Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 874 Departure to Japan

Chapter 874 Departure to Japan
The ancients Yun Lie Nv was afraid of pestering her husband, saying that as long as a man is willing to put his mind to chasing after him, it is difficult for a woman to resist.

But this is only limited to ancient times. At that time, women had few choices, or even had no choice.

If this is done in modern times, the gestures and language can be directly regarded as sexual harassment.

Therefore, when many men act, they tend to pay great attention to propriety, and then use the most gentlemanly attitude to do the least gentlemanly things.

Wen Xia encountered such a thing recently.

The reason was that I attended the Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony some time ago, and when I was leaving the show, I was met by a rich young man sitting in the back row.

At that time, Wen Xia was wearing a gorgeous evening dress, with beautiful makeup and a slender figure. Even if she walked beside Luo Quan, she was not covered up by too much light.

Originally, he was chatting and laughing with Luo Quan, but the rich and young man fell in love at first sight with his peach blossom-like face in the spring breeze, and then decided that she would not marry her in this life.

Later, the rich and young man came to the scene once to send flowers to Wen Xia in the name of a fan.

Wen Xia didn't think too much about it, so she accepted it and took a photo with him.

Through the conversation, I learned that the really rich young master's surname is Feng. Although I don't know what the family does, it is definitely not ordinary money.

Because the watch on his wrist has never been seen by Lyon before. If it is not a miscellaneous brand, it is probably a high-end product prepared by the Huaxia brand for special groups in China.

With his clothes, the first situation can be ruled out directly.

As for what kind of watch is so awesome, Wen Xia didn't ask much.

The main reason is that I am afraid that this fan will misunderstand and cause unnecessary trouble.

But she didn't want to trouble others, but they stayed here to trouble her.

After sending the flowers, Mr. Feng got Wen Xia's WeChat ID from somewhere, and wanted to make friends with her in a very polite tone.

Wen Xia has always refused such people of unknown origin.

Before refusing, he even told this Young Master Feng that he didn't want to fall in love for a short time.

This idea is probably also deeply influenced by his friend Luo Quan.

Originally, I thought that if I said it so clearly, Master Feng would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

But I didn't expect that after returning to Shanghai, this young master would follow him.

First, I added friends on WeChat, and then said that he was also in Shanghai, and that he would come out for a meal when he was free.

Of course Wen Xia refused again.

As a result, when she went shopping in the neighborhood supermarket the next day, she saw Young Master Feng.

Seeing him approaching a room next door, she discovered that this young master also lived in Tan Palace.

But if they just happen to live in the same community, that's all. If this person finds out that he lives here and then moves in on purpose, it will be a headache.

Stalking is troublesome, but more troublesome than stalking is polite stalking.

This young master Feng has not spoken out of the ordinary so far, he just wants to get to know her, and the relationship has developed from a passerby to a friend.

Of course, Wen Xia understands that he must not only want to be friends.

But it's really not appropriate to say something serious to him just because of this reason.

However, if you can't provoke her, can you still hide it?
After returning to the house, she told Luo Quan about it directly, and asked her to book a plane ticket, and the big guy went to Japan in advance, as if it was a trip before the Olympic Games.

"There is such a thing?!" Luo Quan was startled and angry, "If you follow here in broad daylight, is there still a king's law, is there still a law!"

After saying something, he was ready to get up and warn this Young Master Feng face to face.

Regardless of your identity and background, Wen Xia has refused twice and still pesters you, do you want to show some face?

"Don't be so excited about my sister." Wen Xia held Luo Quan back instead, "I just saw him appear in the community, what if he really lives here?"

"Indeed, sister, don't be so impulsive." Leon also persuaded from the side.

"That's fine." Luo Quan took a deep breath and sat back on the sofa: "Then you should pay attention to your mobile phone these few days to see if this guy dares to harass you.

Don't think that chatting up online is not harassment. Finding you for dinner every now and then will also affect your mood and life. To deal with this kind of brown sugar, you have to strike hard! "

As Luo Quan said, he punched the air sideways.

Lyon, who was standing beside him, felt a gust of wind on his cheek, and thought to himself, "It's so fierce!"
In the evening, this young master Feng really sent another message, saying that he had watched a lot of her TV dramas and movies, and liked the roles she played very much, and really wanted to get to know her, even if it was just as a friend .

To be honest, this kid really worked hard at chasing girls.

It's a pity that there is a problem with the direction, and the harder you work, the more wrong you will be.

"Accept his friend application, and then send a video invitation."

Luo Quan said with a blank face.

Wen Xia stuck out her tongue, and quickly followed suit.

When Master Feng's smiling face appeared on the screen, changes quickly ushered in.

"Mr. Feng, right? I heard that you came to Tan Palace to chase us Wen Xia."

Luo Quan folded his arms, his expression full of scrutiny and rejection.

Judging from the video, this Young Master Feng still has some good looks, but not much.

I can't tell her height, Wen Xia said that she is not much taller than herself, probably less than 1.8 meters.

The conditions can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Young Master Feng explained with a smile: "Miss Luo Quan, you misunderstood me. I just happened to live here. I didn't know that you lived here too."

"I don't care about this. I only know that Wen Xia has rejected you twice in a row. Why do you still pursue her so hard? There are so many women in the world, so you have to pester her, right?"

Luo Quan didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "I advise you to give up the idea of ​​making friends online or even going further.

Wen Xia is still showing respect to each other now, and her tone of voice is relatively polite.

If you really get impatient, the scene will probably be ugly.

Mr. Feng, you are such a gentleman, you should understand the truth that twisted melons are not sweet, right? "

After Luo Quan's words were finished, Young Master Feng fell into a sinking state.

Ten seconds later, he raised his head, his eyes a little lost: "Can I have Wen Xia come over, can I have a few words with her?"

Luo Quan frowned: "It's all at this point, what else is there to talk about?"

"Let him talk." Wen Xia walked into the camera.

The following drama is nothing more than Young Master Feng telling Wen Xia his heartfelt love at first sight, thinking about it day and night, tossing and turning, trying to impress her with his sincerity.

But Wen Xia's expression was very flat.

Because she has seen similar battles too many times, but not from her own place, but from Luo Quan's.

How big can the group of the most beautiful chasers in the world be?

Covering domestic and foreign, all walks of life and even all genders.

Almost every day, people confess their love to Luo Quan, and even post a confession video directly to her mailbox.

There are many princes and rich second generations among these people.

Among other things, Wen Xia alone knows three of them.

The crown prince of Japan, the prince of Saudi Arabia, and the member of the Roosevelt family who asked her to make a movie in the United States.

Facing Luo Quan, these people also spoke nasty words of their own.

To be honest, Wen Xia, an outsider, is not surprised at all.

So Master Feng's confession did not have any lethality to her.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you should give these feelings to other people. I really have no plans to find a partner at the moment."

Wen Xia's answer was still refusal, unchanged from before.

Received such a reply again, a look of desolation flashed in Young Master Feng's eyes: "Since you said that, then I apologize for my self-indulgence during this period of time.

Originally, I booked a two-person ticket to Japan in half a month. I wanted to invite you to travel abroad after we got better. Now it seems that I can only go by myself.

But I will always have your place in my heart. If you change your mind one day, you can come to me at any time. "

After speaking, turn off the video and delete the friend.

Luo Quan looked at the phone, and there was a sentence mmp didn't know whether to say: "Does this guy know that we are going to Japan, so he deliberately retreats to advance?"

Leon looked over: "The whole world knows that you are going to compete in Tokyo, and Wen Xia has such a good relationship with you, most likely she will go with you.

If this young master Feng is smarter, he should be able to count to this step.

And I took the initiative to say it, even if I met him again in Japan later, you can't say anything. "

"That's really a good plan." Luo Quan sneered, it seems that this Young Master Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Then should we go to Japan earlier?" Wen Xia also hesitated at this time.

She was afraid that after she really went, she would meet this young master Feng again.

"Go, why don't you go?"

Luo Quan's expression was very calm: "We are aboveboard, why should we worry about meeting him in Japan?

At that time, if he dares to come across some random encounters again, I will let him know why the flowers are so popular! "

"Don't be so violent." Wen Xia persuaded, dumbfounded.

Luo Quan waved his hand: "Some people and things you can't handle with words, fists are the best tool."

"So we're going to Japan?" Lin Ruoli and Cheng Nuo came downstairs, "Then can we pack our things?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Almost, I'll buy a plane ticket later, and leave in a few days."

"I heard from Seifert that Kabukicho in Japan is very famous, and it is a must-see attraction for foreign tourists. Is it really so famous?" Leon suddenly asked with a smirk.

"Why, do you want to go for a walk?" Mia closed the book with a snap, with a fierce look in her eyes.

Leon quickly took Mia's hand: "It's just curiosity, I don't mean anything else."

"It's useless to be interesting. As far as I know, girls in Kabukicho don't provide special services to foreign tourists."

Luo Quan said, recalling the days when he was in Tokyo.

The first task released by the system, the penalty for failure was to make her debut in Kabukicho.

Although he must have been terrified to death at the time, and desperately went to complete the task.

But sometimes I am also curious, if I make my debut in this alternative way, can I still become popular all over the world later?
She thinks that the high probability is okay, because a capable person can succeed in anything.

And if she succeeds, it is estimated that she will become the most famous one among the many teachers in Japan.

Of course, these are unrealistic fantasies. It is a waste of money to do this kind of industry with her appearance.

"Tokyo is neither small nor big. After we go this time, we will meet Junko first, and then we will have a good time in Japan."

While telling everyone about the travel plan, Luo Quan booked the air ticket online.

Cheng Nuo asked her timidly, "Master, can I go too?"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Of course, should I leave you alone to look after the house?"

"Hey, I never thought in my life that I would be able to go abroad one day." Cheng Nuo laughed sheepishly.

Luo Quan rubbed her head: "When you grow up, you will have the opportunity to go to various countries in the world.

By the way, your martial arts has reached the eighth rank, right? "

"I don't know either." Cheng Nuo shook his head, "It's just that when we just came back from Hengdian a few days ago, I heard you practice on the bed, and I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the aura in my body seemed to break through. Like the shackles, the speed of flow has increased a lot."

"That's right, this feeling represents the staged enhancement of martial arts. According to the domestic rating standards, it is the ninth rank breaking through the eighth rank."

Luo Quan popularized science to his apprentices according to the book.

As for this book, it was the Huaxia Warrior Handbook sent to her by Director Qi. It contained very detailed content about warriors, and almost all the problems encountered in cultivation could be found on it and solutions.

"I've reached the eighth rank so soon." Cheng Nuo clenched his fists excitedly: "Then, what level has the trick you taught me, Master, reached now?"

"None for the first weight."

Luo Quan's words chilled Cheng Nuo's heart instantly.

According to the combat power of the eight-door dunjia, opening the first door is basically the strength of the peak of the seventh rank.

Cheng Nuo had just reached the eighth rank, and he was still a whole level behind.

"So don't be too happy, there is still a long way to go in cultivation." Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo on the shoulder and began to follow the instructions.

Little did they know that the conversation between the master and apprentice had already shocked Wen Xia and Leon next to them so much that they didn't know what to say.

It didn't take long to become a ninth-rank student in Hengdian.

After returning to the Sandalwood Palace, he went to the eighth rank quietly.

If we go to Japan for another visit, wouldn't we be able to reach the Seventh Grade?
Sure enough, the difference between people is greater than the difference between people and pigs.

Seeing Cheng Nuo's ignorant look, the two looked at each other, and there was nothing but sighs.

If you compare goods, you have to throw them away, and if you compare people, you have to die!
But, after accepting my own mediocrity, then I am invincible.

Both Wen Xia and Leon are in a very good state of mind.

After all, Luo Quan usually reminds them: We are different.

So in this situation, they are still acceptable.

After all, they are only one rank behind.

And according to Luo Quan, the two of them are not far from the eighth-rank realm.

Besides Wen Xia and Leon, there is another person whose expression is also very exciting.

This person is Lin Ruoliu.

Luo Quan and the others chatted openly about the martial artist, but they forgot that there was a person next to him who didn't know about the recovery of spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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