Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 845 Free Ads

Chapter 845 Free Ads

After resting at home for the last two days, Luo Quan took the whole family to Hengdian.

Dahei Xiaoyu continued to look after the house, while Leon and Mia followed Luo Quan.

The main reason was that Leon was worried about practicing Luoquan alone, so he was asked to come with him. By the way, he could also go shopping with Mia in the local area and come out to get some fresh air.

Speaking of which, Leon is actually a hidden otaku. He seems to seldom go out when he was in the United States. If Seifert doesn't ask him to participate in some activities, he can stay in the house like himself.

After being with Mia, it is much better, because Mia likes shopping very much.

Especially after arriving in China, you can learn new things every day in this eastern country.

There are good and bad.

The good thing is to go out at night if you want to go out, especially in an international metropolis like Shanghai, as long as you don't go to a particularly remote place, you will hardly encounter any danger.

When walking on the street, the lights are bright everywhere, and you can often see many young people who come out for nightlife at two or three o'clock.

Compared with New York, where demons dance wildly before twelve o'clock, the night here is more colorful.

As for the bad things, there are also occasional beggars who touch porcelain or have healthy limbs and well-dressed beggars.

Once Leon took Mia out for a drive, the speed of the car couldn't be picked up in the crowded traffic of Shanghai, so it could only move forward slowly.

Then a young man walked up to him.

In fact, he has encountered similar people in the United States. There is no shortage of beggars with healthy limbs in that country.

But at any rate, they will take a handkerchief to clean the glass of your car, or perform some talent or something.

And this one is:
"I haven't eaten for three days."

Fortunately, Leon was a bit quick-witted, rolled down the window and spoke a bunch of English directly. The world is a foreigner, so he can only leave in a resentment, and go to the back to toss other Huaxia drivers.

And these are the differences that Mia has seen living in the two countries.

She has already seen part of the customs and customs in the north, so she doesn't know what will be different when she goes to the south this time.

"Arrive at China's No. [-] Film and Television City——Hengdian, oh, isn't this Dingsen?"

After Leon got off the car, he held up his mobile phone and pointed the camera at the streets of Hengdian.

After coming to Huaxia, Leon visited various forums in Huaxia every day.

Weibo, Zhihu, Bilibili, Tieba, etc., he basically knows many memes and subcultures on these.

And after integrating here, Lyon also started a live broadcast as the Romans did, and it was not on YouTube, but at station B, facing Huaxia fans and passers-by audience.

And Ding Sen captured by the Lyon camera is currently a very popular amateur in China.

There was no culture before the fire, but because of the innocent eyes and handsome face, it became popular all over the Internet.

He didn't have any talent, so he became so inexplicably popular, and even boosted the tourism production value of Ding Sen's hometown.

It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to look at it this way, but it seems so unfair to those who study and work seriously.

But that's the way it is in the Internet age, sometimes a person becomes popular for no reason at all.

However, Ding Sen's good luck did not affect the enthusiasm of netizens to make fun of him.

In addition to the one glance at Ding Sen Universe with the highest public participation, this sentence that Leon said is also a meme, mainly expressing negation to someone in a nonchalant tone.

"Let's look at the distant sky, my family." Leon moved the camera away and aimed at the white clouds in the sky.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is already full of joy:

"Haha, you're too busy with this whole job."

"Similar videos on station B are going to be popular, and Leon is still the top iron."

"Brother Leon, are you really not afraid of being banned?"


Facing the worries of the barrage, Leon waved his hand grandly: "It's okay, I'm an international friend."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage burst out laughing.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan couldn't help but look over.

From just now, Leon's words and deeds are a bit outrageous, not because he said any taboo words, but like a fun person, quite sculpted.

"Isn't this playing tricks on the fans in the live broadcast room? I think everyone is enjoying it?"

Leon looked at the camera after explaining: "Family, what do you think?"

"One thing to say, indeed."

"Haha, Luo Quan can't stand it anymore."

"She probably never dreamed that her younger brother would be more fun than her."

"The main reason is that Leon is courageous and dares to take the lead in the charge. Some stalks will cause problems even if Luo Quan is finished."

"I just like to watch Lyon take the lead, and I suggest talking more."


Luo Quan looked at his younger brother with a silly grin on the side, and sighed in his heart, he didn't know how he could become a brat when he was alone.

But, if these things are just pictures, they are really interesting, and she will laugh happily every day when she sees them.

But I'm afraid that some people will go online, so don't really block Leon at that time.

"I don't know if this kid can grasp the scale." Luo Quan thought in his heart.

After arriving in Hengdian, Luo Quan was in the crew of "Under One Man" @全员:

The film will start tomorrow, and all the actors will be here. I hope everyone will not be late.

It was originally just a routine notice, but she had already officially announced the news that the filming will start tomorrow under One Person, and she also @Everyone in the group.

I say it again today just to remind you.

Normally speaking, no one will have any problems if you speak twice in a row.

But when the opening ceremony was held the next day, some people were really late.

"What's the matter with this Lan Yu? Can't I contact you?"

Luo Quan folded his arms and paced around the set meeting, frowning into a line.

The crew members are all Luo Quan's old subordinates. Seeing her like this, she knew that she was on the verge of going crazy.

Usually she only showed this expression during those few days of the month, but today it was obviously not because of this.

"I've made several calls, and they all show that I can't get through."

The assistant director asked cautiously: "How about we shoot first?"

"Don't worry, wait until this Lan Yu comes. I want to see how long she wants the crew to wait for her today."

Luo Quan's face was frosty, and he had actually made up his mind not to let this Lan Yu continue acting.

Originally, Lan Yu was going to play the role of Xia He. The role was not many, but it was very important, and it was a test of courage.

It took Luo Quan a long time to choose from a large number of relationship accounts provided by Penguin before he chose Lan Yu.

Originally, I thought that the related household had to express it specially so that others would not gossip about it, but it turned out that she had to deal with it on the first day of starting the machine.

After waiting for two full hours, Lan Yu finally arrived at the set in a luxurious RV.

The car door opened, and two brokers cleared the way first, standing on both sides of the ladder like guards.

Then Lan Yu walked down wearing sunglasses and stepping on high heels, with a very unhappy expression on her face, as if she didn't sleep well yesterday.

"Yo, Miss Lan is here."

Lan Yu replied with a smile: "You really know how to joke, just call me Lan Yu."

"Excuse me, did you have a car accident on the road?"

Luo Quan's sudden roar made everyone in the crew turn pale with shock.

Including Wen Xiahe, Leon and Mia next to her.

It can be said that they have all filmed with Luo Quan, knowing that she will be irritable when she is on the set, and everything must be in her hands to be at ease, otherwise she will rush around in a hurry.

But no one had ever provoked her to lose her temper like this before.

And the voice that can sing the high pitch of E6 is really ridiculously loud, like a thunderbolt on the ground, which shocked Lan Yu's face.

"Are you dumb! I asked you if you were in a car accident on the road!" Luo Quan lowered his voice slightly, but it still made Lan Yu's ears buzz.

"" Lan Yu subconsciously took a step back, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Luo Quan was furious: "Then tell me, why are you late for a full two hours? Is this the first time you've come to Hengdian to enjoy the scenery while driving?

Or did you drive halfway and found that there was no gas, and then went back and refueled before driving? "

Lyon really wanted to laugh when he heard this.

But seeing that the old sister was so angry that her hair was about to fly, I could only bear it forcibly, until it trembled all over.

Faced with Luo Quan's questioning, Lan Yu's face was very ugly.

Since her debut, her daily beauty sleep has never been shaken, and the alarm clock has never sounded until ten o'clock.

The time to turn on the phone is nine o'clock, so she can't get up no matter what.

But she thought that she didn't have a lot of roles anyway, so if she was late, she would be late, so it probably wouldn't be a problem.

So after waking up, I also slowly washed up and had breakfast, put on a beautiful makeup, and then drove to the crew.

But I didn't expect Luo Quan to wait for her alone, and yell so loudly.

Lan Yu, who originally wanted to explain and admit her mistake, immediately became angry, and retorted: "Isn't it just that the alarm clock didn't ring a little late? As for making such a fuss? Those who don't know think that I agree with how much loss.

Auntie, I have plenty of money. I will cover the labor costs and equipment rental costs for you today, isn’t it ok? "

"Are you rich?"

Luo Quan stared at Lan Yu with the eyes of a fool, then she took out the contract signed with Lan Yu and threw it to her directly:
"Immediately drive your car to climb for me, as far as Hengdian is, you can climb for me as far as you want, my mother is a dignified Oscar-winning actress, she has never been late for work in her life.

What kind of thing are you, you dare to be stubborn after doing something wrong? "

When Lan Yu heard Luo Quan's words, her face became extremely gloomy: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Luo Quan waved his hands like chasing flies: "Hurry up, get out of here, I see that you feel uncomfortable all over."

"Don't regret it when the time comes!" Lan Yu said something harsh, turned her head and walked away.

Luo Quan looked at the RV that was going away and sneered: "I have dealt with countless ruthless people, how old are you as a girl?"

After releasing the anger in his heart, Luo Quan took a few deep breaths and forced himself to laugh: "Everyone, don't be nervous, do what you have to do, start filming in the afternoon, don't affect everyone's state because of one person."

"it is good."

"no problem."

"Director Luo, calm down."


The employees quickly echoed.

In fact, they were not affected at all. After all, it is normal for a crew to have a few stars late.

Xiao Xianrou's squeamishness is nothing new in Huaxia, and it's not uncommon for them to be more exaggerated than Lan Yu.

It's just that Luo Quan was not used to it at all. He didn't give Lan Yu face and a chance to change. He scolded and then was directly expelled from the crew.

If it were another crew, the director would probably hold back if he felt angry, and it wouldn't be too late to get mad after the filming was over.

And Luo didn't think it was troublesome, even if he wanted to find another actor, he was determined to let Lan Yu go.

In addition, this chasing voice was really loud, and the hearts of the few people who were closer were still beating.

But, if Huaxia's directors were as tough as Luo Quan, then there probably wouldn't be any little freshmen who came late and left early to play big names.

In the final analysis, it was the director's connivance that made the already harsh environment even more lawless.

But, who made Huaxia's director not powerful enough, and the investment right is not in his own hands, and sometimes he can't even arrange the actors in the crew, so how can he dare to say that he will be hired?
And this is also the reason why Luo Quan has to make his own investment every time he shoots a movie.

Only when you pay for the movie yourself, you don't have to look at anyone's face.

If any actor makes her unhappy, just let her go.

Lan Yu is the best example.

To be sent by Penguin to be a relationship householder obviously has some background.

But no matter how old your background is, it won't work for her.

But ten minutes later, Zhou Yangwen called, and the first sentence at the beginning was: "Luo Quan, have you turned off Lan Yu?"

Luo Quan directly admitted: "Well, she was late on the first day of the start, and even dared to talk back when I scolded her, why would I use her for such an actor?"

Zhou Yangwen regretted: "Oh, you are still too impulsive. Lan Yu is not an ordinary newcomer...with a background."

Luo Quan looked disdainful: "How much background do you have?"

"I can't explain clearly in a few words, but the background is indeed quite big, at least bigger than Hua Yi's backstage."

"Then is there anyone in their family at the GD Bureau?" Luo Quan asked.

Zhou Yangwen thought for a while and replied, "That's not true. I haven't heard of it anyway."

"It doesn't matter if there is no one in the GD Bureau. In other places, it doesn't matter whether she is a literary or military, I will follow!"

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhou Yangwen quickly called Lan Yu again: "I don't even know what you think, you dare to play big names at Luoquan's place, she has already made up her mind to change, you can find another filming by yourself .

By the way, I would like to remind you, don't try to trouble her, otherwise you and your family will end badly. "

Zhou Yangwen's warning made Lan Yu, who was already on the verge of exploding, calm down instead.

She squeezed the phone hard and dialed a number.

Ever since she was a child, she would ask her grandpa for help when she was wronged, and grandpa would always help her solve all the problems.

And this time, obviously, was no exception.

If you encounter any difficulties, you can find grandpa to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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