Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 861 Summer Temptation

Chapter 861 Summer Temptation
"Of course there is no problem. The blockbuster film shot by more models can be more lively and exciting."

The person in charge of Chanel Asia replied to Luo Quan like this.

At the beginning, Luo Quan and Chanel signed a five-year contract, and it was about to expire in half a year.

Lin Ruoli's company is different, Chanel is now trying every means to get Luo Quan to renew his contract.

It's just that I didn't mention it because I was afraid that Pang Luoquan would get bored.

And now that she has a chance to gain favor, how could Chanel refuse her.

So even if she knew that Luo Quan was bringing a newcomer to the company to catch the heat, Chanel was very happy to let her come.

On the other hand, Chanel also believes in Luo Quan's vision, after all, all the artists in her company are very good-looking.

"Since you say that, it's great. Don't worry, all the girls in our company are beautiful clothes hangers, and the results will definitely not be bad!"

Luo Quan patted his chest and promised Manager Zhou a guarantee.

Zhou Lian replied with a smile: "Okay, you can just bring someone to shoot tomorrow."

After the phone call, Lin Ruoli next to him asked curiously and expectantly: "How about it, boss, is it done?"

"Is there anything wrong with the boss?" Luo Quan smiled triumphantly: "Don't worry, Chanel has agreed, let me, Wen Xia and you take pictures of the summer new models, and when you see which one you like, you can wear it directly which one!"

"Amazing!" Lin Ruoli couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

In the past, she only knew that her boss, Luo Quan, was an international superstar with abundant resources.

But she doesn't know what the specific performance looks like.

Now she knows that it is a big name like Chanel, and she can make a film with them if she wants to.

And it’s an important blockbuster like New Clothes for Summer.

Even when she was at her hottest, such resources were simply out of reach.

For the boss, it's just a matter of making a phone call.

This is really amazing, if it wasn't for the boss sitting cross-legged on the bed at this moment, Lin Ruoli really wanted to hug her thigh so hard that no matter how hard he kicked her, he wouldn't be able to walk away!
"Okay, go back and prepare well. Tomorrow will be your first announcement after joining our company."

Luo Quan opened his suitcase while talking, and took out a fist-sized glass bottle, which contained aloe-like transparent colloid:

"This is a new skin care product developed by my third aunt's company. It is whitening, moisturizing and anti-oxidant. You can just apply it on your body after taking a shower. The effect is very good."

"Really!" Lin Ruoli's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly took it in his hand.

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I can still cheat you, but don't deduct too much at once."

"Okay, thank you boss!" Lin Ruoli held the skin care products tightly in her hands, nodded her thanks, and bounced back to the room.

Looking at Lin Ruoli's back, Luo Quan shook his head and laughed.

In fact, Lin Ruoli is older than her and Wen Xia, already 25, but he speaks and acts quite childishly, and looks carefree like a boy.

But in front of fans, she behaved very defensively and aggressively, and she was completely different from privately.

It can only be said that the entertainment industry is indeed true and false, making it difficult to tell.

After Lin Ruoli left, Luo Quan also went into the bathroom to take a shower, preparing to relax his body with hot water and get ready to rest.

Tomorrow's shooting location will be an indoor studio in Hengdian. Chanel's people have arrived yesterday, and the clothes and personnel have been transferred here entirely to take care of her.

Today is mainly setting up the venue, and tomorrow the shooting will officially start.

Compared with last year, the theme of Chanel this year is more unrestrained, named "Summer Style".

The clothes are bolder, and Zhou Lian, the person in charge, also greeted Luo Quan in advance.

Before doing it, she might also ask how bold Da Da is.

But since she wore black silk for the live broadcast, she didn't care so much about these.

As for the scale, she is already big enough, and she is basically on the verge of being banned in China.

After all, she is also a person who wears a swimsuit.

With the bamboo pole figure of most Chinese stars, there is not much difference between wearing a swimsuit and a vest, and there is no curve.

But if it was her, it would be full of ups and downs, ready to emerge, unfathomable, and thousands of years at a glance...

In short, it is a restricted level, which is incredible.

Those who dared to be higher than her were either warned or blocked.

In view of this, Luo Quan felt that there was no need for him to be so hypocritical, so he was not worried about Zhou Lian's "summer style", and was even thinking about how to embody this theme.

The next day, Luo Quan took Wen Xia, Lin Ruoli, Mia and his disciples to the photographer's scene.

Leon originally wanted to go, but Luo Quan scolded him back:

"We're going to shoot women's clothing, why are you a big man going to see it? Do you think it looks good and want to buy a few more to wear?"

After being asked this question, Leon suddenly stopped.

"Master, is the Chanel you want to photograph the one I'm wearing?" Cheng Nuo asked Luo Quan curiously on the way.

Lin Ruoli glanced sideways and said with a smile, "It's Chanel."

Cheng Nuo blinked: "Then you can get a lot of money for one shoot, right?"

Luo Quan shook his finger: "It's all acquaintances, not talking about money, but fate, 1000 million US dollars a year."

This number made Cheng Nuo's head spin.

In the past, $[-] was a lot of money for her.

She picks up garbage for a month and sells it for money, and her income is only in the early [-]s, less than [-] a year.

And the boss earns more than [-] times that of her, and he can't even shoot a few times a year.

"Is this the earning power of celebrities?" Cheng Nuo sighed, feeling a little unreal.

"If you become a star in the future, you can still earn so much. If you can't use it all up, you can donate it to the orphanage." Luo Quan knew what Cheng Nuo was thinking, and encouraged her while also doing what he could. it is good.

Sure enough, Cheng Nuo became excited when he heard this.

She used to think that earning money was extremely difficult, but after staying in Hengdian for so long, and now that she is with Master again, she suddenly found that earning money seemed not so difficult.

And it is so much that it can be donated to others, which is what she looks forward to the most.

"Then I'll make a lot of money in the future!" Cheng Nuo said.

After chatting like this, the van carrying five women arrived at the shooting location.

The employees of Chanel had been waiting for a long time, and immediately surrounded the car when they saw the car stop.

One of the taller women put her hand on the top of the car door to prevent bumps.

Luo Quan didn't have an assistant, so Chanel arranged one for her.

"Ready to start work." After getting off the car, Luo Quan stretched his muscles and said to Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli.

Speaking of which, both Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli have worn Chanel's haute couture, but it's the first time to shoot a special fashion blockbuster for this brand, so it's inevitable.Still a little apprehensive.

As a branch of the pan-entertainment circle, the fashion circle may seem small, but its level in the chain of contempt is quite high.

Not every star has movies and TV shows all the time, and fashion has become a very important resource if they want to maintain their popularity all the time.

Usually, if a certain star is on the cover of a well-known domestic fashion magazine, it is something worth bragging about.

In the chain of contempt in the fashion circle, Chanel is definitely the highest, if not the highest one.

Many domestic first-line stars can compete for a Chanel spokesperson in China or Asia.

And Luoquan is currently the only global full-line brand spokesperson, and its status can be said to be supreme.

Others may not understand what this concept is, but Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli, as insiders, naturally understand it.

This means that Luoquan has some of the best fashion resources in the world.

As long as she is willing, she is the most beautiful boy in the country.

In fact it is.

The Chanel haute couture dresses he wears on important occasions are all the best that other stars can't borrow.

It is said that Buddha depends on gold clothes, and people depend on clothes. Luoquan can contribute so many handed down looks at the party, and the exquisite big skirts provided by Chanel are absolutely indispensable.

In comparison, it is difficult for them to get a good-looking and stylish designer dress.

Sometimes the clothes are so ugly that the brand is not even willing to come out to claim them, and those who don’t know think they are wearing fakes.

Like the previous star who stole an unreleased Chanel gown.

If her celebrity status is as high as Luo Quan's, and her appearance is as beautiful as Luo Quan's, even if it is a stolen dress with some changes, Chanel will recognize it.

After all, such beauty will be handed down along with the existence of human history.

What these big names are looking for is not a sense of history and legend.

So, I saw Zhou Lian, the head of Chanel Asia, being so considerate to Luo Quan.

Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli couldn't help but sigh with emotion, with a face of the pinnacle of beauty in all human beings, they can really do whatever they want.

"Luoquan, take a look. This is the company's flagship product."

Zhou Lian snapped her fingers to the assistant, and a jacket and a pair of slippers were sent to Luo Quan.

The clothes are a black vest, with two suspenders crossed at the neck and fixed, and there is a considerable part of the back blank.

If you wear it on your body, the overall feeling is similar to a bellyband.

It is even more exposed than the apron, which can cover the stomach anyway.

"No wonder it's summer style, it's really clear enough." Luo Quan chuckled, and gestured with his vest.

In an open environment abroad, this dress will make women more sexy, and there should be many people who choose it.

But if it is in China, it is one of the best roast chickens.

The culture is different, the treatment is also different.

But in recent years, the domestic atmosphere has become more and more open, so this kind of clothes is not considered contraband beyond the rules.

As for another flagship product, it is a pair of white slippers.

Unlike ordinary flip-flops, this flip-flop also has a heel, so it can be said to be sandals.

The overall look is quite design, and the color and material are quite good.

If you wear such a pair of slippers on the street in summer...the rate of turning heads is probably not very high, because no one cares to see what slippers you are wearing.

But luxury goods are like this. Every year there are so many hits, and usually they are not clothes, but small items such as babies and shoes.

However, although it is a small item, the price may be higher than that of clothes.

Although Luo Quan could not agree with this pricing, as a spokesperson, he must concentrate on shooting.

The first thing to do when making money is to wash your feet first.

It should be stated in advance that the jio of the fairy has no smell.

Washing feet is just seeking a psychological comfort.

After all, there will be so many cameras shooting at the feet later, how can I not wash it clean.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan has not let his feet appear in the camera for a while.

During a live broadcast last year, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, hugging her feet and cutting her nails.

It was a very normal thing at first, but I was warned after a while.

Said to lead to bad habits, and X hints.

At that time, Luo Quan saw that the descendants were all stupid. I, Nima, cut my nails and became a bad person?

Wouldn't it cause environmental pollution if I pick my feet?

As a result, the bullet screens encouraged her to pick one.

As a goddess, she must not be able to do such a disregard for her image.

And this warning was also a wake-up call to her.

After that, Luo Quan seldom let his feet appear in the camera.

In fact, this is also related to the traditional culture of China.

Many people think that feet are the most private part of a woman.

In ancient times, this was absolutely not allowed to be seen by outsiders.

After some women get married, they can't even touch their own husbands.

It can be seen how much the ancient people valued their feet.

It symbolizes a woman's chastity, but also mystery and seduction.

This distinctive part was ugly, fat and short like a bear's paw.

The beauty is also very beautiful, and people can't help but have all kinds of charming fantasies.

In fact, not only in Huaxia, there are people who like this part all over the world, and there are quite a few of them.

For example, director Jiang Wen's friend, great director Kun Ding, is a veteran.

In his films, close-ups of feet can often be seen.

In a movie he starred in, he even arranged a special benefit for himself.

This benefit is the kind that will be banned in Huaxia.

Generally speaking, people are controlled by their appearance.

As long as a person is beautiful and has fair skin, no matter what part is photographed, it will make people feel admiration.

Before the shooting, Luo Quan just thought about whether it could pass the review after the shooting, but considering that it was a global advertisement anyway, and it was not only placed in China, he was not too worried.

After washing, Luo Quan originally wanted to dry himself off.

But the photographer told her not to use it, maybe the effect would be better if it was just covered with water droplets?
"Emotions treat me like a vegetable in the supermarket, and it will be fresher with some dew?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

But since the photographer said so, she followed suit.

The matter of being honored and loyal to others is called professionalism.

Soon, the photographer began to move the camera from far to near.

Then let Luo Quan walk in the room continuously, in order to obtain the state in various environments.

This is probably the simplest ad she has ever filmed. It only needs to walk and turn up the slippers.

This is really good money.

(End of this chapter)

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