Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 847 New Projects

Chapter 847 New Projects

ps. Have you seen the super moon tonight? It's really white, big and round.


The masters came and went quickly, and after negotiating the contract, they made an appointment to go to the West Lake to see the scenery.

It is said that it has long been planned to have a live broadcast for fans in West Lake, and it is just a way to come to Hengdian to discuss cooperation.

As for Luoquan, after driving Lan Yu away, they couldn't find a suitable female role for a while.

After thinking about it, it's not easy to find an actress with Xia He's body, and she has to have pink hair, and dyeing is also troublesome.

So Luo Quan planned to play in person, just like playing Jian Xin before, just put on some makeup.

And this time it's a girl, so there's no need to wrap her breasts, so it's quite feasible.

It's just that Xia He has never played a role of this type before.

In the words of netizens, this is one of the best......

Of course, if the filming was done according to the original work, it would fail the trial [-]% of the time.

Xia He is naturally charming, and most of them will involuntarily have a good impression of her when they see her, and she herself is very good at using this ability like a succubus.

So the scenes and lines she played are basically restricted.

It might still be broadcast before it was released, but now it is estimated that even if she has a relationship with the GD Bureau, it is impossible to pass the trial.

For Lsp, it is really difficult to accept.

But there is no way.

Therefore, Xia He's plot lines need to be changed, and some explicit behaviors and language in the original work must also be restrained.

But the best effect to present must be a tormenting little goblin.

Speaking of which, Xia He didn't have many roles in the original comics, but because he satisfied the audience's xp, his popularity was unexpectedly high.

It can be said that it is perfect for her to play this kind of role with rigid appearance conditions.

After the decision was made, Luo Quan deleted the draft copywriting for recruiting actors.

On the second day of filming, after Luo Quan changed into Xia He's costume, Leon couldn't walk just looking at the profile, and wondered where the crew got such a beautiful woman.

In fact, Luo Quan's hairstyle covered half of his face, and the side Leon saw happened to be the covered side, so he couldn't see his face.

However, with such a figure that looks like a ridge and a peak on the side, she is [-]% a beautiful woman.

"What are you looking at, that's your sister."

Mia kicked Leon from behind. She just came from the other side of the set and recognized this beauty as Luo Quan.

"Damn it, my sister?"

Leon was taken aback: "Why did she dye her hair when she was free?"

Mia spread her hands: "Then how do I know, you go ask her."

"Forget it, the live broadcast is still fun." Leon shook his head, thinking about his sins and sins.

Mia looked at her boyfriend who bowed his head and left, blinked, and then walked towards Luo Quan: "Director Luo, why did you dye your hair pink today?

Also, the V of your T-shirt is deep enough. "

Luo Quan replied: "The star who was kicked out yesterday played this role, she left, and I can't find a suitable candidate for a while, so I can only play the role myself.

How about it, this shape is charming enough. "

Mia couldn't help laughing: "Not only is it enough, you are a hot girl in the United States, so sexy!"

"Enough is enough, this character is designed like this."

Luo Quan nodded lightly, by the way, let Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang and Xiao Li come for photography, recording, and scene notes later.

These three are all girls. If they were male employees, Luo Quan was afraid that they wouldn't be able to walk.

It's not that she doubts the professionalism of these people, but mainly because she is too confident in her charm.

Facts have proved that when Luo Quan's appearance appeared on the set, it did cause a lot of commotion.

Fortunately, we said hello in advance, so everyone adjusted relatively quickly.

Because his main job is to be a director, Luo Quan planned to finish filming his own scenes first.

The first is the rivalry with the hero's grandfather's corpse.

In the original book, Xia He sat directly on the old man's body.

It definitely can't be performed like this here, it can only be changed to circle around the old man's corpse.

After that, you can relax a little bit in the rivalry with the male lead.

After all, Lin Mo, who plays the male lead, is also a girl, and Luo Quan was also unscrupulous when the two posted.

But probably because Luo Quan's performance was so sexy, Lin Mo was blushing the whole time.

Fortunately, the hero should be in such a state at this time, so he didn't need NG, so he just continued acting like this.

After filming for a day and a night, Luo Quan finally got all of Xia He's scenes done after most of the shots passed.

After washing off the systemic hair dye, her hair turned blonde again, and everyone thought it was a wig.

In the evening, Luo Quan posted a few high-definition stills of Xia He on the feed, hoping to add some heat to the TV series.

Facts have proved that lsp is the primary productive force.

It's just a few simple stills, but I didn't expect it to be popularly searched by the big guys.

"Good guy, Luo Bao's look and eyes are too charming, right?"

"It seems that since wearing black silk, she seems to have awakened some new attributes."

"It's so beautiful, I suggest you take more pictures. Tongue out.jpg"

"Haha, sexy is sexy, but can you pass the trial?"

"It probably won't work, so when the filming of the TV series is finished, Luo Bao will distribute the uncensored version to everyone."

"Well... it doesn't sound right."


Obviously, while the fans were excited, they also doubted whether the look could pass the review.

It's not impossible for beautiful women with good figures to appear in TV dramas.

But it's really rare to post like this with the male protagonist.

Fortunately, the male protagonist is a girl, and she is from Quanshui Entertainment's own family, so she is not considered an outsider, so fans are basically envious of the real-name system.

If it was a man, I'm afraid his seven orifices would have been sprayed with smoke.

As for what the fans were worried about, Luo Quan wasn't worried at all.

Luo Quan has referred to the revised plot.

There have been similar scenes in previous TV dramas, so she dared to reenact, basically there will be no major problems.

Xia He only appeared for such a day, but left an indelible impression in the hearts of fans. It can be said that it is as classic as Alice's cheongsam.

Since then, fans often ask Luo Quan to make some bold attempts in the comment area, such as appearing in swimsuits or something.

After she saw it, she was very angry and funny. These fans really dare to think that the swimsuits have appeared on the scene. They haven't seen enough of the previous two swimsuits, have they?

No one can answer this question, and as for herself, she certainly would not deliberately make a movie for such a scene.

This kind of welfare link can only appear when the plot requires it, otherwise it will appear too abrupt.

And when the filming of "Under One Man" was in full swing, the other side of the sea was also very lively.

The Tokyo Olympics arranged for accountants to do the accounting, and wanted to find out how much of the budget this time was corrupted and in which links.

Then within a week, two accounting officials committed suicide and two resigned.

Seeing that the Tokyo Olympics are getting closer and closer, the result is that I can't even make a list of the most basic material purchases.

Now the people on the Internet are scolding, but the government is pretending to be stupid. The attitude here is really intriguing.

On the other hand, the Olympic Organizing Committee temporarily decided to add an undifferentiated fighting event.

Regardless of weight and boxing type, only men and women, as well as unarmed combat and equipment.

When this news came out, it really shocked the whole world.

Before this, the Olympic Games has never added a project temporarily like this time.

And this project is still a sport that just became popular last year.

However, since the Olympic Organizing Committee has increased, if this gold medal has the ability to compete, it will definitely not let it go, after all, it is a national honor.

Of course, Huaxia is probably the most agreeable and positive among them.

The men dare not say, among the female contestants, Luo Quan said that no one would dare to claim the first place in the second place.

Whether it's unarmed combat or using weapons, she is absolutely at the top level.

The world's number one female boxer is not called for nothing, and these two gold medals are almost prepared for her.

With her strength, she couldn't think of a reason to lose.

After all, he just beat up a group of masters in Europe a while ago.

After the new project came out, the leader of the Sports Bureau called Luo Quan overnight.

But Luo Quan slept soundly and didn't receive it.

The next morning, I found out that there were several missed calls. After calling, I found out that such a thing had happened.

Facing the task assigned by the organization, Luo Quan naturally readily agreed.

It was one of her childhood dreams to become an Olympian and win glory for her country.

Most children have probably fantasized about growing up to be athletes, scientists, astronauts, writers, musicians or something.

The second point is to be a big boss and make a lot of money.

But nowadays, many children probably don't think like this. It may be more attractive to be a star Internet celebrity anchor.

But, the reality is that whatever you fantasize about doing, you'll grow up to realize that you didn't have a choice at all.

Of course, Luo Quan must have a choice now.

At least a childhood dream finally came true one day.

After confirming the competition, she also made the good news public:
"After negotiation, this time I will represent Huaxia in the women's indiscriminate unarmed combat and women's indiscriminate weapon fighting in the Tokyo Olympics, implement the higher, faster and stronger Olympic spirit, and launch an impact on the gold medal!"

Everyone expected this news, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

The news post of the new project was sent out by the Olympic Organizing Committee yesterday, and today Luoquan officially announced it. Those who didn’t know thought it was premeditated.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that Luo Quan is the only girl with the title of True Martial Realm, and she is still so young.

Who else but her?

There is no need to think about it at all, so it can be so decisive.

As for male players, there are too many masters to choose from.

Those who participated in the Huaxia Martial Arts Conference this time were actually only a small part of the many masters.

There are many people who did not come out to participate for this little money at all.

But if it is changed to the Olympics, it will be different.

This is the kind that wins glory for the country and can leave a name in history.

In life, besides the physical pursuit of eating, drinking and lazing, fame is the most important thing.

That's why it was announced just now that there will be a selection of martial artists for this Olympic Games, and within a few hours, hundreds of people signed up.

Although there are only more than 100, it is not a lot, but these are all top masters who are capable of competing for the top ten in the martial arts leader conference.

Judging by level, at least he is a second-rank warrior.

And this is just the beginning.

As the hype expands, the number of participants will only increase.

At that time, those first-rank warriors hidden among the people, and even real martial arts masters, are likely to come out.

It can only be said that it is good to have a lot of people. Usually, those who do not show the mountains and the dew, but when something happens, these masters are like mushrooms after the rain, popping up one after another.

Compared with the excitement here in China, the Koreans are a little impatient.

Less than a hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, all the famous antiques were snatched by Japan.

Don't look at the Tai Chi on the national flag, in fact it has nothing to do with Tai Chi, even using the Chinese Zhouyi to explain the hexagrams, the South Korean flag is still a bad omen.

The only thing that is a little famous all over the country is Taekwondo.

But lacking the cultivation of top-quality antiques, the military strength of taekwondo masters is far behind that of China, even Japan.

Needless to say, with such a long history in Japan, there are really several treasures.

Moreover, many antiques were robbed from Huaxia before, but they have not been returned so far.

Japan still has this piece of heritage.

Karate and Kendo have also developed quite well, and various schools are flourishing.

Can be said to be a strong contender for the Olympic medal.

And as the host this time, if the players cooperate with the Japanese local antiques, the advantage they have is really not small.

Therefore, the situation in South Korea seems to be the worst among the three East Asian countries, and it is ready to ask the United States if there is any quick solution.

Huaxia, on the other hand, is quite confident.

This is the accumulation of 5000 years of culture, which could only be shown to the world through the two brothers Long before.

And now, it is finally the turn of future generations.

Just when there was a huge public opinion disturbance all over the world because of this new project of the Olympic Games.

Leon, who had devoted himself to practicing for more than half a month, finally achieved a zero breakthrough.

On a morning that was no different from usual, he suddenly felt a swelling feeling in his stomach.

At first I thought it was the stool caused by eating too much last night.

As a result, I squatted in the toilet for half an hour, but found that I couldn't pull it out at all.

At this time, he finally realized that this might be the "true qi" that his sister said.

Thinking of this, Leon happily ran out of the toilet and found the old lady to report the good news.

Luo Quan diagnosed Leon's wrist, then nodded: "It is indeed there."

"How many months?" Wen Xia joked beside him.

When Mia heard it, the water in her mouth almost burst out laughing.

"I just had it yesterday." Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "Brother, you have finally cultivated your true energy, and you can change the way of cultivation next."

"Oh yeah!" Leon clenched his fist excitedly, as happy as a child.

There will always be rewards for giving, and this is just the beginning.

As a martial arts master, he will walk faster and faster!

(End of this chapter)

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