Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 862 Can't the hot search come?

Chapter 862 Can't the hot search come?

After Luoquan's slippers commercial was filmed, Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli started work.

Compared with Wen Xia, Lin Ruoliu, who often takes photos for fashion magazines, looks more familiar and natural. When she walks in front of the camera, her expression immediately disappears, and she becomes extremely serious.

And he knows concave shape very well. The photographer only needs to say a few sentences, and Lin Ruoli quickly understands and poses the pos he needs.

Wen Xia is a little bit worse in this area.

This was not too unexpected for Luo Quan.

After all, the first time she saw Lin Ruoli, she felt that she was a natural model.

About the same height as myself, tall and slender, with an excellent temperament, and a beautiful senior face.

Different from the one in a certain art academy, Lin Ruoli's is a real high-end face, with tough facial lines and contours, like a sculpture, which makes people feel beautiful when they look at it.

As long as you stand inside the camera, you are the best model.

Luo Quan felt that if Lin Ruoli developed his strengths, he might become a world-class fashion darling in the future, and he would be the one to justify the name of "China's high-end face".

Of course, these are all things to do in the future, and now I have to help her get the heat up, and then reverse the reputation that was messed up by the previous company.

At noon, the three women sat on the sofa to rest after getting tired from filming.

Cheng Nuo wandered around the scene curiously, while Mia went to discuss business with a photographer.

She wanted to take some photos with Leon in Hengdian, and now she happened to meet a professional, so she wanted to ask him if he was free.

Money is not a problem, the key picture should be beautiful and warm.

Generally, photographers would not accept this kind of private work. It’s not that the company doesn’t allow it, but it’s really tiring to increase the workload for me for no reason.

and.They also have artistic pursuits, okay? For the sake of fashion, they can forget about eating and sleeping, but if it's just for a couple...

Soon, the photographer agreed to Mia's request.

No way, she paid too much money.

Just like in the TV series, he just took out a check and asked him to fill it out, which is simply rich and powerful.

"Boss, just now I saw the photographer pointing the camera at the ground and taking pictures, what is that for?"

When Lin Ruoli came back just in time for Luo Quan to finish filming, she didn't understand much, so she asked her curiously.

"Shooting slippers." Luo Quan raised one foot, moving his slender toes like a red heart and white jade up and down.

"Oh, so it is like this." Lin Ruoli suddenly realized.

"Ruoli, by the way, you are too proficient in shooting this. I feel that I can get it done without any communication with the photographer. Can you teach me?" Wen Xia sincerely asked Lin Ruoliu for advice.

"This is a lot to shoot."

Lin Ruoli didn't hide anything, and directly told her the secret: "I debuted for five years, and every year I have to shoot for several magazines. At first, I was very unfamiliar, and it took me a long time for the photographer to arrange a look for me just to set it up.

But as the number of times increases, I also know how to be white. After all, there are only a few poses to show my figure, and there are not many new tricks, just keep it in mind. "

"There is no one else, but you are familiar with it." Luo Quan also added.

In fact, she was similar to Lin Ruoliu at the beginning, but she will get used to it if she shoots a lot.

Wen Xia usually shoots too little, so she doesn't have much experience.

In fact, many things are like this, there is no trick at all, it just needs to practice many times, and then practice makes perfect.

And practicing martial arts is actually the same reason.

Hearing what Luo Quan said, Wen Xia also understood in her heart.

She took a lot more seriously when filming again in the afternoon. Of course, the situation hasn't changed much. She doesn't understand or doesn't understand.

Fortunately, with the help of Luo Quan and Lin Ruoli, it didn't take too much time, and the final photo was quite good.

After all, she used to be the second most beautiful woman in Asia. Even if her posses are worse than professional models, she still looks charming when she looks good and picks her feet, so the influence is not particularly big.

In the evening, Chanel's slippers, as the main product, were the first to release a promotional video.

In the video, Luo Quan walks by the pool in a sunflower-printed beach dress, and then runs lightly. Suddenly, the water splashes, and then it is a close-up.

Generally speaking, the feet of celebrities are not particularly good-looking.

After all, I often attend various parties and wear high heels for many years. The longer the fire, the longer the wear, and the more serious the bones will be affected and distorted.

Therefore, in order to look comfortable, the brand usually looks for a special model to replace it.

Including hand models and leg models are actually doing this.

As long as the lens is limited to a local area, it is generally impossible to find flaws.

Chanel was already looking for a good model, but after the actual shooting, it was found that it was not needed at all.

Just as every part of the body of Venus with the broken arm is a work of art, so is Luo Quan.

The most beautiful face in the world doesn't just refer to the face.

I personally took part in the battle, and the resulting film is of course beautiful, and it became a hot search immediately after it was released.

But this time, the brand bought it with money, and the front row of the comment area is also controlled by the navy in the same way.

In comparison, the hot searches on station B are really topped by a group of fans.

Chanel's account at station B only has a mere [-] million fans, and if she usually posts a video without Luo Quan, it will only be played by tens of thousands.

But this time with Luoquan, the number of broadcasts quickly exceeded 50, and it showed that 3 people were watching.

The comment area is also very lively:

"These slippers are really white, and they are smooth and smooth, just like pearls made of red bean stuffed rice balls."

"Food grade, I just dazzled it all in one go."

"Damn, there are so many strange xp brothers out there."

"By the way, are these slippers for sale? I want to buy a pair."

"The first row of Chanel's official website is there, but the price is a bit expensive, costing several thousand."

"I mean Luo Quan wears this pair."

"Ah this..."

"Hahaha, bro, be steady."

"Is there such a thing as your turn?"

"Be careful that Luo Quan kicks you directly with a jio."

"Why should you reward him?"

"Hentai base camp belongs to yes."


There were endless comments against the sky, and Luo Quan never thought that a short video would be so lethal.

In comparison, the video of the little vest that appeared later seemed insignificant, and the number of views was obviously not as good as that of slippers.

And not only boys, but also girls seem to like this exquisite slippers, and it has contributed quite a lot of sales just in the pre-sale stage.

According to this trend, when the product is officially on the shelves, it is very likely to become the first hot item this summer.

On the other side, Lin Ruoli was on the hot search again after a day.

It was five years ago since the last time she was on the hot search for two consecutive days.

At that time, just after graduating from university, she received a play from a famous director in China, and she was still the heroine, which brought a very impressive performance to the audience.

With this movie, she became one of the first-line stars almost overnight, and her absolute debut is the pinnacle.

At that time, countless film and television media scrambled to arrange an interview with her, and the hot searches were like fun.

It's a pity that I signed with a garbage company not long ago, and it would be very difficult to get on the trending list after that, and even if I did, it usually wasn't because of any good things.

And now, she seems to have returned to the mode when she first debuted, and the hot search has become easier again.

Now Lin Ruoli finally understands what it means to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade, follow Luo Quan, this last hot search is too simple.

In terms of popularity, this is a huge boost.

Seeing her idol appearing in Chanel's latest promotional video, Lin Ruoli's career fan was so happy, and began to speak excitedly in the comment area:

"Look at Boss Luo's efficiency. He signed the contract yesterday and brought Chanel with him today. As soon as the fashion resources come up, it is the top one in the world!"

"I really never thought that our Lili family would have the resources we have now. We didn't have such treatment during the hottest period when we debuted."

"This is only the first day, and there will definitely be more and better resources in the future."

"I don't know anything else, but you don't have to worry about Lili's high-end dress for the party."

"Then you don't have to worry about it, just open the closet and pick whatever you want!"

"Thank you Boss Luo, I'll call Luomen directly."



Luo Quan can understand the excitement of these fans.

But this "Luomen" she really didn't hold back when she saw it.

This made her seem like a god, and she is not omnipotent.

He dares to call him Luomen now, but he doesn't know what he will call him in the future.

However, Ruo Li's fans are getting excited now, and Luo Quan doesn't bother to correct them.

In the evening, a few people who had taken photos all day had a celebration banquet in the hotel room, and chatted about today's interesting things by the way.

"Sister, I have accepted a new movie, Huaxia's."

While eating happily, Leon suddenly said to Luo Quan.

"Good thing, what movie?" Luo Quan smiled and took a sip of orange juice.

Lyon recalled: "It's a movie adapted from Director Ming's own work, it seems to be called "Dawn Times"."

"Pfft...cough cough cough!" The orange juice immediately choked Luo Quan's trachea, and almost spewed it out.

"Drink slowly." Wen Xia quickly pulled a tissue and stuffed it into Luo Quan's mouth.

"Is this Ming Dao a writer?" Luo Quan coughed twice, looked at his younger brother and asked.

Leon nodded: "Yes, his full name is Mingjing. It is said that he is quite famous among young Chinese writers. He is one of the masters of what kind of youth... what kind of pain literature."

"It's youth pain literature." Lin Ruoli completed what Leon had said.

This type of novel was her favorite to read in middle school, and she liked to read stories in which the hero and heroine tortured each other to death.

Although director Ming Jing's works are not serious literature, they also have a strong meaning of YY.

However, the work "Dawn Times" really depicts a magic city of luxury and money for middle school students, satisfying their fantasies about the life of luxurious and high-end people.

For many people, this is a memory from their youth.

Director Ming started to devote himself to the film industry two years ago. He made two youth pain films. The reviews were mediocre, but the box office was not bad.

The main reason is that traffic stars were invited, and the commercialization of the pictures and stories was done well, so I made a lot of money.

After Ming Dao tasted the sweetness this time, he decided to increase investment.

Continue to invite the top class, and the story uses one of his most famous novels, "The Age of Dawn".

Ming Dao became famous in "Fantasy Kingdom", and "Dawn Era" and "Extinction" brought him to the top.

At the beginning of the 10s, his books were the best sellers in bookstores.

Now, Ming Director finally has the ability to make "The Age of Dawn" into a movie, and from the night of the launch, he announced that he would invite a lot of big names, and the momentum was quite huge.

At that time, everyone thought it was just a marketing tactic, but they didn't expect that Mentor was for real, and they also set their sights on Lyon.

"Is there anything wrong with this movie?" Leon looked at his sister suspiciously.

Of course, he didn't know that this movie would open the prelude to the era of Chinese-language movie traffic, and it was also the beginning of Chinese-language movies moving towards hip-pull.

He only knew that Ming Dao had given him a maximum salary of 5000 million in mainland China, and the roles he played were not many, only about ten minutes long.

Don't say I don't know if it's a bad movie, even if it is, it doesn't matter.

And there is no rule that an actor can't act in bad movies. Commercial movies are mainly about money. Anyway, he can guarantee that his acting skills will not be bad.

"There's no problem. If the price is right, let's act. If you don't earn the top salary, others will earn it."

Luo Quan thought for a while, but finally did not stop Leon.

He is different from himself. He is an artist of Universal. Although he didn't say it, he must have performance requirements.

Lyon has done nothing so far this year, and it's time to get some blood back with a commercial film.

And if you say "Dawn Era" is bad, Director Ming must have put his heart into it when filming it.

It's just that the script is really a bit of a joke, a bunch of illogical and cheap sensationalism.

But there's no need to be picky about popcorn movies, since they won't make her money anyway.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Quan couldn't help saying a sentence of sin in his heart, and he always felt that his idea was a bit bad.

However, it is reasonable and legal for director Ming to make a movie, and if it is going to rain, your mother will be married, so you can't say that this movie is a bad movie and stop people from making it.

Director Bi's dream-chasing showbiz has become so rotten, and he is still clamoring for a 2.

Netizens are quite supportive, saying that they want to witness the reverse peak of China's bad movies.

The crime of "Dawn Era" does not end here. To be honest, Luo Quan is also quite curious if Ming Dao can come up with some new tricks.

After all, the times are different. Now people have mobile phones and can easily know a lot of people and things.

I'm afraid it won't work if I try to describe the upper class world in the same way as in the previous book.

Maybe Mentor will make changes.

In view of this, Luo Quan did not refuse his younger brother's role.

And soon, the news that Lyon appeared in "The Age of Dawn" also appeared on the trending searches.

Almost overnight, "The Age of Dawn" became the most popular commercial movie in the first half of the year, even though it hadn't started filming yet, and even people could be found.

But Lyon's name has already made many sponsors unable to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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