Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 882 Dividing Pork

Chapter 882 Dividing Pork

ps. Many fans question the amount of 1000 billion U.S. dollars. In fact, this is not made up by the author, but has a basis in reality.

For details, book lovers can search by themselves, and they can definitely find relevant news.

Now 1000% of the [-] billion US dollars is counted, and the specific whereabouts can no longer be traced.

Everyone knows exactly where it went, so the amount given by the author is not an exaggeration, and it even underestimated by [-]%.

that's all.


Except for Wilkins and Sergey, Qiyuan is the only country where the audience goes quiet when they speak.

This is the deterrence brought by national power.

Just like India next door jumped up and down and made a lot of remarks, and also contacted countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Turkey to form alliances, to see who can ignore them?

In this case, even if you don't follow a few big brothers, there is still a neutral Holy See to choose from.

Although the Holy See's national power is not strong, its believers are spread all over the world, and its influence is also very large.

Following India, it is true that the situation is not clear.

"I think it's too early to start sharing pork."

Qi Yuan had a loud voice, and his words were accurately conveyed to the ears of representatives from other countries through simultaneous interpretation.

"We still don't know what's going on in the secret realm, who can guarantee that we can harvest a large number of high-value ancient relics after entering?
Perhaps we are greeted by ferocious beasts amplified by aura, or even more dangerous strange things.

So my suggestion is to enter the secret realm first, and then make a decision according to the situation. There is no need to quarrel over the pork right now, maybe after entering, we will join forces to fight against the enemy. "

What is a constructive opinion?

This is it.

Qi Yuan's words are completely based on the overall situation, considering everyone, and also in line with Qi Yuan's image of a good old man.

However, among the representatives of these national forces present here, there are many people who have their own ulterior motives, but there are really few who are willing to take care of the overall situation.

Three options have now been proposed.

Talk with your fists, fight now, after the fight, enter the secret realm, the winner will fight first, and the rest will eat leftovers.

The second is to divide peacefully according to forces, and the well water does not violate the river water.

The third is to look at the situation after entering the secret realm, and don't rush to share the pork.

Three big brothers, one plan for each side.

Sergey's plan will definitely not work in the end, and few people will agree with it at first glance.

As for Wilkins and Qi Yuan, they are both reasonable, and there will be no shortage of support.

In order to confirm it, Wilkins, who has always flaunted freedom and democracy, proposed that representatives of all countries and forces in the audience vote, and the minority obey the majority.

The first to start voting was Sergey, dividing the pork by the fist.

No hand was raised except Sergey himself.

But this is to be expected, because it does not meet the interests of most people.

Then there is the plan proposed by Wilkins, each country divides the region in advance, and then explores in the region.

If Qi Yuan did not speak, then this proposal would be approved by most people.

But just like what Qi Yuan said, who can guarantee that there will be no danger in the secret realm?
If everyone acts separately, maybe everyone can gain something, but the danger in the event of an emergency will also increase a lot.

So this time, apart from Canada and Australia, European forces including Britain and France did not support Wilkins.

"It seems that the situation is very clear." Qi Yuan smiled at Wilkins.

The latter stood up expressionlessly, and left with his men.

The boss left the arena unhappy, and the younger brothers naturally didn't dare to stay longer. Representatives from many countries left the arena quickly.

But there are more people who stay because they still want to know more things.

It was said that Northern Europe was about to find the legendary Hall of Valor.

But in fact, this is just a general statement.

To be precise, it is to find the mythical world where the Hall of Valor is located, which is the world of Asgard.

As for what will happen there, no one knows.

Asajuana Protoss War and Ragnarok are all possible.

And the secret place in front of me is between China and Japan. Most people don't know what myths of these two countries can create this secret place.

And these people stayed here just to ask for clarification.

People looked at the old man Hattori again. After all, this secret place is closer to Japan in terms of its current geographical location.

The old man Hattori still said with a smile: "If in ancient times, this secret place must have been in China's territory, and if there are any myths and legends, it is also China's territory, so don't ask me."

This kind of answer is quite good, with a relatively clear self-awareness.

Qi Yuan saw that since the words came to his lips, he naturally couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb, so he stood up again:
"Actually, these materials can be found on the Internet, but since everyone wants to know, I will talk about a few points in general.

First of all, according to the geographical location, this secret place is likely to be one of the three fairy mountains of Yingzhou, the abbot of Penglai.

Speaking of the origins of these three fairy mountains, the earliest record is in the Warring States period..."

Qi Yuan used Baidu's official information to tell the origin of the three fairy mountains and related historical records.

When it was said that there was no threat on the mountain, and there might even be an elixir of life, all hearts obviously missed a beat.

What a fascinating state this is.

The Shroud of Turin of the Holy See can prolong life for several years by wrapping it once.

And the elixir of life will only be more precious than the shroud, this thing is a rare treasure in the true sense, the kind that is enough to start a national war!

"Everyone, don't get excited."

Seeing that these people couldn't sit still, Qi Yuan immediately raised his hand and made a pressing motion: "It's just that there is a medicine for immortality, but no one has seen it.

Back then, Shi Huang also went to search for the Three Great Immortal Mountains during his east tour, but in the end he still died of illness.

Perhaps the elixir of life is just a legend and does not really exist, so everyone should not have too high expectations. "

Although the words are said in this way, those who have been blinded by the word "immortality" can't listen to them, and they only want to get this rare treasure.

Of course, there may be more than one, and it may be everywhere.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone didn't have to grab one piece?

These people haven't realized that, before the secret realm even started, they are already greedy for profit and unable to extricate themselves.

Or just because of an illusory legend.

Qi Yuan expressed his helplessness about this, no matter how much he tried to persuade the big guys, no one would listen to him.

Soon, these representatives went back to report the situation in a hurry. It is estimated that the content is nothing more than sending more manpower, and there are big fish here.

Sergey didn't say much, but said that he would stand firmly with Qi Yuan and the others and share more information after entering the secret realm.

Soon, there were only two groups of people from China and Japan left in the conference room.

Qi Yuan looked at the old man Hattori and asked: "Mr. Hattori, you obviously know that this legend is unrealistic, why don't you come out and help clarify it?"

The old man Hattori smiled and said: "These people have been enveloped by desire, if you stretch out your hand to pull him, it will be considered as trying to grab his treasure.

If they want to dream, let them do it, and only by muffled can they make a fortune. "

"You really are..." Qi Yuan chuckled, but didn't say those two words.

"Insidious, isn't it?" The old man Hattori helped him out: "However, I think Representative Qi is not going to give up too much, deliberately using the three great immortal mountains and the elixir of life to confuse the public and make everyone else go in the wrong direction To study, and you will be better able to wait for work at leisure.

If my guess is correct, the secret realm that appeared this time is definitely not the Three Great Immortal Mountains, and there is absolutely no elixir of life! "

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Qi Yuan chuckled, keeping his mouth shut.

Seeing that he couldn't say anything, the old man Hattori smiled and led the people out of the conference room.

When passing by Luo Quan, he even nodded to her, which made her bewildered.

"Do you know Hattori Blade?" Qi Yuan asked her.

"Don't know?" Luo Quan shook his head directly, "It's the first time we met today."

Qi Yuan introduced: "This is one of the four great sword masters in Japan. He is also the inheritor of Hattori ninjutsu. He claims to be able to kill people invisible. He was a killer in Europe for a long time in his early years, and his hands are heavily in debt."

Luo Quan took a deep breath and said softly: "I only know Liu Sheng Yan Zhai among the Four Great Sword Masters. He is the grandfather of my best friend, a very peaceful old man."

"The reputation of the Sword Master Liusheng is much better than this person. After all, he is an international friend who can be invited by us. He often participated in Chinese and Japanese martial arts exchanges in his early years, and he has a correct and profound understanding of history."

Qi Yuan's evaluation reassured Luo Quan a lot.

As for this Hattori Blade, the name and resume are really bluffing.

But her sense of oppression is not as good as Gryen's, and she probably doesn't belong to the top group in the hands of real martial arts masters, so there is nothing to fear.

On the contrary, it was Wilkins, who gave Luo Quan a sense of incomprehension, probably not a good character to get along with.

"Speaking of Wilkins, Director Qi, do you have any relevant information?"

Sensing the threat, Luo Quan immediately raised questions, after all Director Qi has far more information than she does.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

"I don't know anything, it's like popping out of a rock, without any origin."

Director Qi's answer made Luo Quan even more worried: "In short, we can't be too wary of Wilkins, after all, this is the most powerful country on earth, and its technology has been ahead of the world for many years.

In addition, it is said that Wilkins' extraordinary ability is completely different from our Chinese warriors, very special.

But the specific situation is temporarily unknown. "

"Will it hurt?" Luo Quan asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Qi Yuan didn't understand her intention.

"It can be killed if it is injured. There is no carbon-based life below 7.62 mm. If there is, it means that the caliber is not large enough."

Luo Quan said confidently.

He believes that human weapons can still deal with any current transcendent.

After all, the power of thermal weapons is too terrifying.

With the exception of her, who would dare to face an anti-materiel sniper rifle without changing face?
If there is such a person, in addition to having a super strong psychological quality, he must also have a chaotic brain.

"Of course they can be killed. These people are not indestructible gods." Qi Yuan said with a smile.

He didn't know that there was one of such a fairy in front of him.

The fairy smiled slightly: "With your words, I can rest assured that human beings will die if they are killed, don't worry too much
But this time the secret realm, Director Qi, can you tell me which one it will be? "

Qi Yuan blinked his eyes and remained silent.

I don't know if I don't know or can't say.

After Luo Quan asked, he also regretted it a little.

The insider incident just happened before, which led to the leak of news about the secret realm, which attracted so many foreign forces to disrupt the situation.

After that, the secrecy work must be stricter. Even if Director Qi knew, it would be impossible to tell her here.

He was even given repeated orders not to tell anyone.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan said apologetically, "I'm sorry Director Qi, I asked too many questions, so I must pay attention in the future."

"Haha, just understand, just understand."

Qi Yuan waved his hand quickly, not intending to blame her.

In any case, she is currently the number one strength of the Huaxia representative team. Luo Quan's composition is as trustworthy as her strength, and it is not impossible to reveal it at a critical moment.

But now there are so many people, and there are still many warriors outside the official forces.

In order to keep it secret, he naturally couldn't reveal a single bit.

After the meeting ended, Luo Quan took the elevator back to the room.

In fact, based on the current information, she can probably guess which one the secret realm will be.

There are only a few myths related to Huaxia Ocean.

In addition to the three great fairy mountains, there are also the Dragon Palace under the Sea, the Hibiscus Sacred Tree, and those overseas scriptures in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

She didn't know exactly what danger would be inside.

But anyway, she has a system by her side, and it is a high probability event to accumulate enough energy for any door in the secret realm.

If things can't be done, she still has a plan B.

But Director Qi and the others may not be able to take care of them.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario.

In fact, if it was arranged by her, the first person to dial in should not be a human being.

Now that technology is so advanced, first send drones to explore the road and see what the environment is like.

Then send the animals in and see what happens to them when they go in.

A few more trials will definitely solve many unknown troubles.

But the premise of doing this is that everyone has to bear it and not go in alone.

Everyone came here to hunt for treasure, and seeing others go in, I couldn't help myself.

If one person breaks the rules, the so-called gradual progress cannot be realized.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Luo Quan feels that it is unlikely that personnel from various countries will obediently wait for the detection results.

The most likely scenario should be that as soon as the secret realm opens, everyone rushes in, and then no matter how the three chapters are agreed in advance, scrambles will break out when they see something good, and it is not impossible to make a deadly move.

This is the inferiority of human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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