Chapter 864 Hundred Flowers Award

Facts have proved that in this materialistic world, money is not everything.

For example, Leon originally wanted to pay a price to drive the car directly from Shanghai to Hengdian.

It was well said at the beginning, and the price was set.

As a result, people went to the garage to see it, and dared not open it.

"Brother, you asked me to drive a car worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If something happens to you, even if you sell me, you won't be able to pay for it."

The surrogate driver said this to Leon on the phone tremblingly, as if he felt terrified just by looking at the car.

In fact, the replacement driving companies all buy insurance for them, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Even if an ordinary luxury car is scratched, it will be fine.

But Luoquan's car is beyond the scope of ordinary luxury cars, and there is really no price to dare to touch it.

In the end, Lyon contacted another transportation company to send the car over with a large trailer.

Slow must be slower, but it will only take a day or two, and there is no rush to use it anyway.

"What about your black card, isn't it said that it is omnipotent?" Luo Quan laughed after knowing this.

Lyon explained: "The black card said that there is no driver who dares to drive for the time being. They decided to increase the salary and recruitment scope. I think it's too much trouble and let them forget it."

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and people must be found.

But I don't know how long I'll have to wait.

Leon didn't like this feeling of waiting for the unknown.

So he directly chose another method, even if the transportation time will be longer, but at least he knows when it will arrive.

Luo Quan opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, when the phone rang: "Hey Director Jiang, you busy man, call me when you have time?"

It was Director Jiang Wen who called. He is currently preparing for the filming of "Olympics in Prisoner of War Camp", and there has been no movement for quite a while.

Now I'm calling suddenly, and I don't know why.

"Haven't you checked your mailbox recently?" Jiang asked, the director's laughter was as bright as ever, like firecrackers.

"I'm so busy, I don't have time to check my mailbox." Luo Quan's heart skipped a beat: "Did I miss something important?"

While talking, she opened the personal mailbox that has been kept at 99+ for a long time.

Jiang Wen explained: "The Hundred Flowers Awards will be presented soon, and your film has several nominations this time. The award organizing committee sent you an email but didn't reply, so you asked me to ask what's going on."

"It turned out to be this matter, my fault, my fault." Luo Quan also saw the email in his mailbox at this time and apologized quickly.

"Okay, I've brought the words, you should prepare your acceptance speech carefully, I still have things to do."

Director Jiang Wen hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Judging from his tone, it seemed that she was more confident than Luo Quan that she would win this time.

The selection rules for the Hundred Flowers Awards are that the backbone of the Film Association first selects the shortlist, and then selects five nominations [-] days before the award ceremony.

On the day of the final award ceremony, [-] audience judges voted to select the final winner of the Hundred Flowers Award.

As the three major film awards in mainland China, the Hundred Flowers Awards is held every two years, and the competition is more intense than the annual Golden Rooster and Huabiao.

"Farewell My Concubine" had already swept the Golden Rooster Awards last year, and this year it's finally the Hundred Flowers Awards.

There are still quite high calls from the outside world for "Farewell My Concubine" to win the award.

But it's not without competitors.

"The Lake", which was released in October last year, is the biggest rival of "Farewell My Concubine".

The current status of this movie in China is not very different from the status of "Forrest Gump" in the United States.

An excellent film that is extremely correct.

In normal times, "The Lake" can easily win various domestic awards like "Forrest Gump".

Coincidentally, the opponent of "Forrest Gump" at the Oscars is "Joker", which has a darker and darker intention.

The opponent of "The Lake" is also "Farewell My Concubine" with a very heavy and sad overall atmosphere.

The difference, though, is that Forrest Gump is the one with the upper hand in the competition, while The Lake is the one with the underdog.

If only from an artistic point of view, Farewell My Concubine's failure to win the Hundred Flowers Award this time could only be due to shady scenes, and there is no second explanation.

But the Hundred Flowers Award is not a pure art award like the three major foreign film festivals.

Writing is an award selected by public judges. In addition to art, the audience's love or family and country feelings must also be considered.

With the same heavy historical content, "The Lake" is more tragic and generous, and it is easier for young people to resonate.

So, don't look at the Internet saying that this time "Farewell My Concubine" can continue the performance at the Golden Rooster Awards last year, and continue to kill.

But in fact, Luo Quan was very uncertain.

After all, judging from the box office, "Farewell My Concubine" was less than 20 billion, while "The Lake" broke through 70 billion, second only to Wolf Warrior II's [-] billion box office.

The number of viewers is not at the same level. Compared with another nominated film "Hello Mother", which has a box office of 50 billion, it may be more competitive.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the movie "Hello Mother" has almost no ability to compete for the best movie, and the final winner will only be born in "The Lake" and "Farewell My Concubine".

With so much on his mind, Luo Quan put down his phone.

At this moment, Leon curiously asked who was calling, and Luo Quan told her that he was going to attend the Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony.

Lyon, who always likes to be lively, immediately cheered up: "Can you bring guests to this ceremony? I want to go too."

If it is any other award, such as Weibo Night, if the Oscar winner is willing to come, it will definitely be welcomed with both hands.

But the Hundred Flowers Award is not good, because since its inception, there have been very few foreign guests participating in the Hundred Flowers Award, and there have been none in recent years.

So even if Leon wanted to go, he probably would have declined in reply.

"I'm afraid I can't go, you'd better stay at home and watch the sixth princess show." Luo Quan immediately poured cold water on his younger brother.

"Why?" Leon was stunned.

"The Hundred Flowers Award generally does not invite foreigners, only Chinese people can participate." Although Luo Quan didn't know why this was the case, since the rules were like this, no one could violate them.

"Really? I'll search for it." Leon obviously still didn't believe it, and immediately searched on Baidu, "Are foreigners participating in the Hundred Flowers Awards?"

The answer is no.

There are foreigners who have participated in the award competition, but I haven't seen anyone who participated as a guest.

"Not really." Leon muttered, but soon he discovered Huadian.

"No, these celebrity guests have Singapore, France, and Switzerland behind their names. Does this mean that they have acquired other nationalities, and they are foreigners in a strict sense."

Luo Quan glanced at it: "Oh, what you said, they were not foreigners when they participated, and they became citizens of other countries later on."

"That's it." Leon understood now, and then muttered: "Huaxia is pretty good, why do you want to go to a foreign country?"

Luo Quan couldn't answer this answer, and it would be impolite to continue.

The Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony was approaching, and internal entertainment became extremely lively.

Stars who have been confirmed nominated have already started buying announcements and starting publicity.

And the opponents of these celebrities also arranged for the navy to brush up their black materials and start to stalk them.

"You deserve it too" has become a hot word on Weibo these days.

In short, few of these nominated stars are worthy in the comment area.

There are also those who want to fish in troubled waters and want Heiluoquan.

Several celebrities who were named by other people are fighting each other for credit, and someone here said that Luo Quan didn't say a word, what are you fighting for?

It seemed too offensive when the words came out.

The key point is that Luo Quan didn't nominate herself, after all, she didn't have a Chinese-language film starring her that was released last year.

But these black people just want to lure her to recruit black people. This kind of behavior that looks like a fan is actually a black person is not easy to control. After thinking about it, Luo Quan still doesn't bother to say it.

If she came out to say a few words every time there were one or two sunspots with rhythm, wouldn't that exhaust her to death?
We can only hope that netizens keep their eyes open and don't be irritated by these sunspots.

"Boss, what should we wear to the ceremony?" Lin Ruoliu asked Luo Quan in the hotel room.

In the past, for any ceremony, the company would help her to borrow a dress from a certain famous brand, but the quality varied.

Now that it's Quanshui Entertainment, the treatment should be improved to a higher level.

"Choose it yourself." Luo Quan threw a tablet on the bed, "click on my closet, and pick whatever clothes you want."

The icon of the "My Wardrobe" software is a big CH. After Lin Ruoli clicked on it, she found that there were more than 30 pages of dresses in it, and each page contained forty photos.

A dazzling array of everything.

"What is this?" Lin Ruoli opened his mouth wide in surprise, indeed he was shocked.

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "This is a small software I asked the programmers of Blizzard Studio to develop. It takes a short video of all the clothes in my closet and organizes them into a list. If there is a need, click to select."

Lin Ruoli sighed: "Boss, this is all yours? That's too awesome. The dresses are more than the clothes I've worn in my entire life."

"Actually, I haven't worn a few. Most of them are from Chanel, and the rest are other brands of dresses bought by my grandfather. The quality is good, but some dresses are more avant-garde. I'm afraid people nowadays can't appreciate them. "

As Luo Quan said, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

With so many dresses, she definitely couldn't wear them all by herself.

The key is that she can't sell these few questions that she can't wear.

Because after they are sold, these dresses will be labeled as Luo Quan's dresses immediately.

It is estimated that it will be sold at a high price again if it changes hands.

It cannot be sold, nor can it be donated.

Ordinary clothes can also be donated to children in impoverished mountainous areas, so that they can wear warmer clothes in winter.

But what are these dresses for?
A considerable part of them are deep V, and each piece of fabric is less than one piece. If this is donated, I am afraid it will become a joke.

Therefore, Luo Quan could only put these endless dresses in the closet to eat ashes.

Fortunately, the number of artists in the company is gradually increasing. From now on, each of them will have a suit, so they won't have to worry about not having a good dress to wear for a long time.

Soon, Lin Ruoli chose a dark green dress: "Boss, I have chosen it, so I will wear this one."

"So soon, stop looking?" Luo Quan looked over.

The style of this dress is quite nice, but the color is not her favorite type.

In comparison, she prefers more gorgeous colors such as gold and silver.

"Low-key and connotative, I like this kind of thing." Lin Ruoli gave her reasons, and Luo Quan can talk on the left and right.

After the clothes are selected, someone will deliver them soon.

Luo Quan glanced at the date and venue of the Hundred Flowers Award ceremony, and prepared to arrange the itinerary.

Fortunately, the Hundred Flowers Award was held in Hangzhou, the capital of Jiangnan Province this year. The time was three days later, so there was no rush.

In the past three days, Luo Quan has not done anything like other celebrities to build momentum for himself. Of course it is best if he can get it, but it doesn't matter if he can't get it. Just treat it as showing his face and showing his presence.

Speaking of which, Lin Ruoli has also entered the list of candidates for the best actress this time, but it is a pity that she failed to go further.

This is her only literary film in the past few years, and it was made to win awards.

But this year's heroines are all strong, and she really can't compete.

As for the male lead, it was even more bloody.

"Farewell My Concubine" star Zhao Xilin sent a WeChat message saying that she felt that winning the award was unstable, and it was said that she was related to the household.

Luo Quan looked at the list, but couldn't recognize who the related household was, so he could only comfort him: "It's good to keep a normal mind, anyway, you have been nominated for best actor in Cannes, and you are not afraid that another best actor nomination from Baihua will not win the award.

You are still young and there are plenty of opportunities. "

If it was Zhao Xilin's previous temper, he would definitely talk about it on the Internet.

At the very least, I will be pissed off at the related account.

But now, after entering the entertainment circle for nearly two years, he has gradually been assimilated by the circle.

It's not that they are in the same boat, but more tactful.

In the past, he may be young and frivolous, even if he encounters a broken head, he still pursues the word of fairness.

As for now, even if you encounter unfair things, you have to calculate the gains and losses, and see if it is worth it to get angry for it.

It can be said that he is counseled, or that he is mature and knows to take care of the overall situation.

However, Zhao Xilin himself didn't know if it was right for him to do so.

Luo Quan was unable to comment because she had never encountered a similar situation.

In all the award selections she has experienced, she has not been intercepted by a related party.

So I can't empathize with Zhao Xilin.

But if she encounters this situation herself, she will definitely not swallow her anger, even if she is blocked, she must post it online for an explanation.

If Zhao Xilin was an employee of her company, she would do the same.

However, Zhao Xilin had rejected his invitation at the beginning, so now there is nothing he can do if he encounters anything.

As for whether Zhao Xilin regrets it now, she doesn't know.

But there is only one chance to buy a ticket and board the train, and it is too late to change the ticket now.

So after Zhao Xilin talked with Luo Quan again, he didn't get any substantive results.

On Weibo, the competition for award nominees is still going on.

Praise and smear manuscripts are everywhere.

Compared with Luoquan, it can almost be called a clean land.

(End of this chapter)

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