Chapter 886

The one on the screen in front of me is the same dress as the one that appeared on the big screen of Shibuya Electronics three days ago.

It's just that this time he didn't wear a mask, what was exposed was the face of Kenta Tsukikawa.

It is estimated that this song is the deity.

"It seems that your feelings for Aiko are not just words. Although I may not have the position to say such things, at least I don't have to worry about you in the future."

Tsukikawa Kenta showed a smile, he must think his affectionate appearance is very handsome.

But the faces of the other guests present became more and more gloomy.

Just to test whether Miyazaki Masaku will protect Iwasaki Aiko, you don't take our lives for life, do you?

If the bomb is real, wouldn't everyone present be doomed.

Leon had already angrily crushed the silver wine glass in his hand, and it was because of Jing Gong Masaku's status as the crown prince that he didn't explode on the spot.

But it’s impossible to just let it go, and I have to give an explanation later. The security guards around here are all like Nima straw bags. When they see something wrong, they think of hiding at the first time.

If it's really a bomb, if the old sister didn't risk her life to block it, everyone present would have to finish the game!

And Kenta Tsukikawa, seeing Luo Quan's face so ugly, probably felt in his heart that he had killed two birds with one stone.

If the relationship between the Crown Prince and Luo Quan is completely broken in this way, then he can only treat Iwasaki Aiko wholeheartedly.

"Besides, I have one more thing to tell you."

Tsukikawa Kenta looked at Jing Gong Masaku with a smile: "I was also responsible for the theft of the three artifacts more than half a month ago.

Mr. Yuichi Mitsui took a fancy to my ability to make up. They paid me a huge amount of money and advanced technical equipment to let me enter the palace in disguise to steal the three artifacts.

I didn't intend to participate in the struggle between your royal family and the chaebol at first, but who let you take away my favorite girl, so I agreed and wanted to revenge.

Originally, today's plan was to sneak into the palace and steal the Tiancongyun sword while you were holding an engagement banquet here, but now I have changed my mind.

I have made it clear as the mastermind. Believe it or not is up to you. The Coke bomb today is fake.

But if I hear that you treat Aiko badly in the future, then what you receive may be a real bomb. "

After speaking, Kenta Tsukikawa disappeared, and the screen returned to normal.

A series of breaking news made all the guests present dumbfounded.

No matter how rich their imaginations are, they would never have imagined that Kenta Tsukikawa was actually the Reiwa Kaito who made a fuss in the Imperial Palace and Narita Airport a while ago.

The thief who made the entire Tokyo police helpless had such a relationship with the princess.

What's even more outrageous is that Yuichi Mitsui, the head of Japan's second largest consortium, is actually behind the scenes.

Speaking of which, the Mitsui family did not come.

Although they were not the only chaebols who did not come, and no one thought much about it, but it is quite intriguing to contact Kenta Tsukikawa.

If this happened in private, the royal family could still cover it with a gag order.

But this engagement banquet gathered so many reporters, and when the fake bomb exploded just now, except for Luo Quan, these reporters were the only ones standing.

This is the professional ethics of journalists. In the face of life and news, they chose the latter.

Through the camera, all these shocking news have been broadcasted, and the people at home and abroad who were watching the crown prince's engagement banquet were already in an uproar.

A group of people looked at Jing Gong Masaku and Iwasaki Aiko on the stage, at a loss.

Several samurai had already started calling to inquire about the situation inside the palace, and Jing Gong Masaku's second uncle also stepped onto the stage to preside over the overall situation.

Luo Quan lowered his head and glanced at Kenta Tsukikawa's substitute, who was knocked unconscious by her excessive force, and had no interest in staying any longer.

Break apart the so-called Coke bomb and sniff the liquid inside.

It's really a cola, but it's cherry flavored, it's a cult.

Throwing it to the ground, Luo Quan turned his head and looked at his younger brother: "Let's go."

"Do you want to give an explanation if you don't stay here?" Leon obviously didn't intend to just let it go.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "What do you need to say about the fake bomb, at worst, just don't attend the engagement banquet in the future."

Hearing what his sister said, Leon couldn't find any reason to refute.

Although it's really uncomfortable to make it like this, it's really not the fault of Jinggong Masaku.

The real troublemaker was Kenta Tsukikawa, but he was so cunning that he could not be tracked down by remotely controlling a person to come to the banquet directly.

What else can we do?
I can only suffer from this dumb loss.

The engagement banquet was messed up, the guests left one after another, and the elders of the man and woman seemed irrelevant.

Fortunately, Kenta Tsukikawa gave them an object to vent, and that was the Mitsui Consortium.

Regardless of whether the mastermind behind the scenes is Mitsui Yuichi or not, an investigation must be carried out, otherwise how can this full of anger be vented?

Of course, those on stage were not the only ones who were full of anger, Luo Quan was also full of anger.

Kenta Tsukikawa has threatened her and her family more than once this year.

This is exactly the behavior of a terrorist, and he cannot be put down lightly just because his bomb is not lethal.

The inability of the Tokyo police to find out his location doesn't mean she can't.

After Luo Quan returned to the hotel, he called Yunikina directly.

This talented Russian hacker girl she signed before has been studying in Qinghua.

Although she didn't take the initiative to contact her very often, Yunikina still regularly reported her usual achievements.

For example, a while ago, she boasted that she had gotten into the backstage of Tesla's intranet, and wanted to help Nikola with some useful information.

After Luo Quan found out about this, he directly scolded her through the video, and saw Yunikina crying pitifully before giving up.

Hacking techniques are not used in these places. The young Yunikina obviously doesn't understand this truth. Luo Quan is obliged to teach her the correct outlook on life and values.

But now, the opportunity for her to display her abilities correctly has come.

"Sister Luo Quan, I really haven't hacked a company's intranet recently."

Yunikina suddenly received a call from Luo Quan, thinking she was here to scold her again, so she hurriedly explained to her.

Luo Quan smiled when he heard it: "Don't be so ignorant, I called you today to ask you to do me a favor."

"Help? Which company's intranet or their security system do you want me to hack into?" Yunikina was extremely excited, as if doing this was her hobby in her daily life.

"Not this." Luo Quan said helplessly, "I want you to find someone, he is also a hacker, his name is Tsukikawa Kenta, you can search for the latest news in Japan."

"Hackers, my favorite thing to deal with is my peers."

A light flashed in Yunikina's eyes, and her fingers immediately tapped the keyboard.

Five minutes later, Yunikina understood the ins and outs of the matter, looked at Luo Quan and said, "Sister Luo Quan, this matter is on me. This person has left such obvious traces on the Internet, it is not difficult to find at all." , he is much worse than the previous clown!"

The clown that Yunikina mentioned was the hacker who stole Apple user information and tricked the FBI.

This hacker is currently a legend in the global hacker circle, and has many admirers, and Yunikina is one of them. At the same time, she also inspires to surpass the clown and become another legend in the hacker circle.

Of course, these are all dreams to be fulfilled in the future.

Right now, we have to find out the position of Kenta Tsukikawa first.

Just like what Yunikina said, Kenta Tsukikawa's method this time is not as clever as the "clown" without leaving any traces, and it can only be regarded as above-average among hackers.

The Tokyo police couldn't find him, it was all because these people were so incompetent.

In Huaxia, he couldn't get out at Narita Airport that day. Dozens of helicopters surrounded him in the sky. How can he fly to Mount Fuji?
Unable to count on the police, Luo Quan decided to do it himself, and give a good lesson to this bastard who had involved her and her family and friends twice.

It took Yunikina about two hours to locate him without disturbing him.

It is located in a warehouse in Meguro Ward.

The newly appointed deputy minister did have something. He guessed Kenta Tsukikawa's psychology and guessed that he would continue to live in Meguro.

It's a pity that facing such a person who can change his appearance at will, it is useless to check him ten times.

"Hello, senior Jing Gong?" Luo Quan called Jing Gong Masaku.

"Luo Quan!" Jing Gong Masaku didn't have the face to talk to Luo Quan at first, but she didn't expect that she took the initiative to call and said quickly after being overjoyed: "I have to apologize to you about today's incident..."

"I'll talk about this later, I've already found the position of Tsukikawa Kenta." Luo Quan interrupted him.

Jing Gong Masaku's pupils trembled: "What should I do?"

"You immediately notify the police to surround the Hiyori Warehouse in Meguro District, but no one is allowed to approach within [-] meters.

At that time, no matter how many people come out of the warehouse, they will be directly controlled, and Kenta Tsukikawa must be among them. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then stepped on the gas pedal.

At the same time, the samurai who were planning to question Mr. Mitsui Kahsei suddenly received an order to go to Meguro District immediately, saying that they had obtained the specific address of Kenta Tsukikawa and needed their cooperation in the arrest.

Mitsui's house is there, and the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away.

But Tsukikawa Kenta was alone, if he ran away this time, it would be very difficult to catch him in the future.

So the samurai immediately drove to the Meguro district.

Half an hour later, Luo Quan's car drove outside the warehouse named "Rihe".

It was originally an industry owned by the Mitsui Consortium, and many auto parts were stored here, but because of a fire, it was completely burned down, and the entire warehouse was also abandoned, and it has not been used until now.

There was a big lock hanging on the door outside the warehouse. Luo Quan grabbed the chain and tore it off with a single move of his arm.

If Kenta Tsukikawa was vigilant enough this year, he would have placed surveillance cameras near the warehouse, and she had definitely been spotted.

If there is a tunnel under the warehouse, then she is sure that she will return in vain this time.

If not, this bastard is waiting to be caught by her.

There are few people and no reporters here, even if it really flies into the sky and escapes in a helicopter, you can drag him down if you want!

With such thoughts in mind, Luo Quan kicked open the door of the warehouse.

At this time, a large number of policemen and palace warriors also said that the warehouse was full of space.

Moreover, they followed Luo Quan's instructions and stood obediently 50 meters away from the warehouse, waiting for Kenta Tsukikawa to throw himself into the trap.

All the reporters who came after hearing the news were taken into the car, and all the cameras were asked to turn off.

Although they didn't understand why this arrangement was made this time, they could only do so under the watchful eyes of the warriors.

On the other side, Luo Quan noticed the existence of Tsukikawa Kenta after entering the warehouse.

Although it was dark inside, with only the light from the gate illuminating a narrow, triangular path, there was a familiar smell of cherry-flavored Coke in the air.

It was exactly what she had smelled just now when she was dismantling the liquid bomb.

"You'd better take the initiative to come out to Kenta Tsukikawa, don't force me to do it, or I can't guarantee your safety."

Luo Quan closed the door with a bang, bringing the entire warehouse back into darkness.

Her intuition told her that Tsukikawa Kenta didn't leave, but he didn't know where he was, so she took the initiative to communicate with him.

"Miss Luo Quan, I remember that I have no enmity with you, why do you have to fight against me again and again?"

Voices came from all directions, like a radio.

"I'm against you?" Luo Quan laughed: "Isn't it you who have been threatening the safety of me and my family? For your own so-called love, you made this farce after another?"

"You don't know my relationship with Aiko at all!" Tsukikawa Kenta suddenly shouted, very excited.

"I don't care what your reasons are, or how many difficulties you have, I don't care about your love with Iwasaki Aiko.

I only know that if you provoke me, you should still be the face of the whole world. "

Luo Quan said calmly.

This is actually the reason why she came to Tsukikawa Kenta.

If the reporter hadn't rebroadcast the scene of the engagement banquet at that time, then forget about it.

But now that so many people have seen it, she must make Tsukikawa Kenta pay the price.

Kill one as an example to prevent similar situations from happening again in the future.

Although Kenta Tsukikawa's voice came from the broadcaster, Luo Quan's amazing hearing also allowed her to discover the voice in this space from outside the broadcast.

She rushed in the direction of the sound, and the road was full of heavy metal frames.

But with the Eight Gate Dunjia, she can punch through a steel plate thicker than her with a single punch, and the wind of her fist can even overturn the metal frame holding the goods.

In an instant, the whole warehouse seemed to be turned into a blacksmith's shop, and there was a loud clanging sound coming from inside.

And these movements in the warehouse were heard clearly by the policemen and warriors 50 meters away.

But because of the order, no one stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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