Chapter 884
The engagement of the crown prince is considered a great event for most Japanese.

Although there have been rumors before, that the Crown Prince loved the international star Luo Quan deeply, and had vowed not to marry unless she was the only one.

It's a pity that he was not able to chase Luo Quan with the help of the people like his father.

Moreover, Luo Quan's refusal attitude was much firmer than that of the crown prince's mother and queen. Not only did he post many times on the Internet, but he even fled Japan very smartly before the public launched a petition.

As time passed, Luoquan's beauty did not weaken in the slightest, but became more charming and alluring because of the catalysis of the years.

Although Luoquan became more beautiful, the crown prince's heart also changed.

Few people hold on to something they never hoped for.

The only ones who can do it are fanatics except idealists.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is obviously not such a person, so he fell in love with Ms. Iwasaki Aiko, the granddaughter of the former chairman of the Mitsubishi consortium.

One is rich and noble, and the other is rich and powerful.

One is a jade tree facing the wind, and the other is as beautiful as a flower.

It can be said to be a real match.

It is said that the two met on a sunny afternoon, they fell in love at first sight, and they met each other's parents.

The elders on both sides have no opinion at all about this marriage, or this marriage is likely to be facilitated by the elders on both sides.

All in all, the current evaluation of this couple in Japan is a match made in heaven, and they are just waiting for the auspicious day to get things done.

However, the crown prince's big wedding must not be simple, it must be grand and grand, rushing to the specifications of the wedding of the century.

And before that, there will be an engagement banquet, which is equivalent to a preview.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are so many people coming to the Tokyo Olympics this time, all of them are invited to join in the fun, and the host's face can be brighter.

In fact, this engagement banquet has been secretly prepared for a long time, and it was finally officially announced before the upcoming date.

Japan can be said to be a national celebration, and many streets even hung up congratulatory banners and decorated with lights.

In such a festive atmosphere, the case of the embezzlement of the US$1000 billion emergency reserve fund in Congress has not been discussed by many people, because there is almost no relevant news on the Internet.

Luo Quan wondered if he was the only one who discovered this.

She felt that there should still be a lot of understanding people in Japan, but even if they understood some things, it would not be of much use.

You can only watch it happen, ferment and settle down.

As for Luo Quan himself, he was also drawn into this army called "Covering People's Eyes and Eyes".

The past events that happened between her and the crown prince continued to divert the public's attention.

Fortunately, her fans are still pretty strong, and they used beautiful Japanese swear words to scold those Tauren fans who tried to send her out.

But this can be regarded as a diversion of attention, and the corruption case is almost forgotten by everyone.

As for Luo Quan, in addition to being implicated in the engagement of the crown prince, the behavior in the hotel restaurant in the morning was also photographed and posted on the Internet.

The news content that stars lose their temper and conflict with passers-by will always arouse the interest of the people who eat melons.

Because in this way, the star can be criticized in groups, accusing her of being a public figure but not knowing how to control her emotions.

The content of the video is also very in line with the current Internet trend, and only half of it is recorded, which is the scene of her threatening those passers-by.

However, there was no scene of these passers-by staring at Luoquan Wenxia and the others for more than a minute.

And through this one-leaf-obscuring technique, Luo Quan became a bad person.

Of course, the bad guy in the video.

Both netizens and fans felt that there must be a reason for the incident, including these rhythmic media, which only said that Luo Quan was suspected of having a dispute with passers-by, and the specific situation is still unclear.

If it were another star, I'm afraid he would have been scolded long ago.

This is the benefit of a good word-of-mouth. The news content of this intensity does not affect Luoquan at all.

And Luo Quan's desire to clarify was not very strong, so he just sent a short tweet:
"I was judged by a large group of people after a meal. I went to theorize and didn't actually do it. Shouldn't I be scolded?"

Although it uses interrogative sentences, it sounds like declarative sentences to fans.

And the fans' answers are also very confident:

"It's definitely not your fault, Luo Quan."

"It can't be Shi Chen's fault, haha."

“It’s really frustrating to encounter this kind of situation when traveling.”

"To be reasonable, Luo Quan is not stingy at all in front of the camera, but in private, it's better not to disturb her life."

"That's true. Other female stars are like sugarcane and have long hands. It's okay to wear an evening dress and cover it up. After taking off the clothes, they are probably not as old as me. I don't know what to cover up."

"On the other hand, Luoquan is really big and unstoppable."

"What a big and unstoppable one!"


Those who are favored are always confident, Luo Quan knew this would be the result, so she never panicked from the beginning.

The rhythm came and went quickly, and it didn't take long for it to die down.

The next morning, Leon received an invitation letter to attend the engagement dinner of the Crown Prince of the Royal Palace. In addition to Leon Mia, Luo Quan, Wen Xia, and Junzi were also invited.

"Sister, are you ready to go?"

After Lyon received the invitation letter, he gathered a large group of people to discuss it.

Although he was not familiar with Jing Gong Ya Zuo, but he had sent an invitation letter, so it was fine anyway, so it was fine to attend.

But my sister is different. There have been so many scandals before, and now I am going to attend the engagement banquet. If there are any rumors that I will never forget or regret it, I will have a headache again.

This was Leon's concern, and he truthfully told his elder sister this concern.

Luo Quan smiled after hearing this: "Have you ever thought that if I don't go, some people on the Internet will spread the rumor that they really have him in their hearts, and they don't even go to his engagement banquet. They must not want to see that I like him." The man of the house signed a contract with someone else..."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and sighed helplessly: "The mouths are on the faces of these people, if you want to spread rumors, you can always find an angle, so just ignore it.

This engagement banquet must be going, after all, I also have some friendship with Senior Jing Gong. "

Regarding Luo Quan's decision, the others did not have any opinion.

Although Lin Ruoli and Cheng Nuo's names were not written on the invitation letter this time, it also added: "And other relatives and friends."

So the two of them can also be brought there.

When a family goes to dinner, it must be neat and tidy, so Luo Quan asked them to prepare well, and everyone will go to eat together when the time comes.

But this engagement banquet is not destined to be peaceful.

At noon, the electronic screens in the most prosperous area of ​​Shibuya, Tokyo were hacked.

No matter what was playing on the screen one second, it was replaced by a masked man wearing a hooded top in the next second.

He said in a specially processed voice:
"Jing Gong Masaku, you are trying to take away my beloved, but I will never let you succeed.

Aiko, wait for me, I will rescue you from this cage! "

The video was only about ten seconds long, but it was played in a loop on the large electronic screen for more than half an hour.

And it can't be turned off except by pulling the plug.

The person who posted this video must be a hacker. As for whether the method is clever or not, it depends on whether the police can find him out later.

Given the poor historical performance of the Japanese police in solving crimes by surrendering themselves, the possibility of finding this hacker is very low.

Fortunately, it can be seen from the content of this video that the hacker must have emotional entanglements with the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess-to-be, and there is a high probability that he is an acquaintance.

The police first questioned the crown prince himself, but he had nothing to say about it, and his fiancée did not tell him about it.

And Iwasaki Aiko didn't hide it when she saw this situation, telling her that the real identity of the hacker was probably her classmate Tsukikawa Kenta.

The two met in high school and became friends because they had many topics in common.

Kenta Tsukikawa was born in a poor family and grew up in an orphanage, but his computer skills are very strong and his grades are quite good. After being admitted to the University of Tokyo, he completed all courses in only two years and got a master's degree.

Tsukikawa Kenta confessed his love to Iwasaki Aiko on the day he got his degree, but was rejected.

Because Iwasaki Aiko has always regarded him as a friend, and has never planned to be a couple with him.

But Tsukikawa Kenta stubbornly felt that the reason for the rejection was the class gap between the two, and it was likely that Iwasaki Aiko's family looked down on him as a poor boy.

So he swears to her that he will get ahead, and then goes abroad.

In the next few years, Iwasaki Aiko didn't hear from him outside, and then she met Masaku Keimiya, the two fell in love, and finally got engaged.

But at this time, Kenta Tsukikawa actually came back, and launched a cyber terrorist attack in this way, which caused an uproar.

"He was not like this before. He was very gentle and friendly. I don't know why he became like this."

Iwasaki Aiko hid her face in her fiancé's arms and spoke in a sad tone.

She really regarded him as her best friend, and she didn't expect to make such a situation.

And Jing Gong Masaku put his arms around his fiancée, and issued a solemn statement: "I will do my best to protect my beloved son, and the engagement banquet in two days' time will also be held as scheduled.

I am also here to send a message to Kenta Tsukikawa, no matter what kind of emotion you have for Aiko, you can come to the engagement banquet in two days.

As long as you don't do anything against the law, I guarantee you won't have any trouble, I swear on my life! "

With this oath, Jing Gong Masaku's status in the hearts of the Japanese people directly rocketed to the top, and he was hailed as the most handsome crown prince in history.

Netizens commented one after another:

"This is too domineering, as expected of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"I envy Miss Aiko, how safe and happy I am to have such a husband."

"I wonder why Luo Quan would reject such a good man."

"Here in Tilo Springs, I think it's disrespectful to any of the three people."

"Crown Prince Jinggong has already said that he and Luo Quan are very good friends, please don't bring their relationship higher than that of Youda."

"I hope Kenta Tsukikawa can respond positively like a man, instead of disgusting people in this way."


When the news of the engagement banquet first came out yesterday, no one would have guessed that it would be so exciting.

The scandal between Luoquan and the crown prince had just come to an end, and Kenta Tsukikawa appeared over there, and it was not clear who was following the crown prince.

If this is made into a four-corner sadomasochism TV series, the ratings will definitely explode. If Luo Quan sings a few Japanese songs for OP, ED and accompaniment, the classic level is probably not worse than "Tokyo Love Story".

However, the netizens enjoyed eating melons, and several parties involved are already devastated.

Luo Quan was a little bit better, because Kenta Tsukikawa helped her attract firepower, so no one cared about her scandal.

No one knows what Jing Gongma is feeling, but Iwasaki Aiko must be suffering at the moment.

Regardless of whether she and Kenta Tsukikawa have anything to do, it will not be easy.

If the two were really in love, the current situation would be being beaten by the parents, which is exactly the tragic love story in ancient times where a poor scholar and a wealthy lady were torn apart alive.

And if it is really just friends as she said, it is because Kenta Tsukikawa himself miscalculated the relationship between the two of them, and acted irrationally. God knows what he can do on the day of the engagement banquet .

How many people have done so many crazy things in the name of love.

Don't look at Kenta Tsukikawa using hacking methods to do things.

When the time comes to the engagement banquet and face-to-face battle with Jing Gong Masaku, maybe he just pulls out a gun and shoots him.

This is very likely to happen.

Therefore, while the Japanese nationals were moved by Yu Jinggong Masaku's masculinity, they also strongly advised him to wear body armor and arrange as many bodyguards as possible.

Some people even suggested that he should not get close to Mrs. Yue Chuanjian, and let the police arrest him immediately when he appeared.

Although it violated the agreement, it was a decision made by a group of subordinates and subjects, and had nothing to do with Jing Gong Masaku himself.

Netizens' hard work is really a lesson to be learned from the sun and the moon.

However, Jing Gong Masaku did not respond to these suggestions, and he didn't know if he was discussing with the elders in the family.

On the other side, the police of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department began to act again.

A few days ago, they spent a lot of time trying to capture Linghe and the strange thief.

After being busy for so long, there was no clue at all, so I simply gave up in secret.

Now they have a new errand, which is to find this Tsukikawa Kenta.

It is known that his existence will pose a huge threat to the engagement banquet two days later.

Then just catch him before the engagement banquet so that he can't attend it?

Deputy Minister Mao Li, who took over the position of Deputy Minister Mu Mu, decided to show his ability through this case.

Therefore, more than half of the police force of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was mobilized, and hackers were invited from abroad to assist in the investigation.

According to him, the location of Kenta Tsukikawa can be found within 48 hours at most. Please rest assured the crown prince, concubine and the general public.

(End of this chapter)

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