Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 858 Expanding Your Business

Chapter 858 Expanding Your Business
Luo Quan doesn't know if the advantage lies in her, but she feels that luck must be on her side.

Now she has a lot of cash in the bank to earn interest, and she dare not invest blindly in the turmoil of the stock market, but if she just put it in the bank to earn interest, she feels that the return is too low, so Luo Quan plans to find some other industries to invest in.

As a star, the most common investment method in the entertainment industry is to open a hot pot restaurant.

Hot pot can be said to be the most technically useless delicacy. As long as you have a suitable hot pot base and find a few chefs with better knife skills, you can cook it.

One day of training, the next day can be opened.

And as long as the soup base is not particularly unpalatable, there is generally no problem.

When celebrities open a store, they usually need to work hard on the decoration. I go to the store twice to promote it, and then I can make money lying down.

And what they earn is not the revenue of the hot pot restaurant itself, but the franchise fee.

Celebrities use their fame, and franchisees use their fame to run their own businesses.

But so far, there are a lot of people who open star stores, but not so many who actually make money.

And those celebrities who received the franchise fee got a lot of bad money, and even the first few stars who got the bad money at the earliest have been thundered one after another, and the reputation has taken a turn for the worse.

However, because the contract signed with the franchisee at the beginning was matryoshka and matryoshka, the star himself does not need to be responsible, which is really helpless and speechless.

In fact, with Luo Quan's reputation and her reputation as a chef, if she wants to open a franchise restaurant, there will definitely be many people willing to join.

However, restaurants and hot pot restaurants are not the same concept. The former needs skilled chefs to manage the place, and the fried dishes must be delicious to survive.

For the latter, you only need a package of hot pot base ingredients.

There must be no problem with Luo Quan's own craftsmanship, if she is willing to open a restaurant and sit in charge herself.

As popular as the restaurant opened in New York was, it will only become ten times more popular in China.

But if it is okay for her to prepare three meals a day for her family, and stay in the kitchen to prepare dishes for several hours, and do this every day, then it is better to kill her.

But if you don't do this, it is defrauding consumers.

So even though many companies wanted to hire her for catering business with exorbitant prices, she never agreed.

It also includes the hot pot restaurant business where she named her and asked others to join her.

Although she is not a gentleman, there is still a bottom line in the way of loving money and getting money.

Many people in the entertainment industry can do anything for money, many people are used to it, and even think that this industry has always been like this.

But it's always been like this, right?
Anyway, Luo Quan couldn't do it.

Therefore, she has no plans to enter the catering industry. She likes to eat hot pot very much, but let her Kai hot pot chain store make money, it will overdraw her hard-won reputation.

But a few days ago on the Internet, she actually saw a few good projects, which can make a lot of money if they are run properly, so Luo Quan is going to study them, and then decide whether or not to deal with them.

While Luo Quan was filming and researching what kind of business to do, Neiyu had a major event.

It still happened in Hengdian, and it was also related to the violence.

Because Zhu Yu's case had just ended two days ago, when the trending search appeared, netizens thought that there was another warrior in Hengdian beating someone up.

After watching carefully, I realized that it turned out that a male star in Hengdian hit a female star while filming.

The male star is Ying Xiaotian. He is a first-line movie star. He focuses on TV dramas. He usually likes to dance and so on. He has a lot of fans on Douyin.

And the female celebrity who was beaten was called Bian Qing, she was only a third-tier actress, but she had quite a lot of friends in the circle.

So after the incident came out, many celebrities sent Weibo to express their support, and denounced Ying Xiaotian for not being a man, but beating a woman.

The one who took the lead in scolding Ying Xiaotian was even a good brother of his. The first time after the incident was not to ask what happened, but to post on Weibo:
"Ying Xiaotian, if you're a man, come out and apologize to Bian Qing, don't be a scumbag and still be a coward!"

Some people took the lead in the charge, and other celebrities naturally posted Weibo responses one after another, and many of them were top-notch.

For a moment, Ying Xiaotian became a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat him.

And Weibo Female Boxing also saw the opportunity to gain a sense of presence, jumped out and used Ying Xiaotian as an example to stir up gender confrontation, and poured another barrel of oil on this fire.

And as the vanguard of sharp commentary on major events in the entertainment industry (one of the many nicknames given to Luo Bao by fans), Luo Quan was of course assigned a task by fans to let her talk about her views on this matter.

Luo Quan must be very concerned about this kind of hot event with several "explosive" suffixes.

But so far, it's just the woman's one-sided statement. No pictures of what happened at the scene have been released. The truth is estimated that only the people at the scene can know.

Without knowing the whole picture, Luo Quan didn't want to draw conclusions directly, so he said:

"There are too many reversals in the entertainment industry, it's too early to draw conclusions, let's let the bullets fly for a while.

Don't come to quarrel with me. The quarrel means that you are right. I just said don't blindly follow the rules and have your own judgment, but I didn't say who is right and who is wrong. "

Although her desire to survive was already very strong in her answer, she was still criticized.

In the current network environment, if neutrality is not absolute, then it is absolutely not neutral.

Now the whole internet is scolding Ying Xiaotian, don't take it too seriously, doesn't it mean that netizens are all blind, and at the same time feel that Ying Xiaotian is innocent?

There are not many celebrities who dare to go against public opinion, and Luo Quan is one of them.

This time, the public opinion is finally not on her side, at least not on the surface.

Many people are saying that she protects the perpetrators and satirizes the netizens who speak up, which is really arrogant.

But the slap in the face came faster than everyone imagined.

Just when "Luoquan's outrageous remarks" hit the hot search, the reversal came.

Ying Xiaotian's Weibo account posted a video similar to a surveillance camera, in which Bian Qing was arguing fiercely with the director of the film crew.

Ying Xiaotian came up to persuade the fight, but Bian Qing not only didn't appreciate it, but turned his head and began to scold Ying Xiaotian.

Ying Xiao couldn't handle the weather, so he scolded her.

The image of Ying Xiaotian in the eyes of netizens is always a handsome guy who is good at singing and dancing, gentle and refined, with high quality.

In fact, he is a senior alliance player, and he has an account in Zu'an District, and he can bear the pressure of the twelfth level.

Such people generally don't swear at others, but if they do, tsk tsk tsk.

The dizzy Ying Xiaotian took out his skills in Zu'an District, and directly sprayed Bian Qing's family into a spiral.

Then Bian Qing became anxious and wanted to beat him.

Although Ying Xiaotian cursed, he was not a violent maniac. Facing Bian Qing's attack, he mainly dodged. If he couldn't dodge, he pressed her hand and pushed her back.

During this process, there was no use of much strength at all, and Bian Qing only took two steps back after being pushed, and there was no sign of falling down.

After that, the people around were afraid that things would get worse, so they came up and pulled them away.

This is the so-called process of Ying Xiaotian hitting the crowd.

Judging from the scene, it seems that the man was the one who was beaten, and it was the woman who was always aggressive.

Soon, director Wu Dan, who is another party involved, also posted on Weibo to explain the situation at the scene:
This is a bloody case caused by a steamed bun.

Because Bian Qing came too late, there were only steamed buns left in the breakfast bought by the crew.

Bian Qing was very upset and felt that the crew did not give her the treatment she deserved, so she quarreled with the director.

Then, there are those things that happened in the surveillance.

Originally, the camera was not turned on in the morning, Bian Qing thought that no one had recorded this scene, so he specially posted a sympathy on Weibo, hoping to stir up a wave of enthusiasm.

However, she probably did not expect that the popularity would be so high.

In the past, this kind of conflict was at most about twenty or so.

As a result, because of Zhu Yu, netizens are now extremely sensitive to Hengdian, and they directly put the heat to the top.

It even attracted so many celebrity platforms, extending the battlefield to the entire network, and the popularity exploded instantly.

In fact, up to here, Bian Qing still felt that the problem was not serious.

Because it is not unheard of in the entertainment industry that star A was slandered by star B.

As long as they preemptively package themselves as victims, netizens will directly drive the slandered star into the abyss when the incident is at its peak.

Even if the truth comes out afterwards and the truly innocent star clarifies, not many people will pay attention after the heat passes.

And that star's career has indeed been completely destroyed, and it will never be restored.

This is Bian Qing's plan.

Stir up the heat first, let Ying Xiaotian's reputation rot and stink.

Wait until the truth comes out and pretend to be dead for a while. After the limelight passes, you can come out for business again, and even raise your coffee position.

The idea is very good, and the probability of success is not low.

It's just that she didn't expect that there would be surveillance on the set.

Bian Qing clearly remembered that there was no surveillance in that place!

As a result, there is now a video of the scene again. When Ying Xiaotian sent the video, Bian Qing felt dizzy.

In fact, all of this is still Zhu Yu's fault.

The previous violent case in Hengdian made all the production crews in Hengdian raise their safety awareness, and basically installed security and surveillance cameras on the set if conditions permit.

For the crew where Bian Qing was, the cameras had just been turned on in the morning.

Then it wasn't long before she came.

It can only be said that there is no coincidence.

Bian Qing is now bound in a cocoon, lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot.

Even after Ying Xiaotian posted the clarification video, she cleared her Weibo immediately, but her previous behavior of slandering Ying Xiaotian cannot be cleared, and all netizens remember it clearly.

After the truth came out, the heat of the incident was not as high as before.

Of course, Bian Qing's reputation must be rotten, and it may be difficult to get along in the entertainment circle in the future.

And Ying Xiaotian, because he was wronged for no reason, got a lot of fans from passers-by.

And because the reversal came relatively quickly, the endorsement manufacturer has not yet terminated the contract with him, so he has not suffered too much loss, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

As for those celebrities who spoke for Bian Qing, they all deleted their posts and pretended to be dead.

The years are quiet, and after the clarification, there is no trending search on Weibo with the suffix of "explosive", which shows that the popularity of this incident has really gone down.

But Luo Quan said that the wronged person?
Many people want this incident to continue, including celebrities and netizens who have wronged Ying Xiaotian.

Either because of competition, or because they simply wanted to slander people, they all made incorrect judgments when they didn't know the whole picture.

Now that the truth is out, how many people have apologized?

There should be some, but Luo Quan didn't see many,

Others want to deal with it coldly, but now she wants to fan the flames, so at [-] o'clock in the evening, she posted a Weibo:
"This incident taught us two things.

One: On the surface, you can't make friends with your brother. You think he can stab you in the ribs, but in fact he is more willing to stab you twice at critical moments.

Two: No one cares how many bowls of rice Liu Zi ate. People just want to see Liu Zi open his intestines and see blood.

One last sentence that comes to mind, feels quite appropriate:
The gun went off, did you see who fired it?
I can't see clearly, he's on the moral high ground, he's in the sun. "

After the Weibo was posted, Luo Quan posted another post on Station B: "Fans, it's time to show your combat effectiveness. Go to Weibo and give me a like on my latest Weibo. Keep it popular."

Luo Quan rarely appeals to fans for support at station B.

This year should be the first time to use this tone.

The fans were quite clear about the process, and they were thinking about how to help the wronged wife vent their anger, but the wife turned on her own.

Ever since, all Luoquan fans who saw this post on station B all went to Weibo to like it.

Then Luo Quan also relied on her own power, or the power of her fans, to make her Weibo get more than 200 million likes and 20 comments.

In the comment area, the formations are quite consistent, most of them are: from station B, give Luo Bao a thumbs up.

Such appealing power simply amazed all the celebrities who had nothing to do with themselves.

With such popularity, the hot searches on Weibo can't be suppressed, so they directly "explode" the arrangement.

In such an atmosphere, celebrities and netizens must not pretend to be dead.

Apologize when you should apologize, and speak what should be fair.

In short, Luo Quan accepts the grievance, and if she doesn't let her anger go, the matter is not over.

And Ying Xiaotian quickly responded in the comment area:
"I've never met Miss Luo Quan, but I'm really lucky to have your support.

At the same time, I also thank those who spoke for me, thank you for not standing on the moral high ground, but choosing wit. "

The two sang together, making many people secretly blush and ashamed.

After this incident, the degree of difficulty is not so great if you want to keep pace with the Internet in a short period of time and slander people to earn traffic through the time difference.

For the impetuous Internet age, this is actually a good thing.

Too many people follow blindly. There are some things that need to be discerned rationally.

Luo Quan feels that he has done a good deed, but those celebrities who have been implicated probably don't think so.

However, what can be done with her?

(End of this chapter)

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