Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 876 Apologize to the people of the whole country

Chapter 876 Apologize to the people of the whole country

After hearing what happened, Luo Quan was still puzzled: "So what does this have to do with you attacking me?"

The Mumu police officer explained: "Although this Linghe Kaitou is not superior in force, he is very good at disguise, he can change his appearance in 10 minutes, and women and old people can play it.

When our police officers were chasing him, it was because of his ability that he suffered a lot and passed him several times. "

"So you took me as that Linghe and came home?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry.

The police officer Mumu said awkwardly: "The main reason is that you didn't mention the matter of coming to Japan on your social platform at all. We thought you were in China."

Luo Quan was speechless: "Won't I send messages when I go abroad every time I arrive?"

"This is indeed an oversight in our work," really, really sorry! "The wooden screen police officer bowed and apologized naturally, very sincerely.

In fact, if it weren't for the crowds here, he even planned to sit down directly against Luo Quantu.

What is Tuxiazuo, is to kneel on the ground with the forehead tightly pressed to the ground, which is slightly lighter than the ancient five-body projection.

There is no way, the mistakes made this time are really too big.

It would be fine if he just caught an ordinary tourist by mistake, but it was Luo Quan who was almost caught by mistake.

An international superstar, but also a goddess in the eyes of Japanese commoners, her status is ridiculously high.

If something happened to her, I'm afraid the angry fans would directly smash the Metropolitan Police Department to the ground.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's skill is strong, and he can face so few warriors nervously, so there will be no minor problems.

"Okay, he should think about how to deal with the reporters." Luo Quan waved his hand, and planned to go back to the small hall of the airport.

You can still grasp the sense of proportion.

For special cases, leave as soon as you leave.

But the incident involving Japan’s national treasure four-foot Qiong Huajia, we should abide by the rules, so as not to find that Linghe monster in time, and we are the only ones who delayed leaving the airport, and we will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

"Luo Quan, if it's him, you think he can be treated normally." Jing Gongya raised his hand, trying to stop Luo Quan.

Luo Quan turned his head and sighed: "Senior Jing Gong, that eight artifacts are their family heirloom, if he is the one who holds no eight artifacts now, of course he can make that decision.

Now, let's listen to his father's arrangement, catching Rei and Kaitou is the most correct way to solve the problem. "

After declining the crown prince's kindness, Luo Quan returned to the small hall of the airport.

Although your words are not harsh, it is definitely for my sake.

Jing Gong Masaku patted his head in frustration, thinking that he was usually quite rational, why did he become like that when he met Luo Quan.

Obviously my father has already found me a fiancée, and during the time I spent with my beloved son, Luo Quan never appeared in my mind.

But when I heard the news about Luo Quan just now, I rushed over immediately.

Officer Gouyu was at the side, looking at the crown prince with desolate eyes.

I was actually saddened by His Majesty's long love.

I was mourning for my uncertain official career.

There were so few eyes in the airport, they saw Luo Quan fighting with those warriors clearly.

Soon the reporters in Tokyo will flock to the city. As one of the commanders who gave the order, I must be to blame.

As for the other samurai leader who gave orders, my apology is also to the royal family, and I am also worried that I will be expelled.

As for me, I am afraid that the position of deputy director of the Criminal Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is about to reach the end.

The plan for now is to catch Linghe Kaitou as soon as possible, and see if he can make up for his mistakes.

Anxious and restless, Police Officer Gou Yu immediately issued an order to let the police retreat into the airport to end the interrogation. At the same time, the samurai also retreated to assist in the investigation.

Before Luo Quan came back, Wen Xia and the others gathered around and asked you what happened just now, and you started fighting while talking.

Luo Quan told everyone what happened.

Wai Ang smiled: "National treasure stolen? Why do you seem to have seen such a scene? Is Notre Dame Cathedral like that after that?"

Mia gave me a blank look: "The Eight Artifacts are their own treasures. Is there no need to use that method to keep them for yourself? Is this taking off your pants and farting?"

"It seems like that." Wai Ang scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

With her hands on her hips, Wen Xia twisted and said, "I agree with Crown Prince Jinggong's kind intentions, so that when the four-foot Qiong Huajia is found, we also say it is vague."

"If it's a mistake, let's forget it. Is there any explanation for Master being attacked in the street?" Cheng Nuo asked with a milder temper.

"I've already bowed, what else can he want from me?" Luo Quan grinned jokingly, "There will definitely be no explanation, and it's coming soon, we can probably see it when we turn on the phone."

After speaking, you sat under the suitcase and turned on your phone, showing a gesture of watching a good show.

Sure enough, 10 minutes away from Tokyo, legal TV stations and reporters gathered at Narita Airport.

Although the police stopped us inside, it still affected the coldness of the reporters.

They were a group of ruthless people who still dared to run outside after the earthquake, because they wanted to capture first-hand pictures of the officials panicking and ugly when the earthquake happened.

In the words of our industry, compared to the housing loan and the food and clothing expenses of the boss of the family, fate is nothing!
So even though the police officers tried their best to stop them, the reporters still tried their best to retreat into the airport.

But few well-informed people were obsessed with retreating into the airport, but raised their microphones and shouted:
"Deputy Minister Gouyu! No one saw the conflict broke out between the police and Luoquan, who had returned to Japan with difficulty. May I ask what happened!"

Vice Minister Gou Yu was sweating profusely, and stepped back into the encirclement with long guns and short guns: "It was a misunderstanding, but fortunately, you corrected it very quickly, and apologized to Luo Quan, and you accepted your decision." Apologize."

"Is that his attitude toward that behavior?"

"Luo Quan encountered such a thing as soon as he returned to Japan. As an official, does he feel ashamed?"

"Does his subordinate know what he did to arrest Luo Quan?"

"Does he know that his behavior will cause some minor consequences!"

"All the officials responsible for that matter should apologize!"


Questions from reporters came one after another. In the past, when we were so aggressive, it was usually in the occasions where major and minor dangerous accidents occurred.

Obviously, Luo Quan was almost arrested, which in our opinion is a serious and minor dangerous accident.

“Intimate Masai with Red Bean Paste!”

Police officer Huajia looked sad and bowed eight times to the aggressive reporters.

During that time, the sound of the slow door rattled and stopped.

And just before those pictures were broadcast live, the Japanese Internet was also blown up.

First of all, Japanese netizens did not expect that Luoquan would be delayed.

Although before you announced that you will participate in this year's Olympic Games, many netizens cheered for a long time, saying that you can finally see the spring water god again.

But did you expect that you would come so early, and even a few days after you came, did you even disclose any news to Xiaojia? It can be said that you were tight-lipped.

Yes, that should have been a very depressing thing.

Delaying to Japan means that you can participate in many activities, such as watching TV or holding some signings online.

But when he just got on the plane, it doesn't matter if there is a welcoming ceremony, after all, have you notified Xiaojia.

But those policemen knew that you were Luo Quan, and they wanted to arrest you, even committing crimes in the street.

That is simply embarrassing the whole of Japan.

What if I annoy Luo Quan and make you come here before?
Thinking that I might never be able to see the spring water god in Japan again, a group of fans and netizens were outraged.

Even some of the more excited ones went directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to protest.

It was only before we arrived that we realized that we were one person, but hundreds and thousands.

Now there is a lot of scolding on the Internet in Japan, all asking Vice Minister Gouyu to commit seppuku, and even threatening that if I am decent, this little family will help me to be decent.

During that time, few accountants died in Japan, and it would be strange to have one less policeman.

Of course, that kind of speech is more radical, and it was deleted a long time before it was sent.

At the same time, Luo Quan's rational fans also came out to make everyone calm down. It was too emotional, and Luo Quan must have wanted to see that.

But on the other hand, fans also demanded that Vice Minister Gou Yu retreat to apologize more sincerely and deeply.

Although bowing is a universal way of apologizing in Japan, it would be too perfunctory to just bow.

At the very least, it is necessary to explain exactly which brain nerve was pumped to do such a stupid thing, and promise that it will be done again in the past.

To be honest, did Luo Quan ever think that that incident would cause such a small disturbance.

Half of the Japanese netizens are fighting for me, and even ordered the police to apologize to you.

That's already a proper male king-level treatment, and the Japanese prime minister will definitely be able to live without such a standard if he is wronged.

But on the other hand, you also realize that those fans are crazy.

Fortunately, when I was brought into rhythm again, I chose to leave immediately.

If so, there are really few extreme fans who will come up with the drama of forcing each other to death.

Of course, now you need to worry about those things again.

The ones who should be troubled are Deputy Minister Mu Mu and several of my subordinates.

How to appease an angry populace is a problem.

In addition, Li Luoquan is an international superstar with very little influence, and the Ministry of Liberation and Foreign Affairs is also in trouble here, and diplomats from several countries are asking what happened.

What can we do to Luo Quan?

Dozens of warriors have done something to you, and several of them were injured.

But that's someone else's ability. In the final analysis, it's too reckless to do things on my side.

But the reason for his recklessness is also to try to recover the Eight Artifacts as quickly as possible, after all, it is the face of the royal family.

But how could that kind of thing be blamed on the royal family.

So it's all the police's fault.

As a result, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department came out from bottom to top to apologize. From the director to the minister to the team leader, small and big officials stood in a row and bowed in a chaotic order.

The battle is quite small, and the attitude is very sincere.

In this regard, Japanese netizens are finally satisfied.

However, the problem at Narita Airport remains unresolved.

Luo Quan and a small group of passengers are still trapped outside the airport whether Linghe and the strange thief are caught or not.

It's okay for one or two adults, and the free coffee and food provided by the airport can also appease the mood of the small family.

But if it takes a long time, the situation will be too easy to say.

Although there is still an arriving flight that has changed its destination to Haneda Airport.

But thousands of people still gathered outside the small hall of the airport.

In a situation where the police force is limited, it is really a quick matter to investigate so few people one by one.

Moreover, the suspect is also very good at disguise. Someone knows what my real face looks like, and if there is no negligence, all the hard work today will become a joke.

Here, the loss of Japan's national treasure will also become a small international joke.

At present, the public still knows about the theft of the four-foot Qiongmu curtain.

If the thief can be caught and the treasure recovered, everything will be fine.

If he is caught and brought back, the level of calmness of accusations under the Internet will double several times in an instant!
At that time, our group of officials may really have to apologize.

Time passed little by little.

The tourists who were more cooperative at the end have obviously become impatient, and they are clamoring when they can leave.

But the answer is always please continue to wait.

And just when the patience of the tourists was almost exhausted, a police officer wearing only a vest and underwear ran out of the toilet.

"Captain, you were attacked by Linghe Phantom Thief just now, I took off the clothes you don't have, and got in among the police!"

The news made all the policemen feel like they were on the verge of a small enemy, and they began to observe each other, as if the colleague around them was this thief who could make up and disguise himself.

Officer Gouyu walked over in a small step, and his battered appearance proved that I had suffered a lot in the past few hours.

And the first thing Officer Gouyu did when he met a police officer whose uniform was taken off was to reach out and pull my face under my face.

I doubted the flower I said before confirming that it was genuine leather.

However, if the thief has really dressed up as a policeman.

This is the only group that can exit the airport, and it is very unlikely that the thief has escaped.

Could it be that this is really the end of it.

I have been a police officer for more than ten years, and I have solved more than [-] minor and major cases. I would have thought that I would fall under the thief who had never even seen his true face.

Seeing that the passenger's emotions became more and more difficult to appease, the subordinates called one after another asking about the progress of the case, and Officer Gouyu lost all desire to die.

At that moment, Luo Quan, who was the one who sent it, suddenly pointed at a policeman: "The four-foot Qiongmu curtain seems to be under me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their eyes to the direction pointed by your finger.

The one being pointed at was a middle-aged young policeman with an ordinary appearance, a face that belonged to the minority who would be thrown out of the crowd and would soon be lost.

And as soon as he became the target of public criticism, the young police officer also calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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