Chapter 856
On the weekend of the next day, Luo Quan had a comfortable sleep and didn't get up until almost ten o'clock.

Sometimes after sleeping for a long time, the spirit would become in a trance. After Luo Quan woke up, he sat on the bed and just stared at the air in a daze.

It took her a few minutes to turn it on successfully, which made her realize that it was time to clean up the memory, so she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came out, Luo Quan was wrapped in a bath towel brought from home.

The reason why they don't use hotels is because they are worried about hygiene, and secondly, they don't want to hand over such more private things to others.

Including the changed clothes, Luo Quan washed and dried them by himself.

It's a bit of a hassle, but at least I can feel at ease.

The brand of bath towel is definitely not from Chanel, it is the most popular popular model on Taobao.

Like these clothes, as long as they are not too shoddy, there is not much difference when worn on the body.

After coming out wrapped in a bath towel, Luo Quan began to apply a bottle of transparent body lotion on his dazzlingly white skin.

My mother sent it back from England on my birthday, saying it was a new product developed by my aunt's laboratory.

The essence of nine kinds of animals and nine kinds of plants is extracted, which can resist oxidation, whiten, increase elasticity and firmness.

In short, it is all kinds of beautiful, quite high-end skin care products, which are wanted by many female nobles in Europe.

However, because the production of this product is more troublesome and the output is not very high, it is difficult for those nobles to obtain it.

And because Aunt San is an insider, she packed several boxes for the family.

And Luo Quan happened to celebrate his birthday, so Aunt San took this as a birthday present and asked Luo Quan's mother to send it back.

Although she doesn't usually use skin care products, it's because of the wish of the third aunt anyway, so she can't send back so many. If she asks about it one day and finds out that she has never used it, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

So Luo Quan has been applying it for the past few days, and by the way, he also gave Wen Xia two bottles.

According to Wen Xia, this thing seems to be pretty good to use, and the skin is whiter and smoother than before.

But Luo Quan himself didn't feel anything.

Probably because her skin is fair enough and smooth enough, so it is not obvious after using this.

After roughly wiping his upper body, Luo Quan went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Luo Quan asked loudly.

"Me!" Wen Xia's voice came in.

Luo Quan went over and opened the door directly.

Wen Xia was the only one outside. After entering and closing the door, she laughed and teased: "Hey, you don't wear clothes in broad daylight, do you?"


Luo Quan was speechless: "Aren't I wrapped in a bath towel?"

However, bath towels are indeed not considered clothes, but if they can be considered clothes if they can cover the flesh, then it is another matter.

"Why did you come to see me early in the morning?" Luo Quan didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, so he just talked about something.

"One piece of good news and one piece of bad news. The good news is that another top star in the entertainment industry has collapsed. Someone was photographed entering a room with several online celebrity models in a hotel, and then came out after three hours."

Luo Quan was puzzled: " it good news for us?"

Wen Xia explained: "There is a big-budget TV series in this top stream, and its broadcast time is about the same as "Under One Man". "

"That's really good news." Luo Quan suddenly smiled.

Although she is very confident in her TV series, the top-tier appeal is still very strong.

She is currently a newcomer in the TV series. If no one can steal the limelight from her when the TV series starts, the advantage will be too great.

"Where's the bad news?" Luo Quan asked immediately, remembering that Wen Xia hadn't said a word.

"The bad news is that someone reported on the Internet that you are a young leader in the Chinese film and television industry, and you were also on the trending searches. I feel a little flattered."

Wen Xia said worriedly, now the sunspots are doing their best for the blacks, and if they can't directly scold them, they will praise and kill them instead.

After all, whoever God wants to perish, he must first make him crazy.

Arrogance is often the beginning of a person's ruin.

When Luo Quan heard the news, he was not angry at all. Instead, he tilted his head and smiled subtly: "Well...why doesn't it count?"

"Huh?" Wen Xia was stunned.

"I mean, why am I not a leader?"

Luo Quan continued to answer: "I've already won the Oscars, and I'm also the queen of actresses. It's not too much to say that I'm a young leader."

Not only is it not excessive, it can be said that there is no problem.

" seems to be." Wen Xia has also been in the entertainment industry for too long, and has a cautious personality, so she is busy and sensitive to such compliments.

After my friend said this, I remembered that with her current achievements, no kind of praise seems to be too much.

Not to mention the young leaders, it is not impossible to remove the youth directly.

"Don't worry about these rhythms in the future. I am honored now, and public opinion is invincible!" Luo Quan looked confident, as if she deserves all praise now.

In fact, it seems to be the case.

"Well, it seems that these are two good news, I made a fuss."

Wen Xia nodded and got up: "At noon, Leon said that he prepared a meeting gift for Cheng Nuo. Do you know what it is? I also bought a necklace, but I was afraid it would be too cheap."

"Sister Jie, do you know what Leon's family does?"

Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia dumbfounded: "His grandfather and father left him money that he would never spend in ten lifetimes. I was not rich in Leon before I invested in Nikola Motors, so no matter what I give it, it will look cheap.

But a gift is something that values ​​affection, not something that can be measured by money. "

"It seems so." Wen Xia scratched her head and smiled, "That's it, I'll go back first."

After speaking, Wen Xia returned to her room.

After Luo Quan and the others left, they tore off the bath towel, dried off the remaining dew on their bodies, and changed into a set of loose casual clothes.

When she came outside Cheng Nuo's room, she knocked on the door, wanting to see what Cheng Nuo was doing, and asked her how she slept last night.

Hotel pillows are generally very high, and the bed is too soft.

Those who are used to sleeping on hard board beds may not like it very much on the first day.

The door opened, Cheng Nuo was holding a piece of bread in his hand, and the phone on the sofa was still playing music.

"How did you sleep last night?"

After Luo Quan entered, he asked with concern like an old mother.

Cheng Nuo smiled happily: "It's very comfortable. The hotel bed is made of water, it's too soft. I woke up the next morning and felt that my bones were so soft."

Luo Quan smiled softly: "Actually, there is a bed made of water, but the hotel is definitely not. Let me experience what is called sunken sleep when I go back."

"Go back? Where?" Cheng Nuo asked curiously.

"Go back to the place where I live. The filming in Hengdian is just staying in a hotel temporarily. My family is in Shanghai, and everyone usually lives there. It is more spacious and bustling than a hotel."

Luo Quan said as he dug out a few family photos from his mobile phone. In addition to Wen Xia, Leon Mia, Junzi Yun'er, Su Yu Lanxuan and Shen Xingyu were in it.

Cheng Nuo asked Luo Quan: "Do you live with these sisters and master?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Usually we live together when we are not working, but now we are getting busier and we spend less time together than before.

But don't worry, everyone is very kind, and it will be great to see you live here. "

Cheng Nuo let out a sigh of relief: "That would be great, in fact, I'm not very good at getting along with people, and I don't dare to speak when there are many people."

"I understand. Young people are a little socially afraid these days. It will be fine when you are older." Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo on the shoulder to comfort her.

"By the way, master, I woke up this morning and felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach, and there was a pang of qi rushing around my navel. Did I eat too much last night and couldn't digest it?"

Cheng Nuo asked Luo Quan suddenly, and at the same time rubbed his stomach twice, still feeling a little bloated.

It's not the first time Luo Quan has heard similar words. Similar situations have happened to both Leon and Wen Xia.

However, they practiced martial arts for a lot longer than Cheng Nuo, and with the blessing of Dahei Xiaoyu and other treasures, they were more efficient than other warriors.

And Cheng Nuo, who started late without the help of Antique, unexpectedly gathered his true energy so quickly. To be honest, Luo Quan didn't expect it.

Although the system said that she was very talented, Luo Quan thought that she would at least be able to show it under the nourishment of Da Hei Xiaoyu.

Now she finally knows how incomprehensible she is in the eyes of others, and it is indeed a bit outrageous.

"Yes... is there a problem?" Cheng Nuo thought the situation was serious when he saw that the master was silent, and couldn't help but panic.

"No problem, this is a manifestation of your talent. Some people may not be able to develop true energy after half a year of practice." Luo Quan said as he put his hand on Cheng Nuo's wrist, ready to have a look.

At the same time, the most handsome man in a certain world suddenly sneezed loudly: "Hey, which bitch is scolding me?"

After taking the pulse, Luo Quan confirmed that Cheng Nuo had cultivated true energy in his body.

"Congratulations, you have just started. You have true energy in your body, and you have already surpassed many beginners in martial arts." Luo Quan announced his congratulations to his apprentice.

Cheng Nuo slapped happily: "Really? I'm also a warrior now? Then what rank should I be?"

The martial artist hierarchy specified above is probably one of the hottest topics among netizens recently.

Ranks one to nine have stars in the sky as synonymous names, forcing Graman, and each rank has strict promotion criteria, which feels like a martial arts novel.

Cheng Nuo had previously imagined how he would climb up step by step from a ninth-rank martial artist and finally become a peerless master.

But at that time, she was just an ordinary person who was not good enough, but she didn't expect to get started so quickly.

"If you don't take the professional knowledge test, you are now considered a ninth-rank warrior. Although the level is the lowest, you do already have a certain combat effectiveness.

If you can use this true energy in your body, ordinary adult women are no match for you. "

Master's words made Cheng Nuoxi smile.

Luo Quan continued: "So in order to let you control this qi, now I'm going to teach you a set of luck methods, remember to follow up and practice.

With your talent, if there are no accidents, it is not difficult to break through to the seventh rank before the end of this year. "

Next, Luo Quan told Cheng Nuo the secret of luck and the cultivation method of Bamen Dunjia.

The former belongs to a relatively simple method, which is available in many sects and is not worth much.

And Bamen Dunjia is more powerful, it is a post-martial art that will definitely become stronger as long as you work hard.

Other advanced martial arts may require a certain level of comprehension to get started.

However, Bamen Dunjia is different. Every effort is reaped. Equivalent exchange is very fair.

I just don't know if Cheng Nuo's talent can also be reflected in Bamen Dunjia.

Besides her, there are Wen Xia and Leon who know this physical skill now.

The three of them practiced at about the same time, and the difference between them was less than a month.

And now everyone is outside, unable to get the nourishment of Big Black and Little Jade.

Then it is very likely that Cheng Nuo will use his talent in martial arts to come from behind.

"I wonder if Wen Xia and Leon will be so surprised that they can't close their mouths when they know Cheng Nuo's cultivation progress?" Luo Quan thought in his heart.

At noon, several people gathered in the room for lunch.

In order to celebrate his sister accepting an apprentice, Leon specially made the hotel cook a sumptuous meal.

Cheng Nuo was dazzled by the combination of more than a dozen dishes of Chinese and Western dishes and all kinds of high-end ingredients.

"Come on, this is my greeting gift from my uncle, practice martial arts well in the future!"

Before dinner, Leon put a car key in front of Cheng Nuo: "Maserati Phoenix, limited to [-] units worldwide, this is one of them, and now it belongs to you."

"Maserati!" Cheng Nuo was surprised, but she didn't know what brand it was.

Just like she didn't know Chanel yesterday, her concept of high-end cars is still stuck in the jingle of Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi Jetta.

But in order to avoid embarrassment, she still pretended to be surprised and happy.

Although you don't know it, you can pretend to be knowledgeable.

"You think this is the United States, how can there be a car for a 16-year-old minor?" Luo Quan cast a reproachful look at Leon.

And the value of the car was so expensive, but she didn't say that.

It wasn't that he was reluctant, but mainly because Cheng Nuo was still quite young, so it would be bad if he was dazzled by these luxuries and changed his values.

But she has no position to say this, after all, she just bought a lot of Chanel Gucci yesterday for the good apprentice.

"Hey, I'm going to grow up sooner or later, let's prepare first." Leon has always been informal and insisted on getting Cheng Nuo to accept him.

"By the way, where did you get it from? Obviously, Cheng Nuo just became a teacher yesterday." Luo Quan asked him curiously.

"Don't tell me we almost forgot." Leon snapped his fingers at Mia.

The latter took out a wallet from his pocket and placed several black bank cards on the table.

"You know, my family runs a bank. How many bank cards are reasonable?" Mia said with a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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