Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 903 Secret Teaching

Chapter 903 Secret Teaching
"System, didn't you say that the location of each appearance is random, why does this place look familiar to me?"

Looking at the familiar room in front of him, Luo Quan felt that something was wrong.

After the false alarm just now, she continued to sleep, and she didn't have the function to close any door. She thought she was going to a new place.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, it was still where he had disappeared before.

Even the glass cover had already covered her, and the girl even brought a chair, raised her amazingly long legs, and stared at herself with a half-smile.

After seeing herself appear again, the girl showed an expression I knew, and then opened her mouth to utter a string of syllables.

Luo Quan looked at her blankly. Although the language sounded a little familiar, it was really difficult to understand.

"Don't you understand?" Bai Xingwei didn't seem to respond when she saw the blue figure in the soul-detaining bell, and Liu Ye frowned slightly, and switched to another language.

Still no response.

"If you don't understand both official languages, then you don't seem to be a native of this planet."

The girl stood up, and gently placed her hand on the soul-detaining clock.

Seeing this, Luo Quan immediately became vigilant, and was about to let the system drag him back, but suddenly there was a voice in his mind: "Can you understand what I said now?"

"Damn it!" Luo Quan was shocked, besides the system, there was actually a second voice in his mind, so he immediately responded: "I can hear it!"

However, the voice of the system rang out: "This is the language of spiritual power. In Huaxia's language, it is sound transmission into secrets. It is a common way of communication when there is a language barrier.

But you can't communicate with her if you don't know the method, so you can only listen but not speak.

Besides, you are now ideological, and you can't speak without vocal cords. "

"It's really troublesome." Luo Quan put his hands on his hips impatiently, but still nodded while looking at the girl.

I don't know if nodding in aliens means agreement.

"It seems that I understand." Bai Xingwei breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you just stay here honestly, and I will get you a communication machine."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left the room.

"System, are you going to run away now?" Luo Quan touched the glass container covering her and found that it was quite strong.

The system didn't panic at all: "The person in front of you has no ill intentions towards you for the time being. You can try to contact her. If you're lucky, she might be able to help you understand this planet."

Luo Quan felt that this was the reason, so he just sat on the ground.

Two minutes later, the girl came back again, holding a translucent electronic screen in her hand, pasted it directly on the soul-detaining clock, and said to Luo Quan inside:
"This is a universal translation board. If you think about something in your mind, it will directly appear on the screen. If you understand it, just nod."

Luo Quan followed suit cooperatively.

Seeing this scene, the girl finally sat back on the chair with confidence: "The first question, who are you, why did you appear in my room, and what do you want to do?"

As soon as the girl came up, she asked Luo Quan three philosophical questions, which she did not expect.

Who am I, where am I, and where am I going? This is the ultimate question that has troubled many great philosophers?

Of course, the girl probably didn't want to understand the essence of the problem.

"I come from the Kingdom of Light in the M78 nebula, and I don't know why I am here. A few days ago, I would fly to this planet when I fell asleep, but the location of each appearance is not fixed. I don't know why this time. Appeared twice in your room."

Luo Quan told the truth, but not all.

When you are not sure whether the other party is friendly, you must not reveal your true identity.

As for the Nebula M78, if she finds it, she will be considered a formidable woman.

"You appeared twice because of the soul-detaining clock, which can locate and confine the soul, which means that you can no longer be as flirtatious as you were just now."

Bai Xingwei laughed triumphantly when she heard Luo Quan's explanation.

However, in the next second, the little blue man in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

" is it possible!" Bai Xingwei couldn't believe her eyes.

Although the soul-holding clock is not a celestial magic weapon, it is not impossible to hold even an alien wandering soul.

The aura fluctuations in that Wandering Soul's body are so weak, there shouldn't be any resistance!
After 5 minutes of surprise and doubt, the little blue man appeared again.

"It seems that your thing is not as magical as you said." This time it was Luo Quan's turn to be proud, and he taunted the girl a little.

"Don't get complacent too early, this is just the weakest of all my magic weapons!" The girl looked at her viciously and said through gritted teeth.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Just kidding, don't be so excited, we can talk about some more constructive topics.

Just now I talked about my origin, then can you tell me about your name and the situation on this planet. "

Talking about this, the girl became proud: "This is my home planet, Universe!"


"Then what?" Luo Quan couldn't hear the following, and asked with his hands open.

"You don't know the famous civilization of the universe?!" The girl opened her mouth in disbelief.

Luo Quan scratched his head and explained: "It may be that my hometown is too remote. In fact, our technology there is very mediocre, and I can't even get out of the star system where I am."

From a geographical point of view, the earth and even the entire Milky Way are at the edge of the universe, which is a typical backcountry. To put it bluntly, it is a rotten place where birds don’t shit, and dogs don’t come here.

As for this universal civilization, it is probably more famous in the center of the universe.

"Then it seems that your mother civilization is less than level three, no wonder you don't know."

After hearing Luo Quan's description, the girl nodded lightly: "In short, you just need to know that the Huanyu civilization is the strongest civilization in the universe. This planet is the mother planet of the Huanyu civilization, and its name is also Huanyu. .

There are many countries on the mother planet of the universe, forming a joint government to jointly rule the territory of thousands of super galaxy clusters.

There are two strongest countries in the coalition, one is called God Blessed Federation, and the other is my country, called Shengtang. "

A lot of information poured into Luo Quan's mind, making her a little dizzy.

She knew that aliens had civilization, but she didn't expect it to develop so outrageously.

What is the concept of ruling over a thousand superclusters of galaxies?She couldn't figure it out, she only knew that there were tens of thousands of galaxies in a supercluster of galaxies.

The solar system where the earth is located is only a drop in the ocean in the Milky Way.

I can't think about this matter any more, the more I think about it, the more my brain gets swollen.

"The civilization of the universe is indeed very powerful, so what will you do if you find outsiders?"

Although it is an ideology, Luo Quan rubs his temples habitually, trying to relieve the pressure here.

"If they are non-Huanyu natives, they are usually sent back to their home planet directly.

The mother planet of the universe is the holy land that the civilized citizens of the entire universe yearn for most. There are countless alien natives who come here by smuggling every year. account. "

When the girl said this, she was not as proud as before.

But Luo Quan heard this scene in his ears, but felt that this scene was too familiar, he could see it almost every day on the earth, and joked: "It seems that as long as you get the Hukou of the mother planet of the universe, you can be regarded as a master?"

The corner of the girl's mouth curled up slightly: "Although I think that all people are created equal, the fact is that everyone's class is determined when they are born.

Just like those alien non-human natives, no matter how much they love the civilization of the universe, few people treat them equally, and they are more or less discriminated against.

By the way, you are not a non-human native, are you? "

"I look similar to you, but I'm not as pretty as you." Luo Quan said casually.

To be honest, the girl in front of me must be the best beauty in the world, and there is almost no problem in winning the No.2 most beautiful face in the world.

Wen Xia, Su Yu, Carrie Lian and others are not her opponents.

But, compared with myself, the gap is a bit big.

But now she is not interested in competing with aliens, so she chose a modest way of speaking.

But when the young girl heard that Luo Quan was also a girl with a similar appearance, she let her guard down a lot.

"By the way, I still don't know your name after talking for a long time." Luo Quan asked the girl.

The girl smiled brightly: "My name is Qiangwei under the white meteor, you can also call me Bai Xingwei."

The name sounds nice, but Luo Quan is curious about the names of aliens?

Then shouldn't she be called "Luoshui Chengquan"?
Luo Quan shuddered because of the literary and artistic atmosphere that rushed to his face: "Hi Bai Xingwei, my name is Dagu."

"What a strange name." It was the first time Bai Xingwei saw someone with an older surname.

"People in the backcountry are like this. It's easier to support them with a better name."

Luo Quan waved his hand, signaling that she doesn't need to be particularly entangled: "Speaking of which, I may come to Huanyu soon. There is a legend in our hometown that some people's souls may float to another world when they sleep. Also known as dreaming into the magic machine.

I should be at such a stage now, and my body will come to this world soon, and I don't know how long it will stay.

So, dear Miss Bai Xingwei, can you teach me the language of Huanyu, so that when I actually visit your home planet, I won't be sent back to my country because of language barrier? "

Luo Quan started talking nonsense in a serious manner, but the key tone was very sincere.

"Then what benefits can I get?" Bai Xingwei folded her hands on her chest, her smile full of philistines.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and except for the good people, few people will give a helping hand to strangers who have never met before.

Bai Xingwei is obviously not a kind person.

As for Luoquan, facing a civilized citizen with highly developed technology, he doesn’t know what good things he can get. Could it be that the latest Apple mobile phone has been released recently, and I will arrange a prro max top version for you ?
This is clearly a joke.

Seeing that Luo Quan was silent, Bai Xingwei said, "If you don't know how to thank me, I have a proposal.

After you arrive in Huanyu, you can directly come to the Bai family of the Holy Tang Emperor to find me. If you are far away, you can find the Huanyu Law Enforcement Officer and mention the Sheng Tang Bai's house, and I will definitely send you to me.

Then I can apply for a student visa for you, allowing you to temporarily obtain the qualification to live in Huanyu, and even allow you to enroll in the best spiritual school in Huanyu! "

"So, what's the price?" Luo Quan knew that there would be no pies in the sky, so he asked her directly what she wanted.

Bai Xingwei said with a smile: "There are many things in school that are inconvenient for me to do, and I need someone with a clean identity to do them for me.

But don't worry, I won't let you do anything illegal. "

"So it's a thug." Luo Quan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he said to himself that I'm good at it.

Bai Xingwei nodded lightly: "That's pretty much what it means, but as far as you are now, you are far from meeting my requirements. The ninth level of spiritual cultivation, I'm afraid you haven't broken through the second level yet, it's really pitifully weak, wait When we get to Huanyu, we still need to practice a lot!"

"I know about this." Although the words were a little harsh, Luo Quan knew that Bai Xingwei was telling the truth.

"As for now, I will teach you the language of Shengtang first, and then I will find you some books to let you understand the basic knowledge here."

Afterwards, Bai Xingwei clicked on the universal translation machine a few times, and it immediately turned into a learning machine again, starting to play kindergarten-level language teaching.

The first is to start with the pronunciation of Huanyu dialect.

Fortunately, Luoquan now has system assistance, even if his mind is not particularly clear in his dreams, he can still learn very easily.

As long as the teaching video is played, she can basically learn it.

But time is definitely not allowed.

The video only played two chapters, Luo Quan said to Bai Xingwei: "Let's stop here today, and I will learn the rest tomorrow."

"Why?" Bai Xingwei looked at her puzzled.

"As I said before, I can only come here when I am dreaming. Now I am about to wake up from the dream, and a new day is about to begin. I can only come here when I rest at night."

"That's it, then let's do this for now, I will equip you with a smart light screen next time."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Quan had disappeared.

Bai Xingwei looked at the empty soul-detaining clock, and showed a smile: "Da Gu, what an interesting name."

In fact, if it's just a simple alien girl, it still can't make her interested.

But this Dagu from the M78 Nebula is obviously weak and the technology of his mother planet is not developed yet, but he can ignore the power of the soul arresting clock.

This was the place she was most curious about, so she wanted to keep her here to find out what was going on.

Of course, it is true that a thug with a clean background is needed.

Now she only hopes that this Dagu is not a waste material......

On the hotel bed, Luo Quan woke up for the third time, and it was finally daytime this time.

But in comparison, she prefers the secret teaching at Bai Xingwei's place.

(End of this chapter)

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