Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 883 Engagement Banquet

Chapter 883 Engagement Banquet

"Where did you go shopping last night, why haven't you come back for so long?"

Early the next morning, Wen Xia came to Luo Quan's room to inquire.

"Why haven't you come back for so long?" Luo Quan was half asleep, looking at her blankly with his head on his hen's nest.

Apparently a little drowsy.

Wen Xia held Luo Quan's face and rubbed it together: "I knocked on your door at almost 11 o'clock last night, but it didn't open. You don't usually look like someone who can go shopping for two hours."

"I met some fans on the road and recognized me, so I was delayed for a while."

Luo Quan opened his mouth and yawned, but his face was squeezed by Wen Xia, making her speak like a hen.

"Well, I thought you went to Kabukicho alone to find a cowherd." Wen Xia let go of her hand and made a wild joke.

Luo Quan laughed angrily at these words: "With my good looks and my status, do I still need to find a cowherd?
If you don't hook your hands, aren't all the good men in the world lined up for me to pick? "

Ah, yes, yes, who doesn't know that Luo Bao is a heartthrob? "Wen Xia nodded hurriedly.

"Who's going to pick a man?"

Leon and Mia walked in at this time: "Sister, are you finally planning to find someone to rely on for the rest of your life?"

Luo Quan sneered and said, "You want to rely on me? You can stand up to me and let me know."

"Okay, your sister is determined to become the Iron Maiden of the Ninth World, so don't disturb her practice." Wen Xia stood up and led everyone to have breakfast, but was kicked in the ass from behind by Luo Quan who held a grudge pier.

Everyone woke up neatly this morning, and had breakfast together on the fifth floor of the hotel.

"Why are there so many foreigners suddenly?"

Leon gnawed on the buttered bread and looked at the many unfamiliar faces around him.

I have also lived in the hotel for more than a week, and those people are basically the people I see when I come to eat in the morning.

But he had never seen more than a dozen people in the dining room today. Could it be that a certain tour group checked in last night?
"Hey, Francis is here too." Leon glanced around the dining room and saw an acquaintance.

"Who is Francis?" Mia asked curiously.

"He is one of Her Majesty's personal guards. When I was a child living in Buckingham Palace, he often taught me swordsmanship. He is a real master of swordsmanship!"

Leon introduced the silver-haired Juan Shuo old man to his girlfriend.

Francis also seemed to have spotted Lyon, and walked over with a few young people.

"Your Highness Leon." Francis bowed and saluted, with the same respectful attitude as the housekeeper Barry at home.

Leon greeted with a smile: "Long time no see, Francis, why didn't I see you when I went to London at the beginning of the year."

"I was busy practicing at the time, so I handed over the work to several other imperial guards."

Francis was smiling. Although there was a white beard on his chin, it didn't make people feel rough at all, but gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

If he was young, he must have been a handsome guy.

"This must be Ms. Luo Quan, she is truly a rare beauty." Francis looked at Luo Quan with an unconcealable surprise in his words.

Once in a century?

Luo Quan thought this adjective was weird, as if she was some kind of disaster.

But if you have to say it, her appearance is indeed worthy of the words "disaster for the country and the people".

"I should call you Sir Francis, right?" Luo Quan guessed that this kind of queen's confidants usually have titles, so he called him Sir Francis.

"You are also the noble daughter of the Albert family, just call me Francis."

The imperial guard's attitude when facing Luo Quan was very respectful, even three points more than that of Leon.

It may also be the reason why her strength is too shocking.

"By the way, Francis, why did you come to Tokyo? Did you also come to participate in the Olympics?"

Leon didn't know about the secret realm, neither his father nor sister told him.

The main reason is that it is useless to tell. After all, with his current strength, he probably is not qualified to enter.

Francis was very strict about the secret realm.

Even if he shouted at Leon one by one, his real purpose was still to care about him, and he didn't tell the truth at all.

Leon felt that the old man was hesitating and fumbling, so he didn't chat with him any more. He waved his hand and asked him to go back to have breakfast.

After the people left, Luo Quan began to complain: "I remember you don't have a title, why does that old man call you Your Highness and I'm Miss?"

Leon smiled reservedly: "It probably has something to do with my being the direct blood of the Hohenzollern family."

Albert is a branch of the royal family. Although the relationship is very close, he really intends to inherit the throne, and he will be ranked after dozens of people.

But the Hohenzollern family is different. Leon's mother is the second daughter of the patriarch of this family, and the order of succession is much higher than that of the other side.

With the noble blood of two nobles, and having liked the Queen since childhood, it is not an exaggeration to call him Your Highness.

As for Luo Quan.

"lady" is the normal name.

"I always feel that he seems to be hiding something from me. This sudden visit to Tokyo must not be for the Olympics."

Leon glanced at Francis' back and muttered.

Luo Quan didn't speak, as long as her younger brother didn't take the initiative to ask, she definitely wouldn't take the initiative to speak.

After all, now is a sensitive moment, and it is for Leon's benefit to know less, lest he get involved in trouble.

As more and more people went to the dining room for breakfast, more and more people noticed Luo Quan's table.

Quite a few of them were superhumans who met face-to-face last night.

They were all watched by Luo Quan, and several others looked at Wen Xia, Lin Ruoliu and the others, their eyes were not very polite.

Although it is normal for a celebrity to be watched by everyone, Wen Xia and the others are used to it.

But it's vacation time, and they still don't like being treated like this.

Just one or two glances is enough, what's the matter with staring at it all the time, it makes people feel uncomfortable all over.

If other people encountered this situation, they would probably go back to the room directly. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

But Luo Quan has never been the kind of person who is afraid of trouble, nor is he willing to swallow his anger.

For these foreigners who stared at them for more than half a minute, she stood up and walked to the person closest to them.

"Is my face blooming?" Luo Quan asked loudly, not afraid of being heard by others.

Under Luo Quan's sharp gaze, this big Nordic man with arms a little thicker than her waist lowered his head and denied, "No."

"Is my friend's face blooming?" Luo Quan continued to ask.

"" The big man was now sweating.

"Then why are you staring all the time?" Luo Quan stared, his aura was like a beast, which made the big man feel inexplicably terrified.

"Sorry, I will never offend you and your friends again." The big man quickly admitted his mistake.

After finishing one, Luo Quan turned his head to look at another short, muscular man covered in tattoos at the next table.

"Tattoos, underworld?" Luo Quan slapped the table with a slap.

The metal dinner plate was shot apart, but the wooden table underneath was unscathed.

This is even more outrageous than fighting cattle across the mountain. The tattooed man immediately shook his head quickly: "It's just a hobby, I'm a commoner."

"I'm in a bad mood right now, sing me a song." Luo Quan's face was frosty, and he played with the pieces of the dinner plate with his fingers, rolling them into balls like kneading noodles.

"Sing... what are you singing?" The tattooed man was dumbfounded by Luo Quan's finger strength, unable to resist at all.

"Kar asks where the way is."

"I haven't heard of it." The tattooed man said helplessly.

Luo Quan immediately yelled: "If you haven't heard it, go back and listen! Next time you don't know how to sing, I'll let you end up with this dinner plate!"

Before he finished speaking, the tattooed man escaped from the dining room with his tail between his legs.

Luo Quan glanced around again, and everyone lowered their heads, staring affectionately at the food on their dinner plates, how could they dare to meet her eyes.

"Virtue, as if you have never seen a beautiful woman."

Luo Quan cursed softly and returned to his seat.

Some foreigners are like this, fearing power but not virtue, you think you are easy to bully when you reason with them.

You have to slap your face to know what politeness is.

With such a little ability, he stared at the girl without moving his eyes.

If this is stronger in the future, is it okay?
Luo Quan is not used to these things.

You can view it however you want during working hours, because it is for you to see.

Now that she is on vacation, she doesn't want to be judged like an animal.

"Luo Bao, you are too fierce, you can scare these people with a few words when you stand up, you are awesome!"

Wen Xia offered her disgusting praise to Luo Quan who had returned in triumph.

"Fortunately, it's not in China. If it is photographed and posted online, it will probably cause another rhythm."

Wen Xia added a sentence after boasting, expressing some concern.

Luo Quan said calmly: "Obviously I negotiated with those people in a friendly way. I didn't hit anyone or curse anyone. My attitude has always been very, very gentle, okay?"


Leon couldn't hold back anymore and laughed.

"What's wrong with you, my dear brother?" Luo Quan looked over with kind eyes, and pressed Leon's shoulder with her slender hands that could smash and squash metal dinner plates.

The fingers are not very far from his neck.

"It's okay, my stomach hurts." Leon didn't dare to be skinny at this time, for the sake of his own life, he quickly made his stomach hurt.

"Stomach pain endured, go back and drink more hot water."

Luo Quan made a cut, let go of his hand and stopped talking to him.

Leon, who had escaped, let out a long sigh of relief.

Although the bystanders were resolved, everyone's interest in eating was also affected by this episode.

Simply fill your belly and get ready to head home.

At this time, a big hospital news appeared on the Japanese hot search list:
"Crown Crown Prince Masaku Kiya will hold an engagement dinner with Ms. Iwasaki Aiko in three days' time!"

Wen Xia, who was playing with her mobile phone, saw this news feed, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Luo Quan, look!"

"Such a surprise, did you discover Godzilla?"

Luo Quan turned his head to look over, and then showed fleeting surprise.

"It's just engaged, what's all the fuss about?" Luo Quan said nonchalantly.

"Look, I thought it was a deep-rooted infatuation, but it turned out that people didn't wait, what a pity." Wen Xia sighed, meaning something.

Luo Quan looked at her speechlessly, not even interested in arguing.

From the beginning to the end, it was the unrequited love of Prince Jinggong, who fled from Tokyo to Shanghai in order to escape.

But there are still people who like to spread these scandals, so what should we do?I can only ignore it.

But she ignored it, but others always liked to involve her.

Jing Gong Masaku and Iwasaki Aiko's engagement banquet had nothing to do with her.

As a result, TV Tokyo's media directly added a subtitle under the title:

Where does Luo Quan go from here?

After Luo Quan saw it, he really didn't know what to do.

Because she didn't even know why she appeared under this title.

The point is that the netizens in the comment area also yelled at her in a serious manner:
"Luo Quansang, this may be your last chance."

"Before the engagement banquet is held, it's too late to stop it now."

"Could this be the Crown Prince's trick of lust, to make Luoquan feel a sense of crisis?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Luo Quan obviously has nothing to do with the crown prince, it's all your imagination."

"I think you're all thinking too much."


Only by flipping to the back can you see some normal comments.

I don't know if the one in front is a fan of Sui Jun or Jing Gong Masaku.

Generally speaking, male fans would not like their goddess to marry someone else's wife.

But in order to keep her, these fans pinned their hopes on Jing Gong Masaku knowing that they had no possibility.

After all, in the eyes of many fans, the handsome and elegant Prince Jinggong is still very attractive to girls.

This is true, but it doesn't necessarily apply to all girls.

She has seen a lot of other people's NTR, but she really hasn't seen much NTR by herself.

It can only be said that her fans sacrificed too much in order to keep her.

Luo Quan was very moved, but at the same time deeply disgusted.

As for the rhythm this time, many media in Tokyo are participating.

Almost in an instant, all the channels for the people of Japan to understand the news were covered.

It seems that someone made a special arrangement to cover up something.

The reason why she has such a guess is that when she was on the hot search in the past, several major media published articles one by one.

Never has it been so tidy.

This happens only when buying hot searches.

But the engagement of the crown prince was originally a hot news that was easily searched, and there was no need to buy hot news at all.

Anyway, this time the rhythm is very abnormal.

Luo Quan's intuition seldom makes mistakes. It can be said that he is lucky, but it is true that he seldom makes mistakes.

So Luo Quan didn't feel angry at the first time, or sent a message to clarify or something.

She decided to observe for a while to see what else was waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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