Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 866 One more double yolk egg

Chapter 866 Another Double Yolk Egg ([-])

Generally speaking, important awards such as best movie and best actor and actress are usually announced at the end of the awards ceremony.

Just like eating a feast, the starters are all appetizers.

However, since the Hundred Flowers Awards judges have arranged it this way, everyone should wait and see what happens.

Anyway, whether it is sooner or later, all the winning results will be announced in the next hour and a half.

"Last year, there were quite a few excellent films in China. Whether it was "Farewell My Concubine", which won the Cannes Grand Prix, or Hu, which took in a box office of 70 billion, they all left a strong mark in the history of Chinese film development."

The host came to the stage and began to summarize the achievements of Huaxia Films in the past year, paving the way for the next voting.

Everyone listened intently, as they wondered whether "The Lake" would win or "Farewell My Concubine" would continue to sweep the awards.

This actually determines the future direction of domestic films to a certain extent.

As far as literary and artistic films are concerned, "Farewell My Concubine" has already been highly praised by countless bigwigs in the industry, and it is the pinnacle work in the true sense.

No matter what the box office is when a movie like this is made, it's all about winning awards.

For a main theme movie like "The Lake", the main goal is to box office, and at the same time, it can also arouse the patriotic feelings of the people.

As for the awards, it was very difficult for such films to win awards in the past.

However, this year's "Lake" is too popular, and it seems unreasonable not to take it.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for a result.

Find out whether the award favors "Farewell My Concubine" or "The Lake", so that they can have a count in their future movies.

For the vast majority of domestic directors, those foreign awards are actually not to be expected.

After decades of Chinese films, how many have achieved success in the three major film festivals?

In comparison, the three major domestic film awards are easier to touch.

Therefore, it depends on the result of this time whether to continue literature and art or follow the path of the main theme.

There are five films nominated this time. In addition to "Farewell My Concubine" and "The Lake", there are also the comedy film "Hello, Mother", the inspirational film "When Happiness Finds a Stupid Kid", the drama film "Fame ".

However, most people know that the latter three are just making up numbers, and the real competitors are still the first two.

There were a total of [-] judges in this voting, from the "public", representing thousands of movie fans in China.

Voting officially begins when the five nominated films hit the big screen.

"Luo Luo, do you have confidence this time?" Wen Xia asked Luo Quan in a low voice.

She herself also nominated a Best Supporting Actress this time, but because the time is too short, the probability of winning the award is not high.

However, the heroine and the two heroes are still quite competitive.

In fact, in the eyes of netizens, there is no competition at all.

In "Farewell My Concubine", the acting skills of all the members exploded, and it is impossible to justify not winning the award.

However, the domestic film awards highlight a society of human relationships, where everyone is happy and happy, and it is rare for a film to win multiple awards.

Last year, the Golden Rooster was already broken by "Farewell My Concubine". If it is broken again this year, other people in the circle may have to have opinions.

It's like there are still people saying on the Internet: I know you Luo Quan is talented, and the films you make are easy to win awards, but if you do this every year, then other filmmakers will almost win awards.

Although this is the opinion of some netizens, it certainly represents the aspirations of many people in the film industry.

Luo Quan himself had seen these too, but he didn't bother to respond.

Filming "Farewell My Concubine" was the task given by the above, and it was entirely for the purpose of winning awards abroad, and it was just incidental in China.

To be honest, after winning the Oscars, it doesn't really matter whether she gets these domestic awards or not.

Of course, it would be better to give affirmation.

Besides, Golden Rooster and Hundred Blossoms had invited her on his own initiative, so how could she be the one to grab other people's prizes?Cause and effect are not clear.

But now the network environment is relatively impetuous, and there are not many people who say such things, so she doesn't care much about it.

As for those people in the movie industry, if they want to win awards, they can make better movies and squeeze her out.

"The probability should be quite high. I won the Cannes. It is impossible to return to China and not win the award, right?"

Luo Quan said to Wen Xia calmly.

In fact, Huaxia really has a few films that won foreign awards, but none of them won domestic awards.

However, although the quality of these films is good, the themes are relatively sensitive, and they basically fail to pass the review, or are simply blocked.

If it has not been released in China and won the box office, it will naturally not be able to compete for domestic awards.

It can only be said that fortunately, "Farewell My Concubine" was requested by the higher authorities, and the script passed the review very early.

If there is no such relationship, it is estimated that it will be difficult to release.

"Don't set the flag." Wen Xia grinned.

For things like flags, sometimes there will be problems immediately after they are established.

But since metaphysics is involved, Luoquan's koi physique has to be mentioned.

The luck of this big beauty is really not ordinary. Playing Russian roulette, six magazines loaded five bullets, and pulled the trigger ten times before finally shooting herself.

It's gone when the first shot is about to be fired by ordinary people.

The key point is that she showed it in front of tens of thousands of people during the live broadcast. Except that the gun was not real, there was no element of deceit.

Since then, no one has questioned her koi physique.

In view of this, Wen Xia still believes in Luo Quan's luck, and this award ceremony should not return empty-handed.

While everyone was waiting nervously, the voting was finally over.

One hundred and one public judges all made their own choices. During the period of sorting out the voting results, the host came to the stage and said a few jokes to maintain the scene.

Soon, the results of the voting were sent up.

"Oh, the result this time is really unexpected."

There was a look of shock in the host's eyes, which made all the guests present frown.

Luo Quan didn't, because she had seen the host's expression on the face of the foreign host who presented awards at the Cannes Film Festival.

But in comparison, the surprise of the person in front of him is a bit artificial, and his acting skills are not very good, which makes people feel a little fake.

"This is the first time that our Hundred Flowers Award has had a tie in decades!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the voting results appeared on the big screen.

"Farewell My Concubine" and "The Lake" each received [-] votes, and there was one judge who abstained.

As soon as the news came out, the audience was in an uproar.

One hundred and one guests are set up to avoid tie votes.

However, usually the number of votes for award-winning movies is quite different from other movies, so there is no need to worry about such a situation.

But sometimes things happen that way.

There has never been a tie ticket before, and this time it appeared for the first time.

Now nobody wants to care about the mental journey of the person who abstained.

The guests just wanted to know what to do after the tie vote.

In fact, whether it is the live broadcast room or the audience at the scene, when they see the ticket type, they already have a clear understanding in their hearts.

There are so many awards for the two films, no one will be convinced if the other one wins.

Instead of focusing on one thing and losing another, it's better to split it into half as in Cannes before.

There is no dispute that cannot be resolved once with a double yolk egg. If there is, then come again.

Previously, "Farewell My Concubine" became the only best film with double yolk eggs in the history of Cannes, and was called by netizens as more valuable than the exclusive award.

Because this is the only one in history and full of gimmicks, it will still be talked about by everyone after many years.

And this time the judges of the Hundred Flowers Award also followed suit, adding another touch to the double-yolk resume of "Farewell My Concubine".

The character of Chinese people has always been a compromise, and this result can be said to be the best ending for the two movies.

Amidst the warm applause of the audience, the main creator of "Farewell My Concubine" and the main creator of "The Lake" took the stage, separated on both sides of the host.

Speaking of which, the main creator of "Lake" also has an acquaintance, that is the protagonist and director Wu Jin.

Luo Quan has known him for several years, and his first movie was Director Wu's "Wolf Warrior 2".

With this movie, she quickly entered the field of vision of the Chinese people, and became China's first female star with a box office of tens of billions.

We met again a few years later, but I didn't expect it to be on the podium, but it wasn't because of the same movie.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Director Wu raised the microphone first and said: "Director Luo and I are old acquaintances, we were still filming "Wolf Warrior 2" when we first met, unfortunately we didn't cooperate again later.

It has to be said that it is also a kind of fate to be able to accept the award together on stage this time. "

Luo Quan smiled all over his face: "If there is "Wolf Warrior 3", Director Wu can save a seat for me. It's better to have an action scene this time."

"Definitely." Director Wu also smiled very happily.

Although he has no plans to make Wolf Warrior 3 yet, this series will definitely continue.

And Luo Quan is willing to continue to play, that must be the best news.

If the second consecutive Oscar-winning actress had an intense action scene in Wolf Warrior 3, the pre-sale box office could break one billion just because of this gimmick.

Maybe, the box office record of Chinese movies created by myself can really be broken by myself.

Of course, these are all for later.

Now the Best Film winner of the Hundred Flowers Awards has been announced, and "The Lake" and "Farewell My Concubine" jointly won, which can be regarded as leaving a good story.

Luo Quan raised the microphone and said an acceptance speech that stunned everyone:

"First of all, I would like to thank the organizers of the Hundred Flowers Awards for awarding this award to "Farewell My Concubine", and I also hope that the Hundred Flowers Awards and Huaxia Film will get better and better.

Secondly, I have been in Hengdian for quite a long time because of filming a new TV series, and I have seen many people and many things.

I found that many directors are really dedicated, even if they are resting in the hotel, they still have to find time to interview actors, and an interview usually lasts for an hour or two, and men and women are not taboo.

I am really ashamed of this kind of seriousness in work. If there are more directors like this, maybe Huaxia Film will be better. "

After speaking, Luo Quan led the people back to their seats.

A group of celebrities under the stage, with expressions of surprise, admiration, sniggering, anger, or gloomy, can be called the faces of all beings in the entertainment industry.

Anyone with a discerning eye knew that what Luo Quan said was talking about the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

And the last sentence is obviously ironic.

In fact, in this circle, unspoken rules are the most common dark side.

How common is it? It can be said that all Chinese people know it.

At the beginning of the century, if a certain TV series had a female number three and a female number four who were not good at acting but beautiful, everyone knew in their hearts that this was probably Xiaomi, the investor of the coal boss.

Bring funds into the group to fulfill your star dream.

But because the role is not important, and it is really eye-catching, no one has any opinions.

But later on, investors are not the only ones who receive this kind of treatment.

Directors, producers, screenwriters, maybe everyone has the ability to have their own Xiaomi and bring her into the crew.

"Unspoken rules" have gradually become a thing on the table.

Everyone knows it well, the vast majority of people are silently enduring it, and quite a few people even actively use it.

Just like these people sitting in the audience, they are all glamorous and have a high status in the circle.

How many people can have anything to do with unspoken rules?
No one knows, and no one will say.

But Luo Quan singled out this matter.

Not only because of his apprentice Cheng Nuo.

Her friend was forced to leave Hengdian because of unspoken rules, and she herself vowed to make the director pay the price.

However, Luo Quan didn't speak out because of his apprentice.

Mainly she herself is also very displeased with this so-called rule.

No one dared to say such a thing on this occasion before, so let her make the opening this time.

As for how many people hate her, or want to block her, let these people come.

However, Luo Quan doubted whether these people had such courage.

After all, a person who only dares to use unspoken rules is like a mouse in the gutter.

Once under the sun, there is no need for others to do anything, and you will be roasted into coke.

But no matter whether those people dare or not, Luo Quan is now fucking them in front of the whole network.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been swiped by Luo Quan since the very beginning.

Netizens were amazed by her outspokenness and flocked together.

On the Weibo hot search, the news about double yolk eggs has not yet reached the top, and the hot search "Luoquan is just right" ushered in the "explosion" first.

Both passers-by and fans in the comment area have been impressed by her courage:
"Luo Quan is really the most daring star I've ever seen. She tells the truth when she has something to say."

"Young people are full of vigor and dare to say anything. It's a pity that young people generally don't have a high status, so speaking can't do much... except for Luo Quan."

"Luo Quan mentioned the unspoken rules this time but didn't name them by name. If anyone opposes her in the future, it can basically be regarded as a match."

"With Luo Quan's temper, if any of these people in the circle really dare to oppose her, they will be ruined."

"Luo Quan: I don't know what it means to take care of the overall situation. I only know whoever makes me unhappy, and my mother will make anyone even more unhappy!"

"Niubai, let's go to the Luoquan live broadcast room to brush a rocket!"

"Let's go to the live studio in Lyon, the one in Luoquan is not open."


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(End of this chapter)

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