Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 898 "2 Dimension"

Chapter 898 "Two-dimensional"

ps. There will be an easter egg at noon tomorrow, just behind this chapter.


"Luo Bao, your skin seems to be getting better and better."

Wen Xia was on the bed, stroking Luo Quan's thigh.

Compared with the last stroking, Luo Quan's thighs have obviously become a little smoother, and the feel has improved a lot.

"I don't know what's so good about touching this thing." Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a blank look, and took his leg back.

Every time this aunt sighs that time flies by and her beauty is easy to grow old, she will come to it to seek a sense of identity.

Last time I touched my arm, this time I touched my thigh, so next time I want to touch my butt?
This unhealthy trend cannot grow and must be stopped immediately.

"You haven't answered me yet, why can you keep growing inversely?" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan's chest eagerly. Fortunately, the scale of this place has not changed.

"Probably my character is good."

Luo Quan shook his head and sighed: "I have always been passionate about charity, and I have helped many needy families with out-of-school children. It is said that good intentions are rewarded. I have done so many good deeds, and reverse growth is also a normal thing."

"Then I didn't make a small donation." Wen Xia spread her hands, "Why don't you get such treatment."

"Are you asking me?" Luo Quan blinked and smiled irresponsibly: "Then who shall I ask?"

Wen Xia crossed her arms and pouted at her.

Luo Quan finally couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, the so-called reverse growth is actually just your illusion. For a master like me who practices exercises every day to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, his skin will definitely become smooth and tender Well.

And didn't I give you whitening skin cream before, that thing should be very useful. "

"It does work." Wen Xia nodded lightly, "But it's not a long-term solution. When it runs out, won't it return to its original shape once you stop using it?"

Wen Xia knew that this was a trial model sent back by Luo Quan's third aunt, and it hadn't been officially released yet. The quantity was limited and there were many girls in the family.

So although there are still a lot, she knows that sooner or later it will be used up.

Luo Quan, who heard Wen Xia's words, laughed.

In fact, this is basically the skin cream it exchanged from the mall, but it borrowed the name of the third aunt.

With her current popularity, this skin cream can be exchanged for as much as she wants.

"Don't worry about 120." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I have a lot of these things. Just ask me for them when you run out. You just eat it for breakfast every day. It can feed you well!"

"Really!" Wen Xia's eyes flickered again.

Luo Quan shook his head helplessly: "When did I ever lie to you?
By the way, I was not joking when I said that absorbing spiritual energy can make you look beautiful, martial arts can definitely make you look younger, even if you are 40 years old, it is not impossible to look like you are in your early twenties. "

"Understood, I'll go back to my room to practice!" After Wen Xia finished speaking, she happily returned to the room.

After seeing his friend leave, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Xia is good at everything, but she seems to be particularly interested in this aging thing. She is afraid that one day she wakes up and finds a wrinkle on her face, or one day she looks in the mirror and sees a wrinkle on her waist. Ring fat.

Of course, these are not insoluble problems.

When the system mall is upgraded someday, it can be easily exchanged for long-acting beauty-retaining drugs.

In fact, it can be redeemed now, but it needs to be used for a long time, and the effect is not particularly immediate.

When she was in Huaguo Mountain, she expected it to be a place with a particularly strong aura, which could quickly fill any door with energy, but the result was not too different from her own home, except that the air was fresher.

And Luo Quan thought that the essence of the pool of Buddha bone relics should be enough, but unfortunately the essence was out of his control and was forced into her body, and passed on the two kung fu. It can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Two days later, Luo Quan was again forced to get up early to participate in the second round of indiscriminate fighting.

Dozens of gold medals have been born in the Olympic Games until today, and the schedule is nearly halfway through.

There were some controversies about the referee, but overall it was better than that in Rio, and there were no particularly outrageous penalties.

At present, the number of gold medals in China is temporarily in the first position, but the number of medals is behind the United States.

However, there are many voices in China who say that we should not be too happy too early, because there are still many strong American sports such as track and field and swimming that are not comparable, and the rankings will change after the competition.

Luo Quan felt that it was outrageous. Since he knew that the competition would be different after the competition, why not be happy when the gold medal is the first place now? Wouldn't he be happy after the competition?

These people don't know whether they are truthful or they are planning to hide their own good.

"The quarter-finals, the opponent is the young lady of the Holy See, preparing..."

Being bored in the background, Luo Quan posted a post while eating a banana.

Luoquan's fans seem to be active at all times, and the number of dynamic comments posted at [-] o'clock in the morning still exceeded [-] within ten minutes:
"Miss nuns of the Holy See, I feel so beautiful when I hear this description, there is a kind of sacred and pure beauty."

"Shushu, I like beautiful young ladies the most."

"If you don't want Luo Quan, then I'll be rude."

"Speaking of how the preparations for Luo Bao's new album are going, I've been looking forward to it."


Seeing the fan's inquiry, Luo Quan thought that the song will be released soon anyway, and now it's okay to spoil it properly, so he replied in the comment area: "The preparation is not bad, they are all two-dimensional songs. "

"Is it a song like "Unravel"? I still remember Luo Bao's god-level scene at Dongda University."

"Does it mean anime op or ed?"

"I think the definition of Two-dimensional should not be so narrow, it is more like an atmosphere."


The fan’s last answer made Luo Quan feel the same, and immediately replied below: “This is what I want to say, Two-dimensional is an atmosphere, blood, sadness, melancholy, moving, joy, it helps us escape from reality , find moving in fantasy.

In layman's terms, it is to enrich and beautify our dreams. "

As soon as this remark came out, the fans were immediately deeply touched:

"I understand the truth, but why do you want to puncture my fantasy, Two-dimensional is not a dream, woo woo woo~"

"Luo Bao, what you say is so hurtful."

"Haha, does this break the defense?"

"I'm really looking forward to what Luoquan's Two-dimensional songs will be this time. I hope they will come out soon."

"The money is ready, and the order will be placed as soon as the pre-order comes out."

"Same, but I'm buying the digital version."


This time Luo Quan didn't reply, because it was her time to play.

This time her opponent was Sister Daisica from the Holy See.

Daisyka is not much older than herself, and compared with those gentle and slender nuns, Daisyka's figure is undoubtedly much stronger. She looks like those middleweight fighters in UFC, with It's all tendon meat.

Of course, this body type is very fit and handsome abroad, and is quite popular with men.

If it weren't for the voluminous nun's robes to hide its more good figure, Daisica should make more men cheer for her good figure.

As for Luo Quan, everyone on the earth knows that she is a heartthrob, and there is no need to repeat how good her figure is. The nickname of Walking Dream is not for nothing.

"You can defeat Grian, but I am not your opponent."

As soon as Daisica came up, she directly showed weakness to Luo Quan, which really caught her by surprise.

"Don't underestimate yourself so much, who knows the result before you fight." Luo Quan said modestly with a slight smile.

Daisyka shook her head: "You don't need to say such polite words. In fact, everyone knows the gap between us. Adeline, who was defeated by you before, seems to me to be an insurmountable difficulty. You Not to mention.

But the reason why I didn't admit defeat immediately is that I just feel that the opportunity to compete with a master like you is really rare, so I want to see how far I can play.

So, please go all out! "

Daisyka's words were indeed pleasing to the ear, but Luo Quan didn't tell her that he didn't go all out in beating Adeline.

Now that he came back from Huaguo Mountain and his strength has improved to a higher level, it is even more impossible to attack with all his strength.

But the truth sometimes hurts, so Luo Quan didn't intend to tell her the truth.

And Daisica soon got the result she wanted. After the start of the match, she only persisted for 20 seconds before being defeated by Luo Quan's intensive boxing like raindrops.

During this period, Daisyka did not even launch an effective attack on Luo Quan, and she was completely passive and defensive, and the scene was one-sided.

"The winner, Luo Quan!"

The referee saw that Luo Quan's fist stayed five centimeters away from the tip of Daisica's nose, and Daisica was already in place, so she already knew the result of the match, so she quickly announced it.

"The's so big." Only then did Daisica come back to her senses, and sighed as she looked at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan didn't say much, he bowed his hands to her, turned around and prepared to go back to the hotel to sleep.

The reason why she left in such a hurry was because she saw that the reporters were ready to intercept her.

The last time they didn't stop her, this time the reporters ran backstage as soon as they saw the end of the game. If they had time, they could catch her in Luoquan without leaving the stadium.

Sure enough, just as Luo Quan finished packing, he was blocked by reporters backstage.

This time she knew that she couldn't escape, so she could only go up to the interview.

"Thank God, I finally found you this time, Miss Spring Water."

The leading reporter looked rejoicing, and put the microphone in front of Luo Quan: "Are you free to conduct a brief interview?"

"Well, although I really want to go back to the hotel to sleep, but since you are all here, then I'll stop for an interview and then go back to sleep." Luo Quan yawned, rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up Some.

"I'm a reporter from TV Tokyo, and we'd like to know what you think of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?

Several well-known Japanese directors were extremely dissatisfied with the performance of the opening ceremony, and even cursed. What do you think? "

The reporter of TV Tokyo looked at Luo Quan with piercing eyes, as if encouraging her to say some explosive remarks, so that today's ratings would be guaranteed.

"You asked me how I saw it? Of course I watched it on my mobile phone."

Luo Quan made a joke, and said: "Actually, you can find out how the opening ceremony is going, just read the comments from the people on the Internet. There is no need to ask me."

"So you also think this opening ceremony sucks?" a reporter from TV Tokyo asked persistently.

Luo Quan hurriedly raised his hands: "You said this yourself, I never said such a thing."

"Another question, what do you think of the nickname of Abyss Overlord Flower?"

Luo Quan's face turned black when he heard this question, which belonged to which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

"First of all, I don't know who got such a nickname. Judging from your simple aesthetics, is this nickname really nice?

Anyway, I am also the most beautiful in the world for the fourth time, so I have to choose a nice name for my nickname, this nickname is really too ugly. "

Luo Quan rarely expressed his likes and dislikes in front of journalists, but this time he really couldn't bear it anymore.

The disgusting level of Abyss Overlord Flower is close to that of Abyss's Mouth. If she knows who took it, she will be able to eat better juice without it!

The reporter also agreed with this: "It's really ugly to say it, and many netizens on the Internet think it doesn't match you at all, so if you want to change it, what nickname will you take?"

"Let me take it myself..." Luo Quan lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "It's very simple, just call her Goddess?"

This is probably one of the most commonly used titles by netizens, namely Goddess, or Goddess Luo to be precise.

When she first debuted, she would feel a little ashamed if she shouted that. As for now, Luo Quan thinks she should be able to afford it.

When the reporters heard Luo Quan's simple and rude answer, they all nodded their heads after careful consideration: "The goddess seems pretty good, if you add a few words, such as the goddess who meets once in 5000 years, it will be more interesting. "

"Ah, this..." Luo Quan wanted to ask you, are you sure this is not a black name?

But looking at the serious looks of the reporters, I can only say: "It's fine for you to be happy. In fact, you only need a goddess. It's fine if you think I'm too exaggerated or gaudy, but please don't call me the abyss overlord in the future."

"Don't worry, we will definitely focus on reporting on this part." The reporters promised Luo Quan one after another.

But whether it can be realized in the end, the devil knows, I hope there will be no more fools.

The short interview lasted for more than ten minutes, and after finishing the interview, Luo Quan returned to the hotel by car.

I fell on the bed immediately after setting it as Do Not Disturb.

Even though my physical fitness has improved, I still feel sleepy after staying up late and waking up early.

Sure enough, staying up late is really hurting the body.

(End of this chapter)

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