Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 910 The Descendant of the Dragon

Chapter 910 The Descendant of the Dragon
"Whether my talent is ordinary or a genius."

Luo Quan looked at the crowd and asked.

Although she felt that the movement just now was really big, but now that she is in a level nine civilization, who knows how big this movement is for those natives.

If Wen Xia was here, she would probably complain about her: "You don't even have a Chanel bag that you can carry."

But in the eyes of the people of Valkyrie Temple, such a performance is really unusual.

Nine out of ten talented young people in the world are crazy, and one is particularly crazy.

Can you be a young man if you are not angry?
"The girl is born with dual supernatural powers. Of course she is a genius. I don't know the name of the girl. Which family is she from the God Blessed Federation?"

A muscular middle-aged man came out and clasped fists to Luo Quan, asking with a smile.

"I'm not a citizen of Huanyu, I'm new here, and I haven't..."

Before Luo Quan finished speaking, Bai Xingwei suddenly stepped forward and hugged her arm: "Now that the supernatural power test is over, let's go back first."

As he spoke, he pinched Luo Quan lightly, hinting to her not to talk nonsense.

Luo Quan immediately understood, and immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." The middle-aged man stopped the two of them with a smile, "You are the eldest lady of the Bai family, your friend said just now that you are not a citizen of Huanyu, and you are a newcomer, so you probably haven't even obtained a temporary residence permit yet?
In Huanyu, if you don't have a temporary residence permit, you will be deported directly. "

Bai Xingwei said firmly: "Who said there is no, it's just that it hasn't been issued yet. The procedures have been completed, and we are waiting to get the certificate."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Really? I can check this matter at the immigration bureau. If the situation is not true, I don't need to say more about what happened to your friend?"

Bai Xingwei was anxious: "You are so aggressive, what good is it for you?"

"Actually, I'm not such an unreasonable person. As long as you, a friend, are willing to shoot an advertisement for our Martial God Temple, I can pretend that I don't know anything."

The middle-aged man put forward his request with a smile: "Miss Bai, you don't want your friend to be sent back to the home planet just like that, do you?"

"Advertising?" Bai Xingwei really didn't expect such a development.

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think it is?"

The middle-aged man sighed with a gloomy expression: "Our Valkyrie Temple has not had a good external image in recent years, and the masses see us as if they saw the God of Plague.

I admit that in order to maintain the city appearance, we dealt with many illegal constructions and small vendors on the side of the road. The method was a bit rude, but we arranged another location for them afterwards.

As a result, the unscrupulous media reported only half of the reports, and only saw that we confiscated the stalls of those vendors, which caused us to be scolded every time we enforced the law.

Mentioning the word Wushen Temple now makes dogs shake their heads, and young people don’t want to come to our Wushen Temple anymore, and they all report to Jinwuwei and Jiufanmen.

If there is no way to reverse the image, the aging problem of the Temple of Valkyrie will be irreversible. "

"So you want me to advertise for you, but what do you like about me?" Luo Quan asked puzzled, pointing at his nose.

"Beautiful, talented, foreign faces, inspirational, everything is a shining point." The middle-aged man snapped his fingers and listed Luo Quan's advantages one by one.

Luo Quan showed doubts: "I agree with everything else, but where does this inspiration come from?"

The middle-aged man chuckled: "You came to Huanyuxing alone, obtained a temporary residence permit with your own efforts, and had the opportunity to become a citizen of Huanyuxing. Isn't that inspirational enough?"

"When did I get the temporary residence permit?" Luo Quan was even more confused now.

The middle-aged man said confidently: "As long as you agree to speak for the Martial God Temple, you can get a temporary residence permit, and even a citizenship certificate is not a problem!"

"I'll have to think about it."

Luo Quan said and pulled Bai Xingwei aside: "Can you afford to provoke these people?"

Bai Xingwei frowned at this time: "They dare not touch me, but it's hard to say if it's you.

It's all my fault. If I knew you were born with dual supernatural powers, I shouldn't have brought you here for the convenience of the test. There are so many people, it's hard to cover up something going on now. "

Hearing the self-blame in Bai Xingwei's words, Luo Quan comforted her instead: "Actually, it's nothing, just agree to them. The Martial God Temple is an official organization anyway, and it wouldn't be a bad thing if we really got involved."

"That's what I said, but their reputation is indeed bad... Well, this is the only way to go now." Bai Xingwei was helplessly discouraged, her expression full of unwillingness.

After the discussion, Luo Quan turned his head and walked towards the middle-aged man: "I am willing to advertise for the Martial God Temple, can you tell me how to do it?"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly said to Luo Quan: "We will arrange someone to shoot a promotional video for you, portraying you as an alien aspiring youth who longed to join the Martial God Temple since childhood.

After more than ten years of tempering, you have grown up and become stronger. Now, in order to realize your dream, you have participated in the Valkyrie Trial without hesitation, defeated the powerful enemy with a pair of iron fists, and obtained the qualification to temporarily live in the Universe Xingge and join the Valkyrie Temple. From here on to the pinnacle of life! "

"No!" Bai Xingwei stepped forward suddenly, and roughly pulled Luo Quan behind her, "I knew you guys didn't hold back anything, so you put it here and hid it. Let her go to the bone-making stage What difference does it make for a warrior to participate in the Martial God Trial and let her go to die!"

"It's just the lowest level of the Martial God Trial. The opponent's strength will not exceed the blood tempering level, and we will arrange the weakest opponent for her and accompany her all the way to ensure that there will be no problems."

Bai Xingwei held Luo Quan's wrist tightly, and sneered: "There are no fists and feet on the ring, life and death are only a moment, can you guarantee that there will be no accidents?"

"I dare not say anything else. The Martial God Trial is our own territory of the Martial God Hall. If anyone wants to live, King Yama will not be able to take her away. If anyone wants to die, she will never survive until the next day!"

The middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes sparkling, and an unquestionable momentum swept over him immediately: "Don't worry, Miss Bai, the spokesperson we have worked so hard to support will definitely let her pass the test, who dares to go against her, That is against our Martial God Palace!"

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei finally calmed down: "You better remember what you said today."

After speaking, he let go of Luo Quan's wrist.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Quan didn't intervene. It can be heard that this Martial God trial is quite dangerous. Bai Xingwei was worried about her safety and was very reluctant for her to participate.
And the person in charge of the Valkyria Temple has repeatedly promised that she will not cause any problems, which sounds very reliable.

Of course, this kind of thing can't just rely on feeling, you have to understand it first, so she looked at the person in charge: "Uncle, can you tell me what is going on with this Valkyrie trial?"

"Just call me Uncle Zhou."

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Quan and showed a kind smile: "Actually, every alien who wants to live in Huanyu needs to participate in the trial. Those who are good at singing and musical instruments are the trial of Leshen, and those who are good at cooking are the trial." The God of Cooking trial, as for warriors, it is naturally the trial of the God of War.

I don't know what other things you are good at, but since you want to speak for the Valkyrie Temple, you must participate in the Valkyrie Trial. "

"What about the competition system?" Luo Quan was not afraid, after all, she had experienced this kind of so-called trials and competitions many times.

"In a one-on-one arena, if you win five games in a row, you will pass. Every time you win a game, you can only face off against players who have won the same game, so the competition will definitely become more and more difficult.

But you don't have to worry, we will definitely arrange suitable opponents for you. You are still at the late stage of the Bone-making Realm, and you are not too low at your age. "

It's rare that Uncle Zhou thinks highly of her so much, Luo Quan smiled and glanced at Bai Xingwei.

The person next to her is younger than her, but she is already a half-step divine cultivation.

Uncle Zhou understood what Luo Quan meant, and said, "Miss Bai is a once-in-a-hundred-year genius, and there are not many stars in the universe who can be compared to her, but she is not ashamed."

Bai Xingwei was getting angry right now, so she just snorted coldly and didn't respond.

"Speaking of which time does the Martial God Trial start?" Luo Quan changed the subject.

Uncle Zhou looked at the time and said: "The trial will start in ten days, but before that we need to shoot some short videos for you to introduce you to the young people of Huanyuxing. If you are free, you can do it tomorrow." here we go."

"Okay, I will cooperate with you." Luo Quan readily agreed.

This can be said to be her old profession, and it is estimated that it will not be difficult.

"By the way, after testing the supernatural powers, you need to test the blood, why don't you continue?" Uncle Zhou made a gesture of invitation.

"No need, just bring a disposable blood tester, the one that is not connected to the Internet." Bai Xingwei didn't dare to ask Luo Quan to do a test in public, so as not to make any trouble.

And Uncle Zhou just smiled and stroked his beard for the first time, and asked his subordinates to send a disposable blood tester for his own use.

After getting the tester, Bai Xingwei immediately took Luo Quan back to the room.

"What's the use of this blood tester?" Luo Quan put this thing that looked like a gossip compass in his hand, and didn't know how to use it.

"It is to test what kind of bloodline you are using. The more powerful your ancestors are, the more supernatural powers you can develop in the future. However, because it is not as straightforward as the supernatural power test, it has gradually become an entertainment-type test.

When you go back to your room later, put your hand on it and you will know what bloodline you are. "

Bai Xingwei was obviously holding her breath when she spoke, and looked very unhappy.

Seeing this, Luo Quan asked, "Are you still angry? In fact, this Martial God trial is quite good. It will allow me to obtain temporary residence qualifications in a legitimate way, and it will save you from relying on connections to help me through the back door."

"I'm not mad at this."

Bai Xingwei clenched her fist full of childishness, and slammed it on the bed: "I was angry with myself. I clearly said that I wanted to cover you up, but I slapped you in the face not long after I finished speaking. In the end, I realized that I don't have the ability to say that at all." These words."

"No, I think you have taken care of me very much. Besides, no one can rely on others to live a lifetime. I have to face many things by myself in the future. Now it's just returning to normal."

Luo Quan's comfort softened Bai Xingwei's tense expression a lot.

"It doesn't matter, since that guy said that he will arrange a suitable opponent for you, then take it as true.

But your strength definitely needs to continue to improve, so I'm going to give you some pills to improve your skills. "

After Bai Xingwei finished speaking, she jumped up from the bed, planning to go to the family's alchemy room to get some pills that warriors in the human realm could use.

Seeing Bai Xingwei leave, Luo Quan's eyes were filled with warmth, and then he brought the disposable blood detector in front of him and put his hand on it.

Three seconds later, there was a tingling pain from the fingertips, as if being pricked quickly by a tiny needle.

I don't know how thin the needle is, it can pierce even her Wugou glass body, and a drop of blood overflows from the fingertips in an instant, and is then absorbed by the gossip compass.

After another five seconds, the word "Dragon" appeared on the gossip compass, and then Jin Guang Da Fang.

Seeing that it was about to startle the world just like when he tested the supernatural power just now, Luo Quan put it into the storage ring, and everything returned to calm in an instant.

"Dragon, does this mean that I have the blood of a dragon?"

Luo Quan fell into deep thought, saying that the descendants of Yan and Huang were the descendants of Shanglong, but he didn't expect it to be true.

I just don't know what the status of the dragon is in Huanyuxing.

But remembering that when I first came here, all the patrol guards in a city rode Jiaolong, so I guess dragons are not a rare thing.

But just in case, this matter can't be said outside.

After a while, Bai Xingwei walked in with a large box of pills.

"These are auxiliary pills that can speed up your practice. They have remarkable effects and few side effects. They can improve your cultivation by a large amount in a short period of time!"

Bai Xingwei said while putting the pill bottle in front of Luo Quan: "There are six kinds in total, one pill for each kind, three times a day, don't take too much."

Luo Quan, who hadn't been sick for several years, felt as if he had a bad cold when he saw the bottles and cans in front of him.

When she had a fever before, the doctor also prescribed a lot of medicines for her. There were very few capsules, and they were all the unbelievably bitter granules. Every time she took it, her expression would be distorted.

"Is this elixir very bitter?" Luo Quan asked cautiously, "I'm most afraid of suffering."

Bai Xingwei smiled lightly: "Don't worry, these elixirs are the essence refined from medicinal herbs, they will turn into spiritual power and flow to the whole body when they are taken in, so they won't be bitter."

"Isn't it?" Luo Quan opened one of the bottles dubiously, lowered his head and smelled it, and the scent of Dan came to his nostrils
"It's quite fragrant." Luo Quan poured out a pill the size of Alpine toffee, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Severe bitterness exploded on the tip of her tongue, and the aroma of the elixir wrapped in an unspeakable bitterness hit her nose and throat, and then she felt a flame flowing down the esophagus to her stomach, and her entire upper body was as hot as a fire .

"How about it, isn't it bitter?" Bai Xingwei smiled happily.

"It's not bitter!" Luo Quan resisted the discomfort, and looked at Bai Xingwei bitterly, "I've never been so miserable in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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