Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 906 Charm beyond imagination

Chapter 906 Charm beyond imagination

ps. The number of chapters in the previous chapter was wrong, but it does not affect reading


"Congratulations to the host for completing the epic task of earning 200 billion US dollars, getting three advanced random draws, getting a voluntary attribute improvement card, a random attribute improvement card, and an appearance improvement card!"

This is the time that Luo Quan has received the most rewards. There are three high-level random draws alone, and there are also very rare optional attribute cards.

Of course, it took her nearly two years to finally do it.

If it wasn't for the heavy investment in Nikola at the beginning, I am afraid that half of the task may not be completed by now.

"Lucky draw! Let's see what good things we can draw this time."

Luo Quan rubbed his hands together, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he fired three consecutive shots.

"Congratulations to the host, you have drawn the optional attribute energy slot filler!"

"Draw a large storage ring!"

"Draw any door charging device!"


Looking at these three rewards, Luo Quan felt extremely complicated.

It would be great if this arbitrary door and arbitrary device could come sooner, so she wouldn't have to wait so long.

But in the end, it still saved her some time, which is definitely better than not coming.

The large storage ring can hold 100 cubic items, excluding living things.

This is much larger than the storage space that comes with the system, it is equivalent to a small portable warehouse, absolutely use it.

As for the optional attribute energy slot filler, it is a very rare high-level prop, but there is a threshold for using it, that is, the optional attribute must have an energy slot for it to fill.

And she currently has only one energy bar, and that is her appearance.

No need to think about it, just use it directly on this.

It is worth mentioning that the energy tank filler is one-time, and the number of grids that can be increased is also random, ranging from three to twelve grids.

But fortunately, there is a bottom-guaranteed mechanism, at least three cards can be topped, no matter how bad the luck is, it is acceptable.

And Luoquan's luck has always been good, every critical moment, it will have an effect.

After the filler started working, the energy slots under 【Yueying】began to be filled one by one.

After a full ten jumps, the energy gauge finally stopped moving, and it was only one step away from filling up the upgrade.

Luo Quan used the only appearance-enhancing card.

With a sound of "hum", the energy of the twelve grids was filled.

In the column of appearance, the words [Yueying] gradually disappeared, replaced by [The Charm of the Stars], the abbreviation is [Star Charm].

After being promoted, Luo Quan immediately opened his eyes and looked in the mirror.

There are indeed changes!
The first is the eyes, although they are still black, but in the depths of the black, you can actually see twinkling stars, as if special effects of stars have been added.

And if you stare at it all the time, it seems that there is a kind of magic that makes people fall into it. Luo Quan himself can't help but praise how beautiful it is.

The second is the overall temperament. In Luo Quan's opinion, it has been improved a lot, and there is a feeling of turning stone into gold.

It's like a commodity being put from a normal booth to a high-end booth.

Things are the same, but the atmosphere is suddenly different.

Her current appearance has reached the point where it cannot be improved, but what can be improved is the perception of beauty by outsiders, which is an influence on the subconscious.

At the level of [Star Charm], it is estimated that no one can resist her charm.

However, this beauty is only destined to be appreciated by her alone.

After looking in the mirror for a while, Luo Quan exchanged for a human skin mask in the mall.

This thing can cover the original face and make fine adjustments on the original basis.

Originally, this was used for beauty treatment, allowing people to pinch their faces to become more beautiful without changing their heads.

But for Luo Quan now, no matter how you pinch it, it will become ugly, so there is no need to use it before that.

But now it becomes necessary.

Huanyuxing is a completely strange world, and there are countless people who are stronger than him.

Without being able to protect himself, what if he appeared on the street with his good looks.

The probability of becoming a big star is one percent, and the probability of disappearing within 5 minutes is 90.00% nine!

Luo Quan does not believe that Huanyuxing is a utopia where everyone abides by the law and no crime occurs.

To speculate on others with the greatest malice is a very practical rule of survival for a foreigner like her.

And in addition to the mask, a corset is also very necessary.

Being too good is sometimes more prone to accidents than being beautiful.

Of course, these are still part of the preparation work. She still has a few things to do at hand, and there is no rush to recharge any door.

After drawing prizes and improving his appearance, Luo Quan lay down and fell asleep, and at the same time, his consciousness came to Bai Xingwei's room again.

"You're a bit late this time." Bai Xingwei was lying on the bed reading a book, her tender feet dangling gently, like swaying pearls.

"I have some important things to do, so I delayed for a while." Luo Quan explained.

There is no need to learn the language today, because she has almost learned it.

"Can I ask you something, what are the hard currencies on Huanyu Planet, or what minerals are more valuable?"

If you have money, you can travel all over the world, but you can't walk without money.

Seeing that I'm going to this place soon, I don't know what is worth, maybe the earth also has it, and when the time comes, wouldn't it be easy to eat and drink with some?
Bai Xingwei obviously understood Luo Quan's meaning, and smiled slightly: "Almost all the minerals in the universe can be bought on Huanyuxing, and most of them are at the price of cabbage.

Those really valuable minerals are probably impossible to find with the technological level of your home planet. It is best to bring some high-concentration gold. This should be the best high-value mineral to find. "

This answer did not exceed Luo Quan's expectations.

Gold is indeed a hard currency in the true sense, because its quantity is constant throughout the universe, and if one piece is mined, one piece will be lost, and it will be valuable wherever it is placed.

But Bai Xingwei mentioned a high concentration, and it is not clear how high it needs to be.

And she can't get too much gold in a short time, so she can only go to the bank to exchange a few boxes of gold bars first.

"By the way, how is the security of Huanyuxing?" Luo Quan asked this question that she was very concerned about again.

And Bai Xingwei grinned: "Are you kidding me? This is the mother planet of universal civilization!

Let me tell you this, no one dares to commit crimes on the street, and the safety of life and property of all citizens will be guaranteed by the sacred and just code of law.

Of course, you are an outsider and are not within the scope of protection of the law, but who would think of you, a person from a remote country?

So Ann, don't worry about that. "

"If you say that, then I'm relieved." Luo Quan nodded slightly, but he was even more sure that he couldn't take off the mask on his face.

Nima outsiders are not protected by the law. Doesn't that mean that citizens can do whatever they want to outsiders?

If the mask is taken off, who knows what will happen.

"You asked so clearly, is the main body coming soon?" At this time, Bai Xingwei recalled Luo Quan's question and asked quickly.

"Basically, it should be about two or three days." Luo Quan nodded, "I will keep in touch with you in the past few days, if I don't come one night, it means that I should have arrived in Huanyu."

"Then I have to make preparations in advance." Bai Xingwei stood up, looking very happy.

"You seem very excited?" Luo Quan looked at her curiously.

"Can you not be excited, you are the only outsider who can live in my house!"

Bai Xingwei sat on the edge of the bed, showing a smile: "I'm not afraid of you laughing, you may be one of the peers I chatted with the most since I was a child.

Adults are always busy with their own affairs, thinking that giving me the best is love for me, but they never chat with me.

They don't know what I like to eat, what I like to play, and they are unwilling to understand my hobbies and wishes.

Every birthday, I put out a list of treasures for me to pick at will, but I never take the initiative to choose and give it to me by hand.

As for my peers in school, some are afraid of me, some are flattering to me, and some are jealous of me, but there is no one like you who is neither humble nor overbearing, and gets along with me in a true sense of equality.

So, strictly speaking, you can be regarded as the first friend in my 18 years of life. "

"Ah." Luo Quan muttered softly, "Then you have to call me sister, I'm already 22 this year."

Bai Xingwei laughed: "Want to be my sister? You don't have the ability yet. I'm in school, and a whole grade of students, regardless of age, call me sister. Do you know why?"

"Because you look old?" Luo Quan scratched his head.

Bai Xingwei's face twitched: "Because I can fight, our school has five grades, and I am the prefect of the second grade!

I am the inheritance of the Sword Immortal. I became enlightened at the age of five, made bones at the age of seven, quenched the blood at the age of ten, and got rid of the mortal body at the age of 12. I am only one step away from God's refining!

Bai Xingwei has probably said this passage many times, it is called fluent, and the last one who is so fluent is called Daenerys.

"Okay, okay, I know you are very good, if you enter the school in the future, you can take care of me, the prefect."

"It's good to know that I'm good." Bai Xingwei raised her chin lightly, "Just follow me, and you'll be well-fed and hot in the future!"

Although this is what he said, Luo Quan would not be so stupid as to pin everything on Bai Xingwei.

To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself. No matter how powerful someone is, it belongs to them. Only when you become stronger can you have complete autonomy. Otherwise, you may be restricted everywhere in the future.

Of course, Bai Xingwei must not let Bai Xingwei know these words, as long as she is clear in her heart.

After waking up the next day, Luo Quan asked everyone for their opinions, and then booked a flight back to Huaxia.

It has been almost a month since I came to Tokyo, I have entered the secret realm, and I have won the gold medal. It is time to go back.

As for the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, she had been waiting for the organizer to invite her to sing.

Even if she doesn't give money, she is willing to sing two songs, which can be regarded as satisfying the wishes of Japanese fans.

But if the organizer didn't mention a word, then there was nothing to say, and I didn't bother to put a hot face on a cold ass.

It has nothing to do with her how the closing ceremony is done, anyway, she is not the one who gets scolded.

In order to avoid Hinata's fans coming to the airport to block her, Luo Quan did not tell anyone when she left, and only sent a Weibo after arriving at Shang Hai:
"I have already returned to Shanghai, please don't be sad because of my departure."

Although I told the fans not to be sad, Luo Quan's leaving without saying goodbye still made them a little uncomfortable.

But Luo Quan's style is like this, apologizing is one thing, but what to do after an apology is still what to do, there is no such thing as soft heart.

If there were, she would not have fled from Tokyo in the first place.

So even though he left without saying goodbye, the fans adapted relatively quickly, after all, this is not the first time.

After returning to Shanghai, Luo Quan first went to the bank to buy two boxes, a total of 1000 catties, and spent less than [-] million.

It’s not too much, so take it there first to see if it can be used, and if you are sure it can be used, you can exchange it for more after you come back.

In addition, she also went to the supermarket to buy a lot of canned food, self-heating rice and mineral water.

Others have a few bags at a time, but she has one box at a time, just like going to a supermarket to buy goods.

When Luo Quan returned home with a cart full of things, Ang was surprised: "Sister, is the end of the world coming? Why did you buy so much food?"

"It's not really coming, so prepare more!" Wen Xia knew that Luo Quan would not do meaningless things, there must be a reason for buying so much food all of a sudden.

"Don't be nervous." Luo Quan waved his hand, "I just want to go back to the mountains in my hometown, and prepare more food, so as to avoid running out to buy it when I run out of food."

Leon was puzzled: "Why do you go back to your hometown well?"

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "I'm going to break through, you should know that when the level is raised, the spiritual energy in the body will generate a lot of movement.

The higher the level, the greater the movement. At my level, I am afraid that the situation will change after I break through. In order to avoid panic, it is better to go to the mountains. "

This explanation is reasonable and completely flawless.

"So I'm going to go to the mountain for a while, you don't have to worry too much, it can be done in a month or two at the earliest, and in three or four months at the longest."

Luo Quan moved all these goods into the garage and prepared to be packed and sent back to his hometown tomorrow.

"I have a question." Leon raised his hand.


Leon: "Why don't you buy it at the Yuzhou Supermarket, and then you can send it to the mountains directly when you buy it."

Luo Quan: "..."

She originally thought that she had already considered many details, such as generators, various nutritional supplements for trace elements, even medicines for treating common diseases, and oxygen cylinders.

But I didn't expect that these things can also be bought in Yuzhou.

After working for such a long time, it is like taking off his pants and farting.

"Oh, don't worry about these details, it's a big deal to pay a little more for the delivery fee." Luo Quan waved his hand, signaling to my brother not to worry so much, everything is under her control.

"Okay, you have the final say on how much money you have." Leon chuckled, thinking that the old lady was sometimes confused.

(End of this chapter)

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