Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 855 Talent

Chapter 855 Talent
"Is there any problem?"

Cheng Nuo thought he had said something wrong, and his expression was timid: "I read on the Internet that when people exercise, the body will secrete dopamine, which will make people happy, so the more people exercise, the better they will be.

So it shouldn't be surprising that I feel refreshed in Zamabu, right? "

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "There is a limit to physical strength, and after the exercise, the lactic acid left in the body will make you want to die, how can it be so easy to say on the Internet.

It may be that you have a special physique, so the more others practice, the more tired you become, and the more you practice, the more excited you become. "

Cheng Nuo wondered, "Then is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Luo Quan chuckled, "It's hard to say before I met me, because too much practice is prone to physical problems.

But now with the help of Master and me, there is no need to worry, you just practice with confidence. "

"Thank you, Master!" Cheng Nuo's eyes were full of gratitude, and he immediately put on a horse stance.

This tie is a full 15 minutes.

This is much longer than when Leon first practiced martial arts, it really is a talent.

However, Luo Quan did not expect that Cheng Nuo's talent was far more than that.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Luo Quan specially asked the hotel to prepare a "rich dinner", with two meat and two vegetarian dishes, a pork rib soup, and dessert after the meal.

But for Luo Quan, this specification was nothing, but for Cheng Nuo, it was really a very, very sumptuous dinner.

When I was with my parents, although the family had no worries about food and clothing, it was not a wealthy family. Usually it was simple three dishes and one soup.

After arriving at the orphanage, the conditions are even more difficult. Eating a meal of meat is the same as celebrating the New Year.

And the specifications in front of you can only be met during the holidays.

Picking up the chopsticks, Cheng Nuo didn't put them down for a long time.

Luo Quan looked suspiciously, but found that tears were shining in her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Quan took out a tissue and handed it over.

"It's nothing, I just feel very moved. I haven't seen such a big and delicious meat for a long time." Cheng Nuo said, pointing to the Dongpo meat on the plate in front of him.

The hotel's Dongpo meat is only two yuan per serving, which is refined and small in quantity. It sounds high-end but actually wants to save costs.

However, when ordering, Luo Quan said hello, the portion should be large, don't order a Dongpo meat and just give one piece.

So the Dongpo meat served this time filled a casserole, at least fifteen or six lumps, and each lump was about the size of half a ping-pong ball.

Looking at Cheng Nuo's appearance, Luo Quan could actually empathize with him.

When I was an orphan in my previous life, it was similar.

Clothes are not worn by others, and meals are served in canteen white rice soaked in regular soup, occasionally mixed with some spicy sauce.

A child on the Internet said that his parents finally took him to KFC to reward him for his double-percentage in the exam.

Some netizens said that eating KFC can also be called a reward?Don't you just eat what you want?I'm tired of eating.

At that time, Luo Quan didn't even have the chance to be rewarded by KFC.

The English teacher taught a hamburger in class and asked everyone if they had eaten it.

Many students raised their hands happily, but she could only look at everyone blankly, wondering what a hamburger was like.

At that time, she always thought that hamburgers must be delicious in the world, and vowed that if she became famous in the future, she must have enough.

And now, she has already tasted the taste of hamburger.

I didn't eat enough like I swore when I was a child, because eating this kind of junk food often is not good for your health.

But Luo Quan will never forget the sense of distance that he feels as if he does not live in the same world as all his classmates.

Remember this is not to bear grudges, but just to let yourself know how hard-won the good life is now.

Cheng Nuo's tears were probably understandable in Luo Quan's heart.

She picked up a piece of Dongpo meat and put it in Cheng Nuo's bowl: "I used to eat less, this time I will eat more. From now on, if you want, you can eat meat every meal."

"Thank you, Master!" Cheng Nuo said emotionally, then opened his mouth and began to eat.

For Cheng Nuo, this was the best meal she had had in years.

Eating meat is a treat.

In the past, whether it was at home or in an orphanage, the amount of meat was relatively limited, and there were only a few bites in a meal, and it was gone after being pinched.

And the people on the plate in front of him, it seems that no matter how you pinch them, they will never be missing.

She had already eaten two big bowls of rice, and it was amazing that there was still meat in the pot.

"Master, you can eat too. I can't finish it all by myself." Seeing that Master didn't seem to have touched Dongpo meat much, Cheng Nuo thought she was letting her eat it for her own sake.

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "You can eat it if you like it. Master's relatives are here recently, so we have to eat less greasy and spicy food."

There is a lot of meat on the plate, so there is no need to let her eat it.

Mainly because the current physical condition does not allow it.

Cheng Nuo is 16 years old this year, and of course he also knows what it means that relatives are here, so he hurriedly asked: "Then did Master buy brown sugar? I can drink some later."

"Brown sugar water is all bullshit."

Luo Quan smiled lightly: "Keeping a happy mood is more important than anything else. Brown sugar water is a psychological comfort, no different from drinking hot water."

"No wonder the Internet tells us to drink more hot water."

Cheng Nuo lowered his head and muttered something, then continued to eat.

When Luo Quan heard this joke, he shook his head and smiled, but didn't explain much.

Because there is nothing wrong with drinking hot water.

But for girls, the correct three words are too simple.

What they want is meticulous care from their boyfriend during menstruation, no matter in language or in life.

But a sentence to drink more hot water, even if a reasonable girl knows it is right, she will think it is too perfunctory.

Of course, Luo Quan himself has never been so hypocritical, the main reason is that no one came to let her drink hot water.

Just thinking about it, the bell rang outside the door.

Luo Quan went to open the door and found that it was Wen Xia.

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan asked her suspiciously.

"Let me figure it out. You have been injured a lot these past few days, and you are bleeding profusely. I have a few packs of granules here. Take it with hot water, which can effectively relieve palace cold, pain, and irritability."

Wen Xia said while shaking the red granule pack in her hand, and said with a smile.

Luo Quan curled his lips: "Grandma, I'm not bad, so I don't need it!"

That's what she said, but she still snatched the granule with her hands.

It happened that I forgot to bring medicine when I came to Hengdian this time. Although I don't need it now, if the pain becomes unbearable tomorrow, I don't need to go to the pharmacy to buy it.

"Yo, are you having dinner?"

Wen Xia poked her head in and saw Cheng Nuo gobbling it up, and greeted her with a smile.

"Master, have you eaten yet, why don't we come together!" Cheng Nuo said enthusiastically.

"Uncle?" Wen Xia was stunned, thinking when did he become uncle.

Cheng Nuo explained: "You are a good sister of Master. According to your seniority, I should call you Uncle Master."

Wen Xia refused: "That's too old, just call me Sister Wen Xia."

She can accept anything, but she is more sensitive about age, so she pays more attention to address.

Cheng Nuo was only a few years younger than her, so who would be able to stand up to his uncle.

When Cheng Nuo heard this, he didn't dare to make decisions on his own, so he could only look at Master.

"It doesn't matter what you call it. Sister Wen Xia can be Sister Wen Xia. You can call me Sister Luo Quan from now on." Luo Quan is also a casual person, so he waved his hand to let Cheng Nuo look at it.

"Then... Hello, Miss Wen Xia." Cheng Nuo looked at Wen Xia and changed his address.

"That's right."

Wen Xia immediately beamed with joy: "I've already had dinner, you can eat it yourself and leave me alone, I'm here to deliver medicine to your master."

After finishing speaking, Wen Xia didn't stay long, and turned her head back to her room.

Luo Quan closed the door and sat down at the dinner table: "By the way, Cheng Nuo, what grade did you go to before coming to Hengdian? How was your grade?"

"I came to Hengdian after finishing my freshman year of high school. My grades were okay, but the orphanage really didn't have the money to let me continue my studies. I wanted to apply for a student loan. My household registration and ID card are all with my parents. Now they don't see anyone alive or dead. , there is no other way."

Cheng Nuo said with a worried expression: "By the way, Master, if I want to re-enter school, will it be troublesome without these?

I almost failed in high school before, and the principal let me enroll because he thought I was pitiful. "

Luo Quan said confidently: "I will arrange this matter, you can just wait for school at ease, there will be no problem."

Under normal circumstances, she rarely uses her privileges.

However, there is no way for Cheng Nuo to belong to this category, and it is just a school.

Cheng Nuo was completely relieved when he heard what Master said.

It took almost 10 minutes to finish a meal.

Although Cheng Nuo ate in a hurry, he didn't look ugly when he ate. Unlike some people who were reincarnated like starving ghosts, they kept stuffing food into their mouths until they bulged their cheeks before swallowing it down.

This is already much stronger than Luo Quan himself.

After eating and drinking, Luo Quan put the clothes bought by his assistant on the bed: "This is the clothes I bought for you this afternoon. There are coats and underwear. I'll see if they fit when I go back to my room."

"Are they all new clothes?" Cheng Nuo asked subconsciously.

She hasn't worn new clothes for several years. She used to wear second-hand clothes from kind people in the orphanage.

It's not that I hate second-hand goods, but who doesn't like brand-new things?
"It must be new."

Luo Quan laughed, she doesn't like second-hand goods either, and she must buy new ones: "They're all just bought from the mall, and they're all famous brands."

"Famous brand, like Nike and Adidas?"

Cheng Nuo curiously picked up a bag containing clothes, which were all in English, starting with the letter C.

She didn't know the English, and she didn't see the hook or triangle trademark.

"It doesn't seem like it belongs to Nike Adidas." Cheng Nuo said with some doubts.

In her perception, these two most familiar clothing brands in China are already famous brands.

When I was in school, most of the clothes my classmates wore couldn’t be branded. Those who could afford these two brands could already be called rich.

As for Chanel, Cheng Nuo had never heard of it.

She only learned about surfing the Internet in the six months since she came to Hengdian, so far she only knows how to look at popular searches and browse Bilibili.

People who live in an information cocoon are like this. When they find a globe, they think it is the whole world.

In fact, in the eyes of others, it is just a toy.

"This brand is Chanel, which is slightly more high-end than the Nike Adidas you mentioned, and don't buy anything from this brand of Nike in the future, it looks down on us."

While explaining the brand of the clothes, Luo Quan also helped Cheng Nuo shape the values.

"Chanel... I don't think I've heard of it before... By the way, I seem to have seen it when I browsed Weibo. It was just an advertisement for perfume, but I didn't expect it to sell clothes."

Cheng Nuo has a good memory. Hearing what Luo Quan said, he really searched for information about Chanel in his mind.

Although it is a well-known big brand at home and abroad, Chanel usually spends a lot of money on advertising. Weibo is the easiest place to see it, because it has the most target users.

As for Xiaohongshu, there are quite a lot of people posting Chanel there, regardless of the feeling that many people post photos, using the same Chanel.

Behind this incident is more ridiculous.

It can only be said that there is nothing wrong with the behavior of "celebrities" fighting for luxury goods. Using limited money to satisfy one's own desires does not break the law, and others have nothing to blame.

But if this method is used to catch Kaizi, then it is no wonder that netizens ridiculed this behavior.

Anyway, Cheng Nuo had seen Chanel's ad on Weibo, and was surprised by the beautiful foreign woman in the ad.

But I never thought that I would be able to wear this brand of clothes one day.

I just don't know how much the clothes cost.

"Master, this Chanel dress is expensive, right?"

Cheng Nuo fumbled for the silky outer packaging. She felt that the paper box alone was more valuable than some clothes she used to wear.

"For me, these clothes are not expensive." Luo Quan told Cheng Nuo the truth, "And for you in the future, they will definitely not be expensive."

"The future me?" Cheng Nuo blinked, not quite understanding.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "You have outstanding talent, even if you just practice martial arts, you will definitely be able to stand out, and the money you earn can easily buy these clothes.

And not only clothes, cars, houses and other big items are also available for you to choose! "

"Is it really possible?" Cheng Nuo's eyes sparkled.

When she was a child, what she heard most from her parents was that she had a beautiful car and a big spacious house.

Now I hear Master say that these things are within my reach.

Although I don't know what is special about me now, but since Master said so, there must be her reason.

"In short, study hard and practice hard, and then you will find that money is actually the best resource you can get."

Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo on the shoulder and drew a big cake.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not a big picture.

Because what she said was true.

"En!" Cheng Nuo looked at Luo Quan and nodded emphatically.

(End of this chapter)

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