Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 908 Can You Touch Me?

Chapter 908 Can You Touch Me
In the five major star fields, east, west, north, south, and middle, the civilization of the universe rules nearly one-thousandth of the territory of the central star field.

It may not sound like much, but it is the third largest territory in known civilization.

The universe is really too vast, even the invincible ninth-level civilization can only occupy and explore a very small part of the place.

But such a small part is already huge beyond human cognition.

The reason why I said so much is because everything in front of me once again made Bai Xingwei realize how many miracles she couldn't understand in the universe.

There are countless trillions of subjects in the civilization of the universe. Bai Xingwei thinks that she is not the most beautiful, but she is definitely the most beautiful.

However, when Dagu revealed her true face, Bai Xingwei finally realized what is truly beautiful.

It was so beautiful that it could make the stars eclipse, time stood still because of her smile, and the sun seemed so dim under her brilliance.

Those eyes, as bright as the midsummer night sky, made Bai Xingwei forget to breathe for three whole heartbeats.

After a while, Bai Xingwei said viciously: "If I were a man, I would have you even if I died!"

"So, that's why I wear a mask, now you can understand?" Luo Quan stroked his somewhat messy blond hair, and then smoothed the bangs on his forehead.

Ever since her appearance reached Yueying, her face has been wearing makeup that weakens her appearance.

Today is the first time to show her true colors to others. Judging from Bai Xingwei's performance, the appearance of Xingmei level is indeed extraordinary.

Bai Xingwei shook her head and sighed: "I really didn't expect that a second-level civilization could give birth to a character like you, it's totally unreasonable genetically!
Compared with you, those beauties who have undergone countless genetic optimizations are like dry and narrow lakes next to the vast sea, not at the same level at all! "

"This is the miracle of life, everything is possible." Luo Quan said and untied the corset again.

Just like what Bai Xingwei said, Luoquan is like a vast ocean, including her heart of course.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this figure." The envy in Bai Xingwei's eyes was almost beyond words.

This curved S is almost perfect, which is the dream of all girls.

Bai Xingwei herself is almost an I, no matter how hard she tries to make up, it's useless. After seeing Luo Quan's figure, she also laments why God is so unfair when she sees Luo Quan's figure.

How could such a superb stunner appear in a second-level civilization?

"So, now you still blame me for not daring to show my true colors?" Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei and asked with a smile.

"It was my fault, wearing a mask was really the best option."

Bai Xingwei admitted her mistake, but quickly said: "But in today's Shengtang Dynasty, it doesn't really matter if you don't wear it.

If it was hundreds of years ago, if you appeared on the street like this, you would probably be sent to the palace as a concubine in a short time.

But that's definitely not going to happen now. "

"Why?" Luo Quan was curious.

Bai Xingwei laughed: "Because the first emperor passed away hundreds of years ago, and a female emperor succeeded him.

And even though this empress is not yet married, even if she wants to find a harem, she will choose from a bunch of handsome guys, no matter how beautiful you are, it doesn't matter. "

"Empress!" Luo Quan was a little surprised.

She knew that the Shengtang Dynasty was still a feudal system, and everything was decided by the emperor, but she never thought that a woman could be an emperor, and she sounded so young.

"By the way, in the Holy Tang Dynasty, no matter male or female, as long as they are the eldest sons, can they succeed to the throne?"

Bai Xingwei nodded and replied: "Of course, our Shengtang Dynasty treats men and women equally. Our women are no worse than men in all aspects, and of course their rights and obligations are equal."

"As expected of a level nine civilization, it's really advanced." Luo Quan gave a thumbs up directly.

"Look at you, your country is where men are superior to women." Bai Xingwei chuckled, "This concept was overthrown in the Tang Dynasty 10,000+ years ago."

"How should I put it, my country was indeed like this in the past." Luo Quan replied helplessly, "It's probably the other way around now, but it hasn't reached the level of a female venerable. It can only be said that the polarization is more serious."

"Extreme things will be reversed. If polarization really starts, sooner or later it will cause backlash."

Bai Xingwei said, took out a light screen and pressed it twice.

"What is this, a mobile phone?" Luo Quan looked at the object in Bai Xingwei's hand that looked like a mobile phone.

"This is the Shenlong brand optical machine, which is composed of tiny photonic components, adjustable in size, and available on demand.

As for the functions, there are many. After connecting to the universe Internet, you can know the big and small news in the universe without leaving home. In addition, you can enjoy various videos and music, chat with netizens in the universe, watch live broadcasts, etc... ..."

After listening to Bai Xingwei's explanation, Luo Quan shouted directly: "Isn't this just a mobile phone, give me one too!"

"You want it?" Bai Xingwei chuckled, "This is the latest generation of the third-generation Shenlong optical machine, which is not cheap for ordinary people."

"Then... do you want to buy this little gold?" Luo Quan took out a box of gold from the storage space.

"What is so much enough for?"

Bai Xingwei laughed, and sat closer to Luoquan: "Actually, I can give you one, and then help you prepay the tariff for ten years."

Luo Quan frowned: "It's so good, is there a condition?"

"Of course." Bai Xingwei rubbed her hands and said, "I'm really curious about how such a beautiful face feels, so can you let me touch it?"

"I can figure it out!" Luo Quan jumped up directly from the bed, "What do you think of me, am I the kind of frivolous woman who sells her soul for a little profit? You look down on me too much!
I haven't been touched much since I was a child, especially on the face! "

"I just touched my face, and I didn't touch other places. Is there a need for such a big reaction." Bai Xingwei also pouted.

"Xingwei, you misunderstood." Luo Quan suddenly put on another sly smile: "This is the first time I have been touched by others, and I need to pay more!"

Bai Xingwei was dumbfounded, she didn't expect to say something like this: "I thought you were so guarded like a jade."

"You said it yourself, it's just a touch of the face, and there is no loss." Luo Quan smiled naturally.

"Then if I give some more money, can I touch other places?" Bai Xingwei had a whim.

"Impossible, I'm not so poor yet." Luo Quan shook his head like a rattle.

Bai Xingwei didn't speak, but just reached out and pinched Luo Quan's face.

It was indeed quite cool and smooth, like glazed white jade, and being so close, Bai Xingwei could smell a faint fragrance from Luo Quan's body.

It's a strange scent, but it smells surprisingly good and has a special charm.

"It's really top quality." After touching for about 2 minutes, Bai Xingwei finally put her hand off Luo Quan's face and sighed.

"Guangji, I'll give you a brand new one later, and I'll deposit [-] universe star coins in Guangji's account, enough for you to squander for a while."

"Thank you then." Luo Quan smiled satisfied, and then prepared to put the mask back on his face.

Bai Xingwei stopped her behavior: "There is not much difference between you wearing this mask and not wearing it. It is okay to deceive ordinary people, but if you have good eyesight, you will be seen through directly.

Later, I will give you a jade earring, which can help you cover up your breath and real appearance, and you will never be able to see it if you are not a top expert. "

"It won't be very expensive, right?" Luo Quan asked cautiously.

"It's free." Bai Xingwei glanced at Luo Quan speechlessly, "Of course, if you're honest enough, you can also keep accounts."

"The decoration of your bedroom is pretty good." Luo Quan immediately started to play dumb.

Bai Xingwei laughed angrily when she saw this scene, how could this person be more cunning than a fox.

10 minutes later, the earrings and light machine arrived.

"Here, it's all yours." Bai Xingwei threw the two objects over.

Luo Quan had never had his ears pierced, and was worried that he might not be able to wear them.

Fortunately, this white jade earring is not the pierced type, but can be directly attached to the earlobe.

In this way, she doesn't need to have her ears pierced, and she is actually quite afraid of pain.

After wearing it, Luo Quan's appearance dropped suddenly, and returned to the level when he was just promoted to Yue Ying, and the extremely charming temperament on his body disappeared.

"This effect is really miraculous." Luo Quan praised sincerely.

This earring solves one of her big worries, and she will no longer have to make up and look ugly every moment.

After fiddling with the earrings, Luo Quan turned his attention to the optical machine.

This is a round transparent light sheet, very thin, and it feels not much heavier than a feather when you hold it in your hand.

"You can complete the registration by connecting with it with your consciousness, and you can understand all the functions with a single finger movement." Bai Xingwei taught Luoquan how to use the optical machine.

It sounds very sci-fi, but this thing is actually not much different from a mobile phone.

It's just that compared to mobile phones, it's easier to control, and you can issue commands with just a thought. It's just a device for lazy people.

She is ready to do some research later, but there is one thing she has to ask right now: "Speaking of which, you asked me to come here before and wanted to arrange a mission for me. Can you tell me what the mission is now?"

"For the time being, I have to hold back. You are too weak now, and it is useless to say it."

Bai Xingwei still didn't tell Luo Quan the business: "Besides, it's too early to leave school, we are all on summer vacation."

Luo Quan was surprised: "What a coincidence? My place is also on summer vacation, but school starts in one month."

Bai Xingwei smiled: "Huanyuxing's summer vacation lasts for one year, and it just started ten days ago."

"One year?" Luo Quan was stunned, "How could it be so long!"

"Because the lifespan of our Huanyu stars is too long, generally more than a few thousand years old, there is no need to be so urgent about studying, and all kinds of vacations will be longer."

Bai Xingwei's words made Luo Quan envious immediately.

It's not because of such a long vacation, after all, she is basically on vacation every day on Earth.

What she envied was the common lifespan of several thousand years or more. For the people on earth, this was almost equivalent to the civilization of the entire human being.

Bai Xingwei seemed to see through Luo Quan's thoughts, and said with a smile: "There is no need to be envious, as long as you can break through to the realm, you can also increase your lifespan by at least 1000 years, and the higher your cultivation level, the longer your lifespan."

"I know this. Cultivation will definitely make people live longer." Luo Quan was not too surprised by this.

Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals, isn't it a matter of longevity?

When the realm is improved, the energy in the body will be filled, and the lifespan will naturally increase.

Immortal cultivation is included in the entire cultivation system. In a place as rich in aura as Huanyuxing, cultivation is the easiest thing to do.

Therefore, the average level of people here is high, and their life expectancy is also long.

"By the way, can you tell what level I am now?" Luo Quan spread his hands out, wondering what level he had cultivated to.

"In the middle stage of the Bone-making Realm, half of the spiritual bones in the body have been formed. After two years of accumulation, you will be able to step into the Blood Tempering Realm steadily."

Bai Xingwei was very confident in her eyesight, and came to a conclusion after scanning herself.

This was indeed the case, but Luo Quan couldn't see it himself.

As for what she said about another two years, Luo Quan felt that she had underestimated herself.

In the environment of the earth, she has the strength of the middle stage of bone formation in less than a year.

Now at Huanyu Star, the surrounding spiritual power has skyrocketed by more than a thousand times, and her advancement speed will only be faster.

Don't say two years, I'm afraid it won't be used for a year!
Luo Quan is confident that it is not impossible to reach the late stage of the Blood Tempering Realm before the end of the summer vacation, and even break through to Fanshui!

Of course, these are still big words before they are done, and they cannot be said to Bai Xingwei for the time being.

In case the flag is set, but the end of the summer vacation fails, then you will not be laughed to death.

So, it's still time to fight steadily and don't rush for quick success.

"By the way, your name shouldn't be Dagu?" Bai Xingwei suddenly asked Luo Quan.

"How do you know?" Luo Quan laughed.

"The face is fake, the body is fake, and the name is mostly fake. Tell me, what is your real name?"

Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and looked at Luo Quan.

Those piercing eyes seem to be able to see through everything is a lie.

"My name is Luo Quan."

"Luoquan, Luoshui is a spring, the name is as beautiful as yours." Bai Xingwei sighed.

In the legend of the Tang Dynasty, there was a river called "Luo" on the land who did not know how many years ago.

In the river lived a goddess whose beauty amazed the gods.

In the past, Bai Xingwei thought it was just a legend, but she never expected to meet a real person one day.

Growing up so big, she has never seen a few women who dare to be surnamed Luo and have water in their names.

In the naming rules of the Holy Tang Dynasty, the surname Luo followed by water refers to Luoshui.

It was a name that a peerless beauty would dare to call.

One popped up today, but it lives up to its name.

"Are you hungry, do you want to try Huanyuxing's famous dishes?" Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan, pulled his hand from left to right, and a variety of dishes appeared in front of Luo Quan's eyes.

"It doesn't matter which one you want to eat, it doesn't matter if you don't know each other, the taste is not bad, I invite you, and I won't charge you."

Bai Xingwei said generously with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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