Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 859 Crystal Palace adds another member

Chapter 859 Crystal Palace Adds Another Member

ps. Thanks to the book coins rewarded by the book friends who are confused, people in the fog, thank you for your support!


What Luo Quan likes most is to see those people who are unhappy and helpless towards him.

On the other hand, she would not hold back any unpleasant things or people, she would say it immediately, and never left it overnight.

So the heat of this time had already been suppressed by some people, but because of Luo Quan's fuss, it immediately exploded again.

Those celebrities who stood on the wrong side deleted their blogs one after another to apologize, and they were accused by netizens of gossiping about their popularity and twisting right and wrong. They lost a lot of fans overnight.

To make matters worse, because of Luo Quan's slanderous remarks, the next day netizens directly assigned the name of "Sword Sect Master" to those who spoke for Bian Qing.

The superficial brother who was the first to jump out to accuse Ying Xiaotian, Rongsheng was promoted to the leader of the Saber Sect. According to the degree of speech defying the sky and the size of the cafeteria, he was divided into the guardians of the Saber Sect and ordinary followers.

In short, the reputation of these people is not good at least in the recent period.

But for the entire entertainment industry, this is a good thing.

Because the reputation of this group of people is notorious, other people have a good chance to rise to the top.

In the morning, Luo Quan was very happy when he saw that Knife Slot Teaching was listed on the hot search.

These people who don't distinguish between black and white should have a taste of being hit by public opinion, and in the end they will never recover from a setback, and they will all lose their coffee.

Turning off the phone, Luo Quan went to the bathroom to wash up, and decided to go for a walk in the street.

Through the system's talent radar, she has already obtained a lot of potential stocks.

And she found that Hengdian is really a treasure house, and she can meet excellent talents every time she comes.

So now that she is free, she also wants to take a walk in the streets, maybe she can gain something again.

At the same time, Lin Ruoli's new TV series has finally finished.

But she didn't feel happy at all, instead she breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the last movie she promised to the company to shoot. After the movie is finished, the contract will end and she will return to free agency.

I think that when I debuted, I was at the peak, and I was cast as the heroine by a famous director, and then I became famous.

It's a pity that I was too young and met with unkind people at that time, so I signed a contract with a black-hearted economic company.

After other movie female stars become popular, they will cherish their feathers, be picky about scripts, try to choose excellent ones before considering money, and gradually improve their status.

But her company is good, since she signed the contract, she has been squeezing the good reputation she gained in her debut movie.

Streaming TV dramas, money laundering movies, and embarrassing variety shows continued one after another, and all kinds of aggressive marketing were too numerous to count, all in order to make her popular.

But she would rather not have the heat gained in this way.

It's a pity that after signing a contract with the company, many things are no longer in her control.

In the past four years, her reputation has gradually declined, and the title of vase, box office poison, and marketing queen has all been placed on her head.

When they debuted, they were called the Four Little Stars of the Chinese film industry, but now they are mixed up in this field.

Lin Ruoli wanted to cry, but the tears had already dried up.

In the final analysis, I was stupid at the beginning, why I chose such a company, and delayed my golden period of development.

The only good news is that her contract with the company is finally over, and now she is back as a free agent. She has to find a good company to see if she can turn her reputation around.

Of course, the process of searching must be cautious and prudent, and there must be no more hot-headed situations.

"Let's go, why are you standing there?"

After the TV series finished, Lin Ruoli was going to leave directly.

He didn't want to stay for a moment longer with this cheap and shoddy crew.

If it's just a pure traffic drama, it's fine. It doesn't matter if the script is a little awkward and the persuasive way is almost shaking.

At least she can guarantee that her acting skills are online, and after the broadcast, no one can spray on her head.

Netizens can say one thing at most: Lin Ruoli's acting skills are really good, but her vision is also really bad.

She had heard these words for five years, but it was actually not a big deal, she was used to it anyway.

But the key point is that the male protagonist who played with her this time is really not a human being. He didn't say his lines and face 123456, he just opened his mouth to the air, and then let the later stage match.

He is relaxed, but how can he act.

It was originally a TV series for two people, but it turned out to be her one-man show.

And there is not even a sound prompt, so you have to judge whether it is your turn to speak according to the width of its mouth opening.

This difficulty simply broke through the sky.

I swear to the Tathagata Buddha that this is the performance that caused her to lose the most hair since she started her career. She was not so worried when she worked with that famous director.

Now that the crew is wrapping up, she doesn't want to stay for a moment, if she doesn't care about the image, she really wants to shout: "Farewell to the cage!"

But she clearly said to leave, but her manager and assistants all stayed where they were, without moving.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ruoli looked at them suspiciously.

"You terminated the contract with the company, but we are still employees of the company, and the car also belongs to the company, so..." The agent looked at her calmly, although there was some reluctance in his eyes, he still planned to do business.

"Five years!"

The emotions Lin Ruoli had accumulated for a long time erupted at this moment, she opened her fingers and trembled violently: "You have been with me for five years, and you don't even want to give me a ride!

I'm not happy with the company, but I haven't treated you badly in the past five years! "

The agent sighed: "I am also doing things according to the arrangement of the company's senior management, there is no way."

"So you don't plan to leave with me?" Lin Ruoli didn't cry, but felt a little sad.

"Your value has been squeezed out by the company, and there will be no future if you follow you." The manager is very realistic, so realistic that Lin Ruoli's face turns pale.

"so be it."

Lin Ruoli stopped talking nonsense to her, and turned away directly.

Fortunately, it was shot in Hengdian City. If I went to the suburbs, who knows how long it would take to get back to the hotel.

After walking on the street for more than ten minutes, Lin Ruoli felt tired and sat down on the side of the road.

Looking at the crowds coming and going, a sense of sadness suddenly welled up in my heart.

The tears that had been held back for a long time finally welled out of the eye sockets, and two big black lines were drawn on the cheeks after washing away the eyeliner.

Lin Ruoli didn't look in the mirror, but she knew that she must be ugly at this time.

And there are a lot of paparazzi journalists in Hengdian, so it is estimated that my "ugly" appearance will be trending at night.

Thinking of this, Lin Ruoli's tears flowed more joyfully.

And at the most helpless moment in Lin Ruoli's life, she met her true destiny.

"hey girl, do you need tissues?"

Luo Quan walked up to Lin Ruoli who was crying with his head down and asked.

Yes, the system's talent radar sounded again when she was shopping, and this time the target was Lin Ruoli who was crying on the curb.

Lin Ruoli looked up and saw a blonde beauty wearing sunglasses.

He is taller than her and has bigger breasts.

"Hello." Lin Ruo sniffed and said.

Luo Quan handed her a tissue, but judging by the "tear marks" on her face, one tissue might not be enough.

"Hey, I seem to have seen you somewhere, you look familiar." Luo Quan said, looking at Lin Ruoli's facial features which were not easy to recognize.

"I'm Lin Ruoli, a cool first-line star." Lin Ruoli didn't wipe her face with a tissue, but just wiped her nose.

Luo Quan laughed: "Oh, that's a coincidence, I'm also a star, but I heard that you're not filming recently, why are you so happy?"

"It's a long story." Lin Ruoli sighed, depressed.

"Then why don't we find a restaurant and have a chat?" Luo Quan said to Lin Ruoli, pointing to the Michelin restaurant not far away.

"Okay." Lin Ruoli nodded, got up and walked towards the restaurant.

On the one hand, she really wanted to talk to someone, on the other hand, she also wanted to quickly wash off the makeup that had already faded from her face.

Ten minutes later, Lin Ruoli came out of the restroom of the restaurant, and the makeup on his face was completely washed off.

Only then did Luo Quan start to take a good look at Lin Ruoli's appearance.

Strictly speaking, Lin Ruoli is not the traditional beauty with delicate features.

But she has a pair of triangular winking eyes like a fox. Because the corners of her eyes are relatively long, she looks a little squinted.

However, compared with squinting eyes, these eyes are much larger and much better-looking.

For Luo Quan, this is the way to open a high-level face.

Although it can't be called a peerless beauty, she has a pretty good temperament, and has a special charm and mystery.

If you put on a good makeup, you can definitely improve your appearance to a higher level.

Of course, even without talking about these things, Lin Ruoli is definitely a beautiful beauty.

It's just that Lin Ruoliu looks more majestic than the traditional melon-seeded face and oval face.

"Tell me, why on earth are you crying so sadly on the side of the road." Luo Quan asked the waiter to pour two glasses of water, and we'll talk about what to eat later.

"I regret it now, very much."

Lin Ruoli lowered her head and told about herself and her former company.

Afterwards, he added: "If I had another chance, I wouldn't even sign a contract with this company if I was killed, and I wouldn't even touch it!"

Luo Quan said softly: "The past cannot be changed, at least you have finally left this company now, what you think about is how to live in the future."

"The future?" Lin Ruoli looked out the window in confusion, "I don't even know how to go in the future."

"Why don't you come to our company?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"Your company?" Lin Ruoli was taken aback, and then began to observe Luo Quan seriously.

Although the woman in front of her was wearing sunglasses that covered almost half of her face, she could still see some clues.

" are Luo Quan!" Lin Ruoli hadn't looked carefully before, and only now did she realize that the person she had chatted with for so long was actually Luo Quan.

"You finally recognized me. I thought I wasn't that famous. Even my colleagues didn't know me." Luo Quan said as he took off his sunglasses, revealing her face so beautiful that it could attract the moon.

"It's really you." Lin Ruoli couldn't help covering her mouth and sighing, then she remembered what Luo Quan said just now: "What do you mean by letting me go to your company just now?"

"Literally, come to me and become a member of Spring Water Entertainment."

Luo Quan took out a business card from his bag, and pushed it in front of Lin Ruoliu:

"You should know the name of Quanshui Entertainment. There are many resources and high quality. If you have the opportunity to participate in the works I wrote and directed, it will definitely improve you now.

And you just said that your reputation is very bad, and you need a powerful company to help you reverse it.

You don't have to agree or refuse so much, think about it carefully, and give me an answer after you think it through. "

Lin Ruoli held the business card, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "Don't think about it, I am willing to join Quanshui Entertainment!"

"You don't have a long memory." Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, he was still telling me that he regretted it until now because he made a decision without thinking.

In the end, I just got out of trouble, and now two, two, three, four is coming again, right?Are you not afraid that I am the same person as your former company?
"I'm afraid." Lin Ruoli nodded sincerely, "But your reputation in the circle is very good, and you can trust it.

After Wen Xia and Su Yu joined your company, everyone can see how well they have developed.

To be honest, many celebrities now want to enter the fountain for entertainment, but they know that they don't have this opportunity.

I didn't expect to meet you on the street, and you just happened to fall in love with me, a past artist who has been drained. "

"Don't underestimate yourself, your potential is greater than you imagined." Luo Quan smiled mysteriously, "But since you made a decision so quickly, I'm definitely willing to sign you , this is the contract, you should take a look first."

Luo Quan handed over the company's artist contract to Lin Ruoliu.

She held it in her hand and studied it for more than ten minutes, and finally nodded: "No problem, just follow the contract. Does the company usually announce a lot?"

Luo Quan explained to her: "Our company has always worked flexibly. Things like movies and TV shows are not expensive."

Lin Ruoli breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great. I've filmed a lot of TV series recently, but I can't do it anymore. I really want to take a break."

Luo Quan smiled and said, "It's okay, the company didn't sign a VAM agreement, there is no shareholder dividend, and there is no performance requirement, you can rest if you want, you just need to pick up the right drama at the right time.

Only when the workload is reduced can the quality of work be improved. "

Hearing this, Lin Ruoli shed tears of excitement.

She didn't know how long it had been since her boss asked her to take a break, and she was too tired to take the initiative to ask for leave from the company.

Unexpectedly, just after signing the contract, the boss said that she can work flexibly. This is the first time she has seen such a request.

And people's flexible work obviously means working overtime from time to time.

And Quanshui entertainment is completely reversed, custom rest, it's outrageous!
At this moment, Lin Ruoli wondered if she had gone to heaven, otherwise how could such a good thing happen to her.

"Since you have no problem with the contract, let's sign the contract.

But before that, one thing has to be settled. "

As Luo Quan said, he got up and went straight to a male guest who was sitting diagonally behind him.

She sat next to the man and said, "Your Excellency must be a reporter for some entertainment news?"

(End of this chapter)

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