Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 901 Indispensable Antiquity

Chapter 901 Indispensable Antiquity

Conferring a god to a song is no longer an achievement worth bragging about for Luo Quan.

Almost every song she released in the first year of her debut can be called a god.

What fans admire most is that her level has not dropped much compared to that year.

Many singers were amazing when they first debuted, but it didn't take long for their works to start to decline like a cliff, and then they disappeared from everyone.

There are very few works that can maintain high-quality creations for several years or even ten years, let alone such high-quality and bright works as Luoquan.

The most important thing is that she still speaks both Chinese, Japanese and English, which is more than three times as difficult as others.

So don't say that her current level has not declined, even if it did, no one would dare to say that she is exhausted.

Of course, it's hard to say if it's a few years later.

After all, no matter how great an empire is, it will come to an end, and no matter how great a person is, there will be a day when he will come to an end.

Luoquan is currently at its peak in spring and autumn, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

The current network environment is too bad, and netizens are extremely hostile. Maybe some people can enjoy the right to avoid spraying, but Luoquan is definitely not among them.

So she likes to drink today and get drunk today, and when she is proud, she will put on her face hard.

In case of falling down in the future, I will regret why I didn't live recklessly in the first place.

At night, Luo Quan, who fell asleep again, did not engage in any strange foreplay this time. Her consciousness was directly affected by the arbitrary door, and she traveled across the galaxy to that unknown planet.

The last time I came here was on a grassland, this time it was on the edge of a city.

The song system is worried that there is civilization on this planet, and the civilization here seems to be far more developed than that on Earth.

Because there are many buildings in this city that are suspended above the sky, and there are also a large number of strangely shaped vehicles running at high speed in midair.

With the dynamic vision of ordinary people, it is impossible to see clearly, but her strength is much stronger than ordinary people, so it can still be captured.

If you get closer, you may be able to see the structure of these vehicles.

As soon as he thought about it, he started to do it. Luo Quan controlled his consciousness and drifted towards the city.

But I don't know where the problem is. Obviously the scenery around me is receding, but the city seems to be receding as well.

It seems to be close at hand, but it is far away in the sky, and it feels like looking at the mountain and running a dead horse.

After flying for a long time, Luo Quan was also tired, so he just sat down on the spot and began to practice.

I don't know if consciousness on this planet can make the cultivation speed faster.

Facts have proved that this way of card bug is not effective.

Luo Quan practiced for a while, and found that there was not much difference between Ge's practice at home.

"Sure enough, the real body has to arrive here." Luo Quan sighed.

But before he had time to think about it, a blank flashed in front of his eyes.

Opening his eyes again, it was already dawn, and he slept until dawn again.

Luo Quan got up and opened the curtains. Although he was bathed in the bright sunshine, he was quite uncomfortable all over.

It was as if all the miles she ran in her dreams were reflected on her body, which was quite tired and limp.

Obviously, her current body should already be very strong, is it because of her wandering mind?

"This time you will be quick to answer. I am going to tell you the details." The system teased her aloud.

Luo Quanlu was surprised: "So it's really because the consciousness has carried out a lot of exercise, and the body will feel correspondingly tired?"

The system replied: "Of course, any damage suffered after the soul leaves the body will be fed back to your body, and fatigue is naturally no exception.

However, this can be regarded as the training of the soul by accident. When one day your soul can travel freely and feel tired, that is the real double cultivation of life and soul. "

"Then if my soul gets hurt, won't I go crazy?" Luo Quan yawned and asked it.

"Not necessarily, it may also be a split personality."

Luo Quan stared: "Is there any difference?"

"That's a big difference. A lunatic is mentally disordered, and a split personality is possible to have an extra personality, but the consequences are not particularly good."

"Then is there any way to stop me from wandering into the sky?" Luo Quan felt that this state was too unsafe, what if there was something wrong with the soul?
"Simple, just stop any door from absorbing energy while you are sleeping, but this will greatly slow down the charging speed of any door."

"Alas." Luo Quan once again fell into a dilemma.

Considering that coming to this world in advance can help her deepen her understanding, she can also deal with the possibility of trouble in the future.

After weighing the pros and cons, she still does not intend to terminate the charge.

"Don't worry, my soul is bound to yours. If something happens, I can immediately pull you back to Earth. Under normal circumstances, there will be no problems."

The system's comfort also made Luo Quan feel a little relieved.

With the assistance of the system at the side, coupled with his domineering luck, the probability of accidents is indeed close to zero.


When eating lunch at noon, Luo Quan yawned again at the dining table.

"Luo Bao, did you stay up all night last night? Why are you yawning so much?" Wen Xia stuffed a piece of teriyaki chicken into her mouth and asked with concern.

"Recently, I have reached a critical juncture in my practice, so my energy consumption is relatively high, and it will be fine after a while." Luo Quan found a reasonable excuse.

Wen Xia showed a worried expression: "Don't be crazy!"

"How is it possible." Luo Quan waved his hand, and said with a smile, "I'm already at this level, how could I be insane, it's just a little sleepy, just take a nap later."

"That's fine, you pay more attention to your body." Wen Xia nodded lightly, without saying anything more.

In her cognition, Luo Quan's body has always been as solid as iron, except for not being able to drink alcohol and a few fixed days every month, there will never be any negative states.

It's not a big deal to yawn, just sleep.

And when Luo Quan went back to sleep, he asked the system to turn off the function of any door.

She is reluctant to not recharge for a few hours at night, but she can still accept the hour of nap.

If it is charging for one year, one hour less per day is just an extra ten days.

And her soul might not be tired after ten days and half a month of exercise.

After posting three songs in a row and feeling sleepy, Luo Quan justly gave himself a vacation, and the fans didn't say anything.

At night, Luo Quan's consciousness flew to that planet again.

This time, she appeared in a slightly narrow room.

The owner of the house is a fat man, why is she so sure, because sitting in front of her is a fat mound with a width of 1.8 meters.

Next to his seat is a trash can stuffed with white tissues, and in front of him is a light curtain, which looks like a TV screen or something.

Fortunately, the content on the light curtain is relatively positive and healthy, and it may be over.

Plump is lazily lying in the high-tech chair. The thin back contour of the chair changes with the movement of Plump's body, fitting it perfectly.

If it was sold on Earth, wouldn't it be bought by those office workers?
With this, it is estimated that there is no need to worry about lumbar and cervical spondylosis anymore.

"Crack." Fat Pier suddenly stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and an exquisite little robot fetched a bottle of cold black drink.

He unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then let out a "kai".

Luo Quan grinned, it turns out that the happy water of Feizhai is a universal product in the whole universe.

Before he finished laughing, the program began to play on the light curtain.

Luo Quan looked at it seriously, it seemed to be some talent show.

Many girls came to the stage one by one to introduce themselves and then performed.

There is one thing to say, the appearance of these girls is much higher than those on the ground, and all of them are top-notch.

But compared with her, the gap is quite obvious.

If you sing a song on stage by yourself, isn't it going to kill the Quartet?

Luo Quan's heart suddenly became hot.

The most important point is that the aesthetics of this planet seem to be similar to the earth.

Although she couldn't understand a word these people said, it could be learned.

And if the aesthetics are the same, then her advantage is too obvious.

People with good looks can easily gain people's favor wherever they go.

And just when Luo Quan wanted to listen to more people on this planet, the time for her mind to travel beyond the sky came again, and her consciousness returned to the earth.

This time I didn't run for a long time, so I didn't feel particularly tired after returning.

Now Luo Quan has found the trick, as long as he doesn't exercise vigorously after arriving on that planet, it will be fine?I'm so witty.

The feeling of being full of energy is indeed different. The sluggish look of yesterday seemed to have no energy for doing anything.

After recovering today, he became energetic again in an instant.

After lunch, Luo Quan went directly to Sony Records to record new songs.

During the period, I had lunch with General Manager Ishimura and Director Miki.

These are the last two friends Luo Quan met for dinner after returning to Tokyo.

Yunjing Xiao and Shengu Lingyin had already eaten. These two professionals said that the company was too busy with business, and it was rare for them to find time to gather with old friends.

Compared with Kamiya Suzune and the others, the conversation with these two seemed a bit more dull.

Probably because there are too few intersections other than work, and there is no common topic.

There are indeed relatively few common topics between boys and girls, and they don't even know how little they talk when they open their mouths.

But Shicun and Miki are quite happy that Luo Quan invited them out for dinner, at least the friendship will not be broken due to a long period of no contact.

After eating, the three of them went back to work on their own affairs.

In the evening, the new song that fans had been waiting for for a day was finally released. The title of the song is "Do You Know?" (Original singer: Hu Xia, Yu Kewei)

This is an ancient song, and a considerable part of the lyrics are from the works of the famous poet Li Qingzhao.

Many people may have guessed the title of the song, it is Li Qingzhao's Rumeng Ling.

Li Qingzhao has two famous poems like Meng Ling, one is Chang Ji Xi Ting Sunset, and the other is Last Night's Rain and Wind Surge.

This time I used last night's rain and wind, the full text is:

The rain and wind were violent last night, and the rest of the wine could not be absorbed by a deep sleep.I tried the questionnaire, but Dao Haitang remained the same.Do you know?It should be green, fat, red and thin.

The chorus part is the whole lyrics, and the lyrics of the verse part are the original singing.

The tone of the whole song is quite sad, mainly related to the lyrics.

The styles of Li Qingzhao's poems are very different before and after, which is also related to her experience.

In the first half of her life, she had no worries about food and clothing, lived a good life, had a husband who loved her, and the country was prosperous, just like a prosperous age.

However, it didn't take long before the swordsmen rose suddenly, and the Kingdom of Jin went south.

The seemingly prosperous Song Dynasty, under the guidance of two emperors who were dead enough to be recorded in history, was successfully captured by the Jin Kingdom and became a prisoner.

Even thousands of relatives of the royal family have become prisoners, and women are especially miserable, which belongs to the level that modern people can't bear to watch.

But worse than them, there are tens of millions of ordinary people in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The prosperity of the people is suffering, the death of the people is suffering, these groups will always be the worst in troubled times.

But Li Qingzhao and her husband fled all the way south in order to avoid the war, and encountered countless tragedies.

And her husband, as an official, also ran away during a soldier's rebellion and became a coward.

And Li Qingzhao also expressed his feelings later, writing a round and thinking of Xiang Yu, and refused to cross Jiangdong.

And her husband was ashamed because of this, and died of depression without getting through that winter.

Since then, although Li Qingzhao has settled down in the south, everything in front of him will never return to the scenery of the past.

The content of the work has also changed from playful to extremely bleak.

This song is like a dream order, which is one of the more representative works in the later period.

It is also an ancient prose that must be learned in middle school. This time, using step as a word finally stopped making jokes.

I still remember the last time Luo Quan wrote a song with the lyrics of "Pipa Xing", and Heizi said that she pretended to be educated, and the poems she wrote were greasy and unstandard.

Then netizens pointed out that this is Bai Juyi's poem. I don't even know about this poem. It is probably a fish that slipped through the net of the nine-year compulsory education.

After the follower, when Luo Quan wrote ancient songs, not so many people gave bad reviews, mainly because he was afraid that his education background would be exposed.

And this time "Knowing Whether You Know", the lyrics must be very good.

There are many poets of the graceful school in the Song Dynasty, and Liu Yong, Yan Shu and Zhou Bangyan are all quite good.

But in China's 5000 years, Li Qingzhao is the most well-deserved number one among the women who have left their talents.

It is no problem to use it to compose lyrics for popular music, besides, Song Ci was originally used for singing in ancient times.

It's just that I don't know what the melody and singing style of these Song lyrics were in ancient times. If they can be matched with popular tunes like pop music, it is estimated that today's elementary and middle school students can remember them more easily.

Of course, this kind of situation may also happen, that is, when the teacher asks to recite, the students sing directly after reciting.

This scene, just thinking about it, is very joyful.

And tonight, "Do You Know" and Li Qingzhao naturally dominated the hot searches and became the hottest topics.

(End of this chapter)

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