Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 854 Want to be a teacher?

Chapter 854 Want to be a teacher?
"It's good that you have this attitude."

Luo Quan nodded to Lu Zheng approvingly: "You can improve your acting skills slowly, as long as you are serious enough, you will be able to take good shots.

In the evening, I will send you Feng Yuxiu's script, and I will think about it carefully after I get it.

As for now, what you want to shoot is some martial arts scenes. "

Filming the fight scene first, and then filming the literary drama, said it was to save costs, but in fact, the main reason was to let Lu Zheng, who joined the film crew halfway, be able to integrate more quickly.

It’s just a joke to get it done in one day, it takes more than one day to prepare the scene and prepare various props, it’s not that fast.

In the next five days, Luo Quan revised the script and filmed Feng Yuxiu's fight scenes.

Professional warriors are relatively handy in doing movements, and can do many difficult postures, and they are quite neat.

The filming went smoothly, and Luo Quan's mood became better and better.

And as the script was revised and the play came to an end, she finally had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

As before, give employees the weekend off.

Luo Quan announced the incident to the crew, and cheers abounded.

At this moment, the security guard came in: "Director Luo, there is someone looking for you outside."

The person was brought in, a 16-year-old girl.

With short hair, she looks quite sweet, but there is definitely a heroic look between her brows.

A girl's male face is either ugly or stunning.

Clearly this girl falls into the latter category.

More importantly, when the girl appeared, the system also flashed: "Potential new star, I suggest accepting it."

"Who are you, why are you looking for me?" With the words of the system, Luo Quan became a little curious about the identity of this girl.

"My name is Cheng Nuo, and I came here to seek your apprenticeship."

After finishing speaking, the girl knelt down on the ground with a plop, and Natou bowed: "Master, please accept my disciple's bow!"

As he spoke, he slammed his head three times, and the heavy muffled sound made him feel like he would have a concussion just by listening to it.

Cheng Nuo raised his head, his eyes were determined, and his forehead was flushed.

Luo Quan stared blankly: "What are you doing, why do you ask for a teacher as soon as you come up?"

Speaking of which, Luo Quan quickly helped Cheng Nuo up: "Little girl, does your family know that you come to my place alone?"

"I'm an orphan with no family." Cheng Nuo shook his head without any fluctuation in expression.

"What about your friend, you can't be alone, right?" Luo Quan continued to ask.

"There was an elder brother whom I met on the road, but he was almost sneaked into acting, and now he has gone home disheartened."

Luo Quan frowned: "Then why did you ask me to be your teacher?"

Cheng Nuo looked serious: "Learn a whole body of martial arts, and ask this big brother for an explanation."

"You are quite jealous." Luo Quan's expression was quite exciting: "But have you read the news recently, Hengdian just arrested a martial artist criminal, what awaits him is the punishment of the law, and the consequences are very serious.

If you do that, you'll go to jail too. "

Cheng Nuo bowed his hands to Luo Quan: "Don't worry, Master, I will definitely not do anything illegal, but I am a girl, so I can't do anything against those powerful people, but if I have kung fu, I will have it." Face their confidence head-on."

"That's the truth." Luo Quan gave her a look of approval: "But if you become a teacher, you will have to listen to my arrangements for many things in the future. Can you do this?"

"I know that one person is a teacher and one is a mother for life!"

Cheng Nuo knelt on the ground again as he spoke, intending to kowtow to Luo Quan a few more times to show his determination.

Luo Quan quickly supported her: "No, no, I'm only a few years older than you, the word mother is too exaggerated.

And since you want to practice martial arts, this road is very hard and tiring, are you sure you can afford it? "

"Is there anything more bitter than life?" Cheng Nuo looked up at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was stopped by this question.

Life is indeed very bitter.

Cheng Nuo probably had a lot of stories to say.

"Okay, then I'll take you in as an apprentice, but you'll have to go back to school to continue your studies in September, and you'll be an excellent talent with both civil and military skills." After accepting his apprentice, the first thing Luo Quan did was to make plans for her future.

When hearing the reading, Cheng Nuo didn't show any embarrassment, but just nodded.

After Cheng Nuo was taken away for dinner, Wen Xia came over: "Luo Luo, this girl's whereabouts are unknown, so accept it as you say?"

"Has my eyesight ever made a mistake?"

Luo Quan asked with a smile, "Don't worry, I can tell who is good and who is bad at a glance, or do you think there is something wrong with Cheng Nuo?"

Wen Xia smiled lightly and shook her head: "That's not true, this girl seems to be quite sincere.

But I still feel a little sloppy. "

Luo Quan patted his friend on the shoulder: "Ann, do you think I'm a random apprentice? Cheng Nuo is very talented in martial arts. Even if I don't accept him, he will be accepted by others sooner or later."

"High talent?"

Wen Xia was stunned, she really didn't have much research on this aspect, she didn't know how to judge a person's talent, she only knew that Cheng Nuo was very thin, and seemed to be another 2A-level scenic spot.

"Yes, Cheng Nuo is probably a one-in-a-kind martial arts prodigy, and she will prove it to you soon." Luo Quan laughed mysteriously.

Wen Xia frowned and stopped talking.

Soon, Leon also found out that his sister had accepted a beautiful girl as an apprentice.


Leon smiled like a big man with a Beijing opera face: "We met for the first time, I didn't prepare any gifts here, so I can only owe them first, and I will prepare a big gift for you in two days!"

"Thank you, uncle." Cheng Nuo bowed to him.

Uncle Leon smiled heartily: "Haha, I'm just a few years older than you, just call me Leon."

"That can't be done, seniority can't be messed up." Cheng Nuo's attitude was quite insistent.

"Since you said so, then let's keep Shishu and Shishu." Leon didn't argue with her, and accepted this title.

In short, it is very important for Luo Quan to accept an apprentice for the people around her.

But no one knows about it yet.

Because the incident happened on the crew, Luo Quan gave everyone an order not to spread it for the time being.

The main reason was that someone would come to learn from Cheng Nuo and ask her to learn from her after reading it.

Cheng Nuo is very talented and has no problem with his personality. Of course he can accept him as an apprentice.

But she doesn't accept everyone, and she doesn't have that much energy to deal with multiple apprentices.

So this matter will be rotten in the stomachs of everyone in the crew for the time being. The less people who know about it, the better.

After the filming ended in the afternoon, Luo Quan measured Cheng Nuo's height and weight, and asked someone to go to a nearby shopping mall to buy some clothes for her, and then brought them back to the hotel for her to take a shower.

After coming out of the bathroom, Cheng Nuo was much paler than when they first met.

The girl's skin is as delicate as milk, full of collagen.

Luo Quan, who has turned 22, finally understands why those female stars in the entertainment industry envy her so much.

Being young is indeed a huge advantage for women.

One white covers all ugliness, and when a girl is the whitest, she must be in her teens.

What's more, Cheng Nuo was originally very beautiful, and now she can gain countless fans when she debuts in situ.

After taking a bath, Luo Quan began to inquire about Qi Cheng Nuo's life experience.

Sure enough, this is a girl with a story.

Originally, she lived in a happy family, her father was honest and hardworking, and her mother was gentle and beautiful.

Cheng Nuo grew up carefree until he was 12 years old, but because of an inspection report, everything changed.

Cheng Nuo's father accidentally discovered the ambiguous WeChat messages between his wife and other men.

This honest man did not explode immediately, but chose to take his daughter to the hospital for a paternity test.

The result soon came out that Cheng Nuo was not her father's biological daughter.

Thinking of the messages on his wife's phone, Cheng Nuo's father went home and had a big fight with his wife.

At that time, Cheng Nuo already understood some things, but because of fear, he stayed in the room and dared not come out.

When I came out the next day, my parents were gone.

Grandpa came over at noon and said that Mom and Dad had gone away to their hometowns.

As for her, she is already a wild species that no one wants.

Not long after, Cheng Nuo was sent to the orphanage, where he spent the most difficult four years of his life.

The dean is a good man. Although the conditions in the orphanage are difficult, the dean always tries to make the children eat meat.

In addition to material care, the dean often enlightened Cheng Nuo, who was depressed, and told her to look ahead in everything.

It's heartbreaking to be abandoned by your parents, but it's happened and there's no point complaining.

Thinking about it from another angle, at least there will be no pressure to provide for the elderly in the future, and the whole family will not be hungry if one person is full.

Under the dean's comfort, Cheng Nuo did not change his temperament drastically because of this change in his life, but he was a little quieter than before.

At the age of 16, Cheng Nuo left the orphanage. As she was about to become an adult, she decided to work hard in society by herself.

She thinks she looks pretty good, much prettier than many TV stars, so she decides to come to Hengdian to become an actress, hoping to be appreciated by a certain director and soar into the sky.

After coming to Hengdian, she met a good brother.

Although the eldest brother is a man, he has a gentle personality.

Although she is a girl, she has a strong personality.

The two complement each other quite well.

However, when Cheng Nuo's good brother was interviewing the protagonist of a play, the interviewer made a rather rude request.

When I came back, I cried a lot, and then left Hengdian in grief and indignation.

Cheng Nuo originally wanted to find this interviewer, expose his disgusting true colors in public, and make him pay the price.

But when she arrived at the hotel where the interviewer was staying, she realized that she couldn't get in at all.

Obviously there is only one door, but it seems like a world is separated.

After seeing her, the security guard of the hotel kicked her out without any explanation.

The main reason was that Zhu Yu's case had just happened at that time, and the security personnel were quite sensitive, and they would not be polite when they saw suspicious people.

And because of this case, Cheng Nuo understood how important it is to have force.

So she made up her mind that she must practice good kung fu so that she would not be bullied.

If you want to practice kung fu well, you must find a good teacher.

Luo Quan, who beat Zhu Yu violently, naturally became the best master in Cheng Nuo's heart, so he came to ask her to be his teacher.

To be honest, Cheng Nuo didn't even think about being able to succeed as a teacher. After all, Luo Quan's identity was so different from his own, even if he wanted to take an apprentice, he wouldn't take a fancy to him.

What she really wanted was for Luo Quan to give her advice, and if she was lucky, she might be able to arrange an errand for her.

But I didn't expect to succeed in apprenticeship.

I don't know if she kowtowed too hard, and her sincerity impressed Master.

In short, now that she has become Luo Quan's apprentice, it feels like a dream.

Cheng Nuo's previous life experience was narrated by her, and Luo Quan had been listening quietly, with some sadness in his heart.

This is another tragedy in which a loose woman cheated a receiver, and then caused a broken family.

In the story, Cheng Nuo and her hapless father were the most pitiful.

They didn't do anything wrong, but their end was so miserable.

It can only be said that Cheng Nuo's mother and her biological father are too inappropriate and irresponsible.

"Then what do you think of your mother now?" Luo Quan asked softly.

"I don't have a mother anymore."

Cheng Nuo's eyes revealed determination: "Four years have passed, and I haven't even paid a single glance.

Grandpa personally sent me to the orphanage. If the two of them want to inquire, they will know where I am.

Either it was a new life with a new family, or it was simply not wanting to see me.

But whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me. "

"People always look forward." Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo's thin shoulder and said with some distress.

Similar experiences always make Luo Quan more able to share with him.

"By the way, there is another girl in the company who is about the same age as you, and her situation is not too different from yours. You can get along well in the future."

Luo Quan thought of Shen Xingyu and said to Cheng Nuo.

"That girl's mother cheated?" Cheng Nuo asked curiously.

"That's not true." Luo Quan shook his head: "But her parents also left her when she was very young, and they are orphans just like you."

"Is that so..." Cheng Nuo murmured.

"By the way, since you said you want to practice martial arts, starting tomorrow, I will start physical training for you. First, let your body become able to withstand the high-intensity training in the future. You have to make mental preparations for a month."

After chatting about his life experience, Luo Quan began to explain the business to Cheng Nuo.

"I know, I've seen your videos on Station B, and I practiced them in private!"

As Cheng Nuo said, he stood up and took a stride.

The posture is quite decent, and it is quite stable. I persisted for 9 minute without shaking my legs.

"Basic skills are good." Luo Quan showed a surprised expression, "Your movements are better than many who have practiced for several months."

"Actually, I only practiced for less than half a month."

Cheng Nuo said and stood up: "At first I thought this thing was useless, but after doing it for a few days, I felt refreshed, so I persisted."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan stared.

The zama step can also be done refreshingly. This girl's physique is different from theirs.

(End of this chapter)

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