Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 889 The world focuses on me

Chapter 889 The world focuses on me
No matter what expectations the audience had for the opening ceremony of theatrical performances, it is now over.

The real protagonists of the Olympic Games will appear one by one next. The protagonists are athletes from all over the world. They will compete with the best athletes in the world on the highest stage of this sport, striving to become better, faster and stronger.

When the Olympic admission ceremony began, the entire stadium seemed to become a large show.

Athletes from each country wear unique dresses, showing their most handsome and beautiful side to audiences all over the world without hesitation.

This time is the best time to reflect the spirit of one's own country.

The dress designed by Huaxia this time is a small Chinese-style shirt with a stand-up collar, trousers under the men's dress, and a long skirt for women.

The overall color of the shirt is eye-catching Chinese red, and the bottom is white, which looks festive, simple and elegant.

The first to appear is the Greek team. As the birthplace of the Olympic Games, every Olympic Games will enjoy the honor of being the first to appear.

The second entry is the Refugee Athlete, representing the tens of millions of refugees around the world.

Afterwards, the order of appearance of the countries is sorted according to the Japanese fifty syllables, and Huaxia ranks 110th.

It was originally scheduled to be 110, but because of some small episodes at the scene, it was moved one place earlier.

As the national team began to enter the arena, the passionate entrance music resounded throughout the Tokyo Dome Stadium.

All viewers who are familiar with Japanese two-dimensional culture can recognize that this is the song in those classic anime and games, and Ye Qinghui's barrage immediately began to flood the screen.

It turns out that the Olympic planning did not prepare these songs, but used them in the entrance ceremony.

Now the big guys finally understand why the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was made like this this time.

Isn't it good to have a parade of Two-dimensional characters like the one everyone suggested?Isn't it lively?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the effect will definitely be very explosive, because that is the memory that Japanese culture has exported for decades and engraved for people who love animation all over the world.

As long as it appears, it will inevitably cause memory killing.

However, if you want to use these Two-dimensional characters, you have to pay a copyright fee.

And the corruption cases that broke out in the Tokyo Olympics are too numerous to enumerate. I am afraid that the director team has no funds for a long time. How can these two-dimensional characters be used?

But it is much cheaper to use a song, so you can play it without any worries during the entrance ceremony.

Although I don't know whether this is the truth, but in the eyes of most people, this is the most reasonable explanation.

Of course, there is no point in worrying about these things now, at least the BGM of the entrance ceremony is still very good, athletes from all over the world are also full of enthusiasm, and the atmosphere on the scene is completely immersed in joy.

However, it still always makes people feel that something is missing, that is, the kind of explosive point that can ignite the audience.

It was amid such anticipation that the Huaxia delegation walked out of the stadium.

The bright Huaxia Red immediately became the most beautiful scenery in the entire gymnasium.

At the same time, the songs playing on all the speakers in the stadium stopped abruptly.

The Japanese audience at the scene showed a blank expression, thinking that there was another problem with the speakers, and complained that the Olympic Games was really full of problems.

However, in the next second, the prelude to "My all" sounded, causing the entire Tokyo Dome Stadium to burst into cheers like a tsunami.

This is not Luo Quan's famous song, nor is it her most popular song in Japan, but it is a symbol of her deep affection with her fans, and it is her gift to all fans.

When the prelude to this song sounded, Luoquan fans always looked in the direction of the music and sang together.

Maybe there are still many people in Japan who are not fans of Luo Quan, but obviously these people are not in the stadium.

When the prelude sounded, Luo Quan's beautiful face appeared on the big electronic screen.

Cheers, screams, shouts and general explosions filled the entire stadium like fireworks.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world were also focused on Luo Quan.

There is no way, since Luo Quan appeared in the stadium, more than 80.00% of the camera seats were filming her face, including the live host of the Tokyo Olympics, who also began to introduce to the audience:

"Now appearing in the camera is Luo Quan, who has the name of a goddess. She has conquered the world's music scene with her amazing talent and beauty. She is perfect and is an irreplaceable idol in the hearts of the Japanese people!"

The host on Huaxia's side translated this paragraph exactly, and Luoquan's fans in the barrage had completely climaxed:

"Look at this ostentation, it's amazing!"

"It took half a minute to shoot, and the audience even sang a big chorus. Those who didn't know it thought it was a concert."

"What is an international superstar?"

"Luo Bao's outfit is too beautiful. This outfit really suits her. It's gorgeous yet elegant."

"You look good, you can wear any clothes."

"To be reasonable, if Luo Bao was asked to sing a few songs at the opening ceremony, the effect would have been explosive. It's a pity that the group of directors couldn't figure it out."

"It would be so comfortable if the BGM kept playing Luo Bao's songs."


It's a pity that Luo Quan's song appeared only once, and it only lasted for more than a minute.

This was originally done by Luoquan fans in order to welcome her. Although the effect is very good, if she keeps showing her songs on camera, what will happen to the delegations from those countries behind?
But it’s already very good, such a long close-up shot has surpassed the delegation of any other country in front, and the length of the shot was not surpassed until the host Japanese delegation appeared.

The entrance ceremony of delegations from more than 200 countries lasted for nearly an hour. After all the athletes stood still, the oath-taking session of the Olympic Games began.

This link is actually to emphasize to the athletes the Olympic spirit that competition is second and friendship first, and to remind referees to be fair, just and open, and there must be no favoritism or fraud.

Because the referees stole a lot of scenes in the last Rio Olympics, so as soon as the oath was sworn in this time, netizens began to tease the referees that they came with missions again.

It's really not that I don't trust these referees in the Olympics. The main reason is that several events in the last Rio Olympics were really disgusting. I hope that I won't encounter a similar situation this time.

At this point, the four-hour opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics is coming to an end.

Tomorrow morning will start the first sport, which is the men's undiscriminated combat.

This is a new event added to this Olympic Games. It is divided into equipment group and non-equipment group. There is no team event. A total of four gold medals will be born.

However, there are many contestants in the fighting event, and the knockout rounds are played slowly, and the recovery after playing is not as fast as in other events.

It is common for people who practice martial arts to have bone fractures after fighting, and it is not uncommon to have severe fractures.

So don't look at this event starting on the first day. If you count the time to recuperate and rest, it may be the last batch of events to end in the Olympic Games.

Of course, for viewers who admire violence and adrenaline, the game of indiscriminate and unlimited fighting is still quite interesting.

Here will be staged the most primitive and brutal fights of human beings. Whoever wins the championship will win the title of the most capable fighter of all mankind.

At present, the men's group can't see any absolute strong who has the pity to crush other contestants, but there is one in the women's group, and that is Luo Quan.

The honorary title of the world's number one female boxer was not blown out by fans, but by her own fists one by one.

In addition, he had just won the queen's crown in the Europa Warriors Competition a while ago, and under the intense gaze, the iron-blooded man had no choice but to bow his head and bow his head.

So far, no woman has been found that can be compared with Luo Quan in terms of combat effectiveness.

To be honest, many netizens feel that Luo Quan should join the men's group.

Because there are many strong players in the men's group who were once defeated by her, with her strength, she can definitely win the gold in the men's group.

In the women's group, it feels a bit like college students bullying elementary school students.

In the field of competitive sports, it is almost common sense that women are inferior to men. After all, physical talents are not at the same level.

This is even more so when it comes to fighting sports.

But who knew that there was such a strange thing as Luo Quan. Sometimes fans would like to know how Luo Quan's body grows and how he can be so powerful.

Of course, if this kind of idea is to be realized, one of them can be regarded as a hooligan.

It is definitely not feasible to let Luo Quan go to the men's competition, there is no such precedent.

Because there was a competition very early the next day, Luo Quan went back to the hotel immediately after the opening ceremony.

Fortunately, she walked quickly. As soon as she got into the car, a large group of reporters and fans had already flocked to the room where she was staying.

If I didn't run away, I don't know how long it would take just to accept interviews, take photos, and sign autographs.

Lack of sleep is what Luo Quan hates the most, because it will lead to lack of energy no matter what to do the next day.

It's okay to be tired during the day, but she must not sleep well at night, or she will go crazy.

While Luo Quan was sleeping, the battle between the Mitsui family and the royal family finally came to an end.

In order to defend the dignity of the royal family, coupled with the help of the Mitsubishi consortium, Jing Gong Masaku's father is full of confidence this time, and has no intention of compromising with the Mitsui family at all.

Even if they had made the gesture of indiscriminately attacking civilians, he said: "If he dares to do this, he will dare to send everyone in the Mitsui family to prison."

Without Mitsui Yuichi, the other people still lacked the confidence to die after all, and finally chose to compromise.

The Mitsui family gave up part of the shares of the Mitsui consortium and completely lost control.

In addition, Mitsui Yuichi must plead guilty and go to jail, but he can be released on parole for medical treatment after one year, so he will suffer less crime.

As for the crimes committed by the Mitsui family and the economic violations of the Mitsui consortium, they can all be ignored.

For both parties, this solution is acceptable.

The Mitsui family has escaped this genocide crisis, and still holds amazing wealth in their hands. It is not impossible to make a comeback.

The royal family defended their own face and swept away their biggest competitor, the Mitsubishi consortium, their ally.

In the future, the Japanese business world will probably be dominated by the Mitsubishi consortium.

This was an almost impossible scene before.

But who changed the times? The royal family has mastered a huge amount of cultural relics, controlled many warriors with extraordinary combat power, and almost instantly got rid of the embarrassing situation of the poor commander.

The big winners this time must be the royal family and the Mitsubishi consortium.

But the Japanese government actually made a lot of money. By investigating the accounts of the Mitsui consortium, they collected a lot of taxes that they could not have collected, and added a lot of money to the national treasury.

The gentlemen of the Congress were so happy to see the white money, as if it flowed into their pockets.

On the other hand, although the performance of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was hip-stretching, it still attracted the attention of the whole world and gained considerable popularity.

In the age of traffic, not only people and companies need popularity, but the country also needs popularity.

With the popularity of Internet celebrities, they can bring goods and receive gifts. With the popularity of the country, they can attract tourists, drive the local economy, create jobs, and enter a virtuous circle.

This is what Japan got when it hosted the Olympic Games for the first time. With this virtuous circle, they quickly became the number one economy in Asia.

Now, the heat has begun to harvest.

If it can attract a large number of foreign tourists in the future, then this matter will be considered a success.

Although foreign tourists alone are far from solving the problem, they can at least solve Japan's urgent needs.

Now the population is aging seriously, the desire for social consumption is sluggish, the property market is in a bubble, and the people have no passion for struggle and prefer to lie flat. Everything is fatal, and a little carelessness will lead to a catastrophe.

Now that there is a booster, even if it knows that the effect may not last long, Japan will definitely stick it in the butt without hesitation.

If there are no accidents, maybe this Olympic Games can really reverse the fiscal deficit?
Before the end of the year, no one can say for sure about the economy.

And on the distant ocean, the planes of various major countries are circling around a point.

There are various instruments on the plane to detect the situation below.

Although the surface of the sea area is calm, once an object approaches, it will disappear immediately, like the Bermuda Triangle, losing all signals.

At present, various countries have sent drones to test, and found that this area similar to Bermuda cannot allow normal life forms to enter, and once they enter, they will be smashed into pieces by a strong magnetic field.

But as time goes by, this magnetic force is also gradually shrinking.

According to this speed, humans will be able to enter this area in seven days at most.

At that time, it will also be clear what kind of space those disappeared drones went to.

You can also know whether the so-called three great fairy mountains exist or not, and whether the legend of the elixir of life is true.

Many people are waiting for the moment when the answer will be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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