Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 909 I am a talented holster

Chapter 909 I'm a Talented Leather Man
The alien's lunch was not as weird as Luo Quan imagined, and there were no bugs, fungi, or arthropods that she didn't know.

It's just a piece of meat steak that smells delicious, plus a stir-fried vegetable that she doesn't know. It tastes more spicy, but she likes a little spicy.

As for the staple food, it is also a grain that looks similar to rice, but it is fuller than ordinary dani.

Luo Quan stuffed a ball into his mouth, and his lips and tongue were instantly filled with a fresh fragrance. The taste was soft and elastic. The rice was so delicious that he didn't even need to eat it.

"How about it, you don't have such delicious food there, right?" Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan with a little superiority in her words.

"Indeed, the taste of the ingredients is completely different."

As Luo Quan said, he took a bite of the steak and found it very chewy. The salty juice splashed in his mouth, just like eating a soup dumpling.

After she swallowed it, she still couldn't get enough of it and said: "The chef has also mastered the heat very well, and controlled the tenderness and chewiness of the meat to a perfect balance. The cooking skills are very good!"

"Of course, my chef is a gold medal chef in the Divine Refining Realm." Bai Xingwei smiled, and asked again: "I heard you speak clearly and logically. You also have a lot of research on cooking."

Luo Quan nodded: "Cooking is one of the life skills I'm good at."

"Then you have a chance to cook and try your hand at it."

"No problem." Luo Quan gestured ok, and then continued to cook.

In the process of cooking, Bai Xingwei zoomed in on the optical machine and played today's Huanyu Express.

The headline was that the daughter of a rich man from across the star domain in the Holy Federation married a poor boy.

Although this poor boy comes from an ordinary family background, he is extremely talented in martial arts. He has reached the Soul Enlightenment Realm at a young age. It can be said that he has unlimited potential.

But the most important point is that the couple met on campus and fell in love freely. The woman rejected the arranged marriage at home and decided to marry the man.

So the rich man could only follow his daughter's wish and hold this grand wedding for her.

"Miss Fu's falling in love with a poor scholar doesn't just happen in story books." Luo Quan joked after reading it.

"You think too much."

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "The water poured out by the married daughter, if Miss Lika obeys the arrangement of the family to marry another young master from a rich family, it will be difficult to fight for her own property.

And if the person to marry is a poor boy without any background, then he can come to the house as a surrogate son-in-law, and Miss Lika can justifiably stay at home and continue to fight for family property with her more than 100 brothers and sisters. "

"Miss you know her?" Luo Quan was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns.

Bai Xingwei said in a deep voice: "It's my senior sister. She just graduated from the school I'm studying at this year. His newly married husband is also a well-known genius in the school. I thought he would take the martial arts exam, but I didn't expect to take a shortcut. .

With his father-in-law as a backer, he will save at least 500 years of struggle in his official career in the future! "

Luo Quan said suspiciously: "I thought that being a son-in-law would be looked down upon by others, and being an official is even more wishful thinking."

"That's old history, what is looked down upon is soft food, and the son-in-law depends on whether you are self-motivated after you marry.

Speaking of which, my father planned to arrange a marriage for me a while ago, to find a son-in-law, but unfortunately, there was nothing more in less than a month. "Bai Xingwei shook her head after she finished speaking, looking very disappointed.

Luo Quan was startled: "Why, you don't have to worry about finding a son-in-law with this condition?"

Bai Xingwei sighed and said, "I didn't intend to recruit a son-in-law, my family forced me to do so, so I took half a step back and used martial arts to recruit relatives.

I don't care how young you are when you come to the competition, but you can't be three years older than me.

A few days ago, there was an endless stream, but unfortunately most of them couldn't even take one move from me, and a few masters came one after another, and there were even classmates from my school, but none of them were my opponents.

It went on like this for a month, and finally no one came to me for a martial arts competition, and then the good-for-nothing people in the imperial capital nicknamed me the White Widow, mocking me for being too fierce and doomed to be a widow for life. "

"Aren't you going to find out the person who gave you the nickname?" Luo Quan hardened his fist when he heard this.

What she hates the most in her life is this kind of people who take ugly nicknames, she can't bear it!

Bai Xingwei, on the other hand, couldn't see any anger at all, instead she grinned: "I quite like it, and a bad name can avoid a lot of troubles, at least now my family doesn't urge me to get married."

"You really have a big heart." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed, "By the way, you are so powerful, what level is it now? You said it last time, but I forgot."

"Half-step divine training, only a short distance from refining the Avatar, and becoming a master who is qualified to walk the stars!"

Bai Xingwei put her hands on her hips, feeling very unhappy.

"Who is Avatar?" As a newcomer, Luo Quan couldn't get her complacency at all, and felt a little bit unclear.

Bai Xingwei did not lose enthusiasm because of Luo Quan's incomprehension, but continued to explain: "Supernatural power is a special ability, one is born with innate supernatural powers, and can also obtain supernatural powers through artifacts.

In the God Bless Federation, supernatural powers are also called god-given skills, or supernatural skills for short.

Theoretically, everyone's supernatural powers are unlimited, but it takes a lot of resources to awaken the innate supernatural powers or inherit the artifact supernatural powers.

Most of the students with no family background can have a chance to awaken their innate supernatural powers for free at school, and if their grades are excellent, they can also get many artifacts that contain supernatural powers.

In addition, it doesn't cost much to test for supernatural powers. If you find out that you have a very good supernatural power, you can even attract some family or government funding. "

"Then can you check it for me too?" Luo Quan said excitedly.

If it was found out that it was some kind of awesome supernatural power, wouldn't she have no worries about food and clothing?

"Yes, yes, but I don't have such equipment at home, so I can go to the nearby Valkyrie Temple for testing.

You change your clothes, I will take you there. "

As Bai Xingwei said, she opened her closet.

This wardrobe looks ordinary on the outside, but when it is opened, the clothes inside are endless, as if it is connected to a different world.

Bai Xingwei clicked on the optical machine a few times, and several flying robots in the closet brought out the clothes.

"This technology really saves trouble." Luo Quan sighed involuntarily.

"Actually, I can do it if I think about it. This is just a demonstration for you." Bai Xingwei said, and handed the clothes to Luo Quan.

There are two popular styles of Shengtang Dynasty, one is the skirt with fluttering belt in the ancient costume fairy tale drama, and the other is the more capable short jacket, each with different beauty.

In order not to be ostentatious, Luo Quan finally chose a short jacket, that is, short-sleeved shorts.

After Luo Quan changed his clothes, he walked up to Bai Xingwei, almost blinding her.

"Big white legs, what did you eat to grow up?" Bai Xingwei blinked her eyes quickly a few times, as if adapting to the white light that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"Probably because I don't get too much sun. Sometimes being too white is annoying, and it's easy to catch people around." Luo Quan lowered his head and sighed, Versailles stood up.

"Tch, I'm not worse than you!" Bai Xingwei lifted up her skirt unwillingly, revealing her long fair legs.

Of course, there is still some gap compared with Luo Quan.

And the appearance is too indecent, walking on the street will definitely be laughed at.

Putting her legs closer to compare, Bai Xingwei clearly realized the gap between the two, she put down her skirt silently, and said, "I'm a lady, how can I do such a move."

Luo Quan smiled without saying a word, just tied his blond hair into a neat ponytail.

The benefit of advanced technology is that no matter where you go, you can reach your destination through the teleportation array in just a few seconds.

Of course, only the rich can play tricks, and the teleportation array is expensive to use once. Ordinary people should just take the spaceship fairy boat honestly, it won't slow down much.

The exit of the teleportation formation was on the square where the Martial God Hall was located. As soon as she walked out, Luo Quan felt a chilling air coming towards her face, as if a peerless master was standing in front of her, making her hairs stand on end.

"The Hall of Martial Arts is a must for everyone who wants to take the martial arts exam."

Bai Xingwei introduced this place to Luo Quan while walking: "Before taking the martial arts exam, you have to undergo various training and exams here, and after the exam, there is a high probability that you will be hired here.

For many warriors, the Valkyrie Temple is their starting point and also their end point.

As one of the most prestigious violent law enforcement agencies in the Holy Tang Dynasty, whenever Xinghai Jian encountered some troubles that the local army could not handle, he would ask the Martial God Temple to send people to solve it. "

"Sounds like special forces." Luo Quan thought to himself.

At this time, a fancy-dressed boy passed by the two women. There was a camera hanging on his head and an optical machine in front of him. Because his attention was all on the optical machine, he didn't notice the two beauties beside him at all. .

"Is that a live broadcast?" Luo Quan felt a little hot when he saw the boy's appearance.

Bai Xingwei also stared at the boy and said, "That's right, it's a very popular form of entertainment in the universe right now.

All kinds of anchors travel the stars with their cameras, and the audience can enjoy the beauty of the universe without leaving home.

Some are more courageous, and even dare to go near neutron stars and supernovae! "

Luo Quan was stunned: "Are you so awesome!"

"Yeah, it's a terrible death."

Bai Xingwei showed a playful smile: "Many anchors are lunatics who want money and will do anything for rewards.

On some official live broadcast platforms, the live broadcast content is relatively healthy and normal.

If it is some irregular wild platform, it is full of bloody pornography, and all the evils you can imagine can be seen.

Some people even spend a lot of money to reward them just to watch them. "

"It seems to be the same everywhere." Luo Quan couldn't help sighing.

"Of course, these contents will not be on the stage after all. What people watch the most are actually those good-looking anchors, or those who have a nice and funny voice. If they are talented, it will be easier to become popular."

As Bai Xingwei spoke, she continued to walk forward, but she didn't realize what she said, which made Luo Quan think of becoming the anchor of the holster.

In her current situation, it was not suitable for her to show up.

As for talents, there are really too many, and I feel that there is a lot of room for development.

Otherwise, she will be a talented anchor of the leather case first?

Before she could figure it out, Bai Xingwei had already walked in front of an object that looked like a stone tablet.

The male anchor next door had already finished the test, and started yelling like no one else, and seemed to have gotten a pretty good result.

"Why are you standing still, come here quickly."

Bai Xingwei turned her head and found that Luo Quan was still standing there, and shouted at her.

Luo Quan hurried forward.

"Just put your hand on it. The Martial God Monument will detect your blood, and all the magical powers you may inherit will appear. The higher the brightness, the more likely you are to inherit it."

After Bai Xingwei finished speaking, she took a step back and left the stage to Luo Quan.

"Is it that simple?"

Luo Quan looked at this ordinary stone tablet, afraid that after touching it, suddenly many people would come out and shout strange words like "Du Zhi Qi, three paragraphs".

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan pressed his palm on the stele.

Three seconds later, the temperature of the stele gradually increased, making her feel like she was stroking a hot water bag.

But soon, the heat began to spread along the palm to the entire arm and even the body.

After about ten seconds, the heat gradually disappeared, and she felt like she was in a sauna, sweating all over her body.

At the same time, a golden sword shadow piercing the sky and earth appeared on the top of the stele. This incomparable power almost alarmed everyone in the Valkyrie Hall.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of cultivators in blue armor rushed out, all because of the terrifying golden sword shadow that suddenly appeared on the square.

"The oath...the sword of victory!"

Bai Xingwei looked at Shentong's name in surprise, and the surging wind and waves around Luo Quan made their hair tremble with the wind.

"It turned out to be a heaven-level supernatural power, Luo Quan, you are really crazy this time!"

Bai Xingwei's excited voice spread in the wind, and just as Luo Quan was about to say something, a blood-red mad dragon hovered up, containing a terrifying aura that could tear time and space apart, and continued to destroy the already dilapidated air .

"Night Kai!"

Bai Xingwei exclaimed again, she didn't expect Luo Quan to be a rare twin supernatural power.

And I, who is known as the once-in-a-thousand-year swordsmanship genius, also got such a title because of the twin supernatural powers.

So, can Luo Quan be called a once-in-a-thousand-year martial arts genius?
Before she could think about this issue clearly, a group of officials from the Martial God Temple came over.

The first thing is to control the male anchor who is broadcasting live.

As for the camera on his head, it was also taken off early.

After a few seconds, all the turmoil returned to calm.

Luo Quan looked at the crowd and blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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