Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 865 One more double yolk egg

Chapter 865 Another Double Yolk Egg
ps. At the end of the month, I would like to ask everyone for a vacation, and take a break tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so everyone should not wait for the update.


"Family, this is the scenery outside the Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony, I will take everyone here for a stroll."

Leon was standing beside the street of the hotel, his phone in his hand.

There are quite a few Internet celebrities around him, also here to catch the heat.

Reporters had to stand closer, and basically surrounded Gong Hongtao. His location was neither far nor near, so he could take pictures of celebrities' faces without being expelled by security.

Originally, he planned to drive here, and by the way, show off to the Douyin audience.

But after getting in the car, I realized that I didn't have a Huaxia driver's license. If someone reported it when I got in the car, it would be troublesome.

So after the car was transported from Shanghai, it still had to be left in the parking lot to eat ashes. The old lady laughed at him for a long time when she found out about it.

"Why doesn't the anchor go to the Hundred Flowers Awards as a guest?"

"It's reasonable to join in the excitement."

"It's a joy to watch outside the red carpet."

"Can the anchor live the whole life, such as pretending to be a reporter and interviewing your sister?"


Douyin fans will still work hard, and the suggestion made Leon's eyes brighten: "This is a good idea, but I don't have a press card, can I go there?"

Leon said while stretching his neck to look at the scene.

The red carpet of the Hundred Flowers Awards is not particularly long, it just looks like it extends 20 meters from the hotel gate, and there is a sign next to it for the stars to write on.

The section from the red carpet to the road is not surrounded, and passers-by and Internet celebrities can pass by.

However, these positions are all occupied by reporters, and there are also a few Internet celebrities with a lot of fans.

The more fans you have, the more confident you are. There may be more people watching these Internet celebrities than watching the media accounts of these reporters.

Leon thought about it for a while. He also has about [-] million fans on Douyin, and now the live broadcast room is also popular with millions of people. Anyway, it can be regarded as a bit of traffic.

Others can go, can't he go?
So I bravely walked over, and squeezed in bit by bit.

Because he was wearing a mask, no one recognized him.

But the people next to him saw him with blond hair and blue eyes, so they knew he was a foreigner, so they showed the demeanor of a great country, and didn't care too much about him.

If another colleague competed for position like this, it is absolutely impossible for other journalists and Internet celebrities to be so easy to talk about.

"As expected of a country of etiquette, I feel a little embarrassed for everyone to be so humble."

Lyon said to the audience in the live broadcast room, he was quite happy.

A group of fun people in the live broadcast room also burst into laughter:

"Is such that."

"I don't think it's a problem to just walk up to the red carpet."

"As soon as I take off the mask, I think I can enter the awards ceremony."

"Just edit today's live broadcast and release it. I think they can all compete for the best film in the Hundred Flowers Awards."



The yin and yang of the audience is so strange that Leon has no time to watch it for the time being, because the old lady and the others are here.

Luo Quan, Wen Xia, and Lin Ruoli participated in the awards ceremony this time. Mia and Cheng Nuo were watching the live broadcast at home, while Leon couldn't be idle and came here to do the live broadcast.

Today's Luo Quan is wearing a dark purple long dress, the skirt is full of radiance, like the mysterious star Xuan in the depths of the universe, shining with the change of angle, it is quite a cool dress.

And Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli didn't give up too much. The skirts on their bodies are graceful and luxurious, showing the sexy beauty of the female figure to the fullest. Coupled with the exquisite and gorgeous makeup and the majestic and beautiful appearance, they directly become a line that everyone pays attention to. beautiful scenery.

Luo Quan and the others got off the commercial vehicle, along with Wen Xia and Lin Ruoli's two newly recruited female assistants.

Now the company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more activities to participate in. If you still do everything by yourself like before, whether you can afford it or not is actually secondary, and the key is trouble.

Hiring an assistant can save you a lot of time.

Just like now, after getting off the car, the assistant immediately helped Luo Quan and the others tidy up their skirts, and then walked in front to clear the way.

The reporters who couldn't contain themselves immediately gathered around and threw the questions they had prepared to Luo Quan:

"Luo Quan, what are your expectations for this Hundred Flowers Award?"

"Farewell My Concubine has multiple nominations this time, how many do you think you can get?"

"Does Luo Quan have any new plans for this year?"

"Luoquan, what kind of arrangements will you have after you sign Lin Ruoliu?"

"How's the new TV show going?"


Luo Quan stopped in his tracks and said, "Today at the Hundred Flowers Awards ceremony, we will only talk about the Hundred Flowers Awards.

As for how many awards "Farewell My Concubine" can win this time, I can only say that the decision is in the hands of the public judges. After all, they are the ones who vote. We just need to wait quietly for the results. "

The official answer is nothing explosive.

Just then a microphone came out.

Normally, few reporters would do such impolite things, Luo Quan subconsciously leaned back, and his pretty eyebrows frowned.

But after seeing that it was Leon, the unhappiness in his heart disappeared immediately.

"Hi, Miss Luo Quan, I'm a reporter from the Albert Entertainment Weekly. May I ask if you will make another film for the Olympics this year? After all, the triple best actress is an unprecedented feat."

Hey, I won't recognize you if you wear a mask?

Luo Quan smiled inwardly, but at first he thought that Leon's sudden appearance here was for a joke, but the question he asked was quite serious.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will answer it."

Luo Quan coughed, and said in a serious tone: "First of all, no one has ever achieved three consecutive Oscar winners. If I do it, it will be really amazing.

But at the moment I still have other movies and TV series to prepare, and I don’t have any plans for the Olympic film yet, so I won’t borrow money from the triple actress. "

"Then what would you say about your brother Leon, such a handsome, outstanding, and funny guy? Can you tell me about it?"

Leon grinned wildly, but the mask covered his mouth so no one could see it.

And this kind of Wang Po's behavior of selling melons and boasting, of course, Luo Quan can't let him succeed:
"Actually, my younger brother Leon is not as good as you praise, the star is glamorous in front of the camera, but he is actually a mortal in private.

Celebrities may have the desires and vices that ordinary people have, so don't look at Leon being so handsome in front of the camera, maybe he is a big guy in private. "

Leon nodded: "Is that so, are you saying that Miss Luo Quan is similar in private, such as being irritable and abusing your younger brother?"

"Fake news!" Luo Quan raised his hands and pulled his two index fingers to the sides: "These are all rumors. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a very elegant and easy-going person, not to mention how gentle and considerate I am. But words like cranky and abusive certainly don't relate to me."

After speaking, Luo Quan turned his head and left, not giving Leon a chance to continue asking questions.

After asking the question, Leon retreated to the side of the road, hehehe smiled at the camera: "Did you see that my sister can be so dignified and decent on this occasion, she would have kicked my ass in normal times."

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room has long been laughing: "

"Little brother-in-law, you are really a live broadcast genius, and you are good at making shows."

"Oh my god, if you call me brother-in-law again, I swear, I will kick your ass hard with my pointed leather shoes!"

"Brother-in-law, if you do this, you won't be beaten by my wife when you go back later?"

"Every older sister is extremely good at opening his younger brother's celestial cover, and Luo Quan's advantage is that he can do it with bare hands without tools."

"I know what it means to use my life to live broadcast. The fierce light in Luo Quan's eyes just now is like a Tyrannosaurus staring affectionately at a sumptuous dinner."

"I don't allow you to talk about my wife like that!"

"You're dreaming again, aren't you?"


If Leon wasn't so handsome, maybe there would be one less actor and one more great anchor in the world.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, planned to give this younger brother who exposed his sister's faults a hundred million points more practice strength after returning home.

Although she was usually a little bit violent towards him, it couldn't be called abuse, it was just spreading rumors!

A certain big anchor is smiling happily now, but he doesn't know that the next day will become very painful.

Entering the venue, the three of Luo Quan were seated in the first row.

Lin Ruoli looked at the top celebrities around, and sighed in her heart, because in the past, it was very difficult for her to come here.

Except for the peak of fame when she first debuted, she sat in the fourth or fifth row at other time periods, neither top nor bottom.

But now after following Luo Quan, there are obviously no new works, but the status has been raised by at least two levels.

What is a card face?

This is called card face!

Lin Ruoli sat down and looked at the stars behind who she used to envy and look up to.

Now, I have become the one who is envied.

This change in movement made her extremely excited, and she couldn't help showing a smug smile from time to time.

But on this occasion, everyone around was laughing, so Lin Ruoli didn't attract too many people's attention.

Soon, all the guests were seated, and the No.30 Fifth Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony officially began.

Like most awards ceremonies, singers are invited to perform on stage before the official awards are presented.

In fact, compared to sitting in the audience as an audience, she prefers to sing on stage.

Her debut is singing, and she also likes to sing, and likes to bring the best enjoyment to the audience with her melodious melody and beautiful singing voice.

This is also the reason why she sings for several hours in every concert.

On the one hand, it is difficult for the fans to give up their hospitality, and on the other hand, it is also because she really likes to sing for everyone.

If the organizer of the Hundred Flowers Awards mentioned this to her, she would still be quite willing to go up to the scene, but unfortunately the organizer didn't mention it.

Although she is very lazy, she usually likes to stay at home when she has nothing to do.

But it doesn't take much to sing a song on stage, and generally you won't refuse when you encounter it.

As for the opening performance this time, the organizer of the Hundred Flowers Awards also took pride in inviting Li Wen to sing.

This senior is also a queen-level senior in the Chinese music scene, and he is also quite famous in the European and American music scenes, and his status is also very high.

Although he doesn't usually appear on Weibo and doesn't have much traffic, his reputation is definitely not low.

But this time when she sang on stage, Li Wen's performance can only be described as the scene of a car accident.

I don't know if there is a problem with the backstage equipment, or the condition is not very good today, and the final singing voice is not ideal.

Not only Luo Quan, but several professional singers in the audience frowned.

Fortunately, this is the Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony, and the hot show is not particularly important, as long as it can make the scene lively.

If it were a musical variety show, Li Wen's fame in this life would not be so great.

Although the current situation is quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, Li Wen has also been in the arts for decades. She has encountered various situations, and she still sang the song passionately without changing her face.

The audience in the audience also applauded enthusiastically.

Luo Quan's mood was complicated after hearing this.

This is the same as the aging of beauties and the deterioration of athletes' physical abilities, because of the erosion of the years and long-term use, the irreversible drop of the voice is caused.

The vast majority of singers will have this day, and it often comes without any preparation for them.

It could be on a stage, it could be in a recording studio.

When they opened their mouths, they suddenly found that the high notes that they could sing easily at ordinary times were actually so strenuous and unpleasant.

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine the feeling like the sky is falling.

In fact, not only Li Wen, but a certain king of the Chinese music scene also encountered such a situation some time ago.

Many songs in the new album are said by fans to not have the same taste as before.

But after the netizens sang it up and down, they found that it was still the original taste.

This shows that Tianwang's creative skills are still there, but his vocal conditions are no longer able to allow him to reproduce the way he sang when he was young.

When singing skills become mediocre, the sense of hearing of the song will naturally decrease.

Compared to Li Wen, Tianwang is still younger.

"Time is not forgiving." Luo Quan sighed softly.

Wen Xia next to him also nodded with this feeling.

Although she can't sing, she still knows the relevant knowledge after being around Luo Quan.

After listening to Li Wen's singing for a while, I realized something was wrong.

When Luo Quan mentioned this again, he also knew that the function of his voice had declined due to age.

"So you have to take good care of yourself and try to sing like Uncle Lin until you are 70 years old."

Wen Xia turned her head and whispered to her best friend.

Luo Quan smiled lightly: "Don't worry, my throat is not that fragile."

This is the truth. After all, with her current physical fitness, it is still quite difficult to sing with her voice worn out.

After the warm-up performance, the awards ceremony officially began.

The first award to be awarded was actually the most important Hundred Flowers Award for Best Film.

When the host announced it, everyone showed surprise expressions, obviously they didn't expect it to come so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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