Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 87 Old 2 Thorn Ape

Chapter 87
It is said that it is settled in station B, but in fact, there is no need to sign any contract, just apply for an account and post a 1-minute vlog.

With the increasing influence of the domestic Internet at station B, many celebrities regard it as an important publicity channel, and have successively announced their entry into station B.

But most of them only post one or two videos and then there is no more movement. It seems that entering station B is just a process, and the focus of work is basically on Weibo.

As we all know, most of Station B don’t like Weibo very much. Over time, users of Station B are a little disgusted with the so-called stars, because they think that these stars come to Station B, and they will bring the culture of the rice circle here, polluting Acg pure land in their hearts.

But on the other hand, station B is unusually welcoming and tolerant to the stars from Japan. Any Japanese artist can be listed on the hot search of station B for a day or two, and the attention and likes will exceed one million in minutes.

It can only be said that different hobbies lead to different positions. Girls in the fan circle like fresh meat traffic, while the two thorn apes prefer Japanese voice actress wives.

Usually, the well water on both sides does not violate the river water, and there is nothing wrong with each other, but the sudden arrival of Luo Quan broke this calm.

"Popular singers will be at station B tonight!"

A striking message hangs directly above the entire B station interface. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer user, as long as you open the B station, you will be able to see this message.

When you click in, you can see a photo of Luo Quan holding a lemon and smiling in the sun.

This is the cover photo that Lin Zheyuan took for her when she released her first album. Because it is very beautiful, many people use it as a mobile phone screensaver and computer desktop in China. Until now, many people have discovered that the heroine of this photo is Luoquan.

"Stunned, I found out that this girl is Luo Quan!"

"Is Luo Quan really coming to station B? Now I can finally listen to the original song without loss!"

"Just got banned on Weibo, and then came to station B......"

"No one really thinks that Luo Quan has done something wrong, right? An unspoken rule is printed on your head, are you not angry?"

"Originally, it was Feng Luzhen's fans who picked things up first, and a bunch of keyboard warriors thought they were the big partners of justice. (Funny)"

"You probably don't know what level Luo Quan is in Japan now, and being able to force someone like her to end in person shows how outrageous those trolls on Weibo are."

"I really know this. Some time ago, Japan suffered a series of major earthquakes, and the whole country fell into a haze. As a result, Luo Quan helped the people out of the shadow with only one song. Now the Japanese media are calling her The accompaniment of the times, a figure like a goddess!"

"There is such a thing! Can you tell me which song it is?"

"Don't admit defeat, but there should be no genuine copies in China, so you can only buy records, or go to foreign apps to pay for downloads."

"It's too troublesome."

"How much is a record?"

"The cheapest one costs 3500 yen, and the special edition costs 5000 yen."

"The price is outrageous!"

"It's a market price in Japan, and records are more expensive there. After all, it's the number one record market in Asia."

"It's alright, Luoquan will move in tomorrow, why don't you just listen to whatever song you want to listen to?"

"Indeed, I'm looking forward to it!"


Compared with Weibo, the style of this comment area is like a sky and an underground. Luo Quan sees it in his eyes and is happy in his heart.

Very good, still the B station she is familiar with!
On the other hand, the news of Luo Quan's entry into Station B was also searched on Weibo.

It stands to reason that it is not a big deal for a star to settle in station B. In fact, it is equivalent to becoming the up owner of station B, but this up owner already has a considerable number of fans before posting the video, so this kind of trivial matter is generally No one will pay attention.

But Luo Quan is different. She is very popular on Weibo these days. She has been the target of group ridicule many times. She just blocked her account on the 28th, and will be stationed at station B on the 29th. , this is going to start anew.

So Feng Luzhen's fans came out to fan the flames again:

"You can't let this kind of person continue to mix in the entertainment circle of Huaxia!"

"To completely block her!"

"Report her account tonight, and I'll follow her wherever she goes!"

After the rhythm was brought up, there were not a few people who responded, and they even gave the operation a code name, called "Killing as much as possible".

It was very imposing and made the participants feel more of a sense of belonging.

As a result, less than an hour after the operation started, almost everyone returned home.

They all complained in the "Quickly Kill Action Super Talk":

"The membership exam of station B is too difficult. I answered it three times, and I never scored 30 points once!"

"Is this a question that a normal person can answer?"

"What did Shi Chen do wrong?"

"What is the full name of the melancholy male lead of Haruhi Suzumiya?"

"Who is guilty of such a monstrous crime that the people complained about it?"

Question after question, not only about Acg, but also about history, mathematics, geography, etc., etc., it can be said to be all-encompassing, without any knowledge reserve or even understand what the title asks!
But why take the membership exam?Because if you want to post comments and barrage at station B, you must become a member of station B. If you want to become a member, you must answer these questions correctly first.

There are a total of 100 questions, randomly selected, each question is worth one point, and you must answer 48 questions correctly within 60 hours to become a member.

Although these problems of going to grandma's house can easily deter those two-dimensional cute newcomers, but at the same time they also keep countless "despicable foreigners" out of the door.

Just like this "kill all" operation, tens of thousands of unreasonable black people wanted to get Luoquan to be banned again, but 90.00% of them were blocked from the difficulty of the membership exam, and none of them passed the exam. one.

And these few remaining "seeds" have not had time to be happy, and soon discovered another restriction: "Users below level 3 cannot post comments!"

These people looked at their accounts with only a mere level 1 account, and their hearts felt as uncomfortable as being fed Xiang.

So far, the "Quickly Kill" action group has been wiped out, and these people have become a laughing stock. Not only Weibo, but also users of Zhihu, Douban, Tieba, and Station B are laughing at these people.

With the sense of superiority brought by the crushing of IQ, the two-spined apes who were looked down on by Weibo girls in the past ran to the "Quick Kill Action" superchat to ridicule their faces:
"Just because of your IQ, you want to come to our station B to make trouble?"

"You can't answer the question right? I'm not bragging. Many postgraduates may not pass the exam in one go. It's just whimsical if you start from elementary school, and you want to become a member with a capped degree in secondary school!"

"Luo Quan's coming to station B is definitely the best choice she made, because there will be no brainless trolls here. If there is, station B will make it disappear."

If Luo Quan could see this scene, he didn't know how happy he would be.

However, she is now busy preparing a welcome gift for users of station B, and it is a big gift.

Originally, Cheng Rui's idea was to let Luo Quan take a vlog and say hello to the users of station B. In the future, it would be enough to post some singing videos or daily life in Tokyo.

However, in order to express his sincerity, Luo Quan decided to write a station song for station B.

"Battle Hymn?" Cheng Rui was stunned when he heard these two words for the first time, wondering what the relationship between station B and war had to do.

Later, Luo Quan explained that it was not a battle, but a website.

The reason why she has this idea is because after so many years of establishment of station B, there is not a single song that can make users of station B feel a sense of belonging.

As we all know, the name of station B originated from the popular Japanese animation - "A Certain Scientific Railgun".

The heroine of the anime - Misaka Mikoto's ability is to discharge, and every time she uses the ability, it will make a bilibili electric sound, so Misaka Mikoto is also called "bilibili" by the male protagonist, and this is the basis for the name of station B.

At station B, this fan drama can be said to be a treasure of the town station. Even users of station B who don't watch anime very much will see information related to it in the barrage, comment area, and push.

But unfortunately, this one has been broadcast for two seasons, and whether it is OP, ED or episode, it is somewhat unsatisfactory.

It can't be said that these songs are ugly, but it is difficult to give people the feeling of being obsessed with them for a moment. In other words, they are not brainwashed enough, not bloody enough, too ordinary. Many UP masters don't use it when they make the "Super Cannon" video. , but borrows songs from other anime.

And Luo Quan's suggestion to Cheng Rui is that she will create a Japanese song with the theme of "Super Cannon", even if it is a welcome gift for everyone when she enters station B.

As for the standing song or something, it can only be regarded as Luo Quan's expectation for this song. He said it first, whether it can be popular depends on the specific reaction.

However, Luo Quan is very confident, and Cheng Rui obviously didn't really understand Luo Quan's strength. He just knew that Luo Quan has been very active in the new song charts of China and Japan these days, and many of her Japanese songs are sung at station B. See you Up Lord is covering, that's all.

But in any case, it must be a good thing for Luo Quan to have such a heart. In the past, it was just a passing scene for celebrities to settle in station B. There are few celebrities like Luo Quan who take it seriously a year.

But writing songs is not like hens laying eggs, so they can't come right away, so Cheng Rui asked Luo Quan how long it would take to prepare, and knowing the approximate time, he could arrange news pushes.

Luo Quan just smiled lightly on the phone: "Tomorrow I only have one class in the afternoon, and after school at 03:30, I spend half an hour recording vlogs and two and a half hours recording songs. The vlog will be sent to you, and in the rest of the time, you can directly edit the super gun's op screen and my song together, and just publish it."

"Can it really be so fast?" Cheng Rui wondered if he had a problem with his ears, making a song in two and a half hours?

Luo Quan's words were extremely confident: "It's so fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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