Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 887 Linghe Goddess Detective

Chapter 887 Linghe Goddess Detective

The huge roar of steel collisions continued to come from the warehouse.

The police officers were worried about the situation in Luoquan inside, and they all looked at Deputy Minister Mao Li and Masaku Jinggong, asking if they wanted to go in and help.

"Just stay here." Jing Gong Masaku's expression was very calm. He had watched the Europa Warriors finals and knew how terrifying Luo Quan's strength was.

And Luo Quan also said just now to let them wait here and not get close, so he must know that he will not get any assistance.

Even so, she still chose to do it, that is, she has sufficient confidence in her own strength.

Of course, if Luo Quan asked for help, he would definitely lead people in as soon as possible.

It's really embarrassing to say it, just now he was still swearing to each other with Ai Zishan, but now he is standing here looking at another girl, hoping to see through her eyes.

Jing Gong Masaku sometimes felt that he was a scumbag, but Luo Quan didn't give him a chance to be a scumbag at all.

As the sound of metal clashing in the warehouse grew louder, the ground shook.

Fortunately, there are no residential buildings near the warehouse, otherwise I might have thought it was an earthquake.

This kind of movement lasted for 5 minutes, and finally everything returned to calm.

The door of the warehouse opened slowly, and Luo Quan dragged a heavily tied man out.

Her hair was a little messy, but her clothes were neat.

Tsukikawa Kenta's weapons had no effect on her, but those abandoned tall cargo racks caused her a lot of trouble after the lights were turned off.

These shelves of goods are placed in the warehouse in a haphazard manner, and Kenta Tsukikawa, who is familiar with the terrain, shuttles quickly inside.

And she can only rely on her hearing to locate, and she is always one step slower when she wants to open these shelves.

After knowing that she had thrown all the cargo racks in the center to the corner, Tsukikawa Kenta finally had no way to escape and was caught by her on the spot.

The rope used to bind him is a lot of data cables and network cables in the warehouse.

This warehouse has been converted into a computer base by him, and there are more than a dozen computers working, but it was closed immediately when Luo Quan came in, and I don't know if there is an automatic destruction of criminal evidence like in the TV series.

Although he was not sure whether he could be convicted and sentenced if he was caught, Luo Quan exchanged a nanolocator in the mall.

Many animal protection organizations inject trackers into captured rare animals to record their whereabouts.

There is also a tracker for people, which is more hidden in the mall, and it will not affect your life after using it.

Anyway, regardless of whether Kenta Tsukikawa plans to retaliate against him in the future, the system can monitor his location at any time.

If he really dared to make a mistake, he would get rid of the trouble forever.

"It's good to catch Kenta Tsukikawa, but its computers are all shut down, and I don't know if the data has been automatically deleted."

Luo Quan pushed Kenta Tsukikawa to the police, and then looked at Masaku Jingomiya: "It's not a question, what are you going to do with the Mitsui consortium?"

Jing Gong Masaku replied with a serious expression: "We have to interrogate Tsukikawa Kenta first and then investigate, but if what he said is true, then the head of the Mitsui Consortium has to be replaced."

"That's fine. I'll go short the shares of the Mitsui Consortium as soon as I go back." Luo Quan joked with a smile, and didn't know if she really planned to do so.

And Jing Gong Masaku was hesitant to speak, he raised his hand, but he didn't really stop her.

"Is there anything else, my lord?"

This time, Luo Quan didn't even yell at the senior, which made Jing Gong Masaku's heart twitch with pain.

"It's nothing, I just want to apologize to you and your family and friends for what happened today. It's because we didn't work well." Jing Gong Masaku took a deep breath, trying to make his chest feel better.

"Take good care of your fiancée, don't think about it so much, and the culprit has already been caught?"

Luo Quan said with a smile, and then walked towards the eagerly awaited reporters.

After Tsukikawa Kenta was caught, the reporters were released, rushing towards Luo Quan:
"Luo Quan, may I ask if you captured Tsukikawa Kenta single-handedly?"

"Luo Quan, can you tell me why you did this?"

"Luo Quan, do you have some special feelings for His Royal Highness Jing Gong Masaku?"


Luo Quan knew that sooner or later someone would ask this question, so she didn't get too excited, but replied in a deep voice:
"First of all, His Highness Masaku Masaku and I are only friends, and he is already engaged. You are disrespecting Ms. Aiko Iwasaki for asking this. Please don't continue like this.

In addition, the arrest of Kenta Tsukikawa was not due to me alone. I also asked a friend for help. With her help, I was able to locate Kenta Tsukikawa's address. "

"Could it be convenient for you to disclose the information of your friend?"

"Dream to catch such a powerful hacker as Kenta Tsukikawa, your friend must also be the top hacker in the world, right?"

The reporters continued to question her.

Hearing these questions, Luo Quan wanted to laugh.

Because Yunikina said that she was able to find Kenta Tsukikawa not because of how good she was, but because the Japanese police were too incompetent.

This is a decent hacker, far from world-class.

But it would be too hurtful to say such words directly.

It has already been buried in the ground, why bother to disturb their peace?
So Luo Quan didn't expose it, but said: "I can't disclose too much specific information. There are also a lot of big news from Kenta Tsukikawa, so don't just stare at me and report."

"How could it be!" A reporter yelled, "This is the first strange case in Japan this year. You broke the sky in less than a day. You are simply Sherlock Holmes in the Reiwa era, the goddess of Reiwa!"

Luo Quan moved his lips, but finally held back his complaints.

She thought to herself that if it was really about strange cases, the serial suicide case of twelve accountants at the beginning of the year and the recent disappearance of hundreds of billions of dollars in reserve funds could be called strange cases.

In comparison, Tsukikawa Kenta is too commonplace.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, Luo Quan sees through but doesn't tell the truth.

As for the so-called Detective Linghe, she has so many nicknames anyway, it doesn't matter if she has one more.

After finishing the interview with the reporters, Luo Quan drove back to the hotel.

After arresting Kenta Tsukikawa, he returned to the room, and the glass of water he poured when he left was still warm.

"Sister, when did you know such a hacker?" Leon didn't know the existence of Yunikina, and after seeing the live broadcast from the arrest scene, he immediately asked her curiously.

"That was actually a little fan of mine at the beginning..."

Luo Quan told his younger brother how he and Yunikina met and developed into their own employees.

After listening to the old sister's narration, Lyon was quite embarrassed, thinking how could he not meet such a good fan?
Sure enough, there is still a limit.

In the next three days, except for the fact that the Japanese media had been reporting that Luoquan made a brave attack to arrest Tsukikawa Kenta, the Internet seemed quite calm.

But those consortium dignitaries all understand that this is the calm before the storm.

Now the police are collecting evidence, including Kenta Tsukikawa's statement.

As long as the materials are gathered together, none of the Mitsui family involved in this matter will be able to escape.

If the Mitsui family only targets the imperial family, with the current influence of the imperial family, there is really nothing to do with this big consortium other than condemning the family in public opinion.

Although Japan is not like South Korea, the consortium can directly influence the highest organ of the country.

But it is also a capitalist country, and the influence of capital is quite large, not to mention the second largest Japanese conglomerate.

So, if it was in the past, the Mitsui family came out to apologize sincerely this time, and launched a scapegoat to take over everything, and they could basically fool it.

However, Masaku Keimiya and Aiko Iwasaki are married.

The royal family and the Mitsubishi consortium have been tied together, forming a community of interests in which both prosper and all suffer.

It is impossible for Iwasaki Aiko's grandfather to make a big deal into a small one anyway.

What's more, the two major consortiums were originally rivals, and now that one side has the handle to occupy the righteousness, why don't they punish each other to death?
So since Tsukikawa Kenta was arrested and brought to justice, several important figures of the Mitsui family have been monitored, the purpose is to prevent them from absconding in fear of crime.

After three days of interrogation and collection of evidence, the police and the royal family already had enough materials.

The Japanese imperial family does not expect to bring down the Mitsui family at once. After all, this family has a lot of energy in the political circle, so it is difficult to uproot it.

But it would be very simple to break one of its legs so that the Mitsui Consortium would no longer be under the management of the Mitsui family, and it would definitely be a painful lesson for the Mitsui family.

The liquidation has already begun, and companies under the Mitsui consortium have been asked to provide their account books over the past few days.

The easiest way to deal with a giant company is to check the accounts.

Especially in countries like Japan and South Korea, is it possible for you to say that there is no tax evasion and fraudulent accounting?

The answer is obvious. Such companies often say that one check is accurate.

And this is just the beginning, and the investigation against Mitsui Yuichi himself has also started.

That day, the head of the Mitsui consortium was invited to the police station for tea and confronted Tsukikawa Kenta.

Although Luo Quan didn't know whether Kenta Tsukikawa could produce evidence, Mitsui Yuichi's life would definitely be difficult in the future.

However, Japanese laws are relatively mild. Even if Yuichi Mitsui did such a treacherous thing, the probability of being sentenced to death is very small.

In Japan, the death penalty is almost impossible for ordinary murder cases.

Only those with extremely large number of victims, extremely cruel means, and extremely bad influence will be sentenced to death.

Moreover, a sentence does not mean that it will be executed immediately, because Japanese judges hate to be contaminated with human life during their term of office, and their resumes will not look good in that case.

Therefore, those felons sentenced to death can often live more than ten or twenty years in prison.

Many death-row inmates in the Heisei era were still alive after the Reiwa, and they had food and drink in the prison. Even if they got cancer, they would be sent to the hospital for full treatment. It was more comfortable than living in a nursing home.

In short, even if Mitsui Yuichi pleaded guilty, he probably wouldn't lose his life because of it, he would just go to prison to retire.

After a period of time, the whole body is released on parole for medical treatment, and I can still come out chic.

Of course, there must be a lot of price to pay during this period, and how it works is still unknown.

These are all the contents that Mia relayed to the big guys.

The situation in the United States and Japan is actually not bad. Many states there are also abolished, and the most vicious people are often sentenced to hundreds of years.

And if rich people have a good team of lawyers, they may not even have to go to jail.

However, there is no royal family in the United States, so it is not easy to make a direct analogy with the specific situation.

But Mitsui Yuichi's fate will be much better than many people on the Internet predicted.

Many netizens in Japan wish for him to die. Given his current lifespan, it is estimated that it will take another ten years to be possible.

Because if there is no reckless man, Mitsui Yuichi is most likely to die of cancer because he lived too long.

After hearing Mia's narration, Cheng Nuo had a new understanding of capitalist countries.

At the age of 16, she originally thought that it was only natural to kill people and pay debts.

But now she knows that killing people in some places does not necessarily require repayment of life, and debts do not necessarily require repayment of money.

If you break the law, you don't necessarily have to pay a price.

That is to say, Yuichi Mitsui provoked the imperial family and the Mitsubishi consortium this time, which is why he appears so weak.

But if Mitsui Yuichi's opponent is replaced by a civilian with no power or power, it is hard to say what the situation will be like.

"So we have to make ourselves stronger."

Luo Quan patted his apprentice's immature shoulders, and encouraged her: "With this powerful force in hand, maybe there may not be a chance to use it.

But when the time comes when you need it, you won't regret why you didn't master it.

When morality and jurisprudence do not work, it is time for it to play. "

As Luo Quan spoke, he raised his fist. There were no calluses on it, and it was as white and tender as jade, but in the eyes of everyone, it was full of menace.

The arrest of Kenta Tsukikawa also made her famous all over the world.

That is, no matter where you are, as long as Luo Quan is offended, she has the ability to find your location, and then bind you into a mummy and hand it over to the police.

Tsukikawa Kenta is also a hacker at any rate, and can play the Tokyo police around.

What happened in the end?He was single-handedly picked out.

This can also be regarded as a reminder to other people who may be thinking about Luo Quan and her relatives and friends, that is, think carefully before thinking about it, and think about whether you have such ability.

It can be said that killing chickens to warn monkeys has worked impressively. In the next period of time, Luoquan Wenxia and the others went to the restaurant to eat, and almost no one dared to stare at them.

This environment made them feel much more comfortable.

It's really unpleasant to want the eyes to grow on them like before.

It was only at this time that Leon understood why the old sister was going to deal with Kenta Tsukikawa, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"With great strength, you can really do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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