to her.

Luo Quan was still willing to accept most of the compliments.

However, some people directly said that this album is the greatest work, Luo Quan was really flustered.

While the songs on the album are not bad, they are still very, very far from the greatest.

I always feel that the person who said this is flattering and killing her.

And rational Luoquan fans also pointed out to the self-media who made this kind of evaluation, don't say such over-reputed words to blackmail Luoquan.

Maybe she will be able to write music worthy of this evaluation in the future, but for now, it is not enough.

"If appearance is also a kind of art, then I must be the greatest work."

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan talked about this evaluation that flattered her.

In order to avoid someone taking the rhythm, she simply responded in a half-joking way.

But one thing to say, she really has no rival in terms of appearance.

Fans are also convinced of her statement.

After talking about his own affairs, Luo Quan started the real-time sharp comment session that everyone loved.

The ethnic conflicts in Paris continued to expand in the past two days.

A teacher was dragged to the street by two masked trolls and directly beheaded. The video went viral on Twitter and YouTube, which shocked people all over the world.

Although Luo Quan killed so many chickens, ducks and fish with his own hands, when he saw the live video, he still couldn't bear to look directly at the tragic scene.

Later, she also published an article condemning the atrocity, as well as the French police, and hurried to do something to end this conflict.

There are many famous people who have posted like her.

Everyone was watching the fun before, but when this bloody scene really happened, no one could laugh anymore.

However, according to the investigation, it seems that this beheading case has nothing to do with refugees from the Middle East.

The perpetrator was indeed not from the Middle East, but from Russia. He had lived in Paris for a while, had a stable job, and was doing well.

The reason why the teacher was killed was also because the teacher insulted the Prophet while teaching the students.

Putting it in Huaxia, this is equivalent to digging your ancestral grave and scolding your ancestors for eighteen generations in front of you.

And it's not the first time something like this has happened in Paris.

A few years ago, there was a newspaper that also published cartoons that insulted the Prophet, and then was approached by religious believers, who shot most of the people in the newspaper with guns.

Since then, basically no one dared to make a fuss about it.

And the teacher who unfortunately died suddenly did not learn from past cases.

So he paid the price.

Of course, although the teacher is at fault, this is not the reason for the rioters to commit crimes, and they will definitely be sanctioned in the end.

But now in Paris, ethnic conflicts are already fierce, and then there are religious conflicts, and people kill people if they disagree.

The pressure on the police and the government suddenly increased several times.

People in the country are beginning to worry about whether the government has the ability to protect their personal safety.

For any country, the decline in credibility is extremely serious.

The concrete consequence is that the exchange rate of the franc has plummeted.

Except for France, Britain was not peaceful before.

It is said that Scotland once again initiated a referendum to secede from the United Kingdom and seek independence.

This referendum has come around every year since Brexit and always attracts considerable attention.

It's just that every time there's a lot of thunder and a little rain, and when I come back to talk about leaving the UK, I haven't seen any success.

Most people think that this is just a strategy to allow the British government to give Scotland more preferential policies.

After all, crying children have milk to eat.

But this year's battle is bigger than ever.

It is said that the queen's physical condition is not good, and all the people below are starting to move around.

Not only Scotland, but countries including Australia also seem to have plans to leave the Commonwealth.

Obviously, as soon as the queen falls, they will directly separate and live their own lives.

And at this critical juncture, the Queen held a press conference at Buckingham Palace this morning.

I didn't talk about any profound topics, but just praised the British government for solving the problem of domestic refugee employment.

When commending, the Queen of England was more energetic than in the past few years, and her pace became much lighter, and she was no longer as old as before.

This feeling, as if I became ten years younger overnight, is really amazing.

But Luo Quan knew that this must be due to the shroud.

Not many people know about this artifact of the Holy See.

So most people don't understand why the queen suddenly glows with glory.

A while ago, didn't you say that your body is getting worse every day?
The good guy came out to walk like flying today, but her son, Prince Sars, was still the same, looking as if he wanted to go ahead of his mother.

Luo Quan saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the power of the holy weapon of the Holy See.

I don't know if Huaxia has a baby with a similar effect.

It is said that the Jade Garment has a similar effect, but I don't know if it is as powerful as the shroud.

After the Queen's appearance, the voice of leaving the UK suddenly disappeared.

It has to be said that the queen's prestige is still very strong.

Having ruled the Commonwealth for decades, even if she doesn't have much real power, no one dares to deny her face.

Coming out this time is probably a warning, to tell those people that she is still alive and well, so don't try to act rashly.

"I just don't know how long this state will last." Luo Quan thought in his heart.

Of these two international hotspots, the former is more sensitive, and Luoquan has already posted an update, so there is no need for further evaluation.

As for the matter of the queen, Luo Quan also sighed that the old man still has the power.

No matter how much trouble there is outside, as long as you show your face, the problem can be solved immediately.

"By the way, Luo Bao seems to be a descendant of the British royal family, right?"

"That's necessary, the hereditary King of Tie Hat."

"You're also from the pimp alley old La's family?"

"Haha, this is a cross talk, but Luo Bao is a serious relative of the emperor."


Seeing the fans making jokes with the jokes in the cross talk, Luo Quan also smiled helplessly: "The Albert family is indeed descended from the British royal family, but I definitely have no chance to be a nobleman."

"It's hard to say, maybe the Queen asked you to inherit her position."

"You really dare to think."

"I think it's really possible. After all, Luo Bao has such a great influence now, and he feels that he is more capable than those princes in the royal family."

"One thing to say, indeed."

"Have you ever thought that if Luo Bao becomes the queen, he will have to marry and have children in the future, and the partner must not be a Chinese."

"So I don't have a chance?"

"That's okay, Luo Bao should not succeed to the throne, it's not worthwhile."

"Speaking as if if she doesn't become queen, I have a chance."


The fans didn't agree with each other, and they began to fantasize again.

Luo Quan didn't intend to spoil the atmosphere, but just said: "Our family is just a side branch, even if we can inherit it, we will be ranked outside dozens of places, and we won't get our turn no matter what.

And now that the queen is in good health, it's too early to talk about it. "

Fans joked:

"Indeed, with the queen's body, Prince Sars may be the crown prince for the rest of his life."

"Is there a 60-year-old prince in the world?"

"Why, you want to rebel?"

"Prince Salshi probably doesn't have the guts."


This topic is rather sensitive, Luo Quan did not answer the question.

After all, they are also relatives, and it is always bad to tease people behind their backs.

Even if some things are true, they can't be said everywhere.

"By the way, Luo Bao, where did you buy it, Xiaoyu? What kind of cat is it?"

Someone asked in the barrage.

After "The Bell" made Qianqian Yuan popular, it also made Luo Quan's two pets popular.

The two little guys, lying quietly by the piano, immediately caught the attention of pet lovers.

Netizens call Xiaoyu a prince, and think it is handsome and cold.

It's a pity that Xiaoyu can't speak, otherwise, it should prefer the nickname of emperor.

"Xiaoyu is a purebred lion cat I asked a friend to bring, but this coat color is relatively rare. If you want to buy it, I'm afraid you need to prepare more money."

Luo Quan replied to the barrage.

As if hearing the call, Xiaoyu jumped up from the ground and onto the table.

Stretched in front of the camera, then jumped into Luo Quan's arms.

"so cute."

"It's really good-looking, so let's not talk about it."

"I'm so envious."

"Who do you envy?"

"Of course it's a cat. I'm envious that it can nest in Luo Quan's arms."

"I really want to be Miss Luo Quan's cat, a dog is also fine, but unfortunately I can only be a mouse that no one cares about."


"Who wouldn't want to?"


This sudden sad breath made Luo Quan dumbfounded.

And Dahei may have seen Xiaoyu's nest on Luoquan's lap, and put his leg on the table for two days, his eyes were full of grievances.

Luo Quan directly slapped the paw away: "Stop fighting for favor, I can't hold it."

Compared with cats, she definitely can't hug a husky.

There is no problem with strength, but the volume is too large.

"Haha, it seems that dogs are not as good as cats."

"Cats really need to be cute and pleasing."

"The premise is that in a docile situation, most cats are fiercer, and dogs are more loyal."

"If my master is Luo Quan, I can be loyal for the rest of my life."

"Is it your turn to have such a good thing?"

"Hahaha, no way no way."


Fans also dare to say anything and make any jokes because they don't know anyone online.

Or maybe that's what he really thinks in his heart.

Luo Quan didn't know, but it was just that they were joking.

The main reason is that this thing can't be taken seriously.

She doesn't have the S attribute, and she doesn't even want to train people.

Having said that, it's no wonder that before the bullet screen, so many people wanted her to cosplay as a female teacher in a tight leather jacket, the kind with a long whip in her hand.

So it was premeditated.

It can only be said that people's xp is really strange.

In the middle of the fun, today's live broadcast is over.

New songs will continue to be released tomorrow.

Pop, classical, rhythm and blues, and electronic music have all been sung.

The women's decathlon shows that the next five songs are still the other five different styles.

If it is really written, it is indeed a rather novel attempt.

An album of ten styles, this is naked show off.

At the end of the live broadcast, Luo Quan also gave a preview of tomorrow night's song:
"The previous five songs are quite colorful, and then I will give you a different taste, small and fresh, full of local flavor."

In this way, fans can basically guess that the next song will most likely be a country music.

This style of music is relatively simple in arrangement, and many classic works only need a guitar or a few.

But it's the combination of guitar and vocals that can often lead to amazingly heart-warming ballads.

A lot of country music has melodies that make people fall in love with it as soon as they hear it.

And Luo Quan's previous songs are the best of the best.

The next morning, Lyons heard the tune one step ahead of the fans.

As a fan of his sister, he also came here this time to get the best of the best.

"Sis, when have you been to West Virginia?" Leon asked Luo Quan curiously after listening to this beautiful and moving piece.

"I haven't been there." Luo Quan shook his head directly.

Leon was surprised: "I can write without going there, it seems to be sung so seriously."

Luo Quan spread his hands and shrugged: "Isn't art a matter of giving full play to imagination? The important thing is that the audience can empathize. It doesn't matter whether I have been there or not."

"Bull!" Leon gave the elder sister a thumbs up.

Now he finally knows why he always encounters bottlenecks in creation.

It turns out that the imagination is not rich enough, and the pursuit of reality is too much.

Sometimes it's time to talk nonsense, or it should be nonsense.

As for art, it can release and add some fictional elements.

(End of this chapter)

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