Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 852 Rolling

Chapter 852 Rolling
Zhu Yu's strength was lower than Luo Quan imagined.

She used her fists to deal with Grian, but Zhu Yu was only at the level of a first-rank warrior.

With just one kick, he was kicked over.

Seeing that Zhu Yu was dealt with so easily by Luo Quan, the audience behind them all looked surprised.

"Is this the end?" Leon looked disappointed. He could have witnessed a wonderful duel.

"It's not that simple." Wen Xia kept staring at Zhu Yu, whose whole body was shaking after being kicked over.

"Hum ha ha ha ha..."

Zhu Yu stood up slowly, smiling like a lunatic.

Luo Quan frowned and looked at him, thinking of Iori Temple in King of Fighters '97 for no reason.

Zhu Yu's state at the moment is quite similar to Iori's.

"It's fun, true martial arts fighters really deserve their reputation." After Zhu Yu laughed, a red light flashed in his eyes, and then he galloped towards Luoquan.

"Stay here and pretend to be the Fire Cloud Cthulhu, right? Who gave you the courage?"

This is because Luo Quan seldom meets an opponent who looks down on her so much, and such a person usually ends up tragically.

With the third gear turned on, her speed and strength reached an extremely terrifying state.

The kick just now was just a small test.

Seeing that Zhu Yu was so rampant, she stood in place without avoiding it, and directly raised her hand to hold Zhu Yu's fist.

With a muffled bang, Zhu Yuyu felt as if he had hit an iron wall.

Daoist Yu Ting behind showed surprise on his face. At that moment, he seemed to see a golden light glowing on Luo Quan's body.

This is a situation that only occurs when the inner alchemy is at the highest level of the golden body. Even his master Longhushan Tianshi has never had such a cultivation level. How could Luoquan have such a level?
At this time, no matter how many doubts Daoist Yu Ting had in his heart, no one could answer him.

And Luo Quan lightly received Zhu Yu's punch, which finally made him change his expression.

"Well, aren't you surprised?"

Luo Quan chuckled, with a sneer on his face: "It's really rare to have the strength of a first-rank warrior in less than 23, but it's a pity that this ability should be used on the right path.

Besides, if you really want to fight against masters that much, you can go to the martial arts leader meeting, there is no need to do so. "

"Gossiping woman, it's your turn to teach me a lesson?" Zhu Yu scolded with a sneer.

"It's really disrespectful to women." Luo Quan curled his lips, turned around and performed a sideways kick that was as sharp as Xiaolan's.

The propeller blades whirled from the slender legs, hitting Zhu Yu's ribs.

This time she didn't hold back her hand, and Zhu Yu shrank into a ball on the ground after screaming in pain, his posture was like a baby.

However, Zhu Yu was still struggling to get up after shaking for four or five seconds. Luo Quan immediately stepped forward to hold the back of his head with one hand, and locked his hands behind his back with the other.

This kind of strong female lock male situation, even if the overpowering Xiang Yu came, he would never be able to break free.

At this time, Zhu Yu only felt like Monkey King who was being pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain by the Tathagata Buddha, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.

"Director Li, come and handcuff him." Seeing that the situation was under control, Luo Quan turned to Director Li and said.

Ordinary prisoners only need a pair of handcuffs.

But for a master like Zhu Yu, the handcuffs will definitely not be locked.

The current materials are not advanced enough to lock a first-rank warrior with just a little material.

So what bound Zhu Yu's hands was a shackle that was similar to a computer case. The four police officers lifted a corner of each of them, their faces were flushed, and they kicked and hissed in anger. It seemed that the weight was quite heavy.

After the big lock was fastened, Officer Li finally breathed a sigh of relief, and asked two second-rank warriors from the police station to escort him into the police car.

"This time, I really thank you Luo Quan. If you hadn't helped me, I might not have caught Xiu Yu." After the incident, Officer Li thanked Luo Quan.

Luo Quan smiled and replied: "It's nothing more than a small effort, and the hostages he controls are also my employees, and as the boss, I should also be responsible for the safety of the employees.

However, Zhu Yu's strength is not weak. It is recommended to call in a few more experts to guard him strictly, lest he run away. "

"Don't worry, I have already called for support from the Capital Martial Artist Administration, and the master will arrive soon, and I have to interrogate him."

Officer Li didn't wait too long after speaking, and closed the team directly.

"Are you okay?" Luo Quan walked up to the female employee who was taken hostage just now and asked.

The little girl's mood was quite stable, and she didn't know that the person who grabbed her neck just now needed only a little force, and her life would be gone.

"It's okay, Director Luo, I'm not injured." The female employee replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's all go back to the hotel." Luo Quan turned around and said to everyone, and then decided in his heart that he would give her a red envelope later to calm her down.

Fifteen minutes later, "Hengdian Violent Murderer Arrested" became a trending search.

Along with it, there is also the "two strokes system for the murderer in Hengdian to be arrested by Luoquan".

Both are explosive, which shows how much attention netizens have paid to this matter.

In the past few days, as long as there is news related to it, it is basically a hot search.

Many people guessed that the murderer would be caught soon. After all, the impact of this case was so bad that most of the Internet was watching.

But no one thought that it was Luo Quan who subdued the murderer. Both passers-by and fans couldn't hold back:

"I told you to go to the Luoquan studio, did you really go?"

"It's because you don't have a 13th count on your own strength. If you dare to break into the territory of the world's number one female boxer, whoever dies will die if you don't die."

"Luo Bao is still as sharp as ever, and has eliminated a great harm for the people."

"Speaking of which, does this count as meritorious service?"

"It's definitely counted, but at most it's just some verbal awards and bonuses, and Luoquan is not short of these."

"No one can have too much of these things."

"That's true."


In addition to these gags, many netizens are curious about Zhu Yu's motives.

In the evening, the Hengdian police announced the general investigation of the case:
Zhu Yu, male, 28 years old, from Hengdian, graduated from university, practiced martial arts since he was a child, because of the influence of novels and movies, he became crazy about martial arts, and finally ambushed Lin Guorong while he was running at night two days ago, causing him serious injuries.

And after learning Zhao Jian's contact information through his identity as a delivery man, he coaxed him to go downstairs by delivering food and attacked him again, causing him serious injuries...

The course of the case was not much different from Luo Quan's speculation.

And the motive for committing the crime was just because of a martial idiot.

But this reason is quite reasonable in Luo Quan's view, because there are really such people in this world.

I just don't know how Zhu Yu practiced his kung fu, so young and so strong.

And when Luo Quan read the police announcement and was about to rest, Officer Li called:

"Luo Quan, are you free to come to the police station now?"

"What's wrong, Zhu Yu ran away?" Luo Quan asked worriedly.

"That's not true, but we found some things in Zhu Yu's house, and it felt a little difficult to deal with, but Director Qi Yuan of the Weapons Control Bureau said that you might have a solution, so I called you."

Director Li's tone was so sincere that Luo Quan couldn't refuse: "That's fine, I'll just come here."

Director Li was overjoyed: "That's great. The car that will pick you up should already be outside the hotel. It's a Volkswagen brand black car with the tail number 12138. You can just go up there."

Fifteen minutes later, Luo Quan arrived at Hengdian Police Station.

At night, it is also brightly lit, and people come and go.

Director Li was waiting at the door, watching her get out of the car eagerly.

"What's going on?" Luo Quan walked into the hall and asked Director Li.

"When we tried Zhu Yu, he claimed to be a descendant of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. At first we didn't take it too seriously. We just thought he was talking nonsense. We didn't expect our people to find a piece of paper signed by Zhu Yuanzhang at home. Calligraphy and painting." Director Li said as he walked, speaking very fast.

"So, shouldn't the princes of the Ming Dynasty be held accountable for breaking the law?"

"Of course not." Director Li was a little dumbfounded: "The problem is not with Zhu Yu, but with this calligraphy and painting."

"This calligraphy and painting has awakened wisdom, and it is extremely murderous."

Suddenly, a familiar figure came out of the room, it was Director Qi Yuanqi whom he hadn't seen for a while.

"Unless it is directly destroyed or buried in the deep mountains and old forests, people within a radius of tens of meters will be affected by it. I guess Zhu Yu became violent under the subtle influence of this calligraphy and painting."

Luo Quan was taken aback by Qi Yuan's words: "Why are calligraphy and paintings so powerful?"

"It's a picture left by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Although this picture is not well-known, the content of the words is more famous." Qi Yuan said, pushing the room away.

This was originally an interrogation area, but there was no one there, only a pair of yellowed scrolls lying on the table.

Luo Quan stepped forward and looked down:
"Killing millions of soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword at the waist is still bloody..."

After reading this poem, Luo Quan called him a good guy.

Although this poem has mediocre literary talent, its murderous and domineering spirit is indeed one of the best.

After all, it was the work of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

For 5000 years in China, if you want to say that the country is righteous, is it Han Ming? The founding emperor was just a mere local ruffian, and finally defeated the overlord, established the Han Dynasty, and became the name of a nation.

And the other founding emperor was even more powerful. He started with a bowl and finally established the last feudal unified dynasty in China ruled by the Han nationality, and it was an extremely difficult unification from south to north.

However, compared to Liu Bang, Zhu Yuanzhang's reputation is much more brutal. This is the God of Killing who would kill people of the nine clans at every turn.

Although some records of murdering heroes are slandered by later generations, when he was in power, he did kill many veteran officials who founded the country.

As for this poem, he wrote it before fighting Chen Youliang and other anti-kings.

After this poem was written, it didn't take long to sweep Jiangnan and establish the Ming Dynasty. After that, it was the Northern Expedition to Mengyuan, and finally recaptured the Sixteen States of Yanyun.

That is to say, when writing this poem, Zhu Yuanzhang already had the air of an emperor, which was one of the most powerful times in his life.

As for this character, it is estimated that it was written after the founding of the country.

While murderous, there is also a three-point complacency.

But a beggar eventually becomes an emperor, and anyone who changes it will be satisfied.

Although the name of this painting is not obvious, it was obviously blessed by the luck of the Ming Dynasty, and spiritual wisdom was born.

After the spiritual energy revived, the murderous aura in the words affected Zhu Yu, amplifying the martial idiot attribute in his subconscious, and finally committed these crimes.

It was embarrassing that he was originally a promising martial arts genius, but in the end he was cheated by the treasure left by his ancestors.

But having said that, Zhu Yu's progress is so fast, maybe it's because of the help of this painting.

The speed of becoming stronger beyond the price must be paying an extraordinary price.

Maybe Zhu Yu became a first-rank martial artist in such a short period of time by sacrificing his reason?
Luo Quan didn't know exactly how it happened, but now that this picture was lying in front of him, it was a hot potato that urgently needed to be solved.

"So why didn't you find a vault and lock it like this?" Luo Quan turned his head to look at Qi Yuan, proposing a once-and-for-all solution.

Qi Yuan smiled awkwardly: "Zhu Yu's strength has improved so fast, maybe it has something to do with this word, so if it can be used..."

"So Director Qi thinks that if I can handle Chuanguo Yuxi, I must be able to handle this thing too, right?" Luo Quan was helpless, thinking that he really treated her as a tool?
Director Qi hurriedly said: "As long as you are willing to help Luo Quan, no matter if it succeeds or not, we will have a generous reward in the future."

Well, I am a tool person.

Although Qi Yuan is the big picture of the painting, this kind of love for you without specifying what the reward is is the most attractive, because it means that she can make a lot of excessive demands.

"Then let me try, I don't guarantee that it will be done."

Luo Quan stepped forward and pressed the word, and let the system start detection.

"This character contains the murderous aura of Ming Taizu and the national fortune of the Ming Dynasty. It is a good treasure. However, although people with unstable minds can improve their strength in a short period of time, their personalities will also become brutal in a short period of time. .” The system quickly gave an evaluation.

"Can it be solved?" Luo Quan asked.

"I can directly suck away the murderous aura, but the effect of this treasure will be greatly reduced."

"If you don't smoke, you don't smoke. It's overtime pay for letting me out late at night." Luo Quan said viciously.

If she had changed before, she might have thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

As for now, she urgently needs to accumulate enough energy for the portal, now that she has the opportunity to pluck the wool openly, how can she let it go?

So Luo Quan directly let the system absorb part of the power of the words.

Two minutes later, Luo Quan left the song with his right hand, showing a severely injured expression: "This word will no longer have a bad influence on people, but its power will be somewhat reduced."

Director Qi sighed softly: "It's really hard for you this time. It's already very good if you can solve the problem of this writing. You can't expect too much."

"I don't want a bicycle." Luo Quan waved his hand quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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