Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 851 The Murderer

Chapter 851 The Murderer
Lin Guorong often goes to the Luoquan crew, which is a very important clue.

It happened that Luo Quan was also at the police station, so Li Jieli, the police officer in charge of the case, immediately approached Luo Quan for questioning.

"This Lin Guorong... I don't have any impression." Luo Quan said firmly after seeing Lin Guorong's photo.

Officer Li asked unwillingly: "Could it be that he forgot, or that other people in the production team had contact with him?"

Luo Quan immediately shook his head:

"That's impossible. I'll take a look at all the big and small things of the crew, including ordering takeaway, and I have a very good memory. As long as I meet people, I won't forget them for a short time. What's more, a third-rank warrior like Lin Guorong, once seen, will definitely be impressed." deep."

"That's strange. I haven't been to your film crew, so why did he come to your place?" Officer Li fell into deep thought.

"Maybe go to the clay pot restaurant near the crew for dinner?"

Luo Quan suddenly put forward a guess: "The claypot restaurant next to the production crew has very good craftsmanship, and the pork ribs claypot rice tastes excellent. Many production crews usually place orders in the store, and the quantity is quite large...

By the way, I guess why Zhao Jian was called out by the murderer! "

Luo Quan's sudden excitement made several police officers unresponsive. Only Officer Li was the most sensitive, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "You mean, the murderer delivered food?"

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "I don't know, I can only say that it is possible, and this is just my guess from an unrelated person, so don't take it seriously."

"Case detection is like this. Sometimes it is necessary to make bold assumptions, and we must not let go of any possible clues."

Officer Li said and looked at his subordinates: "Xiao Ke Xiaosun, you and I will take some people to check the clay pot restaurant that Luo Quan mentioned, and then check the delivery staff who have delivered meals to this place in the past seven days." , to see if there is one that fits the suspect’s shape.”

The two subordinates immediately carried out the order.

Luo Quan also returned to the set after finishing the notes.

As soon as she left, the police got the news that Lin Guorong had woken up.

Although my body is still very weak, I can still hold on if I just ask a few questions.

Officer Li immediately took people to the hospital.

"The patient's condition is unstable now, so the questioning time should not be too long."

Outside the ward, the doctor reminded Officer Li.

"I know." Officer Li nodded, then pushed the door open and came to Lin Guorong's side: "Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Lin, do you still remember what happened? Do you still have an impression of the person who beat you?"

"It was a man in a black raincoat who somehow stopped me on the road and wanted to compete with me.

His punches are too fast, I am not an opponent, but unfortunately I can't see his face because of the mask. "

Lin Guorong's breath was weak, but there was obviously no problem with his memory, and the answers were basically the key points.

"Then do you still remember his voice?" Officer Li frowned slightly, feeling that these clues were useless.

"A little hoarse." Lin Guorong took a deep breath and replied.

Officer Li continued to ask: "You often eat at the Cantonese Claypot Restaurant recently, right? Have you seen any suspicious people there?"

Lin Guorong shook his head.

Obviously, there is nothing to ask.

Only when Zhao Jian wakes up can he know, after all, he had direct communication with the murderer.

It's a pity that Zhao Jian's situation is much worse than that of Lin Guorong, and he will have to wait for a while before he wakes up.

"One last question, Mr. Lin, what do you think of the strength of this murderer?" Officer Li stood up and asked before leaving.

"At least one grade." Lin Guorong replied quite positively.

He has fought against second-rank warriors, although he can't beat them, he won't lose so badly.

That murderer not only has fierce moves, but also has terrifyingly high strength and speed. He can only be a warrior above rank one.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Mr. Lin is recuperating well. We will bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible."

Officer Li finished comforting Lin Guorong and left the ward.

At the same time, the team sent to the Claypot Restaurant to investigate got a reply.

There was no suspicious person in the restaurant.

As for the food delivery staff, because there are a lot of them, more time is needed to investigate.

Officer Li told them to pay attention to safety when he found out, and sent all three second-rank warriors from the police station over.

Although all the police officers on duty this time are equipped with guns, but in a close-range conflict with a master, having a gun is not necessarily easy to use, so there must be warriors.

In addition, according to Lin Guorong's information, the murderer's strength is quite strong, and the second-rank warriors may not be enough, and stronger warriors must be transferred from the capital.

Without further ado, he immediately called the Capital Martial Artist Administration.

But just after he reported the situation, Xiao Ke suddenly called: "Ju Li, we found the murderer, please help!"

"what's the situation?"

Upon hearing the news, Police Officer Li immediately ran out of the hospital and asked his men to drive to Cantonese Claypot Rice.

"When we were investigating just now, a delivery man came into the store, whose body shape was very similar to the suspect.

As a result, he ran away when he saw us. We chased him for a long time and still lost it, but this street is full of surveillance cameras, so we can definitely know where he ran to! "

"Okay, you go back to the restaurant first and wait for the order, I call it arranging people to block the street!"

Officer Li acted decisively and made the most correct response in the shortest possible time.

The masters of the Armed Forces Control Bureau probably won't be able to wait. Fortunately, he still has armed police.

In an instant, the police forces from several departments were mobilized together, covering the DC area of ​​Hengdian.

All the streets were temporarily blocked, and the armed police with live ammunition guarded the intersection, ready to fight.

And such a big battle shocked the passers-by in Hengdian, and they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures and post on Weibo.

Soon, "Hengdian Violent Murderer Appears" became a trending search, and the number of comments immediately exceeded [-].

Netizens obviously did not expect the case to have a breakthrough so soon, and even questioned whether this was a rumor.

But after seeing the serious-looking armed policemen on the street, they knew it was true news, and everyone was discussing whether the murderer would be caught this time.

At the same time, the technical department finally retrieved the street surveillance when the murderer was discovered.

After escaping from the hotel, the murderer fled around the streets and alleys at a speed that was outrageously faster than the Olympic [-]-meter champion.

But after going around in a big circle, he finally returned to the vicinity of the hotel.

To be precise, he entered the shooting location of the Luoquan crew, and never came out again.

"Director Li, do you want to notify the crew and let them evacuate immediately?" A police officer asked Director Li.

"No, I'll call Luo Quan first, and the others will come to this studio right away!"

As Director Li said, he took out his cell phone.

At the same time, Luo Quan just finished the afternoon filming work, and said to the employees: "Everyone get off work, rest at home this weekend, try not to go out."

After the director spoke, the employees packed up the props and prepared to go back to their respective homes.

At this time, the phone rang.

"Hello." Luo Quan answered the phone.

"I'm Director Li who took the record for you just now, now listen to me and tell me to keep silent, we watched the surveillance just now, the murderer has already entered your set, and he may be lurking in a corner now.

I'm bringing someone over here, so don't act rashly, and don't let him notice anything wrong. "

"That's it, okay, let's talk about other things later." Luo Quan smiled lightly and hung up the phone.

The employees are still packing up the props and won't be able to leave for a while.

I just don't know how long it will take for the police to come, and I don't know where the murderer is hiding now.

The key is that she can't show any strangeness yet, if the murderer finds out that something is wrong, she will be in trouble.

It's a pity that every master has some keen intuition.

As soon as Luo Quan finished answering the phone, the murderer lurking on the set couldn't sit still.

In fact, he has only one goal here, and that is Luoquan.

But it looked like she was leaving, and she wouldn't come out for the next few days.

Considering that the police had already targeted him, he planned to do it right here.

"Director Luo, are you leaving so soon?"

A figure jumped down from the beam of the studio.

At least a dozen meters high, this man is fine.

The most important thing is that as soon as he jumped off, he controlled a female employee beside him, holding her neck with his dark and mottled fingers.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Several male employees questioned him and stepped up to stop him.

But they were kicked one by one by the murderer, and they were all kicked over.

"Everyone, don't go there."

Luo Quan immediately spoke up: "This person should be the murderer of the violent assault case in Hengdian these two days."

The murderer laughed: "Haha, I, Zhu Yu, did the case. Originally, I just wanted to test my strength, but I didn't expect these two warriors to fight so hard."

At this time, Police Officer Li also arrived late with a group of armed police.

And when Zhu Yu saw so many people coming, he also controlled the hostages and pushed them to a corner.

He had read the news and knew that the police had snipers, so his back must not be exposed.

As for the front, everything in his sight could not escape his eyes, and he would immediately notice if a sniper was aiming at him.

"Zhu Yu, you have been surrounded, let go of the hostages and surrender, we can give you leniency!
Your case is just violence and wounding, it is not so serious as it is now! "

Third-rank warriors were so strong that they were almost killed. Ordinary people might die in Zhu Yu's hands in an instant.

So Director Li made such a call in order to stabilize him and prevent him from acting aggressively.

"Actually, I really regret that I didn't kill you, but I didn't expect that you would come to me so soon.

But there's one thing I didn't do. I can't be caught today anyway, so I want this woman to work, let your gunmen throw their guns on the ground, and everyone get out of the way immediately! "

Zhu Yu is very confident in his speed. In the complicated streets of Hengdian, even cars cannot catch up with him.

As long as these people get out of the way, he is confident that he can escape.

"It's impossible, our police never compromise with criminals, but as long as you let go of the hostages, I can assure you that you will accomplish what you want.

You are not a vicious person, you still have a way back! "

Director Li's negotiating skills are quite good, Xiaozhi uses emotion to reason, and an ordinary murderer might be really persuaded by him.

But Zhu Yu is no ordinary murderer:

"I said, I didn't kill you, but I didn't expect your police to investigate so quickly, you don't really think I dare not kill people, do you?

That Zhao Jian found out about me, I punched his chest, but someone else would have died long ago, and it would be his fate to live to this day.

As for this chick, I don't mind taking an arm off her if you won't let me! "

As he spoke, Zhu Yu grabbed the hostage's shoulders.

With his strength, he could easily twist this arm into a twist.

"Wait a moment."

Just when the police were in a dilemma, Luo Quan stopped Zhu Yu's behavior:

"The thing you want to do is to compete with me, right?

You probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for competing with me. "

Zhu Yu suddenly smiled: "Very smart, you are indeed my first target for going out this time, Lin Guorong and Zhao Jian are just my testing tools.

According to the plan, I originally wanted to attack you tonight, but I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. "

"Let her go, I'll fight you." Luo Quan took off his jacket, squatted down and fastened the soles of his shoes.

Zhu Yu was unmoved: "Do you think I'm a fool? There are so many policemen here, wouldn't they swarm after I released the hostages?"

Luo Quan turned his head away: "Director Li, tell your people to retreat to the door, and put down the guns and everything else, there is no need."

"Are you sure?" Chief Li hesitated.

"If I am faced with this situation, I will just break down the wall behind me and run away. There is no need to take hostages to deal with you, and I will judge you." Luo Quan whispered to Director Li.

But these words must not be heard by Zhu Yu, so as not to anger him.

"What are you two mumbling about?" Zhu Yu asked with a frown.

"Luoquan asked me to give you a fair chance to fight. I promise you in the name of the head of the Hengdian Police Department that we will not intervene in any of the following battles!"

After Director Li finished speaking, he asked all the policemen to put down their guns, and then retreated twenty steps collectively.

"How about it, is it okay now?"

Luo Quan walked to a position ten steps away from Zhu Yu: "If you talk about a man, don't talk to your mother-in-law, give me a sweet word!"


Zhu Yu grinned, and pushed the female hostage out: "I've heard that your martial arts are at the level of top masters in China. I hope you can be better than the previous two."

After seeing the female hostage running away, Luo Quan let out a soft breath:

"Eight Gate Dunjia, Life Gate Open!"

In an instant, blood energy mixed with internal force stirred up in the body.

Luo Quan's snow-white skin became even more beautiful with a faint pink tinge.

In the next second, her right foot stepped on a cracked depression on the floor tiles, and she rushed towards Zhu Yu like a cannonball.

There are different ways of dealing with different people.

Those little bastards from the Hongmen definitely want to beat the pain.

And for a master like Zhu Yu, he must go all out.

(End of this chapter)

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