Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 899 There is a bug in "The Year in a Hurry", the new album should be a Chinese alb

Chapter 899 There is a bug in "The Year in a Hurry", the new album should be a Chinese album, it has been revised
The feeling of coming back to sleep will always make people feel happy physically and mentally. When Luo Quan woke up, there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's not that I dreamed of something funny, it's just because it's so cool.

Raising his hands above his head, he stretched his waist undulatingly.

After taking a bath in Huaguo Mountain before, Luo Quan was still worried that he would grow up again after his physique evolved, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

Turning on the phone, it was only ten o'clock. He yawned and came to Wen Xia's room, and found several girls playing Monopoly on the tablet.

I remember when I was a child, the paper version of Monopoly was quite popular on campus.

Anyone who owns one of these will be the prettiest boy in the hearts of his classmates, and there will be a crowd of people around him wanting to have one after class.

If you meet a physical education class or a lunch break, you will probably be able to have more fun.

In addition to this, Yu-Gi-Oh and Three Kingdoms are also very popular board games.

But with the development of the times and the advancement of technology, these physical board games are gradually replaced by virtual products.

And the entertainment methods of the students have also become kings and eating chicken.

"Are you awake? Are you coming?" Wen Xia looked up at Luo Quan as an invitation.

"Forget it, I don't like to play this." Luo Quan waved his hand.

In comparison, she prefers more confrontational games, such as League of Legends or Dota 2.

Werewolf Killer had also played before, and it was also Wen Xia who played the game.

After finally becoming a wolf player, Wen Xia's first speech was: I am a good man.

He blew himself up directly, making Luo Quan laugh angrily.

Probably because she was embarrassed by her own operation, Wen Xia never played Werewolf again after this.

"Then go and start the Black League of Legends with Leon." Mia pointed to Leon who was sitting beside him.

Although Lyon's rank is not high, and he can barely reach platinum, he is very interested in League of Legends, and he usually plays two games when he is free.

And every time there are more victories in a row, I will play Yasuo to reward myself, and then like to mention a 1-9 record, and encounter the spiral monster spray of the team members.

But this does not affect Leon's love for Yasuo, because this hero is so happy.

Seeing his younger brother playing solo queue, Luo Quan walked over and began to observe.

"Ah it!"


"The promise of EW will definitely hit."

"The big trick is to chop this wrist man!"

"Hide W!"

"Hey, stupid."


Luo Quan stood behind Leon, trying to control his operations.

But Lyon obviously had his own ideas, so he was killed in the confrontation.

"Ouch, sister, stop yelling, it affects my operation!" Leon turned his head and gave her a blank stare: "It's all your fault, obviously I can fight back!"

"Such food is so stubborn!" Luo Quan complained, and could only turn his head and leave.

Lying on the sofa, Luo Quan turned on his phone to see what news happened today.

"Hmm... Zhen Shen responds to his vulgar works."

This person's name, Luo Quan, is quite familiar. I seem to have seen it before, but I didn't pay special attention to it.

After thinking about it carefully, she immediately had an impression.

This Zhen Shen is a writer who has become quite popular on the Internet recently.

If a writer wants to gain popularity, he usually relies on his own works.

Of course, some writers can also gain popularity with their witty and humorous words.

Zhen Shen's popularity is partly due to his own works, and partly due to his father.

Her works have more descriptions about Xiasanlu, and she is called a shit poet by netizens, vulgar and worthless.

Luo Quan has read some of them, and some feel that they are not too different from dirty jokes, and some are vulgar and make people want to laugh.

Speaking responsibly, finding an elementary school student who read a little more would not be able to write like this.

No beauty, no rhythm, no literary value.

Luo Quan didn't even know that she had the courage to write this thing, and it could be published.

In addition, she is even a member of relevant associations, and her status in the industry is much higher than that of ordinary writers and contributors.

However, although people's blood pressure soared after seeing Zhen Shen's stories, they were not outrageous at all, because she had a literary father.

Moreover, she once published a paper on her father, which received a lot of praise.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that she can enter the relevant associations and publish such poems, after all, it has something to do with it.

And the reason why she became popular was because someone had dug up those shit, shit, shit and fart poems in the past few days, which directly aroused the ridicule of the whole network.

After the key point was ridiculed, Zhen Shen was quite unconvinced, saying that some of the songs in it were composed by others and could not be placed on her head.

But the point is that it is not just these few poems that are bad, but almost all poems are very bad.

It would be fine if Zhen Shen pretended to be cold, but in the end he dared to come out and face the netizens.

In recent years, will those who dare to line up with netizens have a good end?

The answer is of course impossible, so a large number of "Zhen Shenti" poems began to appear on major platforms.

Netizens imitated Zhen Shen's style with joking words, and wrote good poems full of joy and popularity.

To be reasonable, the poems written by netizens to ridicule Zhen Shen are definitely more exciting than those written by Zhen Shen himself. Some Luo Quan couldn't help but praise the poem after reading it.

After being ridiculed by the crowd, Zhen Shen finally deleted Weibo and pretended to be dead.

But as long as she dares to appear on the Internet in the future, these "Zhen Shenti" poems will definitely follow her everywhere, and even accompany her all her life.

It is worth mentioning that there must be more than one person like Zhen Shen, but they have not been picked out yet.

I don't know what will happen to her, and whether people like her can be restrained.

But Luo Quan felt that it probably wouldn't work.

Apart from Zhen Shen's matter, the most popular news on the Internet is the Olympic gold medal situation and news about the graduation season.

In the past few days, all the admission letters should have arrived, and all the graduation wine should have been drunk.

The fruitless love finally forced to have a result, and those unspoken words were finally stuck in the throat.

Perhaps youth is full of regret and bitterness like this. Looking back many years later, you may regret it because of your timidity at the beginning.

But people are like this sometimes, and they don't know what to do is right.

He is indecisive because he is afraid of losing.

Every graduation season is the day when love holds a funeral, and there are the most related videos and copywriting.

Luo Quan took a look and knew which new song should be released.

After lunch at noon, Luo Quan greeted everyone, and then went to Sony Music Company.

General Manager Ishimura said that the company's recording studio can be used at any time without any waiting.

Luo Quan tested it today, and it was indeed the case.

After she entered the hall, she didn't even have time to take off her mask, so she was recognized by the staff. After asking about her intentions, she was directly arranged for a recording studio for her.

Luo Quan has recorded two songs this time, and plans to release them one after another. They are all songs to commemorate youth, one is about love, and the other is about friendship.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Luo Quan released the first new song "The Year in a Hurry" without warning. (ps. Originally sung by Faye Wong)

Fans gathered in the comment area in surprise:

"I knew the album was coming, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Luo Baoyi is too confident, so he really doesn't do any warm-up?"

"Just kidding, what is the popularity of Luo Bao, the new album is released, it's not just a hot search, and the traffic can be delivered to your door."

"How about listening to this song quickly."


Then, all the fans, especially the female fans, who listened to this song immediately emo'd.

This song tells a story full of regret and sadness. With the melody, accompaniment and Luo Quan's singing voice, the atmosphere is fixed and vigorously stirred, making everyone who hears this song feel sad.

Fans who were more emotional or had similar experiences even shed tears directly.

Soon, "The Year in a Hurry" became a hot search.

"I seldom listen to songs and cry, but this one really made me cry."

"If you can't blushing in goodbye, can you still blushing? This sentence is really well written."

"I thought I let it go, but after listening to this song, the tears on my face told me that I didn't let it go, and it was still unforgettable."

"Luo Bao, didn't you say that you like comedies and happy endings? Why is the song so emo this time. Big cry.jpg"

"Luo Quan's writing of war songs can be very incendiary, making people dance with enthusiasm. Writing love songs is also rushing to make us cry."

"My mother asked me why I was crying so hard, and I said it was a funeral for love and youth, and Luo Bao, you are the host of the funeral!"


Seeing the tears of complaints from the fans, Luo Quan actually wanted to say that it was right to cry, because this song is very tear-jerking.

And not only this song, but the next one will also be very tear-jerking, but the emphasis is different.

Less than an hour before the first song "The Year in a Hurry", the second song of the new album "Time Boils the Rain" was also released.

There is an original Japanese version of this song, each with a different charm, but because it is a Chinese album, Luo Quan released the Chinese version.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for fans, especially female fans.

After being devastated by the emo copywriting of the graduation season for a whole day, he was "attacked" by two songs by Luo Quan at night, which is simply a human tragedy.

At this point, netizens are completely stunned:
"It's fine if you use love to make me cry, but now use friendship. I only have this little thing left in high school that is worth remembering."

"Luo Bao, you are so cruel."

"It's really good to cry, and the song is really good."

"By the way, aren't you planning to take a stab at me in terms of family affection?"


There is nothing like a fan who knows an idol. When Luo Quan saw this comment, he just hummed a line from "Father".

But it's certainly not her style to be guessed like this, so let's hang up this song for now.

Five minutes later, the entry "Luoquan attacked me" was on the hot search list.

This day is destined to be remembered by the fans, because Luo Quan used the song as a dance song, which made them grieve and burst into tears.

On the other side, Ming Dao, the author of "Dawn Era", approached Luo Quan.

After Leon was fooled into acting in "The Age of Dawn", Director Ming decided through him to let Luo Quan also play one. Although all four heroines have been selected, he can definitely add another heroine to make the plot more exciting. dramatic.

Regarding the salary, Ming Dao is very generous, and he only said three words, that is, to open it casually.

Because of the joining of Lyon, he has attracted a huge amount of investment. Now he has strong financial resources and speaks with full confidence.

However, Luo Quan politely declined this invitation, because she was filming "Under One Man" at the time and couldn't leave at all.

But even if she could walk away, she probably wouldn't go, because it was very likely that it would be a work that would be nailed to the pillar of shame in Huaxia movies. She was timid, and she didn't dare to take this muddy water.

After being rejected, Ming Dao didn't feel too sad. He probably knew that the probability of being invited to Luoquan was low, and he was already very satisfied with Lyon.

And this time I found Luo Quan again because of the new song "Time Boils the Rain" that she released tonight

I don't know why, but after listening to this song, he was deeply moved, tears welled up in his eyes, and felt that it was very suitable for the upcoming film "Dawn Era".

So he took the initiative to send an email to Luo Quan, wanting to buy the right to use this song and use it as the theme song of the movie.

Originally, Ming Dao had already planned to be shut down, because Luo Quan seldom took out the songs in the album as theme songs, and usually wrote single songs.

However, the number of times Luo Quan composed music for a supplementary work or program alone was pitifully small, and this was simply not something that could be done with money.

But what Ming Dao didn't expect was that Luo Quan actually agreed!

She replied yes, and then began to discuss the usage fee with him.

The expected sky-high price did not appear, it was just an ordinary price, and she even donated a considerable part of it to donate, so she earned about two million for this song.

This price is already ridiculously low. You must know that the announcement fee for her previous program started at tens of millions!
Ming Dao didn't know how he could make Luo Quan such a big concession. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally felt that it might be because of Leon.

As for the truth, Lyon is indeed on the one hand, but Luo Quan thinks that some songs should be bound together with its exclusiveness.

Although "Xiao Era" is not very good, its theme song is really nice, and it is also a model of bad movies making good songs, which can even bring out the excellence of this song.

So after Luo Quan released this song, he actually waited for Ming Dao to come to him.

Sure enough, he found it and asked for this song by name.

Luo Quan thought about it and didn't charge him too much money.

After the negotiation was concluded, Ming Dao did not announce the news immediately.

Now the marketing work in all aspects has not yet started, and such heavyweight aniseed materials must wait until the critical moment before they are released.

After dealing with Ming Dao's matter, Luo Quan's comment area not only had many fans' testimonials, but fans also asked her when she would broadcast live.

Speaking of which, since I came to Tokyo, I really haven’t broadcast live to everyone.

After thinking about it, she typed and replied: "Tomorrow I will broadcast it live for everyone, wait for me to wake up, but I don't know when I wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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