Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 888 Higher, faster and stronger

Chapter 888 Higher, faster and stronger
After all, the Tokyo Olympics director team rejected the voices of the people and decided not to add any programs to the opening ceremony performances that have entered the final rehearsal stage.

At the beginning, these people were very confident in the few programs they had arranged, and felt that they could be called the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and even had exciting content comparable to the 08 Beijing Olympic Games.

Then, when the voices of dissatisfaction and criticism came from the Internet, these people felt that the previous programs did have some minor flaws, but they still had enough time to improve, and there was no need to change major plans.

Then, these directors have realized that they have screwed up, and they seem to have done a terrific job, but it is too late to modify it.

In the end, the directors all bowed and apologized, saying that we had the opportunity to revise the program of the opening ceremony, but unfortunately we didn't grasp it. Anyway, I am really sorry to everyone.

At present, the director team of the opening ceremony is in the third stage, and there is only one week left before the fourth stage.

People don't bother to scold when they see this situation, so let's do it, whatever you want, anyway, I'm not the only one who loses face.

Some are happy and some are sad, Luoquan is happily preparing for the rehearsal for the opening ceremony.

As the top sports country in the world, the Huaxia delegation has a total of 777 people, of which 431 are participating athletes, and the rest include coaches, team leaders, and medical personnel.

It's a pity that although Luo Quan stood in the front this time, he was not the standard-bearer leading everyone into the arena.

If he performs well in this Olympic Games, he may become the rider in the closing ceremony.

Speaking of which, if she hadn't been so famous, if she had been shot, audiences all over the world would have thought she was a naturalized athlete when they saw such a face.

At present, such measures are taken in some vulnerable projects in China.

It started with football at the very beginning. If the domestic football population is insufficient, then naturalize talents from abroad.

It is true that some capable players have been naturalized, which sounds good, but then I don’t know why they were not allowed to play, and then the national football team spent so much money, the status quo has not improved in any way.

However, the strength of naturalized athletes is obvious to all, so it has been extended to other sports.

Mostly winter sports.

The reason why it is winter sports is because summer sports can be practiced as long as there is talent, and it is easier to be discovered.

But winter sports are almost always related to ice and snow. Many people may have lived for decades without ever skating or skiing, let alone become athletes?

Compared with those overseas Chinese, the conditions are generally better, the cost of contacting these sports is also lower, and it is easier to discover talents.

Therefore, at present, many winter sports athletes have been naturalized from abroad, and there is also a lot of publicity on various platforms.

The Tokyo Olympics is over here, and it won't be long before the Beijing Winter Olympics will start warming up.

However, when Luo Quan saw those promotional videos, he thought that he and these people seemed to be of the same nature, why didn't he receive such treatment?

Seeing some nasty comments on Weibo's Douyin almost made them heroes, but I made a trending fan after blowing it up, but nothing happened.

This is very puzzling.

However, there are some things that cannot stand careful consideration. People, it is better to be heartless, and Luo Quan is too lazy to care about these things.

The sportswear for this expedition is red and white, with exquisite patterns, taking into account both beauty and practicality, and it is also very comfortable to wear.

It’s just that it’s a bit hot to wear a jacket in summer, and when I enter the venue, I’m in an open-air gymnasium without air conditioning. I hope the jacket on my body can absorb sweat enough.

After all, the hot spots in Tokyo are famous, and boys at home and abroad should have a deep understanding.

After the rehearsal for entering the arena, Luo Quan had just returned to the hotel when he was called to the conference room by Qi Yuan.

It is said that the secret realm will be opened in a short time, and some equipment has been distributed on it, and now I will go back in advance to familiarize myself with some usage methods.

Luo Quan took a look at the people in the conference room, they were basically all members of the Martial Arts Administration, and there were no civil forces.

The main reason is that Qi Yuan doesn't fully trust those people, and he doesn't know if there are any insiders and outsiders, so he simply assumes that there are all of them.

Compared with outsiders, he still believed in these subordinates in the bureau.

And the equipment Qi Yuan handed out was not the miraculous equipment Luo Quan had expected.

They are all used for survival in extreme environments, such as paragliders, oxygen cylinders, flashlights and so on.

Of course, each person also has a bottle of white capsules of unknown purpose.

"This capsule is made with special Chinese herbal medicine."

Qi Yuan held up a white capsule and said to everyone: "After taking this capsule, you will increase your strength by one or two ranks in a short period of time, the higher the level, the lower the effect and the shorter the duration.

In addition, after the effect of the medicine ends, you will fall into a weak state that lasts for several hours, so do not use it until a critical moment.

There are only ten capsules per person per bottle, please use with caution! "

Luo Quan understands, this thing has the same meaning as the backup hidden energy.

However, the backup hidden energy is self-explosion, and this is to drain one's physical strength, which is a ruthless move to kill three thousand enemies and self-destruct two thousand.

And to use such medicines, it shows that the environment in the secret realm may not be as objective as the big guy expected.

Either there are many crises inside, or transcendental beings from other countries plan to grab a lot of money inside.

In any case, this is also near the territory of Huaxia, and the best antiquities must be brought back to China.

Qi Yuan estimated that he also prepared the big guys psychologically by dispensing medicine.

After distributing the medicine, everyone went back to their respective houses.

Just after washing his face, the harsh siren sounded again outside the window, probably where another violent attack happened.

During this period of time, violent attacks frequently occurred in Tokyo. Many middle-aged gangsters brought steel pipes and baseballs into the store in groups, smashed, looted and burned them. It was a bit of a zero-yuan purchase in the United States. I don’t know. The Black Lives Matter movement.

The police who received the call would rush to the scene as soon as possible, but in most cases they took a step back and were escaped by these people in advance.

Even if they were caught, there were only two or three kittens.

These gangsters don't know why they do these things at all, they just know that the boss yells them to go, and it doesn't have much effect on solving the case.

But many people can actually guess who the real culprit is behind the scenes.

So far, Mitsui Yuichi has not pleaded guilty in the face of the mountain of ironclad evidence, and even proposed to commit seppuku in front of His Majesty to prove his innocence.

With such a staunch appearance, those who didn't know him thought he was some humerus minister who was imprisoned unjustly.

However, Mitsui Yuichi can be stubborn, but his consortium can't stand it anymore.

After a series of bad audits, there are too many illegal and criminal places. The elders of the Mitsui family and their children almost all participated in it.

With the situation so dire, there are always people who jump over the wall and take risks.

The violent smashing that happened one after another in the past few days was most likely instigated by the Mitsui family, because the smashed industries were all owned by the Mitsubishi consortium.

And this should only be a warning.

Now it's just smashing. If Mitsui Yuichi is not released and the investigation of the Mitsui Consortium is stopped, then the ones who are going to be smashed may not be human.

This method of killing fish and breaking nets is really a headache for a group of policemen, because they have to go out everywhere every night, and the work pressure is very high.

As for the Iwasaki family, anyway, they protected their family members well, and they couldn't hit them on the head.

Compared with the loss of the store and the benefits obtained after killing the Mitsui family, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, even though the law and order environment is already so bad, the investigation on Mitsui's family has no tendency to be restrained in the slightest. Even at night, two elders of Mitsui's family were invited to the police station to assist in the investigation.

If it continues like this, the possibility of the Mitsui family being taken over by one pot has become infinite.

At this time, whether to be stubborn or to give in to the strong man will depend on the decision of the few remaining elders of the Mitsui family.

If it is delayed for a few more days, I am afraid that I will completely lose the right to choose.

Of course, for those ordinary civilians and employees, the harassment they have suffered these days is completely unwarranted.

But this world is like this, gods fight and mortals suffer.

Now the residents of Tokyo have learned to be good. Whenever they see men with tattoos and weapons at night, they will immediately hide away and not provoke them.

And those store employees who were unfortunately patronized by the underworld should hide as much as they can, and don't go up to stop these people's smashing behavior.

They are just workers, and there is no need to work hard for the owner's property, just refer to the supermarket cashiers in the US zero dollar purchase.

For the residents of Tokyo, this year's Tokyo is really not peaceful.

It is because of the Olympic Games that it has not stopped since the beginning of the year, and moths appear every once in a while.

This grand event for all mankind did not bring any benefits to the local residents, but instead made life uneasy.

There are a lot of tourists, but they don't promote the local economy very much. Everyone's consumption desire is very low.

Some experts have calculated that this time the Olympics is doomed to lose everything.

Although in recent decades, except for a few sessions, other countries have lost money in hosting the Olympic Games.

But Tokyo has lost a lot this time.

And at the beginning, everyone expected that Japan's economy would take off like the last Tokyo Olympics, and it would completely get rid of the lost 30 years.

However, it now appears that this goal cannot be achieved.

It may not be reflected in a short period of time, but the subsequent labor pains will definitely be fresh in the public's memory.

Of course, despite all the unpleasant things that happened, in the end Tokyo still ushered in the opening of the Olympic Games.

On the evening of July 23rd, there was no rain, and the world focused on it.

As the most influential event for human beings, no news can steal people's attention when the Olympic Games opens.

At this moment, the world focuses on Tokyo.

The opening ceremony was carried out according to the procedure. First, the chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee gave a speech, and then the national flag of the host country entered the venue...

The process of the first stage is not long, only ten minutes.

The next second stage is the most watched cultural performance.

Although the outside world has generally believed that this theatrical performance will stretch the hips.

But who can make a thorough conclusion without actually seeing it, maybe there is something to wake up?

With such thoughts in mind, the people of the world enjoyed an opening performance that had no hot spots but only bad points.

First of all, there are quite a lot of dances with unknown meanings. Obviously the dancers are quite high-level, but the theme of the dance is too gloomy, which makes the atmosphere of the whole performance very low.

It was quite a festive occasion, but it is a bit off topic to come up with such a dance.

But compared to the wild dance of demons that everyone predicted before, it is still much better. Although it is still not very good, at least the dream can pass.

The parade of ACG characters that young netizens were looking forward to did not appear.

Probably the Japanese don't think these two-dimensional characters can represent their culture. It's really shameful for these unserious characters to appear in such a serious place as the Olympic Games.

But young people from all over the world who like Two-dimensional culture are really disappointed.

Imagine how lively the scene would be if Doraemon, EVA, Pikachu, Astro Boy, Dragon Ball Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer and other well-known anime characters, old and new, appeared in the stadium.

It's a pity that the wealth created by cartoonists over the past few decades should not be of any use.

Those who were more emotional directly scolded in the barrage: the world's number one two-dimensional country, and there is no one related to two-dimensional.

World-renowned musicians, directors, writers, their works are not reflected at all.

It was originally a good card played by four second-band kings, but it turned out to be so bad that the director team simply apologized.

Of course, these words may be radical, but it is true.

Japan originally had a lot of material for this opening ceremony, but unfortunately they discarded all the correct answers.

Of course, the cultural performance at the opening ceremony was not without any bright spots.

It's just that the super change in the last part is quite good.

This is also a national-level variety show in Japan. It has a history of more than 20 years. It is a show that uses the bodies of several performers to assemble various things.

And this time they used the icons of the Olympic events as the theme, allowing performers to assemble them with their bodies.

The overall look is still very creative and the program effect is very good. Unfortunately, there were mistakes during the performance. One or two icons were not assembled because of their complexity.

And it may be that the time is too short, which makes it look a little rushed.

But compared to other programs in the opening ceremony, this super change is much more interesting.

If nothing else, this link will be the one with the highest praise rate in the opening ceremony.

When the performance finally ended, athletes from all over the world also started the entrance ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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