Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 849 Olympic Games

Chapter 849 Olympic Games

In addition to using food from radiation-contaminated areas to entertain the upcoming athletes from all over the world.

In the afternoon of local time in Tokyo, a huge human head exuding yellow light rose slowly and appeared in the sky of all Tokyo residents.

The diameter of this human head is nearly eight meters, and its terrifying face can be seen from a long distance.

The painter who drew this lantern must have a high level, because no matter from which angle you stand, you will feel that the lantern with a human head is staring straight at you.

The lantern head is smiling like the Mona Lisa, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

According to the person in charge of flying the lantern, it is prepared for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.

The flying heads symbolize the people's warm expectations for the future, which is a beautiful image.

It is indeed a skill to make a lantern so big and so lifelike.

It's a pity that this skill was not used in the right place.

Such a thing appeared in the sky, and none of the foreign audiences could accept it.

This kind of balloon is only suitable for appearing in horror comics or horror movies, and the effect must be very good.

Coming out now, the people who eat melons can only say that they are really scared.

In addition to this balloon, a special dance performance called "Wow" was held later.

The stage performance is weird and obscure.

It cannot be said that there is no artistic expression, but it is really difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Those who didn't know thought it was dancing to the gods.

Luo Quan took a look at the dance and probably understood the intention of the dance creator.

It is to show the process of human beings from birth to development, and express the abstract beauty with figurative dance.

Good idea or something.

But it is not suitable for this occasion.

It's like a couple getting married, you invite a suona master, and instead of letting him play a hundred birds and phoenixes, let him play the Great Compassion Mantra.

It can't be said that the master's level is not high, but the master must have beaten you without discussing it.

In addition, some domestic marketing accounts also found some Japanese butoh performances many years ago in order to gain popularity, and put them on the Internet as the name of the rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.

As I said before, the Japanese butoh is a distorted, dark, and terrifying artistic sense. (Again, don’t search, this thing is more popular than "Curse")
Most people can't accept it, and even feel physically uncomfortable after watching it.

But the recent rumors of the Tokyo Olympics are so outrageous that the people who eat melons believe in such rumors.

True and false are mixed together, it is indeed difficult to distinguish.

Then, the opening ceremony, which had not yet been performed, was completely demonized.

Even the entire Tokyo Olympics has become an underworld Olympics.

Huaxia netizens have sharply commented:

"Art can be grounded, but it cannot be grounded."

"Originally, I thought there was only one customs pass away from Tokyo, but I didn't expect it to be a ghost gate."

"Art does not know national boundaries, but it is divided into yin and yang. I thought it was just across the sea, but I didn't expect it to be yin and yang."

"Tell everyone a scary joke, the Tokyo Olympics."


If the Japanese government is counting on the Tokyo Olympics to boost the tourism economy, it will take off again.

Judging from the current various moths, this one is almost likely to be stillborn.

A series of hellish news, except for the Olympic athletes, there should be very few tourists who are willing to travel to the Tokyo Olympics in advance.

More importantly, many facilities for the Tokyo Olympics are still under construction, and it is not certain whether they will be completed on the day of the opening ceremony.

From all aspects, the probability of stretching the hips in the Tokyo Olympics this time is almost [-]%.

Or perhaps the voice of the people has finally been heard.

The Japanese government has finally decided to change the director, and now it has issued a solicitation order throughout Japan.

In fact, there are still many powerful directors in Japan, and their artistic attainments are quite high.

But after the solicitation order came out, these directors didn't leave the door directly, didn't go out, and didn't even update their social platform accounts. Obviously, they didn't want to be involved at this time.

Halfway through April, I thought about changing directors.

Isn't it obvious that people will take the blame in the past? Only fools will be fooled.

So things were at an impasse all of a sudden.

Seeing that the days are getting closer, if we don't do anything, the Tokyo Olympics this time will really become a famous international joke.

I don't know if those politicians are in a hurry, but the Japanese people are in a hurry anyway.

Many people petitioned Luo Quan for help on Twitter, hoping that she, a talented woman, could save the opening ceremony, which was half closed.

The scale of this petition is not low, from a few thousand at the beginning to tens of thousands, and finally 10,000+.

At the beginning, when she begged her not to leave Tokyo, the number of people who married Crown Prince Jing Gong Masaku was close to 100 million.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Quan to agree to this kind of request, so no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

But this time, it's really not a matter of principle that they can't help.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to be a taker now, but she can give suggestions to the director team.

After thinking about it, Luo Quan sent out a post:
"Since everyone wants me to give advice so much, then I will also give a plan here.

With so little time left, it is already impossible to make the opening ceremony as grand as the Beijing Olympic Games.

However, you can focus on doing one or two well to leave a deep memory for the audience, which is half the battle.

My suggestion is that Japan is relatively experienced in a grand fireworks show for one program, and there must be enough time.

The other one is a parade of ACG characters, making dolls of all the famous anime and game characters in Japanese history, and then let the staff walk around the opening ceremony in them.

Whichever character appears on the stage, the famous BGM of that character will be played, and the effect will definitely explode.

This is what Japan is most famous in the world now, and it would be a waste of money if it is not used.

These are my suggestions, I can't decide whether to use it or not.

above. "

As soon as this proposal came out, not to mention, netizens at home and abroad thought it was quite good.

Although it is not very clever, it is indeed the most possible performance in a limited time.

And this kind of performance does not require too high technical difficulty.

However, an official in charge of the opening ceremony complained on social platforms in Japan, saying that Luo Quan's method was too naive and too simple to reflect the heritage of Japan's ancient civilization.

What they want is the grand and shocking opening ceremony.

Parade of anime characters, what is the difference between this and the comic exhibition?
This remark was quickly moved to the Internet.

After Luo Quan saw it, he said directly:

"Destroy it, hurry up."

I gave you a suggestion and still pick and choose, but let's see what your final opening ceremony can look like.

It is still forgivable for God to commit evil, and he cannot live without self-inflicted evil. Since he refuses to listen to persuasion, it has nothing to do with her. Anyway, it is not the director of the opening ceremony.

In this way, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics missed what may be the last chance to save the reputation.

As the news of another accounting official's suicide spread, everyone knew that the accounts of the Tokyo Olympics could not be checked.

If it is checked again, accountants should become a rare profession.

Corruption exists in every country, but this is the first time I have seen such blatant corruption like Japan.

At any rate, the United States still uses the theory of political donations to deceive people's eyes and ears. Japan doesn't even pretend to pretend, and tells others clearly, don't come to investigate corruption, whoever investigates will be unlucky.

If nothing else, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics is probably hopeless.

Luo Quan, who originally wanted to take a look at the excitement, also lost his mind because of a serious wounding case in Hengdian.

Just last night, a third-rank martial artist who practiced Hong Fist was seriously injured in a filming crew of ancient martial arts in the west of the city.

After Wu Zhe became popular, there was a wave of filming martial arts TV dramas across the country.

Each crew will invite a few high-level warriors to lead the lineup. It doesn't matter how good the acting skills are, but the kung fu must be good.

This third-rank martial artist studied martial arts with a teacher in Xiangjiang in his early years, and even became a double bonus red stick after returning to Thailand.

However, it didn't take long to catch up with the anti-crime campaign. In order to avoid the limelight, he could only turn from black to white, and joined the entertainment industry as an action actor.

Although it can only be a fake fight on the big screen, this martial artist's kung fu is real, and he is invincible in Chiang Mai with a pair of iron fists.

This time I came to Huaxia to film a movie, and I also thought that the salary here is high and I can earn a little more.

As a result, it was about to be finished, but such a thing happened.

The specific case process is as follows.

After filming last night, the actors went back to the hotel to get ready to rest.

And this third-rank martial artist named Lin Guorong was running at night on the road near the hotel.

Because it was late, there were no people there.

But he didn't come back two hours after he went out, and no one answered the call from his agent.

If something is wrong, call the police immediately.

The police immediately searched the vicinity of the hotel, and finally found Lin Guorong dying on a grass field.

This third-rank martial artist nicknamed "Iron Fist" suffered comminuted fractures of his hands and fingers. There were also large areas of bruises and redness on his body, which looked as if he had been hit by a fist.

Judging from the scene where Lin Guorong was discovered, he had a fight with another warrior behind this field.

However, because Lin Guorong's injury is relatively serious, it is not yet possible to ask about the specific process.

Soon Lin Guorong was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It is said that his internal organs have suffered severe injuries and have begun to fail to varying degrees. The situation is not optimistic.

Even if it is cured in the end, the rest of my life will be useless, and it is impossible to practice martial arts again.

Hengdian has not seen such a vicious incident for a long time.

Generally, big news happens either on the set or in the hotel, and it is usually related to Xiasanlu.

Such as tearing and unspoken rules.

It's really rare to almost kill someone like this.

Reporters soon flocked to report on the case.

The "Hengdian Violent Injury Case" also appeared on Weibo's trending searches.

Netizens are more concerned about who the perpetrator is.

And those who have idols filming in Hengdian are worried about the safety of their idols, and told them not to go out, and arrange more bodyguards or something.

Only Luoquan fans have the most peculiar style of painting:

"Criminal suspect, let me tell you that Luo Quan is waiting for you on Hengdian Street, don't let her meet you, or I won't have your good juice!"

"Come on, Xiao Luo, give everyone the whole job!"

"Grass, go, ignore."

"Do you know why we are not worried about Luo Quan's safety at all? Because she is a real martial arts master?

Of course not, because she is the world's No. [-] female boxer, and she has a special attack on men! "

"How do you know the murderer is a man?"

"If it's a woman, then Luo Quan won't be able to beat Luo Quan, because she is the world's number one female boxer."

"Good guy, you have an advantage anyway, right?"

"Not necessarily, after all, human beings are more than men and women, LGBTQS..."

"I faint."


Not only the fans fainted, but Luo Quan himself almost fainted from laughter.

It is obviously a serious matter, why is it so joyful.

And a third-rank martial artist was beaten like this, it can be seen that the murderer's strength is quite high.

She watched the fighting scene, and the grass was not particularly messy.

It shows that Lin Guorong was solved very easily.

If this is the case, then the strength of the murderer is at least first rank.

It doesn't even have to be a full shot, the police in Hengdian alone may not be able to deal with it.

Of course, she can think of this, and the police station must also think of it.

It is estimated that the master responsible for solving the case should already be on the way.

It is a pity that there is no surveillance camera in the area where the crime occurred, and no information about the murderer was captured.

Now Lin Guorong's life and death are unpredictable, if the murderer can't hide, he might not be able to find him.

What's interesting is that before the experts in charge of the case from Huaxia arrived in Hengdian, Lin Guorong's association in Southeast Asia sent people to arrive first.

Lin Guorong's association is now called Futong Security Company.

If it was in the past few decades, it should be called the Hongmen sub-helm.

Hongmen is a very influential Chinese community abroad.

In the last century, there were many people with lofty ideals who donated money to the precarious China.

But at the same time, there were also quite a few villains and hooligans who committed a lot of crimes.

This is a gang with a mixed reputation. It has no influence in China at present, but it still has a considerable reputation abroad. There are quite a lot of gang members, and the business it is engaged in is not very serious.

Lin Guorong, as the red stick of the Hongmen sub-helm, had an accident in the mainland, and the main helm must send someone to deal with it.

On the one hand, I was afraid that he would say something bad, so I came here to remind him.

On the other hand, it is also to see if it is the hands of Hongmen's enemies.

After all, the murderer did not take away Lin Guorong's belongings after committing the crime, and Lin Guorong himself rarely came to the mainland, so there is no such thing as an enemy.

The truth is probably Hongmen's enemy, who took revenge after meeting Lin Guorong.

If this is the case, then with Hongmen's temper, he must have revenge.

Even in the mainland where the security control is extremely strict, it must be weakened, otherwise, wouldn't it appear that Hongmen's words are too soft?

This is too detrimental to the unity within the gang.

(End of this chapter)

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