Chapter 850
The next day, the streets of Hengdian became more tense, and there were many more police officers patrolling the streets.

This is the first violent crime committed by a martial artist. The higher-ups have issued an order to solve the case as soon as possible and deal with it strictly.

Through this case, it will serve as a warning to others.

Therefore, the police in Hengdian took it very seriously and dispatched a large number of police forces, some of whom were patrolling and some were looking for clues.

And after a night of rescue, Lin Guorong's life was temporarily saved, but he still had to be observed in the ICU, and he didn't know when he would wake up, so he might have to wait a day or two to find out.

On the other side, the counterparts sent by Hongmen to Pingshi also arrived in Hengdian.

There were [-] people in total, all of them were dressed in black and had sunglasses on their faces. Some of them were wearing short sleeves, and a pattern of a dragon could be vaguely seen from their collars.

Because he didn't look like a good person, he was immediately questioned by two policemen patrolling nearby.

"What age is it, can't you speak Mandarin?"

The policeman asked a few questions, and the answers from the men in black were all in Thai-flavored Cantonese.

Although the two policemen have watched many Xiangjiang movies, they can't apply them to daily conversations.

Fortunately, there was a group performer from Guangdong on the side of the road, and after asking him to act as an interpreter, we were able to communicate normally.

These people from Hongmen, Thailand did not reveal their true identities, but only said that they came to Hengdian this time to learn about film shooting experience.

As for their attire, police movies are very popular in Thailand, and many people are filmed, so it makes sense to dress like this, right?

The policemen were skeptical, but their main job was not this, so they didn't go into the details. They just said: "No matter what the purpose is, it's best to be safe and don't talk about it here."

The reason why the tone is so vigilant is mainly because they saw that almost all of these people had tattoos on their arms, and some of them had scars on their faces.

If it is said that this is also done for the purpose of filming and learning, then it is a bit too dedicated.

It's nothing but a suit and sunglasses, but with tattoos and scars, it's almost an external manifestation of the evil forces, so you must be more vigilant.

After the interrogation, the police reported the situation of the pedestrian to the above.

On the other side, Luo Quan's crew.

After the morning scene was filmed, the big guys ate together while discussing the case that happened last night.

"You don't have to worry too much. Our production team gets off work earlier, and the criminal probably won't come out in broad daylight. As long as you don't leave your residence at night, that's fine."

Luo Quan's tone was very calm, like a definition pill, which reassured the others a lot.

The title of the world's No. [-] female boxer is not just for talk. A few days ago, Luo Quan just showed the world how powerful she is, and it's hard not to let everyone feel confident.

On the other hand, the crews of other martial arts dramas seem to be a little bit overwhelmed at this time.

Although rank three warriors are not that rare, they are definitely the strongest group in Hengdian.

Such a master can be disabled if he says so, if the murderer targets other warriors from other crews, God knows if he can survive

Therefore, these crews have suspended filming and asked the actors to return to their residences to wait for the news.

Hengdian is so big, the murderer can't hide for long.

For such a high-profile case, the speed of detection is often very fast.

But what people didn't expect was that on the same night, the murderer committed another crime.

The victim was a third-rank warrior who was good at legwork and was lying on the road outside the hotel when he was found.

It is said that the security guards outside the hotel heard the fighting on the road outside, but they thought of Lin Guorong's tragic situation last night, so they didn't dare to go to see it immediately.

He first called the police, and then called three or four security guards on duty before walking over boldly together.

The entrance of the hotel is only tens of meters away from the incident site, separated by a green belt.

Martial artist Zhao Jian was lying in the green belt, his legs twisted irregularly, obviously broken.

And because the security guard came late, he only saw a running figure at the end of the road.

The police soon arrived at the scene.

Zhao Jian's condition was more serious than Lin Guorong's. In addition to his broken legs, his chest also suffered a heavy blow, and there was an obvious collapse.

If you don't send him to the hospital immediately, you probably won't survive the morning of the next day.

Fortunately, the crime took place outside the hotel, and the murderer was discovered by security not long after committing the crime, so the call to 120 was more timely.

The only good news is that there is surveillance video on this section of the road.

The police immediately transferred the surveillance of this section of the road, and finally found the murderer.

The murderer was not tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body, and the whole person was covered in a black raincoat, with a mask on his face.

After he appeared on camera, he made a phone call first, and Zhao Jian came out not long after.

After the two chatted for a few words, the murderer clasped his fists at Zhao Jian, and the two began to fight immediately.

Before that, Zhao Jian won the No. 5 in the Jiangnan Province of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference. He is a serious disciple of Shaolin laymen, and his vajra legs are quite sharp.

Although he lost in the national hegemony competition, but because he showed good strength, he was considered by the crew to come to Hengdian for filming.

Judging from the monitoring, Zhao Jian seemed to know the murderer, and was called out by the murderer on the phone.

The only pity is that Zhao Jian's mobile phone was taken away by the murderer.

Perhaps this mobile phone hides the secrets of a criminal gang.

Lin Guorong, Zhao Jian and the murderer may all be members of this gang.

It's just that I didn't know what happened, and was attacked by my companions.

But the murderer didn't look like he was going to kill him. After all, he didn't make up the knife after knocking down the two victims.

And the punch before the fight felt very strange.

In short, there are many suspicious points in the case. Although the height of the murderer can be determined now, there is still not much information available.

But since he was an acquaintance of Zhao Jian, the scope of the investigation was also narrowed down a lot.

Although there are clues in the case, the murderer's re-commitment also caused an uproar on the Internet.

Seriously injured two warriors in two nights.

This not only makes the warriors in Hengdian feel in danger, but also makes the ordinary residents of Hengdian feel scared.

It's been a long time since such a bad case happened here, and it was still two nights in a row. Now, even Luo Quan will consider whether to give everyone in the crew a vacation.

After all, the current situation does not seem to be very good. For safety reasons, it is better to ask everyone to go out as little as possible to avoid any accidents.

After thinking about it, she decided to give everyone a vacation after filming today, and it happened to be the weekend, so it's justifiable to rest for two days.

"Sister, who do you think is the murderer?"

Leon gnawed on the marinated chicken leg and asked curiously.

"I'm not Sherlock Holmes, how do I know who the murderer is.

But what is certain is that the murderer is sparring with these victims, and his punch is the salute that warriors should perform before the sparring.

But the police said that the murderer and the victim were acquaintances, and they didn't know why the acquaintances had to fight so hard. "

Luo Quan took a sip of tomato soup and replied.

But she felt something was wrong in her heart. The plot seemed to be quite similar to a movie she had seen.

Fist first and then grab with the legs, the weapons are five in one.

If it follows the development in the movie, then the person who will have an accident next should be a master of grappling.

But she didn't dare to report to the police directly for a long time.

Because a movie is a movie and reality is reality.

What if the information is wrong?
So, for the time being, let’s take a look outside.

If you really follow this mantra, then you probably will find yourself in a short time.

Because of his own strength, he must be the strongest among the warriors in Hengdian.

If the murderer is a martial idiot, he will definitely not miss the opportunity to compete with him.

At that time, it will be a matter of life and death.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was commotion outside the set, which seemed to be the voice of the security guards on the set.

Luo Quan looked up and found that it was a group of men in black and sunglasses pushing his security guards.

"It's so popular to wear sunglasses indoors now?"

Leon raised his eyebrows and laughed.

The reason why I say this is because my sister also wears sunglasses, and because I have been cutting TV dramas these days, I have dark circles under my eyes, so I wear sunglasses to cover them up.

"What are you doing!" Luo Quan walked over and stopped the behavior of the men in black.

"We came to you to ask someone."

The leading man in sunglasses spoke very blunt Mandarin with a rather heavy accent.

Luo Quan frowned, and got a general idea from the context: "Are there any people who ask this question? If I don't come here, will I still beat them?"

"Fuck you mother, what if I beat you!"

The younger brother behind the man in the sunglasses is very irritable, or maybe he is used to being arrogant, and he immediately started cursing when he heard Luo Quan's words.

The corner of Luo Quan's mouth twitched, and his fist gradually hardened.

Since her debut, this was the first time someone scolded her mother in front of her.

In the next second, the little brother with a dirty mouth flew out.

Luo Quan could see that this man knew kung fu, so he used a lot of strength.

After the little boy was kicked flying, he rolled on the ground three or four times before stopping.

Originally wanted to get up, but the tight pain in his chest made him almost out of breath, and he knelt on the ground and coughed violently.

But don't look at his serious condition, in fact, Luo Quan used cleverness, just to make him suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, but he won't suffer any injuries.

There was a news before that a girl who graduated from medicine said that after she knew her boyfriend was cheating, she put him under anesthesia and cut him more than 100 knives.

The blood was dripping, comparable to Ling Chi, but in the end, the forensic medical examination did not even count as a minor injury. This girl was not even considered a criminal, and she didn't even need to be imprisoned.

It's basically the same thing here.

Luo Quan knew that being hammered in many places would cause severe pain, but he would not identify the injury.

"Get this person to apologize to my mother immediately, otherwise he will..."

Before Luo Quan could finish speaking, the other men in black started to attack.

Xiangjiang's club is indeed very brave, even if it is seen that Luo Quan is a master, it is still grateful for the sword.

It's a pity that Luo Quan had dark circles under his eyes because of his aunt's insomnia, so he put on sunglasses and didn't let these people recognize him.

Otherwise, even if they were given ten guts, they wouldn't dare to say such things to Luo Quan or do such things.

Fourteen men in black and sunglasses were all knocked down by Luo Quan before they could hold on for a minute.

"Everyone, do your personal identification. It was these people who made the first move. I just counterattacked passively."

After Luo Quan cleaned up these people, he clapped his hands and said.

Several photographers had already turned off their cameras and nodded repeatedly: "That's right, Director Luo is acting in self-defense!"

"Call the police first, and wait for the police to deal with it. I feel that these people may be related to the case in the past few days."

As Wen Xia spoke, she took out her phone.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive at the scene.

Among the policemen who came, there happened to be policemen who had interrogated these men in black on the street yesterday.

"Hey, you really did something wrong."

Officer Wang smiled and said to these gangsters in suits.

At the same time, Luo Quan also took off his sunglasses because he had to cooperate with the police to take notes.

After seeing Luo Quan's true face, a dozen Hongmen disciples with painful expressions gasped.

Not because of her amazing beauty, but because she didn't expect it to be her.

"If you lost your mother, how could it be Luo Quan?"

The leading boss looked annoyed.

"Luo Quan!"

The policemen were also surprised and asked her what happened.

Luo Quan roughly told what happened, saying that these people pushed and pushed the security guards as soon as they came in, and even uttered insults.

After she taught one of them a lesson, the other men in black wanted to beat her up, but she solved them all.

"This is a typical example of evil forces bullying ordinary people, and it should be dealt with in accordance with the rules of anti-crime and evil!"

After listening to Luo Quan's narration, Police Officer Wang immediately came to a conclusion.

The Hongmen disciples immediately shouted: "I am wronged, officer, we are not evil forces!"

"Now you know how to say it in Mandarin?" Officer Wang stared at the young and Dangerous boys coldly, and with a wave of his hand, his colleagues escorted them all to the police station.

As the reporter and witness, Luo Quan of course had to go with him.

In fact, strictly speaking, this incident is a fight.

After all, she was the one who did it first.

But if it's just a kick, you don't have to take too much responsibility.

And the group fights that these people swarmed up afterwards, the problem was obviously bigger.

Of course, because it didn't cause any serious consequences, it was just a civil case, and it was locked up for seven or fifteen days. The evil forces mentioned before were just to scare these people. The main purpose was to ask what they were doing here. .

After interrogation, these Hongmen disciples finally confessed their purpose of coming to investigate Lin Guorong's injury.

Because Lin Guorong couldn't speak, they decided to use their own method to find clues, that is, crew by crew asked for news related to Lin Guorong.

They had already been to the crew where Lin Guorong stayed before, and the reason why they came to Luoquan was because they heard from the crew in front that Lin Guorong seemed to often go this way at noon.

So the disciples of the Hongmen immediately went straight to Luoquan's crew.

However, because his quality was too low, Luo Quan was offended with one word, and then he was thrown into the police station by all the staff.

But through these young and Dangerous boys, the police got another useful clue.

(End of this chapter)

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