Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 857 Good news

Chapter 857 Good news
"Isn't your family engaged in finance? Did I remember wrongly?" Luo Quan looked at Mia suspiciously.

"Banking and finance are not separated."

Mia said with a smile, and then gave each of them a bank card: "This is actually the black card of ****. My grandfather and the major shareholder who opened this bank are good friends, and the entrusted relationship has created several black cards. .

The specific functions are no different from those issued by other banks. It was originally intended to be given to everyone as a meeting gift, but I forgot to do too many things in Huaxia, and I didn’t remember it until yesterday. "

"Is this bank card very powerful?" Cheng Nuo asked Mia curiously.

Lyon explained with a smile: "It is thanks to this black card that I can send the car in the United States to China in one day.

If you encounter any unsolvable things in your life in the future, you can call the number on this black card, and they can usually solve it for you. "

Cheng Nuo's eyes lit up: "It's so magical! It sounds like Aladdin's magic lamp."

Mia nodded: "It is indeed understandable, but the magic lamp can only grant three wishes, and there are more than black cards."

"To sum it up, money can turn ghosts around." Luo Quan stuffed the black card into his pocket, and took another big bite.

"It's nice to have money." Cheng Nuo sighed in his heart.

In less than a day after getting to know Master, I saw so many things that I had never heard of before. It can be said that my eyes were wide open.

The worlds of ordinary people and rich people are simply too different, and this is only the beginning.

Thinking of this, Cheng Nuo felt a little apprehensive while being excited.

She was afraid that these were all her dreams, and when she woke up, she was still lying on a hard bed in a three-square-meter rental house in Hengdian.

He secretly pinched his thigh, and the heart-wrenching pain made Cheng Nuo heave a sigh of relief.

These are real, not my own fantasy.

"By the way, let me tell you one thing, don't be too surprised, Leon Wenxia."

After Luo Quan ate the meat, he thought of the happy things and couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter?" Leon looked at his sister, feeling that her expression was strange.

"After my guidance, my talented apprentice Cheng Nuo has cultivated his true energy this morning and has become a ninth-rank martial artist." Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo's shoulder, his face full of pride.

"Oh, that's a good thing." Leon immediately applauded.

But drumming, he found something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, you said Cheng Nuo has cultivated his true energy!" Leon's eyes were as big as Superman's.

Not only her, Wen Xia and Mia were also very surprised.

Luo Quan laughed: "Well, it's amazing, isn't it?"

"Wang Defa, is there such a thing?" Leon's eyes swept around Cheng Nuo like a searchlight, as if he wanted to find out what was different between Cheng Nuo and himself.

"There are two shoulders and one head. How can there be such a big gap between people?" Leon didn't notice any difference, and lowered his head and let out a long sigh.

I have practiced intermittently for half a year, not to mention forgetting to eat and sleep, but I am definitely diligent and conscientious.

In this way, he has just cultivated his true energy.

Originally, I thought that Wen Xia was fast enough, but I didn't expect someone to be even more against the sky than her!

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't accept it. He asked Cheng Nuo, "My dear nephew, do you have any secrets in your usual practice, such as a special way of luck?"

"Um... I just practiced according to the video Master posted on Station B. Master, you can also learn from it. Maybe you can improve?" Cheng Nuo replied honestly.

When Leon heard this, he fell silent.

He also practiced according to this video at the beginning, which showed that there was no difference in teaching materials from Cheng Nuo.

Sure enough, it is the gap in talent.

Now he finally understood why his sister would accept a girl she had never met as an apprentice. It turned out that she had already seen her talent in martial arts training.

But Leon was very curious, how did my sister see it.

Could it be that she also has a detector that will automatically remind you when you encounter a genius?
Of course, these are all fantasies produced by Lyon when his mentality fluctuated, and there is no scientific basis at all.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Anyway, it's definitely a good thing to get started, but practicing martial arts is not enough.

Practicing martial arts first cultivates morality, and a person's character determines whether she can use her power correctly.

If there is a problem with morality, then the end may be the same as Zhu Yu.

Therefore, in the written test of the martial artist grade test, the proportion of martial arts accounted for a considerable part.

These are definitely unavoidable if you want to take a higher martial artist level in the future, so I suggest that you watch more related videos on station B and strengthen your studies. "

"Understood Master!" Cheng Nuo responded quite positively. Judging from his posture, he probably planned to study as soon as he finished eating.

And Wen Xia Leon was a little confused at the moment, but nodded silently, stuffing something into his mouth mechanically.

After a meal, everyone went back to their rooms.

The rapid improvement of Cheng Nuo's skill made both Wen Xia and Leon have a sense of crisis.

Although there was no competition with Cheng Nuo, would there be a martial artist as talented as her in this world?

There must be!
Before, I started to be complacent because of my true energy from cultivation, but now that I think about it, this achievement is really not difficult for a talented person.

They were happy too early.

After witnessing the battle between Luo Quan and Zhu Yu, they realized that they were even useless in this battle.

Now Luoquan is invincible in the world, and can solve any warrior he meets.

But what if I meet a monster stronger than her in the future?

The world is so big, there are no surprises, there may be such a person among billions of people.

If such people came to trouble Luo Quan, wouldn't they just stand by and watch, or even become a burden.

Thinking of this, both Lyon and Wen Xia felt a sense of crisis.

In the past, they still felt that the spiritual energy was revived, and the world would not change much.

But Zhu Yu's appearance told them that when a martial artist started to go crazy, it was really beyond the control of ordinary policemen.

Similar cases may occur again in the future, and the circumstances may even be more serious.

Only two of them were seriously injured this time, so it's hard to say next time.

Therefore, both of them decided to increase the amount of cultivation for themselves.

Only by becoming stronger can we feel more at ease in the time period when the new era comes.

Luo Quan didn't know that the promotion of a good apprentice brought such a sense of crisis to his younger brother and best friend.

But if you know it, you probably won't think it's a big problem.

It is always good to have more sense of urgency. Only with motivation can we become better.

If all of them have the same salty fish thinking that they don't want to make progress, will society still develop and technology will advance?
In fact, this principle is common in many places.

Such as the sense of urgency from war.

Although the war brought huge casualties and destruction, it has to be admitted that the progress of human science and technology during the battlefield period is very huge.

Not just World War I, World War II or the Cold War.

So these should be viewed dialectically.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is definitely against all unjust forms of war.

It's just that it doesn't seem to matter whether she objects or not. First of all, China has been peaceful for a long time.

As for foreign countries, she can't count them.

"Under One Man" is filming step by step.

Foreign stock markets ushered in a good news.

Due to frequent accidents of Tesla's cars, the automatic navigation system always fails, causing car crashes and fatalities, resulting in a sharp drop in sales.

In addition, the boss of Tesla often plays tricks on Twitter, such as manipulating stock prices, mocking senior US officials, hostile takeovers, etc., which caused his and the company's reputation to decline rapidly.

With the joint efforts of various factors and forces, Tesla, a company with a market value of trillions, finally began to fall, and the speed of the fall was ridiculously fast.

In fact, the signs can already be seen a long time ago.

It is not a day or two for a Tesla car to have a car accident due to a system problem.

However, when an accident happened before, Tesla's public relations would attribute the cause of the problem to the improper operation of the car owner, and wiped out the blame.

The owner of the car refuses to admit it, and even sues the owner for defamation. To be honest, it is really rare.

But now because of frequent problems, it is obvious that I can't shake the blame again.

Coupled with the fact that other capital is behind the scenes, it is only natural for Tesla's stock price to plummet.

The cashed out funds will not just be deposited in the bank, but will be quickly invested in another place.

At present, the best investment target recognized by the US stock market is naturally the newly emerging Nikola Motor Company.

The company has been studying the technology for several years, and finally launched its own new energy model last year, and it became an instant hit.

At present, it has seized many auto markets that originally belonged to Tesla.

And compared to Tesla's cars, Nikola's cars are safer and more reliable.

Although there is no assisted driving, which sounds very sci-fi and convenient, it also completely eliminates the possibility of car accidents due to the car system.

In addition, Nikola Motors is also very ingenious in its exterior design. While the quality is not inferior to Tesla Motors, the price is lower than the opposite.

How can users who like new energy vehicles not choose Nikola cars?

So despite being a fairly young brand, Nikola has sold 15 vehicles in just over a year.

You know, last year, Tesla's annual sales volume was less than 100 million units.

Compared with when Tesla was first launched, this performance is already very amazing.

The astonishing sales obtained through profit sharing also fed back the stock price of Nikola Motor Company.

In a downturn in the US stock market, Nikola is one of the few stocks that has been rising for most of the year.

The east is not bright, the west is bright, Tesla's stock plummeted, and capital soon took aim at Nikola, which also makes new energy vehicles.

In the past half a month, Nikola's stock has been trading at daily limit, attracting a large group of retail investors to rush in.

And in this case, the time-honored stock market quote reappears:

I am fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

In this case, is Nikola's stock in or not?

Many anxious fans asked Luo Quan questions:
"Luo Bao, is it possible to buy the current Nikola stock?"

Because there were too many people asking, and Luo Quan was in a good mood due to the sharp rise in the stock price, so she specially opened a live broadcast at night to answer:
"First of all, I don't recommend that you use leverage to speculate in stocks, because the risk is relative to the benefit.

You may make a lot of money with leverage, but if it falls, you will lose your money in an instant.

Then talk about Nikola's stock, which is indeed rising and many people are buying it.

My suggestion is that if you are interested, you can buy some and keep it as a long-term investment. If you are worried, think about me. I am the second largest shareholder of Nikola, and it is almost at the lowest value of its stock price. The time has begun.

As for now, I can count how much I earn.

In short, if you don't plan to own a stock for ten years, don't consider owning it for 10 minutes.

Everyone is purely for making quick money, so just buy today and sell tomorrow, it's as simple as that. "

Luo Quan's words did not seem to encourage everyone to buy Nikola's stock, but by showing his own experience, fans have already let fans know how to make a choice.

However, many Luoquan fans are not full, and they don't know how to buy stocks abroad.

So this live broadcast did not have much impact on the stock price, it just made a group of retail fans with a little spare money earn a fortune.

They believe that Nikola Motors will rise for a period of time, but few have the same determination as Luo Quan to hold this stock for ten years.

Including Luo Quan who said this, she actually didn't know if she could hold it for ten years.

To say this is to use Buffett's famous saying to pretend to be a stock god.

She herself is actually a noob in the stock market, and what she said has no reference value.

Stocks have been rising, and the U.S. economy is on the brink of crisis.

Some people say that a financial crisis comparable to the 08 subprime mortgage crisis is coming.

The U.S. government is heavily in debt and keeps printing money. The economy is like a blind man dancing on a cliff. No one knows when he will fall.

But everyone knows that it is only a matter of time, not probability.

As for Europe, the economy hasn't changed much, neither good nor bad.

The Albert Group has now successfully integrated the European real estate market, and its market value is already among the best in Europe.

Although the old man resigned, he was also ranked in the top ten by the Fox Rich List.

Even Luo Quan was mentioned, which was a little bit of light.

Dad's shipping company has been booming recently, but it is still a bit late to become bigger and stronger. After all, there are many competitors, and now the business has just started, and more efforts are needed.

On the other hand, in Luoquan, it is a scene of all things thriving and thriving.

(End of this chapter)

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