Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 904 There is a lot of room to play

Chapter 904 There is a lot of room to play
This sleep lasted longer than Luo Quan imagined, probably because he woke up twice in the middle.

The last time I woke up, it was almost ten o'clock.

Turn on the phone and find that today's hot search is Japanese fishermen discovering huge unidentified marine life.

According to the fishermen at the scene, when they were fishing in the open sea, they found a huge black shadow passing under the boat, but the shape did not look like a whale at all, but more like a sea snake.

But none of the known sea snakes was this big, and it was a shock to the fishermen and crew.

However, this "sea snake" did not attack them. After briefly revealing its black shadow, it dived quickly and disappeared in a short while.

After docking, the fishermen immediately told the reporter about the incident and it was reported.

However, the vast majority of netizens did not take this news seriously, and foreign netizens even joked in the comment area:

"Could it be the mutated sea fish spawned by nuclear wastewater pollution?"

"I feel more like Godzilla."

"If it's a sea monster, you can come back alive? It's probably a whale. I mistook it and said it was a sea snake."

"I thought there were some high-definition pictures, it was as blurry as the mosaic of the cavalry video..."

"What kind of wonderful metaphor is this?"

"There is no evidence for the suspected car."


It can be seen that netizens do not believe in any sea monsters at all.

Even if there is, it is also produced by nuclear waste water.

Seeing these comments on the Internet, even the crew members themselves wondered if they were really wrong.

In fact, this kind of news is not popular at all in normal times, but now it is overwhelmingly related to the Olympic Games, and there is a lack of daily anecdotes.

So this news with the title of "Sea Monster" has attracted a lot of attention.

After Luo Quan saw it, he had some doubts.

She felt that this sea monster was probably real, and it should have come out of Huaguo Mountain.

Ships can come and go freely, and there is no reason why the creatures inside can't get out.

There are many big snakes tens of meters long in Huaguo Mountain. Maybe one of them crawled through the jungle, swam into the sea, and then reached the human world.

However, apart from their larger size, there is nothing special about these snakes. If they really appeared, they would probably be regarded as deep-sea species that have never been discovered.

After all, the deep sea is a mysterious field that has not been explored by humans so far, and the appearance of creatures that are too big to be ridiculous is completely acceptable.

Today's Olympic Games will usher in a climax, because the semi-finals and finals of the men's [-]-meter race will be held.

The reason why it is called a climax is because the [-]-meter race has been the most important event in the Olympic Games for decades, and it is the embodiment of human beings on the limit of sports.

Of course, the great black lightning in Jamaica also added more legends to this project.

With him in the Olympic Games, there is basically no suspense for No. 1 in the [-]-meter race, and everyone else is here to compete for second.

And this year's [-]-meter trapeze competition, the black lightning has retired, and finally let the other players have their day.

The third group of this semi-final is very eye-catching, because surrounded by many European and American players, there is one only remaining Asian player.

He is a player from China, a Cantonese native, the holder of the Asian record, and his acceleration ability in the first 60 meters is among the best in the world.

Before that, no Asian could enter the [-]-meter final. If Su Shen can do it, then history will be made.

In order to witness this historic moment, Luo Quan had a hasty breakfast after waking up, and then took everyone to the game site.

Because the relationship is relatively strong, the position of watching the game is still relatively high.

And they went at just the right time, the second group had just ended, and the third group was preparing to play.

God Su's position is the fourth, which is not an auspicious number for Chinese people.

Many Huaxia netizens who watched the live broadcast complained that it is not a good sign that the track is not arranged.

But Su Shen's expression was very confident, and after the camera was shown to him, he waved enthusiastically, as if he had a winning ticket.

Soon, after getting the close-ups, the players walked to the starting blocks one after another.

It didn't take too long to prepare, and within ten seconds everyone was in position, and then the starting gun slapped.

"Game start!"

The people from Luoquan were at the scene, but they were still playing the commentary broadcast by Huaxia on their mobile phones.

"Su Shen is completely ahead!"

"Quick lead, 5 positions ahead!"

"Jacob is chasing after him, God Su hold on!"

"Keep swinging, and finally sprint!"

"Crossing the line at 9 seconds 81, 9 seconds 81, God Su took off!"


In the passionate commentary and the excited shouts of the audience, Su Shen won the first place in the semi-final group, and set a new Asian record with a revised time of 9 seconds.

He really made history!

During the whole sprinting process, Luo Quan's slender neck was stretched far, with a look of strength, wishing to lend some of his own strength to God Su.

Although her current speed can easily exceed nine seconds, seeing Su Shen becoming the first Asian to reach the [-]-meter final in decades, her heart is still full of excitement and pride.

This is probably the last normal Olympic Games. The sports in the finals are far from old faces, and the running data did not break the highest record of 9.58.

And Su Shen is probably the ceiling for Asian sprinters for a long time to come.

It is worth mentioning that in this final, except for Su Shen, who is of yellow race, all the others are black and there is not a single white person.

"History has been made!" After the game, Luo Quan excitedly posted a post with a photo of the scene.

Soon "Su Shen entered the white rice finals" became the number one hot search on Weibo, and the prefix was directly "explosive", which shows how terrifying the influence is.

And not only on Weibo, but almost all the related news on the Internet forums are maxed out. Entering the [-]-meter final is even more sensational than winning a gold medal in other events.

If he can win a medal this time, even if it is not a gold medal, it is estimated that public opinion at home and abroad will explode.

It is a pity that he may have consumed most of his energy in order to enter the final in the morning, and he only ran 9 seconds in the highly anticipated 98-meter final in the evening.


However, being able to break the ten-second mark in the final is already very powerful. For Asians, this is already a historic breakthrough and a great feat that can be recorded in history.

In Luo Quan's view, God Su is not the bottom three as some people say, but the sixth in the world!

At the same time, it is also No.14 in the history of the Olympic [-] meters, and there is no white man in front of it.

Su Shen used his personal experience to tell the world that maybe the race of the race really has an advantage in some projects, but the white race has absolutely no advantage over the yellow race.

So even though he didn't win the gold medal, God Su still made the Huaxia people feel proud, and domestic public opinion has already praised God Su to the sky.

But when it comes to a hero, an athlete who wins glory for the country, it is only natural to receive such praise.

In comparison, Luo Quan also hopes that people like Su Shen can earn more advertising endorsement fees.

Tonight belongs to God Su. Luo Quan posted a post on station b, so he didn't plan to go to Weibo to catch his popularity.

By the way, no new songs will be released, so that all the attention will be on Su Shen.

Of course, she's not being lazy.

Today Luo Quan went to bed earlier than usual, probably because he wanted to meet Bai Xingwei as soon as possible and start studying.

But after she realized Huanyu, she found that Bai Xingwei was not in the room.

Fortunately, the light curtain she said yesterday was already in front of her. This thing is like a palmtop computer as thin as a cicada's wings, and can even read her own mental fluctuations.

You only need to move your thoughts, and it can make corresponding operations.

Although the online world of Huanyu must be very exciting, Luo Quan still plans to learn Huanyu dialect before speaking.

It is worth mentioning that the grammar of Huanyu dialect and Chinese is quite similar, and it is not particularly difficult to learn.

Coupled with the assistance of the system, after watching the teaching video, I almost learned a lot.

But then she discovered that Huanyu dialect and Chinese have many similarities.

The first is the pronunciation of some words, and you can faintly hear some Chinese feeling.

In fact, ancient Chinese is very different from modern Chinese.

Chinese in the Warring States period has a lot of tongue-playing sounds. I didn’t know that I thought it was talking about crocodiles.

In the middle ages, that is, the Chinese in the Tang Dynasty sounds like Cantonese.

So now there is a saying on the Internet that reading Tang poetry in Cantonese may have a very similar charm to that of people reading Tang poetry at that time.

However, the gap between ancient Chinese and modern Chinese is very small, and most of the pronunciations are the same. Compared with Mandarin, it is more like a dialect.

As for Huanyu dialect, although it sounds like Chinese in Luoquan, it is different from ancient and medieval Chinese, and it is a brand new dialect.

But the rhymes are similar, and she can even tell the meaning of some Huanyu characters at a glance, because they are very similar to traditional Chinese characters.

After learning Huanyu dialect, Luo Quan even guessed that this civilization has something to do with the earth?
But these guesses can only be kept in her heart, she dare not tell anyone, she can only wait for a while to explore slowly.

At this moment, Bai Xingwei pushed the door open and entered.

Today she is wearing a long blue dress, her limbs are as white as jade, and her beautiful face exudes a confident smile.

"Still studying?" Bai Xingwei greeted Luo Quan when she saw Luo Quan.

"Well, I've been studying for a while, and the progress is not bad." Luo Quan fell back and rubbed his eyes pretending to be a little tired.

"It's a pity that your body is not here. Otherwise, you can use the knowledge chip directly to learn how to speak Huanyu dialect." Bai Xingwei shook her head lightly and said regretfully.

However, this function did not surprise Luo Quan too much, because it was the basic function of the system.

If it wasn't for the fact that the system hadn't recorded Huanyu dialect, she would have learned it by now.

"By the way, since you can learn knowledge with a single chip, what can the school teach you?" Luo Quan suddenly discovered this problem and asked curiously.

"Of course it's cultivation."

As Bai Xingwei said, she spread out her right hand, and a silver-white light appeared in the palm of her hand: "In our world view, everything can be cultivated.

Practicing martial arts, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, cooking, everything you can imagine can be practiced.

When you cultivate to a certain level, the surrounding environment will change because of you, which we call entering the Tao.

To give a simple example, for example, you are a painter, you have painted a landscape painting, and your painting skills have reached the level of Taoism.

Then your paintings will be realized, allowing those who appreciate the paintings to be on the scene and have a more realistic sensory impact on them! "

To be honest, when Luo Quan listened to Bai Xingwei's description, his world view was indeed greatly impacted.

It's nothing more than practicing martial arts. It's unbelievable that singing and dancing can also possess extraordinary power.

Then if she sang a song called "Luck Comes", wouldn't she just become the goddess of luck in place? It's a bit outrageous when you think about it.

But on a planet with extremely advanced technology, such a thing is really possible.

"Looking at you like this, there shouldn't be any cultivators on your home planet?" Bai Xingwei asked Luo Quan not to speak.

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "No, the strongest weapon in our area is the hydrogen bomb, atomic fusion, you know?"

"That's too backward." Bai Xingwei sighed for a while: "As far as I know, the symbol of a third-level civilization is the mastery of controllable nuclear fusion. Has your technology developed to this point now?"

"No." Luo Quan was bewildered.

She didn't learn physics well since she was a child. It is already very good to know that nuclear fusion is more powerful than nuclear fission. How can she know what controllable nuclear fusion is.

But at least the people on Earth must not have this at present, because a certain country can't understand how to deal with nuclear wastewater.

"Where is that person's force?" Bai Xingwei continued to ask.

The limit weightlifting record of human beings on earth is 477 kilograms, which is less than a thousand kilograms.

As for herself, she can easily break through one ton, but it is probably not enough to reach ten thousand catties.

After doing some calculations, Luo Quan gave a relatively conservative figure, that is, the strength of six thousand catties.

"That's not bad, it's already far beyond the level of practitioners in the Awakening Spiritual Realm, and it's at the first-class level among cultivators in the Bone-Building Realm."

Bai Xingwei was obviously very surprised by Luo Quan's strength. At first, he thought that he was just a cultivator at the Spirit Awareness Realm, but he didn't expect that he was already at the Bone-Building Realm.

For a civilization with only a second level, this is not an ordinary rarity.

"I'm a genius. There are not many people on my home planet who are at the same level as me."

To be precise, there is none, but hiding strength is a routine operation.

"By the way, how does Huanyu divide the realms of cultivators?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Bai Xingwei clicked out the relevant information on the smart computer, and said loudly: "The third level of heaven, earth and human, the lowest level of human beings, which are the spirit-awareness level, the bone-making level, and the blood-tempering level."

(End of this chapter)

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