Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 902 Brave New World

Chapter 902 Brave New World

"Last night, the rain was dredging and the wind was blowing, and the heavy sleep did not dissipate the residual wine. I tried the curtain man but said that the crabapple was still there~~~"

Wen Xia sang last night's new song on the sofa, which immediately attracted other girls to sing.

Every time Luoquan released a new song, the women in the house would sing in front of her.

At first she would have a sense of shame of public execution, but now it doesn't matter, because her skin is thick enough.

"Where's Leon, haven't seen anyone all day?" Luo Quan didn't see his younger brother, so he asked Mia.

Mia gently closed the book and said, "He was bored in the room and planned to go to Akihabara to get some fresh air. I wanted to read a book quietly, so I didn't follow."

Compared with Leon, Mia is more able to live at leisure. She usually takes out a book to read whenever she has free time, and sometimes it takes an entire afternoon to read, and she even takes notes when she reads.

As for Leon, he is a typical ADHD patient. Even when playing games, his buttocks will twist around, and he often poses in various strange poses when playing with his mobile phone on the sofa.

It's okay to let him stay at home for a week or two, but it's too difficult for him to stay out of the house like his sister.

So Leon, who stayed in the hotel for many days, was so quiet that he thought about moving, and went shopping in Akihabara.

It is a famous two-dimensional holy place in Asia, there are many maid-themed restaurants, two-dimensional cosers can be seen everywhere, and there are various two-dimensional themed shops.

For a boy like Lyon who likes Two-dimensional, he can spend a whole day there with great interest.

However, what people didn't expect was that Lyon came back at noon.

"Come back after shopping for so long?" Luo Quan took a sip of juice, her tone was a little surprised, she thought her brother would play until midnight.

"Uh, I don't know if I didn't read the almanac when I went out today. The atmosphere in Akihabara is a bit weird."

Leon spread his hands with an ugly face, with a look of lingering fear.

"After I got there, there were a lot of people there to hold the comic exhibition. I went to watch the fun, and I saw a boy lying on the ground with a grim expression on his face...Ah!!!"

"Pfft!" Luo Quan spit out when he heard Leon's lifelike performance.

She knew that the meme of the ancestors of the beast was spread from Japan to station B, but she didn't expect that someone would dare to imitate this in the comic exhibition.

"It seems that you also know this trick." Leon looked at his sister, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "I only found out after I checked it online, it's just too stinky."

Luo Quan immediately blushed: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Leon laughed at her sister's three consecutive denials: "But this is not the most outrageous thing. What's even more outrageous is that a fan imitated, and then many boys next to him also lay down on the ground and shouted together, and even girls joined in behind!"

Luo Quan nodded: "That's really a bit unbearable, and then?"

"Then I plan to find a coffee shop to have a cup of coffee to calm down."

Speaking of this, Leon slapped his palm on the forehead: "But I never expected that the maids in a maid cafe are all pretending to be boys, those maids who are dressed in black and white and have a voice It turned out that they were all big men in women's clothing!

And some of them even had leg hair protruding from their stockings! "

A few girls imagined that scene, and it really made people shudder.

In fact, women's clothing culture is now quite popular in various countries.

Needless to say in Europe and America, the LGBTQ group has always been the main force in this area. It is actually not uncommon for boys to wear women's clothing and heavy makeup.

As for Huaxia, bigwigs in women's clothing are relatively common in the Two-dimensional community, and they even cause cheers every time they appear.

And many up owners at Station B will take the initiative to wear women's clothing after reaching a certain amount of attention. This is even an unwritten rule.

As for Japan, the pseudo-mother culture is too common.

There was a saying like this before, called Showa man, Heisei fat house, Linghe fake mother, that's what it said.

So Leon just strayed into a maid cafe with a fake girl.

He's arsenic, my honey, Leon can't accept it, but it doesn't mean others can't accept it either.

He also understands the truth, but this does not prevent him from fleeing from the pile of leg hair.

Having encountered two outrageous experiences in a row, how could Lyon have any intention of going shopping.

I found a restaurant that looked normal and had lunch, and then I came back directly.

"Maybe the world is changing too fast, and I can no longer keep up with everyone's trends." Leon sighed while lying on the sofa, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a wet towel.

"For many people, this is a brave new world." Luo Quan said with a smile, with a pun.

In the evening, Unlimited Fighting played the semi-finals.

At the end of the match schedule, the number of viewers of the live broadcast finally increased.

In the last round of competition, some people were already popular, and a lot of blood was shed.

This time the semi-finals are expected to be more intense, and this kind of violent game is the favorite of many people.

The only pity is that the women's team has such a disparity in strength that many people will feel very disappointed.

In fact, there are many dark thoughts, that is, seeing other girls in Luoquan fighting fiercely, with hair disheveled and blood dripping from the fight.

Everyone has seen the dignified and beautiful Luoquan, but the "battle-damaged version" is still in an unlocked state, and it is indeed full of room for reverie.

Of course, this is only limited to daydreams. Luo Quan has not been injured or bled by any enemy since his debut.

The semi-finals of the women's group in the evening were also arranged to be held before the men's group, just to end the less exciting competition before the prime time.

But even so, Luo Quan has attracted the attention of fans all over the world by virtue of his super popularity.

Her opponent tonight is the famous Japanese karate player, Ms. Saotome Sachiko.

This vigorous girl who is nearly twenty years old has the same incomprehensible strange power as Luo Quan, and she has crushed her opponents all the way, winning quite easily.

But meeting Luo Quan today is destined to stop here.

Originally, she might have the strength to compete for the silver medal, but now she can only compete with another player for the bronze medal.

Before the fight started, Saotome Sachiko hugged Luo Quan excitedly, and chased stars in front of audiences all over the world.

These are no surprises to Luo Quan or her fans.

For a star of her level, Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, and no one in the world knows the king. There are fans from all walks of life, and wherever they go, they will meet people who come up to ask for a group photo to sign.

After the game started, Sachiko Saotome threw up her hand very decisively and did not intend to have two matches with her idol.

On the one hand, the strength gap between the two is too large, and they know they can't win.

On the other hand, after this match, there is still a third-place match to be played. Playing in a full state is definitely cheaper than playing in an injured state.

With no hope of gold and silver medals, he must ensure that he wins the bronze medal.

So she decisively chose to admit defeat, which was the most rational choice.

Of course, for those gambling dogs, Saotome Sachiko's direct surrender also cost them nothing.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Sachiko Saotome has no chance of winning. The final match between Luo Quan and Adeline has already been played, and the rest is all fan meetings.

But because the odds offered by the dealer were too high, they directly paid more than 1 yuan for one, and bought Saotome Sachiko for 40 yuan to win, and they could get more than [-] yuan!
This is not a bicycle changing into a motorcycle, but a bicycle changing into a BMW.

In the face of the temptation of huge profits, there is no rationality in Gambler's brain. Even if he knows that the probability is infinitely close to zero, he still dares to make a big bet on Sachiko Saotome.

The result is nothing to lose.

There will definitely be a lot of news about jumping off a building due to gambling debts tonight, but these people are completely applicable to poor people. There must be something hateful and not worthy of the slightest pity.

On the ring, Saotome Sachiko played GG amidst laughter, and hugged Luo Quan again.

Hugging Luo Quan twice in one day, the fans were jealous.

If it wasn't for Sachiko being a girl, the whole family's genealogy would have spiraled upwards.

After hugging, Xingzi looked at Luo Quan and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Luo Quan, I forgot to mention just now, my younger brother Yujiro also likes you very much, can you sign him?"

When he is in a good mood, Luo Quan usually tries his best to fulfill the reasonable requests of fans, such as signing autographs and taking photos.

So she nodded happily, then borrowed paper and pen from the staff in the audience, and wrote her name on it.

"Thank you so much, my brother and I will always support you!" Sachiko got the autograph and showed a bright smile.

After successfully advancing to the finals, the ensuing interviews with reporters must be unavoidable.

However, Luo Quan didn't want to hide, and even took the initiative to find the reporters who had been looking forward to it for a long time.

The content of the interview is still the same, with some gossip that netizens like to hear.

Fortunately, she has a relatively high profile, and the reporters didn't dare to be too presumptuous when they asked gossip, and they were still relatively measured, so there was no big trouble.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Quan took a shower.

She hadn't dried off the water all over her body, and her bare shoulders were still steaming. She sat in front of the computer and released the fifth song of her new album.

The title of the song is "The Clock in the Opposite Direction".

A touching love song, it may feel a little ordinary when you first listen to it, but it has a long charm, and the more you listen to it, the more pleasant it becomes.

This is a song that is very suitable for infinite loops, and it is very listenable.

After the song was released, many fans said that the song finally has the same flavor as before.

Strange to say, many fans feel that Luo Quan's Chinese songs should be divided into two categories.

Songs such as "In the Name of the Father", "Nocturne", "Qilixiang" and "Blue and White Porcelain" released in the early days belong to this category.

Other Chinese songs are another category.

It is obvious that one person creates and one person sings, but to the old fans, it sounds like two kinds of feelings.

Let's use spring flavor to describe it.

But any song with a spring flavor is usually of higher quality.

The other songs may also be of good quality, but compared with the spring-flavored songs, they just lack a lot of strong personal color.

So what fans listen to the most and like the most are actually these spring-like songs.

In the new album, only this song "The Bell in the Opposite Direction" is full of spring flavor, and the prelude immediately makes people fall.

So many fans shouted in the comment area: I am back, I feel everything is back!
It is also such a spring-like song that made the sales of the new album increase by hundreds of thousands in less than an hour.

The sales champion of this year's Chinese album was determined early before the end of summer.

After the new song was released, Luo Quan fell asleep contentedly.

The place where she appeared tonight was no longer Fei Zhai's home.

It is a rather spacious and luxurious girls' bedroom.

Why is she so sure that it is a girl's bedroom, because the color of the whole room is mainly warm and lovely pink.

Of course, the few underwear-like clothes on the bed also made Luo Quan more sure of his judgment.

It can't be that an alien male will wear this thing on his body, right?
Just when Luo Quan was about to go up and study what the alien's underwear looked like, the door of the room suddenly opened.

A gorgeously dressed girl walked in.

She has black and thick black hair, but her eyes are golden. She has a typical Chinese appearance, her face is beautiful and beautiful, and her temperament is very classical.

If it was in Huaxia, this would definitely be the ultimate beauty who could kill all directions in costume dramas just by her looks.

The only pity is that the figure is a little average.

The girl changed her clothes in front of Luo Quan. She had just taken off her coat, even though there were still two pieces of clothing left, she could no longer see any waves.

"It's a pity, it's another 2A scenic spot." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed.

I don't know if this heartfelt voice was heard by the girl, she suddenly stopped undressing, and then looked in Luo Quan's direction: "Who's there!"

This sensory force was really sharp, and it found Luo Quan's location accurately, but Luo Quan couldn't understand her shout.

With a sound of "shua", a sword appeared out of thin air in the girl's hand, her whole body was covered by a strange white light, and then she walked slowly towards Luo Quan.

"System, do you want to slip?" Luo Quan didn't dare to act rashly, and asked the system for his opinion.


The system suddenly roared at Luo Quan, because a transparent glass cover fell from the sky and covered her consciousness.

The system's response was much faster than Luo Quan's.

Just when Luo Quan realized that a catastrophe was imminent, the system forcibly controlled the arbitrary door and returned Luo Quan's consciousness to his body.

When I opened my eyes this time, it was only three o'clock in the morning.

The whole process wasn't even thrilling, because the system brought itself back as soon as the hood appeared.

"Look, I'll just leave everything to me, and there won't be any major problems." The system said proudly.

"I know you are great."

Luo Quan nodded in praise, and then yawned: "The next time I go, it should be another place, right?"


"Then go ahead and see how many people there are in this world."

After speaking, Luo Quan continued to lie down and began to dream...

(End of this chapter)

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