Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 846 Free Ads

Chapter 846 Free Ads

ps. The name of this chapter should be free advertising ([-])

"Hey granddaughter, why don't you call grandpa when you have time?"

Lan Yu's call was quickly connected, and a kind old man's voice came from the other end.

"Grandpa—" Lan Yu repeated her mouth, and started to sob, her face changing at a speed comparable to that of a first-class actor.

If her acting skills were so good when she was filming before, it is estimated that her coffee status could be higher than now.

When Grandpa Lan Yu heard his granddaughter crying so sad, he was both angry and distressed: "My dear granddaughter, don't cry, tell grandpa which daring thing dares to make you wronged, and grandpa will help you vent your anger!"

Hearing the promise she wanted, Lan Yu immediately laughed through tears: "Originally, I accepted a scene this time. The director asked me to arrive at the set at nine o'clock, but he arrived an hour late, but the director turned out to be in front of the whole crew. People scolded me badly.

Her voice is so loud that I still have lingering fears. "

Grandpa Lan Yu became sullen: "Which director has a temper, tell grandpa."

"This director is quite famous, and there is a big family behind him, but her family is abroad."

Hearing his granddaughter's words, Grandpa Lan Yu laughed: "Good granddaughter, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, even a big family like Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Frederick can't make waves in China.

This is our territory, and the rules are made by us, just say who this person is, don't worry! "

"This person's name is Luo Quan." Lan Yu said the name of the person who scolded her severely.

On the other end of the phone, there was silence.

"Grandpa?" Lan Yu asked suspiciously.

"Good granddaughter, you didn't fight Luo Quan, did you?" Grandpa Lan Yu asked tremblingly.

"Of course not. I know she is very good at fighting, but we have so many fighters in our family. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with her, right?" Lan Yu said innocently.

But Lan Yu's grandfather breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you don't do anything, this matter will stop here, you are not allowed to trouble Luo Quan again, and it is best not to say a word about your accounts and short videos !"

"Why...why?" Lan Yu was dumbfounded, she just said that she wanted to vent her anger on her, but as soon as the name Luo Quan was mentioned, Grandpa's attitude immediately took a 180-degree turn.

Is this person so powerful?

"There are not so many reasons. In short, you don't want to provoke Luo Quan!" Grandpa Lan Yu's tone became severe.

As the little princess of the Lan family, Lan Yu was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, giving her whatever she wanted.

When she grows up, she wants to be a star, so the Lan family paves the way for her to be a child star and guest star in a big director's movie, and her resources have been full since she was a child.

During the years when Lan Yu entered the entertainment industry, many people competed with her for roles, but they all ended in failure.

Because there is the Lan family behind her, which has more energy than most of the capital in the entertainment industry.

For his precious granddaughter, Lan Yu's grandfather has always been obedient to her.

It doesn't matter if she develops some unruly habits, because the family can support her.

It's not that there was no one on Weibo before, and someone praised her behind her back, but it only takes a phone call, and even if it is on the hot search, it can be quickly removed.

So so far, her savagery has not had any impact on her reputation.

But this time, I have to admit that she kicked the iron board.

Even Lan Yu's grandfather, when he heard Luo Quan's name, the old liver in his stomach trembled.

This woman is not a good person, although the Lan family has raised a lot of warriors, but in front of Luo Quan, I am afraid that they are all at the level of one punch.

Although the Albert family is indeed a foreign family, its influence in China continues to be limited.

But the key point is that Luoquan itself has a lot of energy in China.

Not to mention the contributions she has made before, just the title of True Martial Artist has already deterred most people with malicious intentions.

Having this title is not only able to fight, but most importantly, it is officially conferred, which is equivalent to having the strongest backing in all of China as a backer.

Although the Lan family is not small, it is not powerful enough to fight against the above.

So when he heard that it was Luo Quan who was provoked by Lan Yu, even he couldn't help being a little terrified.

The good news is that this was just one conflict that came up on set and was resolved on set.

As for Lan Yu wanting revenge now, it is definitely impossible.

Just in case, Grandpa Lan Yu directly asked his granddaughter to go home for a while, saying that he missed her, but in fact he grounded his feet where he could see them in disguise, lest she do anything stupid.

Although Lan Yu was unwilling in every way, she could only obey her grandfather's arrangement and bought a plane ticket to return to her hometown.

As for Luoquan's revenge at Denglanyu, he waited all night and didn't get it.

This made her fall into doubts.

Could it be that the enemy is holding back some big move, ready to make a big wave when he is slack?
Luo Quan, who has always judged others by himself, did not believe that Lan Yu would just let it go.

There must be no good fart in the dark.

But until noon the next day, there was still no movement on Weibo.

After Luo Quan finished filming the morning scene, he checked the trending searches while having lunch, but he didn't see anything wrong.

But Mr. Wang Feng is about to hold a concert again, and a little fresh meat in the circle also collapsed because he wanted to become a father.

In the eyes of his fans, he was a pure boy, but in the end, there was a lot of fire behind his back, and he even made another celebrity in the circle conceive a child, which was not made public until half a year after his birth.

Netizens ridiculed, if it wasn't for Mr. Wang Feng.The concert, I am afraid that this matter will be kept secret forever, Mr. Wang is really a good thing that is very pleasing to the people.

Luo Quan eats melons with relish, so he doesn't care about Lan Yu anymore.

Probably she knew how powerful she was and didn't plan to do anything else.

After all, her fierce reputation is well-known in the country, and it has been a long, long time since no celebrity dared to provoke her.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan lowered his head and took another two mouthfuls of stewed pork rice, then stuffed half a stewed egg into his mouth in one gulp.

At this time, the security captain of the crew came over: "Director Luo, a few masters came outside and said they have something important to discuss with you."


Luo Quan blinked: "What kind of master... Please come in first."

They are indeed masters, including Master Yanwu from Shaolin, Daoist Cheng from Wudang, and Daoist Qingchen from Zhongnan Mountain.

"Masters, please sit down." Luo Quan packed up the lunch box on the director's desk, and asked his assistant to bring three stools.

"Director Luo Quan won't be offended by the presumptuous visit this time?" Cheng Daozhang spoke first, his tone quite sincere.

Luo Quan laughed: "How could it be? The presence of several masters really makes my place flourish, but I don't know what the purpose of the masters' visit is?"

Monk Yanwu from Shaolin glanced at the two priests, feeling a little embarrassed.

Cheng Daozhang sighed, and thought he had to ask me to speak: "We have all heard about the TV series "Under One Man" directed by Luo Quan this time, but we didn't know that it was only filming the Longhushan family. ,still…………"

"Oh—" Luo Quan's voice was drawn out, and he fell back tactically.

Although Cheng Daozhang didn't finish his sentence, she also understood the implication.

Obviously, Shaolin Temple, Wudang Mountain, and Zhongnan Mountain are envious of the traffic Longhushan got from him this time, so they were sent here to inquire about cooperation.

However, it is indeed difficult for a cultivator to pursue fame and fortune, no wonder he behaves so hesitantly.

"I probably understand the purpose of these masters. Now the country is vigorously supporting the development of martial arts culture. The sects of these masters are also holy places of martial arts, so I want to take this opportunity to participate in the promotion, right?"

Luo Quan changed the popularity of rubbish to a more euphemistic term. Several masters tasted the taste after hearing it, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, we are indeed taking this opportunity to promote it, and by the way, do our part for the policy .”

It sounds so nice, but in fact everyone knows why.

But Luo Quan didn't shy away from this at all. Anyway, if one sheep is chased, so are two sheep.

It would be better if all these well-known sects from Huaxia came, so that the gimmick of "Under One Man" could be bigger.

Just when Luo Quan was about to talk about how to cooperate further, Daoist Yu Ting walked over:

"Oh, aren't these senior brothers, you are not doing live broadcasts in the sect, why are you here?"

Don't look at Daoist Cheng and others who are twice as old as Daoist Yuting, they are actually of the same generation.

Priest Yu Ting is a direct disciple of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, and his seniority in the Taoist sect is quite high.

Even if they meet these Taoist masters who are two or 30 years older than him, the most they can do is call a brother.

As for their coming here, how clever is Daoist Yu Ting, how can they not guess, they just want to use "Under One" to advertise their sect.

"Junior Brother Yu Ting was joking, we are here to respond to the call, to run a free advertisement to promote traditional martial arts."

Monk Yanwu is also learning and selling now, so he immediately found an excuse for himself.

"Free advertisement?" Daoist Yu Ting laughed: "So you don't plan to pay any money, but also want the names of your sects to appear in TV dramas?"

"That's wrong." Master Yan Wu smiled slightly: "The monastics don't talk about money, they only talk about fate. I think Junior Brother Yu Ting didn't give money to director Luo Quan, did he?"

"It's true that no money was given, because Director Luo Quan gave it, a total of 300 million yuan." Daoist Yu Ting replied with three fingers raised.

Originally, he planned not to take any money, but after all, he insisted that Luoquan had done Longhushan such a great favor.

However, Director Luo Quan is very principled, saying that helping is just a matter of little effort, and the actor's fee and the site use fee of Longhu Mountain still have to be paid.

If the celestial master insists on not accepting it, then it will be regarded as the incense money she gave to the gymnasium and pray for the family members.

"Of course, our situation is somewhat special, and it does not apply to fellow seniors."

Daoist Yu Ting smiled lightly, and said, "Since you want to advertise in the play, you still have to pay the advertising fee. Otherwise, why would director Luo Quan give you benefits for no reason?"

"Is that so, Director Luo Quan?" Cheng Daochang looked at Luo Quan who was on the side.

She chuckled: "Theoretically, that's the case, but if a few priests are willing to make guest appearances in TV dramas, the advertising fee can be reduced as appropriate.

If you can say that after the departure, more brothers from the sect will come to play, even if it is a free advertisement, it will not be impossible.

Of course, the specific situation still needs to wait for my arrangement, there is no such rush. "

Hearing this, several masters nodded, and then took out their mobile phones to report to the person in charge of the sect.

The result came soon, and the masters and priests naturally agreed to Luo Quan's request, and even went to the sect to take pictures if necessary.

During the cooperation period, Luoquan does not need to pay any fees.

After a while, "Under One Man" will be officially announced to the outside world, and Wudang Mountain, Shaolin Temple, and Zhongnan Mountain will all cooperate.

Originally, the masters came this time with the intention of empty-handed white wolves.

According to the past practice, it is not only easy for them to appear in this kind of movie and TV series involving the background of martial arts, but they can even charge a fee.

But this time it was almost the opposite.

Not only did I not receive the fee, but I almost paid it backwards.

But there is no way, who made Luo Quan angry now.

Everyone in Huaxia knew that if she appeared in her TV series, she would get huge traffic.

Now that the new era has come, all sects are fighting openly and secretly.

Although Taoism and Buddhism seem to be aloof, they do not participate in worldly battles.

But don't care about vulgar things like money.

And fame has always been what they need.

Trees fight for a ray of light, Buddhas fight for a stick of incense, others post videos on Douyin to gain popularity, and gradually gain recognition among the Chinese people.

If you stand still, you will be too dumb.

Therefore, when encountering Luoquan's opportunity, Longhushan was the first to go up, and the other sects were naturally unwilling to lag behind, so they leaned over one after another.

And Luo Quan got a few masters to be extra performers for nothing, of course he was very happy in his heart.

Shaolin Wudang rubbed off on her popularity, so why isn't she rubbing off on Shaolin Wudang's popularity?

In any case, it is a school that has been around for thousands of years, and it has a fairly wide reputation in China. How many costume dramas and martial arts dramas have appeared in them?

This time "Under One Man" has been authorized by the genuine version, and it must have gained a lot of attention on the Internet.

After the Chinese martial arts became popular, the urban martial arts TV series being filmed is not the only one of my own.

The fastest one had already started shooting last year, most of which were released before myself.

So I don't have any advantage in terms of timing.

If you want to occupy the market, you must start from other places.

The authentic Shaolin Wudang martial arts is a good gimmick.

At that time, Cheng Daozhang and Master Yanwu, who are already Internet celebrities, will come to make guest appearances. I don't want to say how the effect will be, but the discussion will definitely explode.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank Taoist Priest Yu Ting, if he hadn't pointed out what he said directly, maybe she would have spent a little more talking, or even "fate".

But Daoist Yu Ting didn't take credit for it, he waved his sleeves and left after the matter was settled.

(End of this chapter)

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