Chapter 863

Luo Quan has always felt that it is difficult for a person to grow without suffering.

The younger brother's journey has been so smooth, and it is not a bad thing for him to suffer a little loss.

So she clearly knew that "The Age of Dawn" was likely to be a bad film that would be written into the history of Chinese film, but she still planned to let her younger brother earn the money.

On the one hand, his company wanted performance, and the price Ming Dao offered was indeed sincere.

On the other hand, it's nothing new for an actor to make bad movies, as long as he shows his acting skills seriously in the movie, the script and other people's bad movies have nothing to do with him.

So Luo Quan didn't express much opinion on this matter.

And after Ming Dao successfully captured Lyon, he didn't waste any time, and immediately bought a hot search to publicize it.

As the top best-selling novel of the post-[-]s middle school era, Akatsuki Times is loved by many people, especially girls, and there are still quite a few fans.

Now after so many years, it has finally ushered in the film and television, and the cast is ridiculously strong.

In addition to Lyon, there are top-notch Liang Mi and all the handsome men and beauties in her company.

After the lineup came out, some fans called it the best-looking Chinese movie in ten years.

Liang Mi is one of the most popular actresses in China. She debuted as a child star and has acted in many classic TV dramas.

Although he is not the protagonist, but because of his sweet and lovely appearance, he has left a very deep impression on the audience.

Later, with a drama that traveled through the palace of the Qing Dynasty, it became popular in China and officially became a first-line actress.

But unlike other actresses who focus on acting, Liang Mi even if you only know acting, you can only be an actor at the mercy of others in your life.

She has been in the entertainment industry since she was a child, and she is very aware of how dirty and involuntary it is.

And if you want to get rid of these, you can only become capital.

So she set up her own economic company, Jiaxing, and became her own boss.

At the same time, relying on his own traffic, he took a few newcomers from the company to brush their faces when they starred in TV dramas.

For example, Di Liang, the No. [-] traffic director of Jiaxing Company, became popular in this way.

Speaking of which, Di Liang was even hotter than his boss Liang Mi in the past two years, resource announcements continued, and he even took the position of running man instead of baby.

But because he won an award that he shouldn't have won, he got an ugly nickname, and his popularity was completely defeated.

In addition, all the movies and TV shows that were filmed hit the street, and there has been no sound in recent years.

In fact, the artists of Jiaxing are all like this. The conditions are not bad, and the image and acting skills are above the average. If you carefully select the script and carefully consider the characters, you can make a good drama.

However, because the boss wants to become bigger and stronger, he has signed a gambling agreement with them, and has a very high revenue target to be completed every year.

Therefore, all the artists in the company acted like they were hungry and willing to take any job.

In addition to the regular bad movies and bad dramas, many game advertisements that look huge and low can be shot.

It's fine if you're fond of things like Blue Moon, anyway, they're well-known, after all, Uncle Long, Gu Zai and Zha Hui also filmed.

The key point is that the games they filmed are not as good as playing Lanyue. At first glance, they thought it was a game with the same interface as the online card dealer with the sexy dealer.

Also because of this, Jiaxing's people are not particularly well-reviewed in the circle.

On the one hand, it is because they are low, and on the other hand, it is also because they take on too many scenes at the same time, which can easily lead to the situation of judging the scenes, making people doubt whether they can perform well.

Of course, the general environment in the entertainment industry is to laugh at the poor but not at the prostitutes.

I'm not afraid that you love money like your life, but I'm afraid that your [-]th line is small and transparent, and you are fake and noble.

At least these artists of Jiaxing now have a lot of fans, high traffic, and really a lot of money in their hands.

Isn't this another big job? The boss leads a family of young and old to star in "The Age of Dawn".

Moreover, Leon and Liang Mi still have CP scenes, and there will be more than ten or twenty trending searches at that time, and they will be sorry for his status as the new Oscar winner and the most handsome man in the world.

It can be foreseen that Lyon will tie up with Liang Mi on Weibo for a period of time in the future.

Lyon's fans in China are currently quite critical. As old fans in the fan circle, they know the style of the opposite party very well, which is all kinds of hype and hype.

In terms of acting skills and background, Liang Mi is not considered to be the first in the industry. She can get to this point only by being able to hype.

So Lyon fans are very worried that their baby will suffer a lot.

Yes baby.

Don't look at Leon's debut for a long time, but he has just turned 21 years old. In the entertainment circle, he is a pink and tender puppy, so he has quite a lot of sister fans and mother fans.

Usually address him with nasty words like baby.

After the official announcement of Lyon and Mia, many fans at home and abroad have lost their fans.

And if you can stay, apart from true love, you are basically sister fans and mother fans.

It doesn't matter if you fall in love, after all, who doesn't like a girl like Mia who has no scandals.

In comparison, they pay more attention to Lyon's career development and those handsome photos posted every day.

It didn't seem like a particularly good choice to shoot "Dawn Era", but since they accepted it, they had no choice but to support it.

But Liang Mi's cp, to be honest, Lyon fans really don't want it.

Wouldn't it be nice to form a Phoenix Legend CP with my sister? I really don't want to see a third party get involved.

This is the inner portrayal of many fans now.

Of course, capital doesn't matter so much.

They only know actor Leon, adapted from a well-known ip, starring top-notch Liang Mi.

All of them are traffic passwords, can the three combine to make money?
So various invitations for investment and placement of advertisements were immediately sent to Ming Director.

As the saying goes, the wool comes from the sheep, don't look at how Ming Dao gave Leon such a high salary.

But as soon as the news is announced, it will be earned back in minutes.

So many people say that the director looks like a writer, but he is actually more like a businessman.

In short, all aspects were settled, and the start time was only half a month later. Leon also got the script in the evening and began to write a biography for the character.

This has always been his habit. No matter what role he plays, he must first write a biography for his own role, followed by the role that has a rival role.

The content of the biography includes the character's family growth environment, personality, and education, so that we can know how the character usually talks and how to act in the play.

It is precisely because of such seriousness that he can achieve such achievements at a young age.

If you want to win the Best Actor Oscar, relying on your face will not work at all. How can you let the group of academic judges who hate handsome guys give the award to yourself, the handsome leader?
Although "The Age of Dawn" is a commercial film, Leon also treats it equally, and must analyze it carefully.

But after reading the script for half an hour, he was puzzled.

He raised his head and scratched his head blankly, then looked blankly at his sister who was writing the script next to him.

"Sister, is the original novel of this movie very popular in China?" Leon recalled the hot searches he saw when he checked Weibo. It is said that the book "Dawn Times" is quite popular.

Luo Quan left the keyboard with both hands, and replied: "It's quite popular, one of the must-have extracurricular books for middle school girls in the 10s, half of a class may have read it, and even regarded the content of the book as a standard.

However, in recent years, it has not been so influential. "

"No, I thought such a best-selling book would be The Great Gatsby, or a book like A Song of Ice and Fire."

Leon scratched his head again. If the hair wasn't strong enough, he probably would have pulled a lot of hair out of his hands.

Faced with his younger brother's doubts, Luo Quan said with a smile: "How can young people in Huaxia calm down to read these things, it's either online articles or games.

By the way, why are you asking these questions? Is there something wrong with the script? "

"How about this script, the story is okay, there is something to watch, but the core of the story is a bit crooked, and the people in it are too money-worshipping.

But it's okay to worship money, after all, New York worships money even more than this.

But why is this way of worshiping money so unimaginative? "

"What do you mean, do you think this book is not good enough in showing off your wealth?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes when he heard his brother's words: "I didn't say that, Comrade Leon, your consciousness needs to be improved."

Leon smiled helplessly: "But the purpose of this movie is to show off wealth with the luxury of the upper class. Under this basic framework, the character's worship of money can also be logically self-consistent.

It's just that the content of showing off wealth in the script is completely wrong.

Anyway, Shanghai is also the top two financial centers in Asia, a world-renowned developed city, and a rich wife who can be called a wealthy family usually rides in a BMW?
There is also the father of the second daughter, Gu Li, who is also a rich man, and her enviable wardrobe is only a few dozen pieces of clothes, all of which are styles.

What about haute couture?What about limited editions?

In addition, the biggest problem is that Gu Li's father runs a listed company worth [-] million yuan. I don't know much about the rules of A-shares. Can assets of [-] million yuan be listed? "

Facing his younger brother's series of spiritual questions, Luo Quan was silent for a while, and then said:

"This is a book written by Ming Dao several years ago. At that time, he had just become famous, and his savings did not exceed [-] million. About [-] million is quite huge for him. BMW is also a luxury car in his cognition. , After all, BMW also has hundreds of thousands to millions."

"That's it." Leon suddenly realized, "Then I have to discuss it with Director Ming and correct the mistakes he made in numbers."

Luo Quan was taken aback, looked at Leon and asked, "Do you think it's the numbers that are wrong, shouldn't it be that the value of worshiping money is wrong?"

Lyon blinked, and then said with a smile: "Sister, I grew up in New York and London, and the most common thing I saw was money worship.

One of my classmates did an experiment. He drove his cousin’s supercar and parked on the street. In just half an hour, 46 hot girls came to strike up a conversation, and [-] of them left their contact information. Another twelve even took the initiative to sit in Jin's car.

You can have nothing in New York, such as morality, shame, kindness, but you must not be without money, otherwise you will not be able to live a day.

In my opinion, money worship is a way for many people to survive.

Of course, this is what I have seen and heard in New York. China's Shanghai, as an eastern city, is different from the western one? "

Luo Quan stopped asking this question, and then made her laugh.

Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli, who had been silent on the sofa next to them, also laughed.

"Essentially there is no difference."

Luo Quan considered it for a while, but finally he still didn't say that sentence, which is worse than that:

"It can only be said that there must be many people who love money, but loving money in China is not a glorious thing. We are proud of treating money like dirt, but in reality, if you have no money, you can't afford a house and you can't find a wife."

"Then it's over." Leon spread his hands and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, worshiping money is not a heinous value. After all, money is the pursuit of most people."

After Leon finished speaking, he became more at ease, and then called Mentor to discuss how to revise the script.

And Luo Quan also thought about something.

That is, there is really a big gap between some concepts in China and those in foreign countries.

Of course, it's not her turn to take care of value-oriented matters, and it's not something that can be guided by a movie.

In comparison, the content on Douyin and Weibo is the real guiding tool.

But if she said it out of nowhere, she was worried that these things were really just meddling with other people's business.

After some discussion, Ming Dao accepted Leon's suggestion and corrected these low-level mistakes in the script.

Since you want to show off your wealth, show it off fiercely.

Anyway, it is destined to be scolded for worshiping money, so why not worship it in a high-end atmosphere.

So when Ming Dao accepted the suggestion, he also asked Lyon, a real noble and wealthy young man, what kind of high society is it.

Leon thought of those buddies in his high school having parties with girls every day, and felt that it seemed necessary to change the saying:
"If it is according to the setting in the script, the grade of jewelry should be improved. Of course, I can bring my own. For others, they will know how to match after watching the Oscar ceremony."

"Okay, I'll go to tutoring now!" Ming Dao accepted the suggestion sincerely.

After the phone call, Leon sat next to Luo Quan with a flattering smile: "Hey sister, I have something to discuss with you, I don't know..."

"What are you discussing?" Seeing his appearance, Luo Quan knew it was not a good thing.

"Can you lend me your Lamborghini Poison and drive it for two days, and make a cameo in the movie."

"You really thought it was to show off your wealth!" Luo Quan wanted to give him a jio on his ass.

Leon said with a shy smile: "Anyway, you are afraid of dust in the garage, and you can't drive it a few times a year. Why don't you let me use it. Don't worry, I promise I won't break it for you."

"If you scratch the paint, I'll peel off your skin." Luo Quan threatened in a low tone.

In other words, he intends to lend it to Lyon.

Young people are very playful, and it is understandable that they want to drive a luxury car to show off their wealth.

Anyway, the car hasn't been on the road much since arriving in Huaxia, so I took this opportunity to run on the highway to prevent the engine from rusting.

After getting his sister's approval, Leon also immediately called to find a replacement driver, planning to ask the price to drive the car to Hengdian.

(End of this chapter)

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