Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 900: A Traceless Dream

Chapter 900: A Traceless Dream

ps. Easter egg chapter will be released at noon tomorrow!

I don't know if it was because the two songs last night made so many people cry that fans drew a circle and cursed her.

She had a weird dream tonight.

First of all, there are some relatively shy pictures, which are very pleasant and comfortable physically and mentally.

I believe that this kind of dream has been done by everyone, but it is not a very rare situation.

If nothing else happened, after the dream ended, Luo Quan would wake up feeling refreshed, go to the bathroom, change his clothes and continue to sleep.

But this time the situation was a little different. She dreamed and dreamed, and found that she was flying up into the clouds, and even into outer space.

Afterwards, countless stars flew past him, like sitting in a time tunnel, flying for a long time.

When Luo Quan was about to feel tired from dreaming, the flying scene gradually slowed down, and finally her field of vision was fixed outside an extremely huge blue planet.

Then she went on, through the atmosphere to the surface of the planet.

In a blink of an eye, she was standing on the lush green prairie, surrounded by many strange creatures that were completely different from the animals on Earth walking and running.

In addition to being larger in size, these creatures can even release colorful energy attacks, all of which are surprisingly powerful.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Quan found herself walking towards a quiet lake, and the lake water quickly submerged her head, making her completely drenched.

With nervous panting, Luo Quan woke up suddenly.

The sunlight outside the window was blocked by the curtains, but through the light through the cracks, one could guess that it was about eight or nine o'clock.

Looking up at the air conditioner, it was still working and breathing out air-conditioning, but it was dripping with sweat.

Luo Quan lifted the quilt, well, at least the first half of this dream and the last part are still connected, and the beginning and end echoes belong to yes.

I hurried into the bathroom and took a shower, and finally felt better.

When she came out, she was very confused why she had such a strange dream.

"System, what do you think?" Luo Quan asked while wiping his hair.

"The first half is a normal dream content. Normal people will have it every once in a while. It's probably because they watched some bad content during the day, and then thought about it day by day, and dreamed about it at night..."

"I'm not asking you this, I'm talking about the second half!" Luo Quan interrupted it helplessly.

"The second half of the dream should be that the arbitrary door is connected to your brain waves, which means that its charge has reached a certain stage, allowing you to visit some scattered pictures of the destination in your sleep.

However, the tour time is usually relatively short, and the scope is relatively limited. "

This news made Luo Quan suddenly excited: "Doesn't that mean that the charging will be completed soon!"

The system once again poured cold water on her: "It's hard to say, after all, you have flown so far in your dreams, which means that this planet must be far away from the earth.

The farther away the place is, the longer it takes to reach it through any door. After all, sending brainwaves and entities are two concepts. "

Of course, it must be a good thing for the charging to reach a milestone. At least she knows that the day when the charging is completed is approaching, and she doesn't have to wait so illusoryly as before.

"By the way, can you analyze the concentration of aura in this world? The ordinary beasts there seem to be able to use supernatural powers. It must not be a low-magic world!"

Luo Quan began to care about death.

According to the system, the stronger a world's power system is, the more powerful it will be.

If that world is much more powerful than the earth, wouldn't the black technology in the mall be lost?

This time, the system's answer did not disappoint Luo Quan:
"It is indeed a world with a high concentration of aura. I will definitely be able to complete the upgrade after arriving, but I don't know if there is any intelligent civilization on it."

"What will happen if there is?" Luo Quan was curious.

The system replied: "It's not very good, it's just that many variables may be added, after all, my upgrade can't be done overnight, it will take a lot of time.

If there is no intelligent civilization, just find a remote place to hide.

But this kind of thing is hard to say, if it is a friendly civilization, it can save a lot of trouble. "

"Let's take one step at a time." Luo Quan wasn't particularly worried, just judging by the size of those beasts, she felt that she could still deal with them.

After practicing the fighting method, even if she has not even reached the first stage, she already feels that her physique is improving by leaps and bounds every day.

The rapid increase in strength made her very confident now, not to mention the existence of the bug of Wugou Liuli Body.

She had done experiments in the secret realm before, even if she used the king's sword to release the curry stick, she could resist it with her body.

Although there will be some stupor (pain), the surface and internal organs of the body will not be damaged organically.

And the power of her current curry stick is enough to smash a building.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan became very happy.

It would be more enjoyable if I didn't have to get up early in the morning to wash my underwear.

In the second half of the Olympic Games, it has become intense.

The major heavyweight events took turns to usher in the finals. During this period, China won the most gold medals in diving and weightlifting.

Regardless of men or women, these two events are Huaxia's traditional strengths, and they often win gold and silver.

The semi-finals of the women's no-restricted fighting group will be held in three days.

Originally, everyone thought that this match would be very tragic. After each match, the two players were covered in blood and exhausted, just like in the UFC octagonal cage.

But in fact, the players all played very well, because they knew how strong each other was, and if they were too impatient, it would be easy to cause big problems, so they just stopped.

This is very in line with the purpose of the Olympic Games friendship first competition second.

With the arrival of the new era, everyone hopes to improve their strength through cultivation and obtain a better life.

As for the gold medal, there is really no need to work hard for it.

Reckless people like Adeline who don't care about anything for honor are very rare no matter where they are.

The Huaxia people have a strong family and country honor complex, so they pay more attention to gold medals.

But fortunately, the woman and Luo Quan are such a great god, so she doesn't need to think about losing at all.

As for the men's team, the most powerful ones have all gone to the secret realm, and the ones left behind are a group of relatively average fighters, probably eager to finish their work quickly and then go to the secret realm to explore.

Therefore, the unrestricted fighting competition, which should have been the most popular scene, was quite harmonious.

On the contrary, the jiu jitsu and fencing competitions next door were full of quarrels because of some disputes and penalties.

And where no one noticed, "Under One Man" has completed the special effects production and submitted it for review.

If there are no major problems, this TV series will meet you in the school season, and lsp fans can't wait to see Luo Quan's Xia He.

And Luo Quan's new album "Three Thousands of Luoshui" has also received a lot of attention after releasing two songs.

The main reason is that the timing of last night was too good. It was a time when a large group of teenagers felt confused about their future after graduation and felt emo about the passing of youth.

Then a song of love and a song of friendship directly resonated with them greatly, breaking through the fragile line of defense in their hearts.

Tears are normal operations, and for a long time to come, these two songs will probably become their must-play songs in KTV.

The key point is that these two songs are not difficult to sing, even if the original singing is turned on, you can sing roughly.

Whether it sounds good is another matter, but at least there will be no high notes that directly make people's voice break.

Luo Quan also took this into consideration this time, so he intentionally lowered the difficulty of the song in order to increase the popularity of singing.

Like the most popular songs in China, they are the ones that are catchy, easy to listen to a few times, and not too difficult.

Of course, they can't all be low-difficulty songs, or someone will say that they are not strong enough, so Luo Quan is going to cleanse everyone's ears in the third song.

On the second night after the album was released, Luo Quan posted a post: "Are you ready?"

Fans in the comment area:
"Does this mean to make a big move?"

"It's disgusting that you make me feel like this."

"GKD, hurry up and release the eight songs, don't keep it up!"

"I guess Luo Quan is going to show us her high-pitched voice that can destroy the world again."

"Three days and three nights, in the middle of the night~~"

"Hahaha, Teacher Han Hong expressed that he is very sorry."


Giggling fans can't realize what kind of song they will hear next.

At [-] o'clock Beijing time, the title song "A Diao" of "Three Thousands of Luoshui" was officially launched.

Fans who had already pre-ordered clicked play for the first time.

The name of the song is a bit weird, and the prelude is quite ethnic music.

The first is the chorus of a group of little girls, smart and cute.

Then there is the high-pitched long voice of an adult female voice, which is a typical singing style of the Z family. The aforementioned teacher Han Hong is very good at this type of singing.

Fans originally thought that Luo Quan would bring an extremely high-pitched song. After all, the voices of the Z clan singing are quite bright.

But after Luo Quan opened his mouth, he found that his voice was quite soothing, in a completely straightforward style, not the high pitch that everyone expected could destroy the world.

But it is worth mentioning that Luo Quan's voice is still as clear as ever, just as clear and melodious as a piano.

Fortunately, the rhythm of the song is not static. As the emotions progress layer by layer, the accompaniment gradually becomes more exciting, and Luo Quan's singing voice also increases an octave unconsciously.

At this point, many music fans have already noticed something is wrong.

When Luo Quan opened his voice in this song, the key of the song was not low, especially when he sang A Diao, his voice still went up.

Now it has directly increased by an octave, and Luo Quan still maintains a [-]% true voice. Such a golden voice really surprised a group of fans.

Of course, for Luo Quan, these are all expected, her singing skills are so high and talented, the whole world can be counted among them.

In comparison, the lyrics of this song make fans feel very charming.

It seems to be describing a girl from the Z ethnic group named A Diao, but for some reason, it makes many audiences feel involved.

It seems that they have become A Diao in the song, facing the confusion of the road ahead, at a loss, and facing the burden of life, it is difficult to breathe.

Although Luo Quan's singing is so full of power, the fans feel a little depressed, as if something is pressing on their chest.

"Poor fate, obsessed with indifference."

"Say goodbye to youth, countless stations."

"Be willing to be ordinary but not willing to be defeated by ordinary..."

The depression is stacked here, almost reaching its peak.

Fans heard an urge to shout, but found that they didn't know how to make a sound.

In the next second, Luo Quan uttered a soul cry for them: "You are A are a free bird!"

All emotions erupted completely in an instant, poured out of the body, and galloped away in all directions.

At this moment, the audience is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, feeling that their whole body has been sublimated, and the knot of depression in their chest is also instantly opened.

This high-pitched song is like the roar of their uncompromising fate, a declaration of war on all things bad.

Luo Quan blew the horn for them and gave them courage.

When a song is over, the fans find that they are covered in sweat at some point.

This is sweat dripping freely!
"This song is so cool to hear!"

Excited fans quickly gave feedback in the comment area.

The two love songs came out yesterday so well, I thought Luo Quan was planning to continue using love songs to sensationalize.

However, Luo Quan's choice is always so unexpected, and the song "A Diao" directly set everyone on fire.

"Yesterday, some people said that Luo Quan's hips are stretched, and the new song is not difficult. Haha, these people are going to comment on this song now?"

"The sound of the free bird is simply invincible, the sound is so loud that it lifts the lid off my spirit."

"This lyric made me feel a kind of transformation, full of freedom and ease, like walking towards a new life and embracing a new life."

"The sound here is high and round, and the quality is perfect."

"And the proportion of real voice is quite high, just like the lion's roar skills of decades, the skills are extremely powerful."

"And it has national characteristics. I feel that there is a good opportunity to perform on the Spring Festival evening."

"By the way, can someone cover this song? I feel that the difficulty is not ordinary."

"It's not enough to just have a high voice, you have to have emotion."

"It can only be said that Luo Quan's new album is still high-powered, and you should stop talking stupid things like Jiang Lang's talent."

"Who dares to run out of talent? You haven't been slapped enough in the face, right?"


The fans in the comment area were extremely active, all because Luo Quan's shocking performance in "A Diao" was ignited.

Although the way to show singing skills is not limited to treble, it is indeed the simplest and most intuitive way.

And Luo Quan's talent conditions also made her more at ease when using this method.

If there is no accident, this will be a hit all over the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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