Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 905 I can be a star too

Chapter 905 I can be a star too

"These three realms are the three stages for cultivators to develop their own bodies. There is almost no difficulty. As long as you study and practice seriously in school, you can reach the blood-tempering realm at worst when you graduate."

Bai Xingwei's tone was very relaxed, as if she had passed this stage long ago, with the tone of someone who has experienced it: "And the three realms of the earth level are the mortal transformation state, the soul enlightenment state, and the divine refinement state.

At this stage, you can obtain inheritance and comprehend supernatural powers. If it is on an ordinary planet, then flying into the sky, hiding from the ground, moving mountains and filling the sea is no problem.

As for the celestial ranks of Biechen, ascending to the immortal, and entering the Tao, it is still relatively far away for you now, so I won’t talk about it for now.

If you are interested in cultivation, let me tell you about the three realms of the earth level.

Unlike the human level, if you want to reach the earth level, you must have extraordinary talents and a large accumulation of cultivation resources, otherwise it is just a dream.

After tens of millions of years of genetic optimization, the citizens of the universe have no bottlenecks in their cultivation at the human level. As long as they accumulate spiritual power every day, it will be a matter of course.

For those human beings with low-level civilizations, it is difficult to step into the realm of spiritual awareness.

That's why you said that you come from a second-level civilization, but your strength is already at the bone-making level, so I'm so surprised. "

Luo Quan listened quietly to Bai Xingwei's narration, and finally asked curiously: "According to what you said, it is very difficult to reach the level of cultivation, so what should those people who are not talented enough do?"

Bai Xingwei shook her head lightly, said with a smile: "It seems that you didn't listen carefully enough just now, I said that everything can enter the Tao.

Even if you have no talent in martial arts, you can try other professions, such as singing, dancing, acting and so on.

Compared to working hard to practice martial arts, being a cosmic star is much easier. Sometimes having a good-looking face can be popular in all major star fields. By absorbing the wishes of admirers, one can also improve one's realm .

By the way, you said what you looked like before, but I didn't pay much attention. "

"Oh, I said that I am ordinary in appearance, not as beautiful as you."

"It's not as normal as I am. After all, there are not many girls in Shengtang Dynasty who are prettier than me." Bai Xingwei didn't look ugly at all, as if she was narrating a fact.

In Luo Quan's view, Bai Xingwei is indeed very beautiful.

"It doesn't matter if you look mediocre. Stars with only good looks are showy after all, and they won't be popular for long." Bai Xingwei comforted Luo Quan, wanting to encourage her not to be too obsessed with appearance.

"Speaking of which, I'm pretty good at singing, and I'm also good at acting." Luo Quan said full of expectation.

Bai Xingwei nodded: "Of course singing or being an actor can also enter the Tao, but just like practicing martial arts, it also depends on talent, hard work is definitely not enough.

So which line of work you are suitable for, we will talk about it when you come to Huanyuxing first. It is too early to talk about these things now. "

After speaking, Bai Xingwei stopped disturbing Luo Quan and asked her to watch the video and study by herself.

After Luo Quan learned Huanyu dialect, he discovered that the so-called Huanyu dialect was actually Shengtang Mandarin.

There are two official lingua francas of the Universal Civilization, one is Shengtang Mandarin, which is the language of the Shengtang Dynasty.

The other is the language of the God Blessed Federation.

The two languages ​​are completely different, and it took a lot of time for Luoquan to bless the language.

After mastering the two foreign languages ​​almost, the time to wake up is coming.

After saying goodbye to Bai Xingwei, Luo Quan opened his eyes.

The sun is shining and the spirit is half times.

The [-]-meter final ended yesterday, and the Olympic Games will gradually come to an end.

But today is a big day for her.

The final of the women's undifferentiated event is today, which means she will win the Olympic gold medal today.

Her opponent was from Northern Europe, and she was a woman as strong as a mountain.

She has a strong body that can participate in weightlifting, at least three laps older than Luo Quan, and can hold five of her.

In the eyes of the outside world, a female player of this size is the strongest in the world in normal seriousness.

However, the physique of each person cannot be generalized. Now Luo Quan can no longer analyze his combat effectiveness just by his body shape.

So even though her opponent is so large, most people are still optimistic about her easy gold.

As for the men's group on the other side, one is from the United States. It is a black fighter, nicknamed the Predator, who once set the world's first heavy punch record, with a weight of more than 800 kilograms.

The opponent is Iceland's Moktorn, who is also the holder of the world deadlift record.

Both of them are muscular men, which is in line with ordinary people's imagination of the strongest combat power.

The battle between the two took place before the women's group. It was like sparks hitting the earth, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Both of them are rough-skinned and thick-skinned players, but they are both very powerful, so it is difficult to knock down their opponents directly, and at the same time they beat their faces to pieces.

This time, it finally smelled like an octagonal cage, and the heads of the two of them and the ring were all covered with blood.

After the fight, the referee was a little scared, for fear that if the fight continued, it would kill someone.

Fortunately, this fighting match is round-based. After five rounds, the two were on the verge of falling, but they held on and did not fall. They were fighting entirely by willpower.

After the bell rang at the end of the game, the two who were fighting for life and death just now hugged each other and raised each other's hands in a friendly manner.

At this time, both players have been beaten into pig heads by the opponent, but even so, they still maintain great respect and friendliness for each other.

Such a scene that fits the Olympic spirit also made the audience feel moved while laughing.

This is what the Olympics should be like.

Of course, it would be nice if there was less bloodshed.

But there is no way, bloodshed in fighting games is common.

But it is indeed rare to see it like this.

In the end, Moktorn from Iceland had the highest comprehensive points, successfully won the men's championship, and was crowned the strongest man on earth.

After the men's group ended, it was time for the much-anticipated women's group.

No matter how many other sports there are at this time, people's eyes are drawn to this game.

Because this is Luo Quan's final, it will also be her coronation moment.

"I hope Luo Bao won't be labeled like that just now, it's too scary."

"Probably not. With Luo Quan's strength, he should be able to solve the opponent in the shortest time."

"Hurry up and release new songs, I can't wait!"

"Unfortunately, the champion of the women's group cannot fight the champion of the men's group, so that we can know who is stronger."

"It's really an interesting question."


In the live broadcast room, the audience posted bullet screens for discussion.

In the ring, Luo Quan had already put on braces and gloves as required by the competition.

After bumping fists to say hello to the opponent, the game officially began.

This contestant named Fayuna doesn't seem to be her fan, and she has been looking at her coldly since she entered the ring, very unfriendly.

Seeing this, Luo Quan didn't intend to talk nonsense to her, he directly opened to the second door, and then rushed up to put a stick on the mountain.

The power of this reliance can be compared with that of a dump truck.

Fayuna's physique is not much worse than that of Moktorn, with rough skin and thick flesh, and a strong body.

Being hit by Luo Quan like this, he turned red and resisted.

But it was only for a moment, and Luo Quan, who was held back, bent his body back, like a bent bow, and quickly bounced back.

Faced with two violent impacts in a short period of time, Fayuna couldn't bear it no matter how strong her physique was. Luo Quan directly knocked her whole body into the air, and then slid several meters on the ground.

Seeing that she still remembered, Luo Quan rushed up and tapped her temple with one finger.

Being able to click here means that it can kill you.

Sure enough, Fayuna stopped struggling.

The referee immediately stepped forward: "I declare that the winner of this competition is Luo Quan!"

The audience cheered thunderously, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of "Wuhu", "Awesome" and the like.

More than ten minutes later, Luo Quan changed into the Chinese athletes' uniform, wore an olive branch crown, and stood on the top of the podium.

This beautiful appearance made many fans call for unlocking the new look.

Putting on the gold medal, music sounded in the venue, and Luo Quan stared at the slowly rising red flag and sang loudly.

At this moment, she was extremely proud in her heart.

When she was a child watching the Olympics, she thought about when she could win glory for the country.

When she grew up, she thought it was just a child's good wish, and it was impossible to realize it.

But now, the dream has come true!
Later, when interviewing reporters, Luo Quan thanked many people.

She thanked almost everything she could think of, and she was so excited that she couldn't remember how she got back to the hotel.

I only know that I have accepted many, many interviews and mentioned many people.

When she returned to the hotel and turned on her mobile phone, she saw the trending search for "Luoquan wins gold strongly", and she even felt a little unreal.

But whenever she felt this way, she would take out the gold medal and fiddle with it in her palm.

In an instant, this feeling of unreality will disappear without a trace.

When all the fans were extremely excited, Luo Quan completely ignited the fire in everyone's hearts.

The sixth new song of the album, "Broad Sea and Sky" was released. (Original singer: BEYOND)

A very inspiring Cantonese song.

Although fans don't know why the new song is in Cantonese, this is not the first time Luo Quan has spoken in Cantonese.

The key point is that this Cantonese song is really suitable for the occasion. After listening to it, people's blood boils, as if no matter how difficult or setback they are, they can no longer stop them.

The arrangement of the song is simple and unpretentious, and the lyrics do not have any gorgeous words. They are the most down-to-earth language.

But it is such an ordinary song that brings a touch beyond everything, which makes people cry.

Also because of this explosive song, two news items beginning with the word "explosive" appeared on Weibo hot searches.

One is that Luo Quan wins the gold strongly, and the other is that the sea and the sky are broad.

In the comment area of ​​​​Broad Sea and Sky, there is such a comment:
"This may not be Luo Quan's mental journey, because she was really relaxed along the way, and her overwhelming strength allowed her to win this gold medal without any suspense.

So I think this song is sung to all the athletes who participated in the Olympic Games.

A few years ago, we were called the sick men of East Asia, and were looked down upon by foreigners. A hundred years ago, we participated in the Olympic Games, and only sent one person to participate in the race, and the results were not satisfactory.

At that time, who would have thought that a hundred-meter flying man would appear in the figure of a Chinese man a hundred years later!
But who would have imagined at that time that this ancient oriental country, which was still going through war and was ravaged by foreign powers, would be able to come to the second place in the Olympic medal list after a hundred years!

At that time, who would have thought that this ancient oriental country could even host an Olympic Games that shocked the world in its own capital!
The sea and the sky are bright, the greatest inspiration is this! "

This comment has received 50 likes, and this number is still soaring. It is not difficult to see the trend breaking through 100 million.

Many celebrities also forwarded it one after another, expressing their inner feelings.

In fact, Luoquan winning the gold medal is not a particularly surprising historic moment, but it is accompanied by this song, and Su Shen broke into the [-]-meter trapeze final yesterday.

Too many elements, after the release of "Broad Sea and Sky", completely ushered in an explosion.

This netizen's comments and other netizens' likes are just a form of explosion.

In addition to these, there are also discussions on the Olympic Games in major forums, which have also reached a peak.

As the central figure of the event, Luo Quan, of course, also gained a huge amount of traffic.

However, for her, who was originally a top-notch in China, these traffics only allowed her to appear a few more entries on the hot search and stay for a while.

Of course, having traffic is definitely a good thing, Luo Quan never refuses the chance to be famous.

And this is not the only good thing she encountered tonight.

In the United States on the other side of the ocean, because of the words of the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the US stock market has skyrocketed.

Luo Quan didn't know if this was manipulating the stock price. The old man just used one sentence to make the U.S. stock market skyrocket, attracting a large number of retail investors to enter the market, hoping to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

But Luo Quan did not act rashly.

Because the old man's words can make the stock price skyrocket, and it can also make the stock price plummet.

If you buy today, maybe he will give another speech tomorrow, and then it will fall for several days. Wouldn't it be a loss?
Of course, there is a high probability that this will not happen.

But Luo Quan didn't like the feeling that his fate was controlled by others.

So even though she had a lot of spare money on hand, she decided to put it in the bank to earn interest.

However, what she didn't expect was that with the skyrocketing US stock market, her task of earning 200 billion US dollars was finally achieved.

The credit goes to her shares in Nikola.

The company is developing rapidly, and the stock is rising gratifyingly, creating a lot of wealth for her every day.

And this time the stock soared, and the amount of money she made finally broke through the 200 billion US dollar mark.

Although not all of them are cash, as long as they are their own assets, they can be counted.

After the task is completed, there is no waiting for a period of time before settlement as in the past.

The reward was quickly distributed to Luo Quan's personal space.

This time, she really made a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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