Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 853 Adapted from a real case

Chapter 853 Adapted from a real case
"What kind of bicycle do you want?" Qi Yuan showed a puzzled expression.

"That's right, what kind of bicycle do you need?" Luo Quan said with a smile.

Now Qi Yuan understands. Foreigners may not know it, but Chinese people basically understand this stalk. After all, this is the burden of one of the representative works of the king of sketches in the Spring Festival Gala.

Qi Yuan understood Luo Quan's implication, and immediately said: "Don't worry, the Armed Forces Control Bureau will not forget your contribution this time. In the future, as long as there is a need, just shout."

"Not later."

Luo Quan waved her hand, she knew very well the reason why some people don't need to void after the expiration date, in this situation, after saying that, I don't know how long it will be.

"I happen to have a TV series that requires a lot of warriors to shoot, I wonder if there is someone from the Weapons Control Bureau to help?
It's just a cameo, it won't consume too much of your time. "

If Director Qi and the others were policemen, Luo Quan would definitely not have made such a request.

However, the Armed Forces Control Bureau has no establishment, and its status is not as formal as that of the police, so it shouldn't be a problem to act in a TV series.

Director Qi did not expect Luo Quan to be so straightforward.

In fact, what he said was really polite.

Luoquan is a big star, rich, and has a higher status than himself, so he probably won't have any favors to help himself, which is why he is so generous.

Who knew she was so honest and rude.

"Since you have a need, it just so happens that I brought a lot of people this time. Just tell me how many people you want to guest star." Qi Yuan was also very forthright, letting Luo Quan make the request.

"Then let's all come. Tomorrow we will start work with room and board included, and the performance fee will be settled on a daily basis." Luo Quan made arrangements vigorously.

The Hengdian violent case came to an end. With the help of enthusiastic citizen Luo Quan, the police arrested the murderer Zhu Yu and brought him to justice.

Facing the overwhelming evidence, Zhu Yu confessed to his crime.

Although his temperament changed drastically because of the calligraphy and painting of his own ancestor, the social impact it caused was indeed relatively bad, and the sentence must be inevitable.

And as a rank one martial artist, the punishment he receives will be even more severe.

If it were placed in ancient times, it would be necessary to wear the lute bone to abolish a whole body of martial arts.

Modern times certainly wouldn't be so cruel, but during Zhu Yu's sentence, he had to undergo regular psychological evaluations to confirm whether he would commit another crime in the future.

This time he didn't hurt anyone. If he came out a few years later to retaliate against the society and turn to kill people, the harm would be too great.

However, going to prison might be a good thing for him, away from the murderous calligraphy and paintings of his own ancestor, maybe his character will also improve.

Of course, none of these details have been disclosed to the outside world.

The announcement only mentions that Zhu Yu is a warrior and will be dealt with severely, so as to serve as a warning to others.

On the way back to the hotel, Luo Quan thought a lot.

Just such a pair of calligraphy and painting has such a great power.

So what would be the effect if it was the Seven Kills Monument left by Zhang Tianwang?
Just looking at the poems on the Seven Kills Monument makes one feel like a Kazakh.

If it is the authentic one left behind, how can the murderousness and resentment on it be paid off?
I'm afraid that most people will go crazy immediately after contacting it.

And apart from this, there are actually many similar antiques in the history of China, but many of them have disappeared in the long river of history.

Some have been destroyed, and some are buried in which loess valley, and how long it will take to see the sun again.

After the cranky thoughts were over, Luo Quan went back to the hotel room to wash and rest.

Although I went out temporarily and worked overtime, the harvest was quite good.

First of all, the system has sucked a lot of energy, and the day when the portal will open is getting closer, although it is still unknown how many days it will be.

In addition, a group of masters from Director Qi have been harvested as supporting roles. These serious fighters will make the quality of the TV series even better.

The next day, when Luo Quan arrived on the set, he first called the assistant director and assistant screenwriter: "Attention everyone, I plan to temporarily add a main plot to Under One, and it will happen before the original plot."

The assistant director's face turned bitter: "But we've already filmed several episodes."

"It doesn't matter, this new paragraph will not overturn the following plot, it can be seen as an enrichment of the background of one person."

Although the script has not yet been typed out, she has already thought about what to add at the beginning, which is a relatively unpopular modern action movie "One Man's Martial Arts" in her previous life.

The golden age of martial arts action movies was from the end of the last century to the beginning of this century. Shaw Brothers movies kicked off its glorious prelude. Countless filmmakers worked hard and created countless classics.

It's a pity that just like martial arts will eventually be eliminated by hot weapons, martial arts movies will be eliminated by the times.

And "One Man's Martial Arts", in Luo Quan's view, is the last excellent genre film.

Although the box office is average and the popularity is not very high, the plot and action design are very tasty.

In particular, the story of ancient martial arts being lost in the steel jungle of modern society also coincides with the background of "Under One Man". With a few changes in martial arts moves, it can be used almost directly.

Of course, the protagonist must no longer be Xia Houwu who was sent to prison for beating someone to death.

In addition, this movie looks somewhat similar to recent cases, and it is not impossible to say that it is adapted from real cases.

With this kind of gimmick, if you can catch the heat of the case, you will definitely save a lot of publicity costs, which is a multi-purpose.

In addition to the group of masters brought by Qi Yuan playing supporting roles, the lineup is also quite strong.

And these were all thought up by Luo Quan at the police station last night.

"The plot can be changed like this. The martial idiot Feng Yuxiu practiced hard for decades to become the number one in the world. After he mastered martial arts, he came out to attack famous masters of boxing, kicking, and grappling one after another.

The protagonist, Zhang Chulan, was about to be silenced by Feng Yuxiu because he saw Feng Yuxiu committing a crime, so he had to expose part of his strength. Go back to the police station to investigate, and finally involved a formula about aliens..."

Luo Quan dictated the outline of the plot, and several assistant directors and assistant screenwriters took notes while listening.

With an introduction, the plot becomes more layered.

Most importantly, the content has increased.

The previous arrangement was that in the first season, only Zhang Chulan received an invitation letter from Zhang Lingyu, asking him to go to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Dajiao.

I want to finish filming the previous content, and I don’t even need eight episodes.

Luo Quan has been thinking about how to keep this part of the plot down to ten episodes.

Now with Feng Yuxiu's unit, the content of the ten episodes is quite easy.

Here is just the outline, and Luo Quan will prepare the specific details later.

As for Feng Yuxiu's casting, it was a difficult problem.

A mad martial idiot is not so easy to act, and she can't be too tall. In the end, she must have a foundation in martial arts, otherwise she won't be able to make the moves she wants.

After searching for a long time in the list of contestants for the Martial Arts Leaders Conference, Luo Quan finally found a suitable candidate.

Lu Zheng, 1.6 meters tall, a third-rank martial artist, is good at Xingyi boxing, with a fierce and fierce style.

The most important thing is that before participating in the martial arts leader conference, he had been a star martial arts stand-in for a long time and had rich performance experience.

Although the results of participating in the Martial Arts Alliance Masters Conference this time were not particularly good, they were only No. 11 in Jiangnan Province, and they couldn't even advance to the national competition.

But he still gained a lot of fame through this competition, and now there are many more crews looking for him to be an actor than before, and all of them can show their faces.

This was unimaginable in the past for him who was not good looking, and could even be said to be a bit awkward.

In the film circle, it is too difficult for a martial arts star with a rough appearance to be popular, and generally he can only play a supporting role.

The Martial Arts Leaders Conference did Lu Zheng a big favor.

When Luo Quan contacted Lu Zheng, he still couldn't believe it, thinking it was a scam call.

"I'm really Luo Quan. If you don't believe me, come to the set now. I sincerely invite you to play this important villain. The price is easy to negotiate."

Luo Quan was dumbfounded by Lu Zheng's caution, thinking that people are too defensive now, if she hadn't shouted in time, they would have hung up the phone.

"It's really Luo Quan?" Lu Zheng was still skeptical, "Then I'll come and take a look later, if there is really a play for me, then I'm sure I'd be very happy."

Lu Zheng is not a serious netizen, and he usually spends most of his time practicing qigong.

But he had still heard of Luo Quan's name, to be precise, it should be like a thunderbolt.

Actors living in Hengdian have never heard of Luo Quan raising his hand, and [-]% no one would.

This is called an international superstar.

It was Lu Zheng's childhood dream to become an action superstar like Uncle Long, and soon, he was going to meet another international superstar.

Five minutes later, before Lu Zheng arrived, Director Qi Yuan arrived at the set first with his staff.

This time, there were seven warriors who came to Hengdian to deal with Zhu Yu's case with him, three of the fourth rank, two of the third rank, and two of the second rank. Director Qi Yuan's own strength was comparable to that of the first rank warriors.

This lineup won Zhu Yu easily, but Luo Quan moved faster than them, and before Qi Yuan and his party got off the plane, she had already finished Zhu Yu.

Now, in order to repay last night's favor, Qi Yuan also brought the big guy over to act.

For these warriors, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the seniors in the real martial arts realm.

Not to mention getting a few pointers, but just watching his usual words and deeds can get some insights.

Originally, everyone was very excited at first, but after learning that this "senior" at the true martial arts level was Luo Quan, the interest suddenly dropped a lot.

Luo Quan, a senior, can learn too little. She is a pure genius, the kind that God begs to feed her.

Apart from her, the average age of other true martial artists is 62.

She was the only one who didn't even reach 26, so she seemed so out of place.

Many Taoist masters said that if she was born in ancient times, she would have ascended directly in a few years, and she felt like a god from the sky came down to experience it.

When the time comes, return immediately.

Of course, these are jokes.

But Luo Quan really has nothing to point out, thank you warrior.

Therefore, the warriors are a little bit less interested in this mission.

But no matter what, food and lodging is included, as well as salary, so it’s considered a trip with public funds. It’s really boring to practice in the room all day. It’s not a bad thing to change your mood to improve your mood.

In short, Director Qi Yuan and his party of eight arrived at the scene.

Their role is very simple, that is, to play the unlucky ones that Feng Yuxiu killed.

There are not many lines, just fighting with Lu Zheng who plays Feng Yuxiu.

But it is definitely not a real fight, and many places need to use slow motion.

Because the script and lines haven't come out yet, Luo Quan plans to finish all the fighting scenes today.

The pay for these people is calculated on a daily basis, and one day's wages can be reduced by finishing the work one day earlier.

Another 10 minutes later, Lu Zheng came to the set.

He was indeed an ordinary-looking man with a lean build. He looked to be in his early thirties, with some stubble on his face.

This image is quite different from Feng Yuxiu in Luo Quan's mind.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you." Luo Quan greeted Lu Zheng with a smile.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Lu Zheng looked at the entire crew, eyes full of surprise: "I can't believe that a big star like you will let me play an important role in your TV series."

Luo Quan chuckled lightly and said, "Heroes don't ask where they come from. When I look for an actor, I don't look at fame, I just look at whether he's suitable or not.

Your image and strength are very suitable to play Feng Yuxiu, now it depends on whether you are willing or not. "

"Can you tell me about this... what is Feng Yuxiu's role?" Lu Zheng quickly became serious.

Luoquan's crew conditions are so good, it is well-known at home and abroad.

After confirming that this is the shooting scene of "Under One Man", Lu Zheng will definitely not let go of this opportunity that may change his destiny.

He is a warrior, but he is also an actor.

He couldn't understand how difficult it was to get up in the entertainment industry.

Especially without backing and good looks.

Fortunately, he still has martial arts and acting skills. As long as he is willing to work hard, he will surely succeed one day.

And Luoquan can shorten the day a lot.

Seeing Lu Zheng's eagerness, Luo Quan's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction.

This kind of actor is exactly what he needs.

Like that Lan Yu from before, who acted in a play and went on vacation, I didn't know that she was the investor, and there was no difference between hiring an actor and hiring an ancestor.

She wouldn't want this kind of actor, no matter how good he was.

And Lu Zheng, who puts drama first, is the ideal actor in her mind.

Working with such dedicated people is also the most worry-free.

Soon, Luo Quan told Lu Zheng about Feng Yuxiu's character, experience, and setting.

Lu Zheng frowned after hearing this.

He has played a lot of out-of-the-box roles before, and he has also summed up some acting experience.

To get a role like Feng Yuxiu is indeed quite challenging for it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zheng said to Luo Quan: "Director, I can't guarantee how good I can act, but I promise I will do my best to work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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