Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 911 Walk with Luo Quan

Chapter 911 Walk with Luo Quan

"The good medicine tastes bitter. What I took was worse than this, so I got over it after I endured it."

Bai Xingwei smiled and poured the remaining five medicines into the palm of her hand: "Open your mouth, don't chew, just swallow."

"I'll do it myself." Luo Quan thought to himself that he was not a child, so how could he be coaxing him.

He took the pill from Bai Xingwei's hand and threw it into his mouth, then immediately took a sip of water and swallowed it.

The huge bitterness caused Luo Quan's face to contort again, causing her to take another big sip of water in a hurry.

"Actually, I didn't say that these pills can automatically seep into your body after being crushed." Bai Xingwei snickered after seeing Luo Quan crying like this.

"You!" Luo Quan stared, and there was a sentence that mmp didn't know whether to say, "It will work for a long time if you don't eat it?"

"My master also played tricks on me back then, and she told me the truth after I ate like this for a whole month. I was so angry that I was half dead."

Hearing this, Luo Quan was speechless: "So you turned around and punished me, and then vented your perverted desires, right?"

"Just kidding, here's this for you." Bai Xingwei took out a silvery elixir.

"What is this?" Luo Quan took the elixir in his hand, and found that this one was definitely not at the same level as the ones he ate before.

"This is the Concentration Pill, a three-turn pill of Tianpin. After taking it, it can greatly improve your spiritual power and make your hungry soul stronger."

Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan and said: "Before you came to Huanyu, I discovered that your spiritual power is not particularly strong, and I guess you haven't specially trained in this area.

During the Martial God Trial, you may encounter any kind of opponent. If you meet someone who specializes in spiritual power, you will easily suffer a big loss.

With this Concentration Pill, bone-making level and below will not pose too much threat to you. "

"The elixir of the third rank of Tianpin must be very precious." Luo Quan squeezed the elixir tightly, as if the weight in his hand was extremely heavy.

"It's nothing to the Bai family." Bai Xingwei smiled and answered ambiguously.

"Thank you." Luo Quan's answer was also very short.

But this kindness, she has already engraved in her heart.

Bai Xingwei said that she was the first friend she made since childhood.

But she was actually the first friend he made after coming to Huanyu.

Being able to be taken care of by her like this, Luo Quan was very grateful, and also rejoiced for his own luck.

"Okay, I'm going to practice, you go back to your room and digest the medicine." Bai Xingwei sat cross-legged on the bed, and gave the order to evict guests.

It was obvious that she wasn't very good at dealing with sensational moments like this.

The room that Bai Xingwei arranged for her was just next door, and it was also very spacious, twice the size of her Tan Palace bedroom.

There are a lot of furniture and home appliances, and Luo Quan is not in a hurry to study them, but lies on the 3×3 big bed.

The bed was very soft and could change its shape according to her body position. When Luo Quan lifted her neck slightly, the bottom rose up, supporting her cervical and lumbar spine.

"This is called intelligence." Luo Quan praised with satisfaction.

As soon as a person lies down, he always involuntarily wants to play with his mobile phone.

To be precise, it should be called an optical machine.

When I used to lie down and play with my mobile phone, because I was in such a good shape, I needed to lift the mobile phone higher than ordinary people to see the whole picture.

Not to mention the uncomfortable posture, the wrists are prone to soreness over time.

With the optical machine, these problems are all solved at once, the screen appears directly in front of you, you can manipulate it with your thoughts, completely free your hands, and the otaku is ecstatic...

Ahem, it should be said that this convenient design is good news for everyone.

After the optical machine is turned on, it is in the initial state, and there are some built-in applications, such as Huanyu Payment, Lingxi Communication, Xunbao Pavilion, Xinghai Wanshi and so on.

Most of the functions can be known by looking at the name, only Xinghai Wanshi is a little more abstract.

Luo Quan clicked in and found that this is a comprehensive application integrating Weibo, Bilibili, Baidu, and Douyu, with almost all functions.

Of course, it also includes hot news searches.

The rich girl looking for a husband-in-law that Bai Xingwei showed her just now is on the hot list, ranking ninth.

It is worth mentioning that there are a total of [-] hot searches on the news list.

There is a lot of content, and the popularity changes very quickly.

Refresh it after a dozen seconds, and the list will change drastically.

"The empress made important instructions on the world trial work."

"God Bless the Vice President of the Federation is on vacation."

"The special envoy of Campola civilization has arrived at Planet Universe."

"Nine Doors Recruiting New Video Released!"

"Officials are treated as Jinwu!"


Luo Quan also looked at the big and small news. Although she was still in a state of ignorance, she felt that what happened here every day was not very different from that on the earth.

It's nothing more than the hustle and bustle of the world, all for the benefit of the world.

The universal civilization is now internally stable and has abundant energy.

However, because the country is too vast and the number of citizens is too large, the problem of the gap between the rich and the poor is very serious.

Of course, the vast majority of civilizations in the universe are like this.

Fortunately, the rulers of the universal civilization are more responsible and have been working hard to bridge the gap.

But the gap between rich and poor naturally brings about class gaps.

In the Huanyu civilization, those who were born on the Huanyu star are considered to be superior to others by nature.

And the citizens outside the planet are also racking their brains to obtain the qualifications to live in the universe, and even become real citizens.

Yes, for the vast majority of Huanyu people, they can only be called citizens if they have the right of residence on Huanyu.

Before that, they could only be counted as the labor force of this huge civilization, or to put it bluntly, they were livestock.

It's not pretty, but it's true.

Therefore, the universal trial every three years is extremely important.

This is one of the official channels for aliens to live in Huanyuxing, with the largest number of places and the fiercest competition.

Every time it is held, in addition to the Huanyu people themselves to participate, many citizens of alien civilizations will even leave their mother civilizations and come to join in the fun.

Luo Quan currently belongs to this category, but the Martial God Temple helped her forge an identity, changing her to a native of a remote planet under the rule of the Universal Civilization.

The reason for doing this is mainly because the quota for the trial is inherently precious, and there are not enough people who are civilized. Outsiders like her will definitely not be welcomed by others.

If you shoot a promotional video with this identity, you can't be scolded to death, so the Martial God Temple changed Luo Quan's identity.

The main reason is that her appearance is no different from that of Huanyu people, even if she is said to be a native of Huanyu, no one can question it.

Then Luo Quan searched for related news about Wushendian, and all the news came out were violent law enforcement, hard work and other negative news.

The comment area is quite lively, but I can't see a few good words.

Compared with the Jinwu Guard, Nine Gates and other law enforcement agencies, the word of mouth is not a bit worse.

People post a new recruiting video, let the outstanding staff in the organization show their faces, and say a few heroic words, which can cause a lot of applause.

On the side of the Martial God Temple, they don't do much propaganda work, and the amount of attention is pitifully small.

As soon as I got to know it, I realized that it turned out that the group of great masters from the Martial God Temple felt that their status was so detached, and they didn't care about the public opinion of the public at all.

As a result, although the Martial God Temple is the only way to take the martial arts exam, there are many people who come here to study every time, and there are very few people who are willing to stay and work after the exam.

It is also under the jurisdiction of the empress, and the position and status are not much different, so why not go to the Jinwu Guard, who is more famous and better treated, and give it to the nine doors?
Over time, good seedlings were screened out by other families, and fewer and fewer people chose the Martial God Temple, resulting in an increasingly aging department.

At this time, these leaders in the temple finally couldn't sit still, and planned to reverse public opinion and reshape the image.

But let these masters who have practiced for a lifetime go to hammer people they are good at, but cultural propaganda is completely a layman, so many jokes have been made about laymen guiding experts.

After summing up the experience and lessons, the publicity department of the Martial God Temple finally grasped the current network password, which is handsome men and beautiful women.

Just look at the two companies next door. If you pull the best-looking employees out to shoot commercials, the image shown is very pleasing to the eye.

As for the Martial God Temple, the previous advertisements were all muscular brothers.

During this battle, the slightly weaker male staff probably wouldn't even dare to take a look here.

As for the female staff, don't even think about it.

Now the publicity department finally got the hang of it and knew how to find someone with good looks to shoot.

And Luoquan was the best choice they could find so far.

The commercial will be officially filmed tomorrow, but the Valkyrie Temple, who can't wait, will reveal the news today.

"This is the voice from a remote planet, and it is the struggle for a better life. Let us start tomorrow and start towards our dreams together with the beautiful Miss Luo Quan!"

Such a copy, coupled with a program trailer called "Walking with Luoquan", is today's announcement on the official account of the Martial God Temple.

Usually, with this amount of attention, not to mention posting one post, even posting ten posts won't make it to the hot search list.

But today it went up, and it even came to the tenth position, which is much higher than the two neighbors. It can be seen that the recharge is in place.

However, this behavior of buying hot searches immediately aroused dissatisfaction among netizens.

Originally, the reputation was not good, but now you want to buy trending searches. Isn’t this spending money to let others criticize you?

What made Luo Quan even more uncomfortable was that she was the only one who had a name other than the Temple of Martial Arts, so naturally she also suffered huge firepower.

It’s not in the tens of thousands to scold in the comment area, it feels a bit small to use a million.

"I don't even know where you got the face to buy trending searches. Jin Wuwei and Nine Gates only reached fifty, and you dare to enter the top ten. You really think we are fools, don't you?"

"Even if there is real enthusiasm, it is because of the scandal. As for the so-called recruiting, who cares if you recruit new people?"

"This Luo Quan is crazy. You dare to bring water with your surname Luo. I want to see how beautiful you are."

"How beautiful can it be when it comes out of the Valkyrie Temple? It's not a heavy warship with a width of two meters, it's considered a high incense."

"Based on the urine nature of the Martial God Temple, most of them are neither attractive nor useful."

"The theme of the show is good, and the counterattack of the poor is very interesting. It would be great if it was done in another department."


It can be seen from these comments that netizens really don't like covering the Temple of Valkyrie.

Of course, it's not enough to swear directly, after all, the Internet is not a place outside the law.

The operation of the Temple of Valkyrie is quite dedicated at this time, and it has responded to many questioning comments.

Especially those who questioned Luo Quan's appearance, the operation replied in a very firm tone: "The Miss Luo Quan we are looking for this time is really beautiful, she is definitely not a heavy warship."

After hearing "really beautiful", netizens finally became a little interested.

Sure enough, all the LSPs in the universe are like this. When they hear about beautiful girls, their IQ is not enough, and their positions quickly start to change.

"Don't fix that useless, post a picture for everyone to inspect the goods?"

"It's just beautiful, how beautiful is it?"

"At most, it's level six or seven. After all, the genetic upper limit of the remote planet is still not as good as ours."

"Anyway, bring it out for everyone to see?"

"If it's really good-looking, then I will unilaterally announce that you have the right to be free from spraying for one day."

"It feels like it will be a pitfall. This Luoquan style is probably ridiculous."


Luo Quan couldn't remember how long it had been since he heard the above comments.

When she first debuted, some people questioned that she had plastic surgery on her face.

But since she pulled the skin of her face and made a few faces, the negative discussion about her face completely disappeared.

No matter how dark the later sunspots were, they would not blacken her appearance.

Now that she suddenly saw these remarks, she really felt quite strange.

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he thought of what would happen after his debut tomorrow.

But she knew very well in her heart that this was not a show that was purely about looks.

What is really important is the subsequent Valkyrie Trial, how to win five games in a row is the key.

Although Zhou Shushun always arranged for him the easiest enemy to deal with, no matter how easy it was to deal with, it was an elite selected from countless people.

She is not yet at the top of the human ranks, so if she encounters someone with a higher rank than her, it's hard to say whether she can win.

If she lost, then her show might not be able to go on.

So after Luo Quan walked around Xinghai Wanshi for a while, just like Bai Xingwei, he sat cross-legged on the bed and started to meditate.

After taking the Ningshen Pill, she hasn't noticed other effects yet, but her spirit is much better than before.

In the past, she had to go to bed after meditating until midnight, but this time it was not until the next morning that she suddenly realized that she didn't feel sleepy at all.

If this method of replacing sleep with meditation practice can last for a long time, it will definitely save her a lot of time.

Coincidentally, just as Luo Quan woke up, there was a knock on the door.

"Luo Quan, are you awake? The recording of the show is over. I'll go with you today!"

Voices and people come in together, and the lock of this room is just a decoration for her.

Luo Quan opened his eyes and found that there were several robots carrying breakfast behind her.

"Don't worry, I'll take a shower first."

Although the Martial God Trial is important, this show is a great opportunity for her to attract fans, and she must clean herself up.

(End of this chapter)

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