Chapter 875
Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, is one of the largest airports in Japan. Its passenger throughput and aircraft movements are second only to Haneda International Airport in Tokyo.

However, compared to the larger Haneda Airport, Narita Airport is more well-known among local residents in Tokyo.

The reason is that newlyweds in Japan like to go abroad for their honeymoon, and Narita Airport has become a must.

During the honeymoon trip, the newlyweds exposed the shortcomings in the living habits of both parties due to some trivial daily routines, causing conflicts.

After returning to Tokyo, that is, arriving at Narita Airport, these conflicts will completely erupt.

Therefore, at Narita Airport, you can often see couples or couples who are arguing, and there are many people who are clamoring to break up and divorce.

So this phenomenon has also derived a common saying called "Narita Breakup".

After Luo Quan got off the plane, he encountered such a situation as soon as he arrived at the airport lobby.

There were people coming and going in the hall, perhaps the exhaustion of the boats and cars made these couples' patience with each other reach a critical point, even in public places, they finally began to complain and scold each other helplessly.

However, in this indifferent country, not many Japanese wanted to go up to persuade them to fight. They just wore masks and left quickly with their luggage.

On the contrary, the tourists from abroad stopped when they saw these quarreling couples, and considered whether to go up to persuade them to fight.

"Is today a special day in Japan? Why are so many couples arguing?"

Leon asked Luo Quan curiously. He had seen three pairs along the way just now, and there were all kinds of age groups.

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "Narita Airport is like this. It seems that Feng Shui is not good. Couples will want to quarrel when they come."

"I don't feel it." Leon looked at Mia, "Honey, do you want to quarrel with me?"

Mia gave him a weak look: "If you want, I don't mind scolding you in front of everyone."

"How could it be hoeny." Leon quickly put his arms around Mia, persuading: "I don't want to quarrel with you."

"I can't bear to show my affection again." Luo Quan expressed his protest.

These two really show off wherever they go. I don't know if there are a lot of single dogs here.

She, Wen Xia, Lin Ruoli and Cheng Nuo are all alone.

"Haha, I'll try my best to restrain myself." Only then did Leon realize that he seemed to have stimulated his sister's heart, and quickly apologized.

Then, he said: "But sister, if you can't bear it, you can find someone, even if you find a boy to let you experience the taste of love, just fall in love and do nothing else, it should be good.

Otherwise, if you are over 20 and haven't even talked about a serious relationship, wouldn't your life be a little too monotonous? "

Wen Xia said with a smile: "Your sister is so demanding, I'm afraid I haven't found anyone who matches my eyes yet."

"Dating for the purpose of not getting married is all hooliganism." Luo Quan didn't want to talk to his younger brother about this matter, so he shut him up with one sentence.

It can only be said that the American view of love is really casual. Just to experience the feeling of love, to do such obviously meaningless things is totally unacceptable to Luo Quan.

"Stop being smart, love is a serious matter, how can you be so casual!"

Mia also felt that what Leon said was not in line with her values, so she directly spoke out in displeasure.

Seeing that everyone was angry, Leon immediately admitted his mistake and begged for mercy: "I just said that casually, I didn't really want you to do this, so you just treat me as a fart."

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of the airport quickly, the hotel's special car has arrived." Luo Quan began to urge.

Although she has a house in Tokyo, but it is a three-bedroom house, there must be no room for six people here, so as before, she still lives in a hotel.

But just when they came to the door, they found that the place was already blocked by a crowded crowd.

The surrounding voices were very noisy, and they were full of questions and complaints in various languages.

Luo Quan stood on tiptoe and looked outside, and found that the police officers in police uniforms were setting up a blockade, obviously preparing to seal the door.

At this time, the radio at the airport began to announce:

"Dear passengers, in order to cooperate with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's investigation, Narita Airport will enter a temporary blockade state. Please wait patiently in the lobby for a while. I am really sorry for the trouble you have caused...... "

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

Questions came up one after another around me.

Leon was also asking his sister. He couldn't understand Japanese, but he only heard a sentence of red bean paste private horse race, which seemed to mean an apology.

"The police wanted to come in to investigate, so they sealed the door. It is estimated that a criminal suspect ran in, so they blocked the road and didn't want him to escape."

Luo Quan could understand it, but the announcement at the airport itself was vague. It just asked the passengers to wait patiently in the lobby without explaining why.

"Not in the morning, not in the evening." Wen Xia sighed, pushed back the handle of the suitcase, and then sat on the suitcase.

"Unlucky enough to catch up, what can I do, just wait."

Luo Quan adjusted his mask, and sat down like Wen Xia.

Seeing that they couldn't get out, the passengers who gathered at the door all returned to the hall cursing.

Soon, the police officers who completed the blockade began to enter the airport hall from various entrances.

They were fully armed, and many of them were wearing bulletproof vests. It seemed that the prisoner who slipped in this time was quite fierce, and those who didn't know thought they were terrorists.

"Hey Luoquan, aren't you a goddess in Japan? Can you talk to the police officer and let us sneak out."

Wen Xia suddenly said something, urging Luo Quan to take the big guy through the back door.

"No, do you really regard me as a god?" Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia dumbfounded: "How can I have such a high status in Japan, being liked by the public doesn't mean that I can also call the shots in terms of administration."

Wen Xia doesn't think so: "How do you know if you don't try it? Maybe those officials are also your fans?"

"I think what Wen Xia said makes sense. There are many officials in the United States who are your fans." Leon chimed in.

"Um...then I'll try it." Seeing that this was the end of the conversation, Luo Quan also stood up and walked towards the door.

It's really not a problem to sit here stupidly, God knows how long the blockade will last.

After sitting on the plane for several hours, everyone is quite tired, so we can get to the hotel early and have a rest early.

"Sorry ma'am, the airport has been temporarily blocked, and you are not allowed to go out. Please go back to the lobby and wait patiently. We will release it as soon as possible after the blockade is lifted."

The policeman stopped Luo Quan who was approaching with a serious expression, and the others even put their hands back, as if they were about to strike at any time.

"Don't be nervous, look at who I am."

Luo Quan took off the mask and showed a bright smile.

"Luo... Luo Quan!" Several police officers were surprised and surprised: "I didn't expect it to be you, why did you come to Tokyo!"

Luo Quan replied: "Isn't this the Olympic Games soon? I also want to participate in the competition. I have to come anyway, so I will travel to Tokyo in advance."

"That's it, then I will immediately notify the Mumu police officer."

A police officer knew that if Luo Quan was here, the situation would be different. He could not make the decision, so he had to ask his superiors for instructions.

While he was away, several other police officers excitedly asked Luo Quan for his autograph.

Afterwards, Luo Quan even took the initiative to take a photo with them.

However, 5 minutes later, when the police officer returned, he was followed by a large number of warriors holding long knives.

Luo Quan took a closer look and saw that there were more than 60 people.

The leader, Yue Dai, immediately waved his right hand when he saw Luo Quan: "Take it!"

The rest of the warriors immediately drew their swords and surrounded Luo Quan.

Judging from their movements and steps, they are all masters with aura,
"What are you doing, don't you recognize me? I'm Luo Quan."

Luo Quan didn't panic when he was surrounded by so many people, he just emphasized his identity.

"Don't be confused by her words, take her down immediately!" The leading warrior shouted, and the rest of his men immediately rushed forward.

Although he didn't know what went wrong, Luo Quan was not someone who wouldn't fight back when he was beaten.

Although these samurai are not low in martial arts, it is still too early to deal with her.

She dodged and rushed towards the nearest samurai, and hit him into his arms with heavy shoulders, and snatched his samurai sword with Liu Shengxinyinliu's Wudao grabbing hand.

Then he turned around and swept out a sword light, forcing all the warriors behind him back.

After that, she used Beichen Yidao Style's exquisite swordsmanship to chop off all the warriors who rushed towards her.

Beichen Yidao Style was originally an extremely exquisite swordsmanship, advocating defeating the enemy with one move and winning with a bridge.

But in Luo Quan's hands, it turned into a reckless swordsmanship like Ertian First Class.

But there is no way, who made her love these samurai several grades.

Swinging casually can also beat them to pieces.

In less than half a minute, nearly a handful of warriors fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Luo Quan didn't hit too hard, it just made them temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.

"I repeat, I am Luo Quan. Regardless of the reason why you blocked the airport, if you attack me for no reason, the consequences will be very serious!"

Until now, Luo Quan was only using the back of his sword to meet the enemy, just like Jian Xin's reverse-edged sword, which hurts but is not fatal.

But if you add more strength, even the back of the knife will be very lethal.

Now she can still control her emotions, but if it continues like this, it's hard to say what will happen next.

When the leader of the samurai saw the situation, he also found that something was wrong.

According to the information, although the bandit has endless means and is extremely difficult to deal with, the frontal force is not so terrifying.

The siege of nearly sixty warriors, even the Shinto guards could not stand up to it, but they couldn't even pass a round in front of this "Luoquan".

According to him, only the real Luo Quan has such terrifying strength.

Could it be, this is the deity, right? !

A drop of cold sweat oozed from his forehead, slipped down his nose and onto the ground.

If this is the case, it will be a big oolong.

Just then, a black car sped up and stopped on the side of the road.

Three men in black suits got out of the car and ran over.

Taking a closer look, I found that the leader was Jing Gong Masaku, whom I hadn't seen for a while.

"Luo Quan, is that really you?"

Jing Gong Masaku asked carefully.

As soon as he heard the news that Luo Quan had appeared at Narita Airport, he rushed over immediately.

Although I don't believe that Luo Quan is such a coincidence, he happened to show up at the airport today.

But if it was really her, if she was mistaken for a criminal, it would be a great crime, the kind that even harakiri would not be able to wash away.

Facing the crown prince's question, Luo Quan sighed, and asked patiently, "How should I prove it?"

"I remember that when you left Japan, we also parted at Narita Airport. Do you remember what you said at that time?" lover.

Luo Quan was left speechless: "It's been so long, how can I remember, I just remember you kept asking me if I could still be friends."

In fact, Luo Quan still saved some face for the crown prince here.

As for the scene at that time, Luo Quan can only use a famous scene at station B to describe it:
"Fortunately, the two of us didn't get the certificate. Getting the certificate will delay your whole life."

"Can I see you again, Swallow?"

"Be happy when we meet again!"

"Remember, you want to be happy, okay?"


"Swallow, how can I live without you, Swallow."

"Swallow, take me away, Swallow."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"


Luo Quan felt that the above picture could not be more appropriate to replace this situation.

But now that there is a large crowd, it is hard for her to tell the truth, so she can only remind the crown prince what he said in a tactful way.

She patted her butt after a while and left. The crown prince will spend decades in Japan in the future. Does he want to lose face?

And hearing Luo Quan's answer, Jing Gong Masaku also blushed, and laughed awkwardly: "It seems that I am correct, everyone, we are all wrong, this is Luo Quan himself."

"Nani?!" Everyone from the police officer to the samurai was stunned, and then there was unparalleled embarrassment.

The person in front of him was actually Luo Quan, and just now they even tried to arrest him.

Several samurai looked down at the ribs at their waists, considering whether to apologize by harakiri.

Luo Quan said helplessly: "Leave it alone, can you tell me what happened? Everyone is like an enemy, they have sealed off the airport, and they are still yelling at me."

This sentence made the police officers feel even more ashamed, and they wished they could find a hole in the ground and go in.

Jing Gong Ya Zuo took Luo Quan aside and lowered his voice: "My father's palace was stolen, and the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, one of the three artifacts, was stolen.

And the person who stole it left the words Rei He Kai Thief on the wall.

Through investigation, we traced him all the way to Narita Airport. In order to prevent him from fleeing Japan by plane, we blocked the entire airport! "

(End of this chapter)

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