Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 848 Responsibility

Chapter 848 Responsibility

ps. Jay Chou’s new songs have all been released. The song “Beautiful Face Rushuang” is not bad, but the overall sound is much worse than the previous ones. Sure enough, after living a good life, the talent is not the same as it was back then.


Luo Quan's "Honorary Professor Title" disappeared a few days after he got it, but it's not that the university didn't want to give it to him, it was Luo Quan who gave it up.

The cause of the incident was mainly a college affiliated to a certain university.

The academy caused controversy last year because of the modeling.

He is a student of fashion design, and his graduation design has a group of so-called "advanced face" models on the catwalk.

The looks of these models generally have squinted eyes with large distance between them and upward slanting outer corners.

If you can't imagine it, just hold the corner of your eye with your hand and go to the premise.

In foreign countries, this kind of action is the action of white people discriminating against people of yellow race, and it is no different from scolding black Nego.

And some students in this college know that this situation is discrimination against their own race, but they still use it, and it is still in the graduation project.

There is nothing else to say other than disgusting people.

At that time, after this incident aroused criticism from online public opinion, another group of people came to clean it up, saying that the Chinese people had lost their self-confidence?You can associate so much with just one appearance, why don't you feel so inferior.

After Luo Quan saw it at the time, he sent a post specifically:
"In the United States, if you dare to ask a black man to eat watermelon and fried chicken, and then give him a handful of cotton, do you think this black man will ask you to eat a gun?

Why does no one in the Western entertainment industry dare to discriminate against black people, even if they do, they will be attacked?
It is because the blacks are sensitive enough to have zero tolerance for any marginal behavior, in exchange for their current status.

Hit one punch to avoid a hundred punches. I don't understand such a simple truth, and I say that the Huaxia people have lost their self-confidence.

It can only be said that the buttocks are crooked, and everything else is definitely crooked. "

After the article was published, it received hundreds of thousands of likes and comments, which shows the enthusiasm of the public.

It's a pity that this matter was dealt with coldly in the end, and the person concerned cleared his social messages after being scolded.

The official account of this college is also vague in the face of netizens' questions. From the left and right, he just refuses to answer the questions directly and solve the problem.

Such an attitude is really disappointing.

But this university is the top university in China after all, it has cultivated so many talents and made so many contributions.

Netizens still felt that this was just an accident and not representative, so they did not pursue it further.

After the matter was over, the heat gradually subsided.

But less than half a year later, it was the same Academy of Fine Arts design and the same humiliating face.

This is to make it clear that if you don't repent, you will fight against public opinion to the end.

Then the netizens became angry, and directly sprayed this university and the related Academy of Fine Arts on the trending searches, and stripped away all the scandals about this university over the years.

Eight of the top ten lists are related to it.

This grand occasion, even if Luo Quan releases a new album, it is not so terrifying.

It can be said that netizens on Weibo really couldn't bear it anymore.

In fact, some black faces are real, and some don't know if they are true, and they don't happen at the same time.

Some were last year, some were the year before, and some were the year before.

But the Internet has memory, and it will not be forgotten by everyone just because it is not popular.

Those who were cold-treated before could get away with it, but after a long period of accumulation, they will one day be unable to suppress it.

So this time, it all exploded in one go.

Northwest Shanxi became a mess, and Luo Quan also reached in with a big spoon and stirred it vigorously.

Like last time, she continued to post a post on Weibo and B Zhao:
"After three seconds of deliberation, I have decided to relinquish the title of Professor Emeritus of the University.

The aesthetics of some students in your school is really shocking to me. It’s already 0202, and some people are using self-deceiving words like advanced faces to cover up their true thoughts.

I have been a model for Chanel for almost four years, and I have never heard their people say how advanced this face is.

I only know that if they use this face to shoot advertisements, they will be complained of racial discrimination by the majority of Asians.

In short, it is probably because my ideological, aesthetic and cultural realm cannot reach the height of your school, and the position of honorary professor should be someone else. "

After the publication of this yin-yang strange air mixed with guns and sticks, the emotions of netizens were immediately ignited.

When they charged before, they were always ridiculed by some students of this university, saying that they couldn't pass the exam, so now they spare no effort to hack, and they want to destroy if they can't get it.

The speech is full of superiority and arrogance.

It is impossible to verify whether it is a student of this university, but it is not that there are no bigwigs among the netizens.

Many netizens who studied in the United States showed off their diplomas under similar comments.

There are Massachusetts, Stanford, Yale, and Harvard.

Although this is someone else's academic qualifications, netizens cannot use it for their own use.

However, the willingness of the top students who studied in these Ivy League schools to speak out undoubtedly gave the netizens confidence.

At least among the group of students, there are still the majority who tell right from wrong.

And Luo Quan, as the only star with a large amount of traffic who spoke out, directly made the netizens find the backbone, and they fought around her.

At the same time, Luo Quan's voice also became an extremely eye-catching target.

Many students who claim to have graduated from this university said in the comment area:
"It doesn't matter if you quit, but with your academic qualifications, you are indeed not qualified to be a professor at the number one university in Asia."

"Originally, I gave you a title of gold, how come it seems that you are giving us gold? Do you feel a little too good about yourself?"

"I used to like your songs quite a lot, but I didn't expect you to be such a person, and your fans have turned black."

"What qualifications does a mixed race have to evaluate our Huaxia University? It feels like walking 50W."

"You can say a few words less, where does a mere actor get the courage to comment?"


Similar unfathomable remarks emerged one after another, but before Luo Quan could respond, the fans took the lead in launching a counterattack:
""Asia's No. [-] University", where do you put Dongda University?"

"It's the first time I've seen that Luo Quan is 50w. It's really a joke."

"Nine out of ten of you are in arrears with IQ. I doubt whether you have ever gone to college."

"Because your remarks are too mentally retarded, for a while I didn't know whether to be angry or laugh."

"Luo Quan don't pay attention to these people, if you look at them, it's a waste of precious life."


In addition to outraged fans and netizens, the University of Tokyo even spoke out for Luo Quan after seeing her being attacked.

Originally, the University of Tokyo's Weibo account didn't have many fans, only tens of thousands, and there were quite a few scolding them in the comment section of the post.

So this account has not posted anything for several months.

And just 1 minute ago, the Chinese account of the University of Tokyo posted two pictures.

One is the number of Nobel Prize winners in domestic universities, which is displayed as zero.

The other is the number of Nobel Prize winners of the University of Tokyo, which is displayed as eleven people.

There are different opinions on which one is more authoritative in the strength rankings of various universities in the world.

It is definitely biased to rely on the Nobel Prize alone to judge strength.

However, such a comparison chart of the number of Nobel Prize winners is indeed extremely intuitive.

If there are four or five winners in the country, we can talk about it, but now...

In short, netizens are on the side of outsiders for the first time this time:
"My evaluation is that it was violently killed."

"Haha, I never thought that one day it would be an outsider who will uphold justice for us."

"That's Luo Baolan. Otherwise, with her talent, she wouldn't be able to choose a prestigious foreign school randomly, and she would be soft when she got her academic qualifications!"

"It belongs to being touched."


Seeing the connection between his long-lost alma mater and himself in this way, Luo Quan was suddenly moved, so he replied a thank you in the comment area.

This time, the netizen headed by Luo Quan won the match.

However, this incident was eventually dealt with coldly.

So many hot searches quickly disappeared, and related news comment areas were also banned, obviously not intending to let everyone continue to discuss.

After Luo Quan saw it, he could only say that there was no other way.

It's not enough for her alone to speak up.

And there are almost no one who dares to do this like her.

Understandable, but not agreeable.

Luo Quan feels that if he is influential, he should have certain social responsibilities, and he has to speak out when things are wrong.

Even if I say it this time, it may not have a particularly big effect, but next time I see her, I will continue to speak out.

I just don't know what kind of moths this Academy of Fine Arts will come up with next time.

This means that she is only the spokesperson of Chanel. If the position is higher, she will definitely not hire any of these designers who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts.

Don't say that it's just a few people who insult China, and you can't blame a whole pot of porridge because of a rat droppings.

But Luo Quan thinks that you are all in the same pot with mouse shit, if you don’t hurry up to speak out and draw a line, but also pretend to be dead or match up with netizens, wouldn’t you assume that you and mouse shit belong to the same category?

In this case, there is no problem at all for her to treat everyone equally.

It's a pity that she is not a shareholder of Chanel, and she doesn't have that much power to influence the brand's decision-making, so this idea can only be thought about in her heart.

When the rhythm of insulting China first appeared, the big guy was angry from the heart, wishing to tear these people into pieces.

But by the second day, no matter how big the anger was, it almost disappeared.

How important are these things compared to the stress of life?

Winning the competition will not increase the salary by [-], and losing the competition will not reduce the house price by [-].

When I quarrel with others online, my face is red, but it affects my physical and mental health.

The so-called sense of honor is sometimes really insignificant compared with the pressure of reality.

The common people think more, in fact, they should earn more money and buy a house earlier.

Because in their lives, that's the number one priority, and there's little room for anything else.

As for Luo Quan, she had the strength to argue, but she couldn't come up with a reason every time.

Last night's laning match, she seemed to have won, but also seemed to have gained nothing.

On the second day, Weibo was still full of celebrities and big things, and the years were quiet.

She shook her head, and stopped thinking about it so much, and continued to devote her energy to the filming of the TV series.

Time passes day by day.

The Tokyo Olympics has been doing a lot of good work for audiences and tourists from all over the world.

First is food.

It is reported that the chef of the Tokyo Olympics intends to use Fukushima aquatic products to entertain athletes from various countries, so that they can see the results of the Fukushima nuclear leak.

However, after the Fukushima nuclear leak, there is obviously no treatment to talk about, and the pollution caused by the reactor is still poisoning the ocean.

A while ago, the Japanese government even planned to pour nuclear waste water into the ocean. The reason was that the buckets for carrying waste water were not enough, and it would be too expensive to continue construction. It would be easier to just dump it out.

And the government also claims that the water has been treated, there is absolutely no pollution, and it has reached the purity level of drinking water.

Then the foreign reporter asked the official who spoke to scoop it up and take a sip on the spot, but the official refused to do anything.

To be fair, this is nuclear waste water.

No matter how you deal with it, the normal water is different after all.

Others can bury it for as long as they can, and try not to let it come into contact with the outside world and cause pollution.

Fortunately, the Japanese government poured it directly into the sea, intending to make all human beings pay for their mistakes.

What's even more outrageous is that according to the detection of the US Environmental Protection Agency, they have detected radioactive substances on the coast.

This shows that the Japanese government may have secretly poured nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean as early as one or two years ago.

The people and officials of all countries who got the news didn't know what to say except speechless.

When the Chernobyl accident happened, countless soldiers and firefighters extinguished the reactor one after another, minimizing its hazards.

Even if these heroes know that they may die prematurely due to cancer, they have no fear at all.

On the other hand, in Japan, the Self-Defense Forces were not willing to enter the Fukushima nuclear power plant at all. In the end, the government coaxed a team composed of disabled, homeless, and mentally handicapped people to enter and deal with it.

And it hasn't been cleaned up. The pollution in Fukushima is still going on until now, but the Japanese government has kept it secret.

Over the past few years, the discovery of deformed aquatic products from the waters around Fukushima is not news.

And now the Japanese government actually wants Fukushima Suisan to entertain foreign players.

It is hard not to suspect that they have told so many lies to the public that they have deceived themselves into thinking that the pollution in Fukushima has been solved.

In fact, if a hydrogen bomb is not launched to clean up the remaining reactors, the nuclear pollution will continue forever.

Of course, this proposal came from Russia.

Although netizens in neighboring countries agree very much, Japan obviously does not want to suffer a third blow.

And this is just one of the underworld work done before the Tokyo Olympics.

As the date of the opening ceremony approached, more and more "wonderful ideas" finally met with netizens all over the world.

Although everyone was already mentally prepared, they were still dumbfounded by these operations.

(End of this chapter)

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