Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 841 Rock and Roll Hits People's Hearts

Chapter 841 Rock and Roll Hits People's Hearts
At [-]pm, the new song "Take me home"
, "Country roads" (Country Road Takes Me Home) was launched.

For American netizens, this is undoubtedly a song that can arouse their excitement.

It is rare for Luo Quan to add place names to his songs, and it is indeed a surprise to do so suddenly now.

This feeling, in the eyes of Chinese people, is like an international superstar singing a Chinese style song, and there is a specific place name in the lyrics.

Just thinking about it makes me feel very well-rounded.

And the song itself is pleasing to the ear and catchy.

After several days of big fish and big meat, such a small and fresh song came suddenly, and the effect of harvest was even higher than expected.

The international version of Douyin, that is, TikTok, has already started to have a large number of short videos using this song as BGM.

In this day and age, judging whether a song is popular or not depends on whether it is popular on these short video platforms.

Although it is said that Douyin destroys songs, its user base is indeed huge.

If you can swipe the screen on this, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is popular all over the Internet.

As for TikTok, it is also a very popular app all over the world.

Among young people, its influence is even more popular than old-fashioned social software such as Twitter, Ins, and Facebook.

With this platform, TikTok has brought a lot of songs to the fire.

And Luo Quan's new song, and it can be regarded as mutually heated.

Luo Quan himself is also happy to see the results, why not give free traffic?

As for ruining songs, there is indeed such a problem, but it is the same when a song is first popular, and it can be heard everywhere.

But after this wind passes, there will be other songs to replace it immediately.

Just because it appears more often, it will definitely not ruin the song.

Of course, if it is reorganized randomly and a good song is changed into a DJ version, it will be completely ruined.

When Luoquan encounters such a situation, it usually reports it as soon as possible and contacts the official for handling.

After the release of the sixth song, there are still four songs left. Luo Quan does not plan to catch fans' appetite for one song a day. He announced that three new songs will be released tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be the last song of the album.

Four songs in two days, and the release of the last song was not at [-] pm the day after tomorrow, but in the early morning.

That is to say, it will be posted in four hours, so that fans can listen to it all at once.

As soon as the news came out, fans were about to burst into laughter.

"It's not a diarrheal update anymore."

"Luo Bao is still fierce. When the heat is up, let's cook it all."

"People come one by one to keep the heat up, but Luo Bao said I don't need it."

"I'm really looking forward to it, I feel like I can be up all night just listening to music tomorrow night."

"I feel the same way, I hope there will be a few more classic masterpieces."

"If it's someone else, I would say don't push yourself too hard. After all, people's talents are limited. But if the target is Luo Quan, I just want to say that please increase your efforts."

"Luo Bao: Are you polite?"


Seeing the excitement of the fans, Luo Quan also turned off the phone with a smile.

In the past few days, she has almost produced the song intermittently. When she announced the release of the new album, she gave him the lyrics of a rap sung by a male and female chorus, and asked him to practice hard.

American Phoenix Legend is also a well-known combination in foreign countries, and the few duet songs of the two are among the top charts in the Rap category.

As for the stage video of the two siblings performing together, the click rate on YouTube is also very high, both exceeding [-] million.

The only pity is that the number is too small, and it is even more difficult to see the two perform together once.

The good news is that this time the new album will be able to hear the new song of American Phoenix Legend, and the fans of the two in the United States have started to revel.

Although it's been a while since I sang rap, but Lyon's reputation as the little rap king is not covered.

When recording the next day, there were not too many problems, and everything went relatively smoothly.

It's just that after Lyon finished singing, he felt a little uncomfortable in his throat.

After all, it's been too long since I practiced, and I'm still a little rusty. In order to ensure the quality, I squeezed my voice a little bit.

But at least I got the song done.

"Brother, your martial arts practice is of course important, and you can't let go of your old profession. If you don't practice rap, you will regress."

After recording the song, Luo Quan teased Leon.

"This is an unexpected situation. I haven't sung for a long time, so the breath is a little weak."

Leon waved his hand to explain, and then asked his sister: "I will pay attention to it in the future, but I probably won't sing any more in a short time."

Luo Quan shook his head: "I'm gone, see if your company has arrangements."

"Seifert has no arrangements. After I won the Best Actor, he said that he can give me a long vacation."

Leon laughed as he said that.

After his debut, the pace of receiving announcements has hardly stopped.

Either making money or making a name.

At the beginning, he really enjoyed it, but after a long time, he still felt a little boring and tired.

After so many years, Leon felt that it was time for him to take a good vacation.

And he hasn't done anything during this time, isn't he still practicing martial arts?

When he achieves great success in the future, he might become an action superstar when he returns to Hollywood.

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help but beam with joy.

Luo Quan didn't know what his younger brother was thinking, so he laughed like this.

Shaking her head, she sat down by the computer and started to make the song she just recorded...

In the evening, three new songs were released almost simultaneously.

The special reminder bell set by countless fans rang three times in a row, making their bodies shake, as if they heard the horn of attack.

They scrambled to enter the music app, tapped Luo Quan's profile picture, and saw three new songs appear in the playlist.

"I need doctor" I need a doctor

"Hallelujah" Hallelujah

"Whataya Want from Me" What do you want from me?

The first song is a typical American Phoenix legend style.

Lyon's cool rap with a three-point pull, coupled with Luo Quan's moving voice, just combined together, it's already very nice.

Not to mention that the melody of the song and the flow of the Rap part are so excellent.

Belonging to Yes is another classic.

And the title of the second song looks like a religious prayer, from which we can know the overall style of the song.

And the fact is true, there are a lot of religious elements in the song, only a lot more than the previous song Take Me to Church.

Luo Quan's monologue at the beginning of the song is quite original, without any melody, but her clear timbre alone is enough to make people feel refreshed.

The chorus part has only one line of lyrics, but it is the essence of the whole song.

Luo Quan's voice is the main voice, supplemented by several other female voices, and the singing formed gives people the feeling of a choir.

A holy breath suddenly rushed over.

Such an ingenious, unbelievably high quality song.

None of them can be regarded as classics, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are handed down from generation to generation.

Even the official account of the Catholic Church in the United States reposted the song immediately, praising Luo Quan's talent and piety.

This behavior made Luo Quan feel dumbfounded.

Although the song is indeed very religious, it is not surprising that religious people like it.

But she doesn't believe in religion, and writing such a song has nothing to do with being devout or not.

It can only be said that this association is a bit self-indulgent.

However, Luo Quan didn't bother to post a post specifically to tell everyone that he didn't believe in religion. It would be enough to mention it during the live broadcast in the future, and there was no need to go online like that.

As for the third song, which is the penultimate song of the album, it is the hardest song recorded by Luo Quan.

In the past, she usually played the songs once, but this song was recorded four times.

The first three times were forced to start all over because of a lot of flaws.

No way, the original singer of this song, Adam Lambert, is too good.

His singing skills are recognized as the ceiling among living pop singers.

The talent, skills, and timbre are all top-notch, and there is almost no difference between the live scene and the recording studio. Only in terms of singing skills, there are almost no shortcomings.

Although Luo Quan's current singing skills are also SS, he is still a bit inferior compared to this great master.

In the end, after redeeming his character binding card, he finally had the confidence to perform Adam's famous song.

Although this song does not sound fast, the difficulty is not very high.

But that's just for the layman.

If you really move your mouth and sing it, you will know how high its pitch is.

Moreover, the chorus part has an outrageously long high-pitched real voice, and the interval between breathing is very short. Most people would probably suffocate just singing a few lines.

Luo Quan also repeated the three times, and the problem also appeared here, and she finally solved it until the fourth time.

Of course, because of Adam's scientific singing, Luo Quan did not experience any discomfort in his throat after singing.

The main reason is that she has relatively good capital, even if she sings Adam's song, she can hold it.

Of course, not necessarily if you sing too much.

In short, this song may not be as strong as the previous ones in terms of musicality, but in terms of singing difficulty, it is definitely the only one.

After the song was released, a female singer in China directly posted on Weibo:
"Hey, is this song a human can sing?"

The play link of "Whataya Want from Me" is attached below Weibo.

Obviously, because Luo Quan's singing skills in this song are so shocking, the whole network even forgot that she still has a song that has not been released, and everyone is discussing this song enthusiastically.

The editor-in-chief of "Big Rock" quickly wrote a manuscript "Extreme Singing Skills"

The manuscript commented on Luo Quan's singing skills in this way:
"After several years of precipitation, Luo Quan finally washed away all the lead, and raised his already unique vocal condition to the realm of returning to the original, and also added techniques that ordinary singers can't have after decades of hard work.

Shortening decades to a few years is a manifestation of talent, but it is also a manifestation of her hard work.

In this song, Luo Quan's extremely metallic high-pitched voice is not abrupt at all, because she has a very high tone from the beginning of the song, so the sudden elevation of the chorus is logical.

And the high-pitched shout at the end of the song once again fully reflected her wide vocal range.

When most singers sang D5, their expressions were ferocious, their limbs were distorted, and their voices were torn. The voice was singing, but it seemed that it was extremely painful.

However, Luo Quan's voice sounded so concentrated and full, without any distortion due to the high voice.

I think her expression and body at that time should also be quite calm, after all, as the most beautiful in the world, after thinking about it, I know that she would not let such a posture appear on her body.

All in all, this song is a watershed in Luo Quan's career as a singer.

Starting today, her singing skills have successfully advanced from world-class to the ceiling level, and there are very few people who are qualified to compare with her.

She has been busy making movies and fighting in the ring before, and the industry was quite worried that she would neglect her singing training.

Thinking about it now is completely unfounded.

Luo Quan's professionalism and talent should never be questioned! "

This high-quality rainbow fart has received quite a lot of likes at home and abroad after it was released.

As an authoritative music magazine, "Big Rock" is the first time to use such nasty words to praise a master.

Even if Luo Quan won the title of New World's Greatest Singer back then, Jushi Magazine only praised her unparalleled talent, and the words she used were not as nasty as this time.

It is probably also because Luo Quan's singing skills are so outrageous that the editor-in-chief was delighted, so he wrote such a highly subjective manuscript.

But obviously, everyone agrees with all the advantages of Luoquan mentioned in the manuscript.

Whether your singing skills are top-notch, you will know after listening to the song.

A song with a not-so-good melody is so pleasant and pleasant to listen to. Ninety percent of the reason is that the singer's singing skills have played a positive role.

Therefore, there is no need to hide the surprise and love of music fans.

And when Luo Quan watched these people blow her, his face was smiling as brightly as a flower.

It's always been fun for her.

In Maslow's pyramid of needs, the second level is to be recognized and praised by others, that is, the need for respect.

Although it was not as good as the self-realization of the highest level, even this made her feel very happy.

After the popularity of this song eased a little, fans raised another question:
What about rock and roll?

You must know that Luo Quan has written many rock works that can be called immortal masterpieces.

And until now, the shadow of rock songs has not appeared in the women's decathlon album.

Although some songs in the album have more or less rock elements, they are not pure rock after all.

Luo Quan knew what the fans wanted.

As the hottest and most influential music style in the second half of the last century, rock and roll should not be absent anyway.

So this last song has to be a rock song.

Only rock and roll can touch people's hearts the most.

As the time approached the early hours of the morning, no fans asked Luo Quan what the song was anymore.

Soon, all the mysteries were finally revealed.

The last title of the song appeared at the top of Luoquan's main business:
"Bohemian Rhapsody"

(End of this chapter)

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