Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 86 Apologize?

Chapter 86 Apologize?

"You don't really need to come to the muddy waters."

Seeing that the good sister was so hated for her, Wen Xia was moved and worried, and hurriedly made a cross-country phone call to persuade her to stop fighting with the trolls.

Luo Quan smiled nonchalantly: "I just can't get used to the thinking of these people, I feel that celebrities should shrink their heads when facing public opinion and lie down and ridicule.

What, isn't a star human?Can't a star fight a troll?I just want to go back and see what effect they can have on me. "

"But you'll lose your popularity like this."

"If all passersby look like this, don't worry!" Luo Quan's tone was full of determination. She has never been a person who likes to compromise. Eating soft or hard is the best portrayal of her character.

Wen Xia also knew her temper, and didn't persuade her any more. She just asked her to pay attention to her sense of proportion when she was a troll, and don't get too excited and say the wrong thing.

This worry is actually completely unnecessary. Although Luo Quan is outspoken, he is definitely not a reckless man.

After experiencing the most intense wave of confrontation, Feng Luzhen's group of fans seemed to calm down a little.

At the same time, the director of Ghost Blowing Lamp and Penguin Entertainment each posted a Weibo to clarify Wen Xia.

Director Wang Lin:

"The heroine of Ghost Blowing Lamp did find Feng Luzhen to look into the mirror, but she didn't make the final decision. After discussion by the crew, it was agreed that Wen Xia was more suitable for the heroine of this show. As for the unspoken rules, these people are just talking nonsense. , I'm a woman!!!"

Penguin Entertainment:

"Wen Xia, as the most accomplished idol star in recent years, has a high reputation both at home and abroad, and the honors she has won are not listed here.

The signing of her contract with the company is completely mutually beneficial to both parties. There is no transaction outside the contract. Please be careful with words and deeds. The Internet is not a place outside the law! "

The statement was issued, and the truth came out.

The so-called erotic performance is a joke at all. The director of the ghost blowing lamp is a woman in her early forties, and it is almost the same as sending a little fresh meat to seduce her.

So those who follow the trend and black people have one count, all of them are cerebral palsy.

Of course, the keyboard warriors who were beaten in the face were not willing to accept defeat so easily. Wen Xiahei stopped moving, and immediately turned the fire on Luo Quan.

"I think Luo Quan should apologize. Even if this matter is a normal competition, what she said to Feng Luzhen was too much!"

"As a public figure, he doesn't pay attention to the influence at all, and he ends up fighting with ordinary people, which is really low enough!"

"This kind of person can still stay in the entertainment industry and make waves, and we all have the responsibility."

"Luo Quan apologizes! If you're a star, you can abuse amateurs online?"


As this kind of voice gradually increased, the trolls seemed to have forgotten how they slandered Wen Xia before, and now they put themselves in the position of victims, and criticized Luo Quan wantonly on the moral high ground.

From everyone's point of view, a star like Luo Quan shouldn't care about ordinary people. In the face of abuse, he can only bear it with his own attitude. If you dare to say something, it's your fault!
But will Luo Quan be used to these people?The answer is of course not. In the face of tens of thousands of comments ordering her to apologize, she only replied in eight characters:
"Apologize, apologize, and apologize!"

A very rude sentence, but without dirty words, it is really cool to use it to attack these brainless trolls.

But in order to be cool, Luo Quan ate an unknown number of reports, all of which were based on personal attacks or harmful information.

When Luo Quan wanted to see what these people's comments were like, he found that he couldn't open it anymore. All the Weibo comments he had posted before were all cleared, and the middle of each one displayed this sentence: Due to the user's report, This content is under review.

Luo Quan was preparing to appeal, but found that his account had also been forcibly cancelled, and he couldn't log in again. The system showed that the account was permanently suspended due to illegal operations.

"WDNMD!" Luo Quan has always been very careful with his words and deeds since he crossed over, and he has never uttered swear words, but this time he couldn't help it.

Soon, the news that "Luo Quan's account has been permanently blocked" appeared on Weibo's hot search, and it rushed directly to the first place.

The trolls in the comment area were all overjoyed, and they all told how unyielding and fearless they were in the face of celebrity cyberbullying. In the end, they united and won the victory. The wicked can no longer speak ill of ordinary people. .

Of course, it's not that no one denounced the behavior of these trolls, but these people were quickly dubbed Luoquan's brain powder and under siege.

Some good people call today a day worth remembering. It is the first victory of the Internet amateurs in the face of celebrity Internet violence. Ordinary people have defeated the privileged class and so on.

"I will use Weibo in the future and I will be a dog!" Luo Quan tweeted in Chinese, expressing his inner resentment.

Luo Quan now has nearly 300 million fans on Twitter, most of them are Japanese fans, and a small number are from the United States. It is estimated that there are no more than 500 Chinese fans.

So Luo Quan sent a Chinese Twitter, and fans couldn't understand what it meant, and they asked her what happened.

Soon Huaxia fans explained in the comment area:

"Quan Shui supported his friends on Huaxia Weibo, but his account was permanently banned because his comments were too violent."

After this explanation, everyone understands. The fans didn't say anything, but they were quite happy, because from now on, Luo Quan's social platform will only be Twitter, and Luo Quan will only need to take care of them from now on.

"What are you doing now?" Wen Xia called Luo Quan for the second time.

"I'm looking up at the starry sky..." Luo Quan held his cheeks with both hands, and the bright eyes flashed with starlight.

But her tone sounded a little low and wistful.

"Why?" Wen Xia was puzzled.

"In this world where everything is dirty and fickle, I want to see pure eternity."

Wen Xia was silent for a long time, but only whispered: "It will all pass."

Then, with a beep, he hung up the phone.

Luo Quan thought she was invulnerable, but in the end she was still slightly injured.

Before, she fought fiercely with trolls and expressed her inner thoughts without compromise. How happy she was then, how lost she is now.

After all, it is still impossible to fight against Tao's "public opinion" by one person. Celebrities should shut up in the face of slander and slander, and wait for the truth of the matter to be revealed. This has always been the case.

But it's always been like this, right?
Luo Quan couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time. Fortunately, she was open-minded by nature. If she couldn't figure it out, she wouldn't think about it. If it was someone who likes to dig into the horns, it is very likely that she would fall into a logical endless loop, either depression or becoming more extreme.

This is also the reason why many celebrities have mental health disorders more or less.

However, Luo Quan thought quite openly. Since Weibo didn't welcome her, it would be over if she didn't use it in the future. She didn't need to punish herself for other people's mistakes.

There is nothing in the world, and the mediocre people worry about it.

Luo Quan never felt that he was a mediocre person.

And those really mediocre people will never try to make her succumb!
At this time, Luo Quan's cell phone rang again, it was an unknown number.


"Do you need a loan, we can provide you with a loan with minimum interest."

"I'm rich."

"But you sound very young."

"I'm young and rich!"

Luo Quan hung up the phone with a frosty expression on his face. It was really a leak in the house and it was raining overnight. These people thought it was the right time to call her to get her mentality!
In less than ten seconds, the phone rang again, and Luo Quan answered angrily: "My mother is worth [-] million, don't take a loan, don't call again!"

"Is there any misunderstanding?" The voice on the other end of the phone was completely different from the previous one. It was a middle-aged man about 40 years old, and he was quite magnetic.

"Sorry..." Luo Quan patted his forehead, feeling a little dizzy, and forgot to look at the phone number.

"Someone asked me for a loan just now, and I called you right after I hung up. I'm sorry."

"So that's the case." The other end of the phone laughed, and then said: "That's right, I'm Cheng Rui, CEO of Bilibili. Give you!"

Luo Quan's first reaction was whether this was a new type of fraudulent method. Could this man be in the same group as the one who handled the loan?

"Is there a problem?" Cheng Rui didn't hear Luo Quan's response, and asked quickly.

"No... I just can't believe if you're real."

"I can send you an email, and you can also ask Zhou Yangwen for confirmation. I got your phone number from him."

Hearing him mentioning Zhou Yangwen, Luo Quan suddenly felt relieved: "If you say that, then I don't have to doubt it. Let's talk about how to settle in. Do you want me to send a short video to tell the users of station B that I am here?"

Cheng Rui said sternly: "I believe you know what kind of website our Bilibili is?"

Luo Quan didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Of course I know, the largest gathering place for Acg lovers in China, a two-dimensional paradise."

It was also her favorite website in her previous life, and she felt uncomfortable without browsing it for seven or eight hours a day.

"Because your songs are very popular at station B, many well-known singers have covered your songs, and the number of hits is very high, so we want to invite you to station at station B.

In the future, you can use station B as your promotion channel in China. The quality of young people here is quite high. "

As soon as this was mentioned, Luo Quan remembered the anger he had received on Weibo before, thinking that without you, I would not be able to get along in China? !
On the one hand, it was because of his goodwill towards station B, and on the other hand, he wanted to take revenge on Weibo, so Luo Quan agreed to Cheng Rui's invitation to enter station B.

Luo Quan, who continued to look up at the starry sky, instantly felt a lot more cheerful.

The most gratifying thing about life is that everything has an end, and today is no exception.

Tomorrow will be a new, hopeful day again!
(End of this chapter)

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