Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 881 The grand event that came early

Chapter 881 The grand event that came early

"Luo Bao, aren't you going to start the live broadcast today?"

"It's been a long time since I watched your live broadcast. How about paying off the debt?"

"That is, people must be trustworthy."

"Hurry up and turn on the live broadcast, I promise not to look around."


The latest comments in the dynamic comment area of ​​Luoquan Station B were all for her to start the live broadcast.

She guessed that Lyon must have leaked the news during the live broadcast just now, so that all the fans knew that she was taking a hot spring.

Just after eating here, Luo Quan lay on the tatami and turned on the live broadcast.

Anyway, there is nothing to do, just drive it.

"Oh, nice!"

"It's really good, Luo Bao is still stable, and there are benefits for everyone to see."

"Don't stretch it, so as not to block the live broadcast room beyond the control."

"I'm Super Tube, and I want to watch it too. It is recommended that the anchors increase their efforts."

"Wait a minute, the scene seems to be a bit wrong, this is not in the hot spring."


Looking at the whimsical bullet screens in the live broadcast room, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing: "It's too late for you to open, I've already soaked in the hot springs, I just had lunch, and I'm going to sleep after playing with my phone for a while."

Luo Quan was wearing a white bathrobe, his whole body was tightly wrapped, and the only flesh that could be seen below his neck was his hands.

"How can it be repaired!"

"What a pity."

"Maybe we can go out for a while."

"My minister agrees!"


"Still soaking?" Luo Quan saw that the volume of the barrage increased several points: "If you soak again, you will burn your bald skin. You must have a degree in everything. Do you understand the reason why it is too late?"

Under such questioning, the lsp in the barrage stopped and asked about things other than soaking in hot springs.

For example, the theft of the three artifacts a while ago, and the huge corruption case of the Japanese parliament that just broke out this morning.

The previous case has always been the most concerned hotspot in Japan. After all, Luo Quan also participated in the design of the royal family. The process was quite dramatic, and it was often mentioned by netizens after dinner.

But as soon as the corruption case came out this morning, the heat was instantly robbed.

It is said that the reserve funds given by the Japanese National Assembly to the following to deal with various emergencies during the Olympic Games have been embezzled.

A total of 1000 billion U.S. dollars, nearly [-]% are missing.

Even though the Japanese people are used to these bad things, such a huge amount of corruption really surprised them.

Angry citizens immediately demanded that the relevant departments investigate the matter thoroughly, and by the way, all the money that disappeared inexplicably from hosting the Olympic Games.

First of all, the officials related to this reserve fund must have stood up and bowed and apologized first, which is a traditional art.

As for how to investigate and when to give everyone an explanation, I didn't say.

If there are no accidents, there is a high probability that this matter will be over in the end.

The Chinese netizens, who are thousands of miles away, are quite interested in watching the island country's jokes.

As soon as the incident came out, he immediately asked about Luo Quan, who was in Tokyo.

Luo Quan didn't know about the embezzlement case until now, so her answer was:

"This kind of thing is commonplace in Japan, and I don't have a good opinion, after all, I am not in charge of investigation.

As for the first case, it can only be said that the suspect is still being investigated, but the progress is not very optimistic. "

The answer was very general, as if to say something, but also as if to say nothing.

This kind of big case, usually everyone is very deep.

As an outsider, she didn't know much, so it's better not to get involved.

Continuing to chat with fans about the scenery of Tokyo, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast.

The main reason is that after soaking in the hot spring and having a full meal, the whole body is very relaxed, and I feel sleepy when I relax.

After yawning, Luo Quan fell asleep directly on the tatami mat...

In the afternoon, everyone soaked in the hot spring for a while, and then left Hananozaka in the reluctant farewell of the proprietress, and returned to the hotel in Tokyo for dinner.

In the next few days, everyone is basically traveling everywhere.

When I first came here, I said that Tokyo is very big, and it takes a long time to go shopping.

But after really checking in from morning to night, I realized that it was just like that, and I got tired of it after a while.

Fortunately, the countdown to the Tokyo Olympics has finally begun.

The Olympic torch has also entered the mainland of Japan during the relay.

Next, people from all walks of life in Japan will hold it around Japan for a week, and then send it to the Tokyo Dome Stadium to ignite it at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

At this time, the people have no expectations for the opening ceremony. They just hope that they can be a little more positive and less embarrassing for Japan.

And foreign netizens, especially China and South Korea, are now waiting and looking forward to seeing Japanese jokes, not to mention how happy they are.

With the Olympics approaching, there are several times more foreign tourists on the streets of Tokyo than usual, especially black people.

It is rare to see black people on the streets of Tokyo, but now there are more and more of them.

Various Olympic-related peripherals have also been put on the shelves, and the sales of sporting goods have skyrocketed. Residents in Tokyo seem to have fallen in love with sports overnight.

Of course, the real sports feast will not begin until Luoquan is still a month away.

Before Luo Quan had time to experience the lively atmosphere of the National Movement, news came from Captain Qi.

It is said that extraordinary people from various countries and forces have arrived in Tokyo.

Extraordinary is a general term for those who master aura. After all, not all users of aura directly improve their physical fitness like Huaxia, and then use specific martial arts and routines to reflect their combat effectiveness.

If you don't use martial arts, you can't be called a warrior.

So for the sake of convenience, they are collectively called Transcendents.

Although the transcendents gathered in Tokyo this time, it was all for the secret realm that was about to be opened, and after entering, there would definitely be a fight for the treasure.

However, in order to avoid any fatalities due to too fierce competition, Wuchang felt that it was necessary to hold a meeting to make three chapters of agreement for all supernatural beings.

You can grab treasures, and you can fight, but you must not kill yourself.

If it's really a deadly move, why not just bring the warship over?
Anyway, it's all open seas, anyone can come.

That's basically the theme of the meeting, and there are some details that need to be discussed after everyone is present.

Director Qi sent a message to Luo Quan for this matter.

He is in charge of leading the team for this operation, and Luo Quan is a non-staff member who will participate in this meeting together.

Coincidentally, the meeting place was at the hotel where she lived.

In order to keep it secret, Luo Quan did not tell anyone about the meeting, but only said that he was going out to buy something at night.

The few other people didn't ask too much, because they were a little tired from shopping these days, and they didn't even mention going out with her.

In the evening, Luo Quan entered the venue on the third floor of the hotel through the code given by Director Qi.

The entire third floor is filled with men in black, and they must hand in their weapons and mobile phones before entering.

There is also an instrument hanging at the door of the meeting room, which is probably also used to detect contraband.

After handing over the only mobile phone to these men in black for safekeeping, Luo Quan entered the venue smoothly.

There were no signboards of any country placed in the entire venue, but the seat of each country seemed so distinct.

Huaxia and Russia sit on the right side of the first row, and behind them are representatives from some countries from the Middle East, West Asia, and Africa.

The United States alone occupies the left portion of the first row.

The United Kingdom and France sit in the second row, and Germany and the European Union's younger brothers sit in the back according to their strength.

It is worth mentioning that the small countries in Southeast Asia are sitting a little behind the middle, headed by the Holy See, which represents neutrality, and no one's team will stand.

However, Japan and South Korea did not forget this great opportunity to show their loyalty, and ran to sit behind the two permanent members of Britain and France.

Among the white people, those yellow people really stood out.

"Luo Quan, here." Director Qi waved to her after seeing Luo Quan.

Her seat is on Director Qi's left.

But at this time, many eyes also focused on her body.

Having just won the Europa Warriors competition, Luo Quan can now be said to be in the limelight.

The live broadcast that ordinary people see is a deleted version, but these people present are eligible to see the full version.

No matter how confident they were in their own strength before watching, after seeing the huge golden sword energy released by Luo Quan, this confidence was instantly shattered.

Originally, they thought that exuding aura like Grian's was already the limit of what human beings can do at present.

But Luo Quan told them what a mountain is and how high it is.

That sword energy is so powerful that it can be said to cut gold and break rocks. Even the most advanced tanks are estimated to be unable to reach it.

Only with such strength can he be worthy of the title of Transcendent.

So as soon as Luo Quan came out, the others had to look at her.

There is admiration, admiration, jealousy, and dissatisfaction in the eyes.

But no matter what kind of emotion she has, at the moment she is the most beautiful girl in the audience.

Luo Quan, who has long been used to being the focus, didn't feel nervous in the face of everyone's gaze, but sat down next to Director Qi calmly, and asked him in a low voice:

"Director, how many real martial arts masters have we come this time?"

Luo Quan saw that the two forces had already been divided, and basically there would be no further changes.

She guessed that Russia is more than self-protected this time, but no one can say how much it can help China.

So there is a high probability that China will fight against most of the world, that is, Europe and the United States.

In other words, those sitting on the left will soon all become their enemies.

So she wanted to know how many masters came this time, so that she could have a clear idea.

Speaking of which, among the people sitting next to Director Qi, there are quite a few unfamiliar faces, except for Cheng Shixing and Master Yanwu, they basically don't know each other.

By the way, Taoist Priest Yu Ting was also among them, as well as her junior sister Zhang Daozhen.

Hearing Luo Quan's question, Director Qi also whispered to her: "Besides you, five real martial arts masters have come this time. This is not counting folk forces like Wudang Shaolin, and there are also a lot of first- and second-rank warriors Few, but basically stayed in the hotel and did not come to the venue.”

"So that's the case." Luo Quan nodded, feeling a little relieved.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the meeting started.

A white man wearing glasses and a suit walked onto the stage.

After a brief self-introduction, everyone knew that he was from the Special Operations Department of Area 51 in the United States.

Area 51 is a rather mysterious area in the United States. It is said that there is a little-known research base in this deserted desert.

It is said that this base has research on many supernatural phenomena, and is launching some kind of super lethal weapon.

Of course, the most widely spread is that there are alien spacecraft and alien corpses in Area 51.

Some people say that the B2 stealth bomber was created by the Americans after they cracked the technology of aliens.

The extremely sci-fi cool shape and powerful performance give this legend some credibility.

After all, it is still the best and only stealth strategic bomber at present, and it has already occupied this throne decades ago.

Human technology has been improving all the time, but no one can shake the status of B2. This thing really sounds like science fiction.

Therefore, people have to lament the advanced technology of the United States.

Although the spokesperson of the Special Operations Department of Area 51 looks ordinary, no one dares to underestimate him based on his identity alone.

The spokesperson named Wilkins put a map on the big screen, and then went straight to the point:
"This is the outline of the secret realm detected by our instruments. Before entering, I think it is necessary to divide the area to be explored.

In their respective areas, whatever they find is their own, which also minimizes fights.

What do you think of this proposal? "

"I object!" Russian representative Sergey slapped the table heavily: "If we are allotted a wasteland with no ancient relics, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Qi Yuan looked at the crowd. Although he didn't speak, he had the same thought.

Moreover, there are so many countries on the left side, and there are many regions assigned to them. If the United States comes to a big package after exploring the secret realm, it will be Huaxia who will suffer.

"Then what's your proposal?" Wilkins kicked the ball to Sergey.

Sergey stood up, his burly figure of [-] meters tall allowed him to look down on everyone present: "After entering, the five permanent members will be selected first, and the rest will be selected by other countries, isn't it fair?"

"What kind of fairness is this?" The French representative laughed directly, "You might as well say that you can choose first."

"Mr. Hattori, why don't you say a few words, after all, the secret land is the closest to Japan." The British representative didn't want to get into this muddy water, so he dragged others into it.

And this sentence also made all the Chinese people including Qi Yuan look at the old man with a thin forehead sitting behind the British representative.

"In such a situation, I'm a bad old man, so I don't want to issue any orders. I'll let you all decide. I agree."

The old man Hattori is also a chicken thief, and he didn't plan to take this hot potato at all.

Wuchang was there, and it was indeed not his turn to speak.

"Everyone, I have something to say, I hope everyone will calm down and listen to it."

Finally, Qi Yuan stood up, intending to express his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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